Questões de Concurso Sobre verbos frasais | phrasal verbs em inglês

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Q3167549 Inglês


Plastic Dreams

by Sarah Thompson

Plastic dreams, oh plastic dreams, a vision turned nightmare,

Once a symbol of progress, now a burden we must bear.

Our landfills overflow with your synthetic remains,

A haunting testament to our unsustainable chains.

Plastic dreams, oh plastic dreams, a promise unfulfilled,

Your convenience a facade, your consequences concealed.

Let us wake from this slumber, this toxic desire,

To create a world where nature's essence can inspire.

In our hands lies the power, to choose a different fate,

To abandon plastic dreams and embrace a sustainable state.

For only through conscious choices, can we break this vicious spell,

And ensure a future where our planet and poetry can dwell.


To “abandon” can be replaced by
Q3167532 Inglês



Decolonizing English Language Teaching for Brazilian Indigenous Peoples 

In an era of increasing contact between citizens of the diverse nations of the world, the far-reaching impacts of globalization are often linked to the propagation of English as a language for international communication in a variety of settings, including international trade, academic and scientific discourses, and diplomacy, among others. Given its status as an international language, English is also a highly-valued foreign language in Brazil, and its influence represents, at least symbolically, greater access to both national and global markets. As such, federal curricular standards require all students in Brazilian public schools to study English as a foreign language from middle to high school.

These standards also apply to the indigenous populations of Brazil. However, additional federal legislation regulates the ways that English and other subjects must be taught in indigenous communities. The Brazilian Constitution, ratified in 1988, represents a significant landmark in this respect, providing for the inclusion of 'specific, bilingual, differentiated, and intercultural' educational practices within indigenous school settings, thus guaranteeing each indigenous group the right to integrate their traditional knowledge, cultures, and languages into primary and secondary education curricula (Brazil, 1988). 

As such, the question of how to teach English in indigenous settings in a way that values traditional cultures and knowledge in accordance with the specific, differentiated, and intercultural approach mandated by federal legislation must be addressed. The status of English as the language of globalization, along with its long history as an instrument of colonial imperialism, poses an ethical dilemma in the Brazilian indigenous educational context, given that its inclusion in indigenous school curricula presents an implicit risk of recreating and reinforcing neocolonial hierarchies of knowledge production that favor Western perspectives over traditional indigenous systems of knowledge.

In an effort to adapt English language teaching to the needs and demands of indigenous communities, contributions from the fields of postcolonial theory, English language teaching, and sociocultural approaches to language teaching will be connected to current Brazilian laws governing indigenous education. The aim is to investigate the possibilities for the teaching of a decolonized, local English that values traditional indigenous knowledge systems over neocolonial global influences which are often associated with English.

Adapted from:

The verb phrase in “the ways that English and other subjects must be taught” (2nd paragraph) indicates
Q3159974 Inglês
Qual das seguintes opções apresenta a melhor definição para o termo "phrasal verb"?
Q3156519 Inglês
The "Verb + Preposition" structure, often referred to as "phrasal verbs" or simply "verbpreposition combinations," is a key component in English grammar and expression. In this structure, a verb is paired with a specific preposition, creating a phrase that often has a unique or idiomatic meaning distinct from the original verb.

Of the following sentences, mark the one in which the preposition is used incorrectly.
Q3139402 Inglês
Qual o significado do *phrasal verb* "give up" na frase "I gave up smoking"?
Q3133113 Inglês

Complete the sentence with the correct phrasal verb:
"After months of hard work, the team finally __________ a solution to the problem." 

Select the correct alternative. 
Q3131215 Inglês

        Four types of English exist in Africa, identifiable in terms of history, functions, and linguistic characteristics. West African Pidgin English has a history going back to the 15th century, 400 years before formal colonization. Creole varieties of English have a history going back to repatriation of enslaved people from the Caribbean and the United States of America in the 19th century. Second language varieties, which are the most widespread on the continent, are prototypically associated with British colonization and its education systems. L1 (first language) English occurred mostly in Southern and East Africa and is best represented in South Africa. The latter shows significant similarities with the other major Southern Hemisphere varieties of English, spoken in Australia and New Zealand.

African Englishes From a Sociolinguistic Perspective.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Considering the previous text, its ideas and linguistic features, as well as the reading strategies that apply to it, judge the following item.

In both the excerpts “has a history going back to the 15th century”, and “have a history going back to repatriation”, the expression “going back” works as a phrasal verb. 

Q3118074 Inglês
Identify the sentence where the choice of phrasal verb conveys the closest meaning to "resolve an issue": 
Q3108930 Inglês


Making homework count

By Stephanie Hirschman

October 8, 2024

Homework and independent study can make a massive contribution to students’ progress, particularly when classes don’t meet daily, or students aren’t living, working or studying in anglophone environments. There are several issues to consider when setting homework.

Why students are doing homework is a fundamental question which can cover a wide spectrum of reasons. The most obvious is that it offers both teachers and students a chance to check on learning and identify areas for further review and consolidation. Exam preparation courses make use of homework to consolidate and accelerate learning and deliver results. Finally, some institutions require teachers to set homework and some clients, for example parents, believe that a course with homework offers better value for money.

Whatever the reason behind setting homework, be clear with students about how they’ll benefit from the assignment, how to do it effectively, how long they should spend on it and how it will be marked.

The homework that many people expect from a language course is “more of the same” exercises, that is, those that offer extra opportunities to practice grammar or vocabulary from the lesson.

It is also possible to bring in practice from other online or print sources, but this can sometimes be problematic, especially for lower levels. Make sure that the resource you choose maps onto the lesson content without placing extra demands on students, for example, by introducing a completely different context or topic with unfamiliar vocabulary to practice a grammar point. You also need to make sure that terminology is consistent – students who are expecting to practice present continuous may not recognize that it is also called present progressive. With lower levels, go over the instructions and/or demonstrate one of the exercises so they know how to get started.

It's worth mentioning here that flipped learning may also be a useful approach to homework. This is where students preview part of the lesson plan (like a reading or listening task) or research a general topic independently before class in order to maximize opportunities for communicative activities during the lesson.

Other types of homework include semi-controlled practice of target language. Students could write personal sentences including vocabulary items or grammatical structures from the class – note that they may need training to do this. A sentence like, “The milk went off,” is not as effective for learning as, “We had no milk for the coffee this morning – it went off because we didn’t put it in the fridge last night.” You may wish to provide some question or example prompts as support.

An unusual and motivating type of speaking homework is a personalized bingo game. Students create their own bingo card, which might be a 4x4 grid. In each cell, they write a key word or structure from the lesson that they wish to practice during the next few days. They carry the card around in their pocket, and every time they use an item of target language, they can tick it off, aiming to complete a line. This is especially suitable for students who are living, working or studying in anglophone environments. Teachers can monitor progress regularly and even offer small prizes.

The question of what teachers actually do with homework also has multiple possible responses, which will depend on the teaching context. At one end of the spectrum, if there is good buy-in from the students, teachers may only need to point them towards a selected set of “more of the same” exercises and make sure the answers are accessible for self-checking. Make it clear that you welcome questions if anything isn’t clear and test regularly to check understanding.

Whatever choices you make about homework, here’s one final tip. It’s best to complete assignments the day after receiving them and not on the same day. Research on spaced repetition shows that reviewing information after around 24 hours, “just before you forget it,” is the most effective way to boost retention.

Adapted from:

Acesso em 25/10/2024

No trecho: “They carry the card around in their pocket, and every time they use an item of target language, they can tick it off, aiming to complete a line”, o phrasal verb em destaque tem como definição:
Q3089357 Inglês
Text I

Embarking on the ESG journey

    Efforts to mitigate the accelerating effects of climate change and address perceived historical social inequities are two powerful issues driving change globally. These movements have enhanced awareness of how all organizations impact, influence, and interact with society and the environment.
    They also have spurred organizations to better recognize and manage ESG risks (i.e., risks associated with how organizations operate in respect to their impact on the world around them). This broad risk category includes areas that are dynamic and often driven by factors that can be difficult to measure objectively, such as inclusion, ethical behavior, corporate culture, and embracing sustainability across the organization.
   Still, there is growing urgency for organizations to understand and manage ESG risks, particularly as investors and regulators focus on organizations producing high-quality reporting on sustainability efforts. What’s more, that pressure is being reflected increasingly in executive performance as more organizations tie incentive compensation metrics to ESG goals.
    Additional risk areas associated with ESG are varied and can include reliance on third-party data, potential reputational damage from faulty reporting, and the real possibility that an organization’s explicit commitments to meet specific sustainability goals could grow into a material weakness.
    As ESG reporting becomes increasingly common, it should be treated with the same care as financial reporting. Organizations need to recognize that ESG reporting must be built on a strategically crafted system of internal controls and accurately reflect how an organization’s ESG efforts relate to each other, the organization’s finances, and value creation. […] Seeking out objective assurance on all ESG-related risk management processes from a qualified, independent, and properly resourced internal audit function should be part of any ESG strategy.

Adapted from: communications/2021/june/white-paper-internal-audits-role-in-esg-reporting.pdf
The phrasal verb that may replace “mitigate” in “Efforts to mitigate” (1st paragraph), without significant change in meaning, is
Q3086606 Inglês

Regarding the use of phrasal verbs, judge the following item.

The phrasal verb "put off" refers to postponing or delaying something until a later time.

Q3086605 Inglês

Regarding the use of phrasal verbs, judge the following item.

The phrasal verb "look forward to" is used to express the idea of dreading or fearing an upcoming event.

Q3086604 Inglês

Regarding the use of phrasal verbs, judge the following item.

"Turn down" means to increase the volume or intensity of something, like a radio or light.

Q3086603 Inglês

Regarding the use of phrasal verbs, judge the following item.

"Run into" is a phrasal verb that can be used to describe encountering someone unexpectedly.

Q3086602 Inglês

Regarding the use of phrasal verbs, judge the following item.

"Give up" is a phrasal verb that means to stop doing something or to surrender.

Q3077532 Inglês
O phrasal verb que sintetiza a ideia da frase “He doesn’t want to compete anymore”, é:
Q3071298 Inglês
Na frase “"After several attempts to fix the car, he decided to give up", o phrasal verb utilizado, pode ser substituído, mantendo o sentido da construção, por:
Q3064502 Inglês


                                                   Why is music good for the brain?

                                                                                                                                                October 7, 2020

    By Andrew E. Budson, MD, Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing


1. Can music really affect your well-being, learning, cognitive function, quality of life, and even happiness? Hand in a recent survey on music and brain health conducted by AARP revealed some interesting findings about the impact of music on cognitive and emotional well-being: music listeners had higher scores for mental well-being and slightly reduced levels of anxiety and depression compared to people overall.

2. Of survey respondents who currently go to musical performances, 69% rated their brain health as “excellent” or “very good,” compared to 58% for those who went in the past and 52% for those who never attended. Of those who reported often being exposed to music as a child, 68% rated their ability to learn new things as “excellent” or “very good,” compared to 50% of those who were not exposed to music.

3. Active musical engagement, including those over age 50, was associated with higher rates of happiness and good cognitive function. Adults with no early music exposure but who currently engage in some music appreciation show above average mental well-being scores. Those are pretty impressive results, to be sure. However, this 20-minute online survey has some limitations. For one, it included 3,185 US adults ages 18 and older; that is a small number if you are extrapolating to 328 million people across the country. For another, it is really a survey of people’s opinions. For example, although people might report their brain health as “excellent,” there was no objective measure of brain health such as an MRI scan, or even a test to measure their cognition.

4. Lastly, even if the ratings were true, the findings are only correlations. They do not prove that, for example, it was the exposure to music as a child that led to one’s improved ability to learn new things. It may be equally likely that those children brought up in more affluent households were both more likely to be exposed to music and to be given a good education that led to their being able to easily learn new things later in life.

5. Music has been shown to activate some of the broadest and most diverse networks of the brain. Of course, music activates the auditory cortex in the temporal lobes close to your ears, but that’s just the beginning. The parts of the brain involved in emotion are not only activated during emotional music, they are also synchronized. Music also activates a variety of memory regions. And, interestingly, music activates the motor system. In fact, it has been theorized that it is the activation of the brain’s motor system that allows us to pick out the beat of the music even before we start tapping our foot to it!

6. Okay, get along! so music activates just about all of the brain. Why is that so important? Well, have you ever heard the expression, “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it”? It turns out this is actually true in the brain. Brain pathways — and even whole networks — are strengthened when they are used and are weakened when they are not used. The reason is that the brain is efficient; it isn’t going to bother keeping a brain pathway strong when it hasn’t been used in many years. The brain will use the neurons in that pathway for something else. These types of changes should be intuitively obvious to you — that’s why it is harder to speak that foreign language if you haven’t used it in 20 years; many of the old pathways have degraded and the neurons are being used for other purposes.

BUDSON, Andrew E. Why is music good for the brain? Harvard Health Publishing, 7 out. 2020. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 12 maio 2024

Choose the following phrasal verb from the Text 1, means to choose or select something from a group?
Q3062893 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

The sentence “The lay population of EFL workers includes individuals who do not have the specific skills, knowledge, and conventions that professionals do.” (lines 23 and 24) has 
Q3056730 Inglês

Read the song lyrics below and answer the question.

Hand In My Pocket

Alanis Morissette

I'm broke, but I'm happy

I'm poor, but

I'm kind I'm short, but

I'm healthy, yeah

I'm high, but

I'm grounded

I'm sane, but

I'm overwhelmed

I'm lost, bu

t I'm hopeful, baby

And what it all comes down to

Is that everything's gonna be fine, fine, fine

'Cause I've got one hand in my pocket

And the other one is giving a: High five

I feel drunk, but

I'm sober I'm young and

I'm underpaid

I'm tired, but

I'm working, yeah I care, but

I'm restless

I'm here, but

I'm really gone

I'm wrong and

I'm sorry, baby

And what it all comes down to

Is that everything's gonna be quite alright

'Cause I've got one hand in my pocket

And the other is flicking a cigarette

And what is all comes down to

Is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet

'Cause I've got one hand in my pocket

And the other one is giving the peace sign

I'm free, but

I'm focused

I'm green, but

I'm wise

I'm hard, but

I'm friendly, baby

I'm sad, but

I'm laughing

I'm brave, but

I'm chicken shit

I'm sick, but

I'm pretty, baby

And what it all boils down to

Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet

Well, I've got one hand in my pocket

And the other one is playing a piano

What it all comes down to, my friends, yeah

Is that everything's just fine, fine, fine

'Cause I've got one hand in my pocket

And the other one is hailing a taxi cab

In the lyrics, the phrase "What it all comes down to" is an example of a phrasal verb. What is the meaning of this phrasal verb in the context of the song? 
1: D
2: D
3: B
4: A
5: B
6: C
7: C
8: B
9: C
10: A
11: C
12: E
13: E
14: C
15: C
16: B
17: D
18: C
19: D
20: A