Questões de Inglês - Tag questions para Concurso

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Q2576341 Inglês
Read the sentences below and analyze the question tags.

i. You haven’t finished your homework yet, have you?
ii. The concert starts at 7 PM, doesn’t it?
iii. They weren’t sure about the schedule, were they? 
Q2576339 Inglês
Choose the correct answer for the following question:

Lisa: "What are your plans for vacation?"
John: ...... 
Q2572678 Inglês

Analyze the sentence and choose the correct question tag to use in the space:

"She likes to play soccer, _______?”.

Q2558744 Inglês
Choose the correct question tag to complete the sentence:

"You enjoyed the movie, _____?"
Q2553670 Inglês
Mark the incorrect alternative with the use of the Question Tag: 
6: C
7: C
8: B
9: B
10: C