Questões de Inglês - Verbos frasais | Phrasal verbs para Concurso

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Ano: 2011 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Petrobras Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Administrador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Auditor Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Contador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Químico de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro Civil Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Enfermeiro do Trabalho Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Inspeção | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Elétrica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Terminais e Dutos | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Eletrônica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Produção Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Meio Ambiente Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Telecomunicações Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro Naval Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geólogo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Médico do trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Publicidade e Propaganda | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Jornalismo | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geofísico Júnior - Geologia | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Processamento Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Geofísico Júnior - Física |
Q87999 Inglês
In the fragments “to look at what we know and what are the gaps in science," (lines 20-21) and “'They may be lawyers, accountants, your next-door neighbor', he pointed out." (lines 40-41), the expressions look at and pointed out mean, respectively,
Q87745 Inglês

'CityVille' now bigger on Facebook than 'FarmVille'
(Mashable) -- Facebook game developer Zynga has proved once
again that it knows exactly what it needs to do to keep millions of
Facebook users happy and occupied.
In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille"___ ______
(become) the most popular application on Facebook, surpassing
Zynga's previous hit "FarmVille" in all areas.
According to AppData, "CityVille" now has 16.8 million daily
active users, compared to "FarmVille's" 16.4 million. Looking at
monthly active users, "CityVille" is also ahead with 61.7 million
users, while "FarmVille" trails behind with 56.8 million users.
Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out
the top five: put those four apps together (we'll disregard the fact
that many of those users overlap for a second) and you have a
very impressive number: 184 million active users across four
The only non-Zynga app in the top five list is "Phrases," _____ at
one point threatened to take the top place, but is now
overshadowed by both "CityVille" and "FarmVille."
"CityVille's" future success wasn't hard to predict after an
amazingly good start at the beginning of December, but it's still
impressive to see Zynga amassing tens of millions of users in a
matter of days, proving that all that venture capital that went into
the company isn't there by accident.

In the sentence: “Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out the top five: put those four apps together…”, round out means the same

Q71778 Inglês
Security: UAC Gets Tolerable

Let's talk about User Account Control ? the Windows
Vista security element that was a prominent example for
everything that bothered people about that OS. UAC aimed to
prevent rogue software from tampering with your PC by
endlessly prompting you to approve running applications or
changing settings. The experience was so grating that many
users preferred to turn UAC [PARTICLE] and [VERB] their
chances with Internet attackers. Those who left it active risked
slipping into the habit of incautiously clicking through every
prompt, defeating whatever value the feature might have had.

Whereas Vista's notorious User Account Control gave
users no control over the feature other than to turn it off,
Windows 7's version of UAC lets users choose from two
intermediate notification levels between 'Always notify' and
'Never notify'.

Windows 7 gives you control over UAC, in the form of a
slider containing four security settings. As before, you can
accept the full-blown UAC or elect to disable it. But you can also
tell UAC to notify you only when software changes Windows
settings, not when you're tweaking them yourself. And you can
instruct it not to perform the abrupt screen-dimming effect that
Vista's version uses to grab your attention.

If Microsoft had its druthers, all Windows 7 users [TO
UAC in full-tilt mode: The slider that you use to ratchet
back its severity advises you not to do so if you routinely install
new software or visit unfamiliar sites, and it warns that disabling
the dimming effect is "Not recommended." Imagem 007.jpg , Redmond: I
have every intention of recommending the intermediate settings
to most people who ask me for advice, since those settings
retain most of UAC's theoretical value without driving users

(Adapted from

A palavra que substitui corretamente a lacuna [PARTICLE] é
Q55458 Inglês
Answer questions 11, 12 and 13 based on the
newspaper article below.

Lessons in using the internet safely are set to
become a compulsory part of the curriculum for
primary school children in England from 2011.

The lessons are one element of a new government
strategy being unveiled called "Click Clever, Click Safe".
Children will also be encouraged to follow an online
"Green Cross Code" and block and report inappropriate
"We must ensure that this virtual world is safe for our
children just as we try to ensure that the real world is,"
said Prime Minister Gordon Brown at the launch of the
"The internet is a wonderful and powerful tool that is
changing the way we learn and the way we stay in touch,"
he added, "but unfortunately there are risks from those
intent on exploiting its benefits."

Fonte: December, 2009.

In the sentence "We must ensure that this virtual world is safe for our children just as we try to ensure that the real world is," the modal verb Must means:
Q54795 Inglês
According to paragraph 3, when things finally get interesting, the tug captain
196: C
197: B
198: B
199: B
200: C