Questões de Concurso
Comentadas sobre substantivos e compostos | nouns and compounds em inglês
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I. In: "My favorite heroes are Superman and Batman.", the plural is correct, since "es" can be added to nouns that end in "o".
II. In: "People with a higher metabolic rate tend to be more attractive to mosquitoes", the plural is correct, since "es" can be added to nouns that end in "o".
III. In: "They left some memoes behind in the office for you", the plural is correct, since "es" can be added to nouns that end in "o".
Choose the CORRECT answer:
"After buying fresh bread and milk, I noticed the rubbish scattered on the soil, but amidst the clutter, I found a forgotten bag of soft cotton."
How many uncountable nouns do we find in the sentence?
Based on the preceding text, judge the item that follow.
The passenger who sued the airline company because of an incident that happened during his flight is Colombian.
According to the text agronomists study how plants can be used to benefit society.
Agronomists need to pay attention to the growth and development of the crops.
The word “crop” is mentioned several times in the text. One of its meanings can be expressed as the produce of cultivated plants, especially cereals, vegetables, and fruit.
In terms of English grammar, identify the nouns in the plural form in this excerpt.
I. In the structure “Oprah was deeply invested” the word “deeply” is as adjective.
II. The structure “the perfect person for each role.” is a nominal group connected to preposition “for” and the headnoun is “role”.
III. The word “invested” can be replace by “take part”.
IV. In the expression “on the casting choices” it refers to actor or actress in a play or film means to choose them to act a particular role in it.
Which ones are correct?
Julgue o item que se segue.
The plural form of the compound noun in the sentence
“I’ve got one brother-in-law and two sisters-in-laws” is
Julgue o item que se segue.
All sentences require a subject and a verb. However,
imperative sentences (commands) do not need to include
their subject because it’s assumed to be the person the
sentence is directed at.
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In the sentence “Susan looked at herself in the mirror”, the
subject and the object are the same.
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The female forms of the nouns cock, bull, lion, and tiger
are hen, cow, lioness, and tigress.
Julgue o item que se segue.
The plural forms of wolf, louse, tooth, and sheep are
wolves, lice, teeth, and sheep.
I. child > children
II. country > countries
III. sheep > sheep
IV. day > days
V. stereo > stereos
Which combination of words below follow the same rules, in the same order?