Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre substantivos e compostos | nouns and compounds em inglês

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Q2357617 Inglês
The part ‘30-year’ in ‘his 30-year reign’ (l.12) is compounded by a numeral and a noun. This new word/expression is classified like:
Q2357430 Inglês
Text 2

“The teachers are afraid of their pupils”, by Morrisey

There's too many people

Planning your downfall

When your spirit's on trial

These nights can be frightening

Sleep transports sadness

To some other mid-brain

And somebody here

Will not be here next year

So you stand by the board

Full of fear and intention

And, if you think that they're listening

Well, you've got to be joking

Oh, you understand change

And you think it's essential

But when your profession

Is humiliation

Say the wrong word to our children

We'll have you, oh yes, we'll have you

Source: The teachers are afraid of their pupils, as sung by Morrisey, 1995. Available on:
Examine the following statements:
I. In: "My favorite heroes are Superman and Batman.", the plural is correct, since "es" can be added to nouns that end in "o".
II. In: "People with a higher metabolic rate tend to be more attractive to mosquitoes", the plural is correct, since "es" can be added to nouns that end in "o". 
III. In: "They left some memoes behind in the office for you", the plural is correct, since "es" can be added to nouns that end in "o".
Choose the CORRECT answer:
Q2353162 Inglês
Consider the sentence below:

"After buying fresh bread and milk, I noticed the rubbish scattered on the soil, but amidst the clutter, I found a forgotten bag of soft cotton."

How many uncountable nouns do we find in the sentence?
Q2352260 Inglês
        A lawyer used ChatGPT to prepare a court filing. It went horribly awry.
        A lawyer who relied on ChatGPT to prepare a court filing on behalf of a man suing an airline is now all too familiar with the artificial intelligence (AI) tool’s shortcomings — including its propensity to invent facts.
        Roberto Mata sued Colombian airline Avianca last year, alleging that a metal food and beverage cart injured his knee on a flight to Kennedy International Airport in New York. When Avianca asked a Manhattan judge to dismiss the lawsuit based on the statute of limitations, his lawyer submitted a brief based on research done by ChatGPT.
         While ChatGPT can be useful to professionals in numerous industries, including the legal profession, it has proved itself to be both limited and unreliable. In this case, the AI invented court cases that didn’t exist, and asserted that they were real. The fabrications were revealed when Avianca’s lawyers approached the case’s judge, saying they couldn’t locate the cases cited in Mata’s lawyers’ brief in legal databases.
         “It seemed clear when we didn’t recognize any of the cases in their opposition brief that something was amiss,” said the airline’s lawyer. And soon they figured it was some sort of chatbot of some kind. On the other hand, the passenger’s lawyer said that it was the first time he’d used ChatGPT for work and, therefore, he was unaware of the possibility that its content could be false.

Internet:<> (adapted).

Based on the preceding text, judge the item that follow.

The passenger who sued the airline company because of an incident that happened during his flight is Colombian. 

Q2348167 Inglês
     What is agronomy? An agronomist, or crop scientist, studies plants and how they can be grown, modified, and used to benefit society. They use science to carry out experiments that create new techniques for agriculture production. Agronomy has existed and been important for humans since the invention of farming.

Internet: <> (with adaptations).

According to the text, judge the item from.

According to the text agronomists study how plants can be used to benefit society.
Q2348163 Inglês
    Agronomy looks at agriculture from an integrated, holistic perspective. Agronomists are specialists in crop and soil science, as well as ecology. Some things they look at are:

• the properties of the soil;
• how the soil interacts with the growing crop;
• what nutrients (fertilizers) the crop needs;
• when and how to apply these nutrients;
• the ways that crops grow and develop;
• how climate and other environmental factors affect the crop at all stages;
• how best to control weeds, insects, fungi, and other crop pests; and,
• how to grow crops effectively and profitably while conserving and protecting the environment.

Internet: <> (with adaptations).
According to the text, judge the item from.

Agronomists need to pay attention to the growth and development of the crops.

Q2348159 Inglês
    Agronomy looks at agriculture from an integrated, holistic perspective. Agronomists are specialists in crop and soil science, as well as ecology. Some things they look at are:

• the properties of the soil;
• how the soil interacts with the growing crop;
• what nutrients (fertilizers) the crop needs;
• when and how to apply these nutrients;
• the ways that crops grow and develop;
• how climate and other environmental factors affect the crop at all stages;
• how best to control weeds, insects, fungi, and other crop pests; and,
• how to grow crops effectively and profitably while conserving and protecting the environment.

Internet: <> (with adaptations).
According to the text, judge the item from.

The word “crop” is mentioned several times in the text. One of its meanings can be expressed as the produce of cultivated plants, especially cereals, vegetables, and fruit.
Q2346526 Inglês
'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate:', which nouns in the sentence are in the plural form?
Q2346525 Inglês
“Tyger Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night; What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry?”

In terms of English grammar, identify the nouns in the plural form in this excerpt.
Q2343028 Inglês
Há algumas situações em que uncountable nouns são usados como countable nouns na língua inglesa, por conta da língua falada e coloquial, sendo flexionados para o plural (-s). Assinalar a alternativa que demonstra esse uso: 
Q2337765 Inglês
Text 2

Communicative Language Teaching aims broadly to apply the theoretical perspective of the Communicative Approach by making communicative competence the goal of language teaching and by acknowledging the interdependence of language and communication. What this looks like in the classroom may depend on how the tenets are interpreted and applied. Nevertheless, we will follow our usual way of und erstanding the theor y and ussocia rcd practices by visiting a class in which a form of Communicative Language Teaching is being practiced. The class we will visit is one being conducted for adult immigrants to Canada . These twenty people have lived in Canada for two years and are at a high-intermediate level of English proficiency. They meet two evenings a week for two hours each class.

LARSEN-FREEMAN, Diane. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. 3rd ed. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Which combination of words below, follow the same plural rules? 
Q2337759 Inglês
Text 1

The latest evolution of The Color Purple story is coming to the big screen soon—and as the premiere gets closer and closer, we’re getting more sneak peeks into that magic!
Oprah has joined forces with Steven Spielberg, Quincy Jones, and Scott Sanders to bring The Color Purple musical—which premiered on Broadway in 2005—to life. “To reinvent the movie at this time is to reinvent a phenomenon,” says Oprah. The film has an official release date: December 25, 2023—so that’s your post-Christmas plans, sorted.

In 1985, Oprah made her acting debut as Sofia in Spielberg’s adaptation of Alice Walker’s novel—and earned an Academy Award nomination. Oprah said she felt “deep down joy” while filming The Color Purple. “Being in that movie changed everything for me. I was doing work that I loved, and I was surrounded by others who were equally passionate. I was so happy every day,” she said.

Oprah calls Walker’s seminal novel, first published in 1983, one of the “national anthems for women’s empowerment.” Celie, the protagonist of The Color Purple, endures the unimaginable while growing up in rural Georgia—and triumphs, thanks in part to the support of the book’s other women protagonists, Sofia and Shug Avery.


In addition to the talented cast and crew of actors and singers (more on that below), the 2023 film is directed by Blitz Bazawule (who also helmed Beyoncé’s Black Is King). Marcus Gardley (The Chi) wrote the script, which Oprah says is now infused with a kind of magical realism: “We get to see and feel what’s going on in Celie’s imagination.”

Oprah was deeply invested in 2023’s The Color Purple, including choosing the perfect person for each role. Here are her thoughts on the casting choices and everything else you need to know about this next evolution of The Color Purple.

Available in:<>
Analyze the following sentences below about the excerpt of the text 1 “Oprah was deeply invested in 2023’s The Color Purple, including choosing the perfect person for each role. Here are her thoughts on the casting choices and everything else you need to know about this next evolution of The Color Purple”.

I. In the structure “Oprah was deeply invested” the word “deeply” is as adjective.
II. The structure “the perfect person for each role.” is a nominal group connected to preposition “for” and the headnoun is “role”.
III. The word “invested” can be replace by “take part”.
IV. In the expression “on the casting choices” it refers to actor or actress in a play or film means to choose them to act a particular role in it.

Which ones are correct?
Q2334626 Inglês

Julgue o item que se segue.

The plural form of the compound noun in the sentence “I’ve got one brother-in-law and two sisters-in-laws” is correct.

Q2334603 Inglês

Julgue o item que se segue.

All sentences require a subject and a verb. However, imperative sentences (commands) do not need to include their subject because it’s assumed to be the person the sentence is directed at. 

Q2334600 Inglês

Julgue o item que se segue.

In the sentence “Susan looked at herself in the mirror”, the subject and the object are the same. 

Q2334579 Inglês

Julgue o item que se segue.

The female forms of the nouns cock, bull, lion, and tiger are hen, cow, lioness, and tigress.

Q2334573 Inglês

Julgue o item que se segue.

The plural forms of wolf, louse, tooth, and sheep are wolves, lice, teeth, and sheep.

Q2322841 Inglês
Complex societies and the growth of the law

        Modern societies rely upon law as the primary mechanism to control their development and manage their conflicts. Through carefully designed rights and responsibilities, institutions and procedures, law can enable humans to engage in increasingly complex social and economic activities. Therefore, law plays an important role in understanding how societies change. To explore the interplay between law and society, we need to study how both co-evolve over time. This requires a firm quantitative grasp of the changes occurring in both domains. But while quantifying societal change has been the subject of tremendous research efforts in fields such as sociology, economics, or social physics for many years, much less work has been done to quantify legal change. In fact, legal scholars have traditionally regarded the law as hardly quantifiable, and although there is no dearth of empirical legal studies, it is only recently that researchers have begun to apply data science methods to law. To date, there have been relatively few quantitative works that explicitly address legal change, and almost no scholarship exists that analyses the time-evolving outputs of the legislative and executive branches of national governments at scale. Unlocking these data sources for the interdisciplinary scientific community will be crucial for understanding how law and society interact.
            Our work takes a step towards this goal. As a starting point, we hypothesise that an increasingly diverse and interconnected society might create increasingly diverse and interconnected rules. Lawmakers create, modify, and delete legal rules to achieve particular behavioural outcomes, often in an effort to respond to perceived changes in societal needs. While earlier large-scale quantitative work focused on analysing an individual snapshot of laws enacted by national parliaments, collections of snapshots offer a window into the dynamic interaction between law and society. Such collections represent complete, time-evolving populations of statutes at the national level. Hence, no sampling is needed for their analysis, and all changes we observe are direct consequences of legislative activity. This feature makes collections of nation-level statutes particularly suitable for investigating temporal dynamics.
            To preserve the intended multidimensionality of legal document collections and explore how they change over time, legislative corpora should be modelled as dynamic document networks. In particular, since legal documents are carefully organised and interlinked, their structure provides a more direct window into their content and dynamics than their language: Networks honour the deliberate design decisions made by the document authors and circumvent some of the ambiguity problems that natural language-based approaches inherently face. In this paper, we therefore develop an informed data model for legislative corpora, capturing the richness of legislative data for exploration by social physics.

Adapted from Katz, D.M., Coupette, C., Beckedorf, J. et al. Complex societies and the growth of the law. Sci Rep 10, 18737 (2020). Available at
The word “corpora” is in the plural as is
Q2320150 Inglês
The nouns below follow a different spelling rule when in its plural form:

I. child > children
II. country > countries
III. sheep > sheep
IV. day > days
V. stereo > stereos

Which combination of words below follow the same rules, in the same order?
Q2320147 Inglês
Which noun does not have the correct definition? Choose the incorrect answer:
61: B
62: C
63: B
64: E
65: C
66: C
67: C
68: E
69: A
70: D
71: A
72: C
73: E
74: C
75: E
76: C
77: C
78: A
79: C
80: C