Questões de Inglês - Verbos modais | Modal verbs para Concurso
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It was Maria’s first day at school, her first week in the United States. Her middle school in San Francisco was the biggest building she’d ever seen. It was bigger than the entire Best Buy store she’d walked through in awe on her first day in the city.
“There must be training sites where teachers have the opportunity to express those concerns while also learning to create ways to approach the multicultural classroom and curriculum.”
Without changing the meaning of the sentences, it is correct to substitute the modal must in the beginning of the sentence for:
Donna: If I won the ten-million-dollar lottery jackpot, I _____ afford to quit my job and travel the world. Sam: Where _____ you go if you had that much money? Donna: I don’t know, I _____ choose to spend a year in Paris – or perhaps I _____ go to Kenya.
Find an alternative to complete the blank.
“Zoey ____ helping Drake with his homework.”
Mark the sequence to the dialog below.
“– Carlos wouldn’t take the car.
– ____________.”
“_________ is used in the past as a weak obligation to express criticism or regret, because an action didn’t happen.”
Indicate the best alternative that completes the context above:
“It’s a rule and as students we have no other option. We _________ wear uniforms in school.”
Read the following text and answer question based on the text
A Potential Solution: Farm Vertically
Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.
Consider the following sentences about the use of ‘must’ along the text (lines 3, 5, 11, e.g):
I. It is used to indicate possibility.
II. It is used for emphasis.
III. It shows that something is necessary, as a requirement.
Which ones are correct?
According to the article no one is hospitalized. Choose the best option to express advice:
“But I think they ______ be under observation for a while.”
Available at:<>. Access on: Aug. 10, 2018