Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre verbos | verbs em inglês

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Q1854062 Inglês

Based on the comic strip above, judge the following item.

In ‘never back up any more than you absolutely have to’, the phrasal verb ‘back up’ is synonymous with back down.

Q1848042 Inglês
Text for the item.

Internet: <>.

According to the text and previous grammar studies, judge the item.
The sentence “AI (artificial intelegence) is becoming increasingly popular” (lines 1 and 2) is an example of the present progressive tense. 
Q1845382 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

NUT SO SIMILAR Squirrels have different personalities and can be shy or right nutters, study finds
(1º§) Psychologists said the furry-tailed rodents have four traits - boldness, aggressiveness, activity level and sociability.
(2º§) Experts observed and recorded squirrel responses to four tests.
(3º§) They were placed in a holed box, presented with their mirror image, approached in the wild to see how long they waited before fleeing, and caught unharmed in a simple trap.
(4º§) Bolder squirrels moved faster, were more aggressive, active and sociable.
(5º§) They may find more food or defend a larger territory - but are at more risk from predators or accidents. Dr Jaclyn Aliperti, ___ the University of California, said the scientific field of animal personality is relatively young but its development is key.
(6º§) She explained: "Accounting ___ personality may be important when predicting wildlife responses to new conditions such as changes or destruction of habitat.
(7º§) "This is a hard science but if it makes you relate to animals more, maybe people will be more interested in conserving them."

Fonte: -have-personalities-a-study-found/?rec_article=true
The Simple Past and the Past Participle forms of the verb find (5º§) are:
Q1838873 Inglês

Text for the question.

How to Improve Your Work-Life Balance 

Internet: <> (adapted).

Choose the alternative that presents a verb in its infinitive form.
Q1831660 Inglês
How Africa will be affected by climate change
    The African continent will be hardest hit by climate change. There are four key reasons for this. First, African society is very closely coupled with the climate system; hundreds of millions of people depend on rainfall to grow their food. Second, the African climate system is controlled by an extremely complex mix of large-scale weather systems, many from distant parts of the planet and, in comparison with almost all other inhabited regions, is vastly understudied. It is therefore capable of all sorts of surprises. Third, the degree of expected climate change is large. The two most extensive land-based end-of-century projected decreases in rainfall anywhere on the planet occur over Africa; one over North Africa and the other over southern Africa. Finally, the capacity for adaptation to climate change is low; poverty equates to reduced choice at the individual level while governance generally fails to prioritise and act on climate change. - adapted. 
Choose the alternative that contains a sentence from the text in the FUTURE:
Q1820852 Inglês
Qual das frases abaixo se encontra no passado simples?
Q1820851 Inglês
O que significa o phrasal veb da frase a seguir? “we had to call off the meeting”.
Q1820847 Inglês
Leia o texto e responda a questão. 

The Christmas Anti-drink drive campaign is in full swing, but there will always be those who think they can get away with it. Beyond the points, the driving ban and the criminal record, how do those caught handle the shame? Another Christmas, another warning about getting behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol.
The theme of the 2019 campaign is that a conviction can ruin a driver´s life. “That is could come between you and Christmas” is the slogan. The criminal record and driving ban are automatic and for those who rely on their cars that can be punishment enough. But what about the stigma and the shame?
Mary, a 27-year-old care co-ordinator from Torquay in Devon, found that being convicted even affected her relationship whit her mother. “She made me feel really, really bad. She didn’t want to see me and shut the door in my face and told me to go away. That was the worst feeling ever.”
Mary, which is not her real name, says the incident that changed her life came at the end of a “rubbish” day at work last year, close to the anniversary of her grandmother’s death. She began drinking a bottle of wine at home and then went into town to continue drinking, but on the way she hit a parked car, failed a breath test and spent a night in a police cell. “That was lonely and horrendous. You feel very bad about yourself,” she says.
“It gives you time to things over and how you could have killed someone. You feel embarrassed because you don’t think you could even end up in a cell.”
She was given a £300 fine and a 16-month driving ban. The ban was reduced to a year because she signed up a course with the Devon Driving Course lrun by Devon County Council, which aims to educate drink-drivers about their crime.
The court meant she had to tell her parents the truth and endure her mother’s cold shoulder, having previously told her the accident had not been fault.
I don´t want people to make the same mistake as I did. People’s silence and looks on the faces says it all. It makes you never want to do anything so stupid again”.
She learnt many things from the £145 course but among them was the fact her shame, criminal record and costs could have been avoided had she paid £ 20 for a taxi.
Text adapted whttp://news/ Acesso em abril 2021.
As palavras em negrito apresentam diversas funções na Língua Inglesa. Classifique-as conforme o contexto em (G) Gerúndio, (S) Substantivo, (I) Infinitivo, (A) Adjetivo, (P) Passado, (PP) Particípio Passado.
I. The criminal record and driving ban are automatic… II. That was the worst feeling ever. III. She began drinking a bottle of wine at home… IV. …she hit a parked car… V. …and how you could have killed someone.
Q1819123 Inglês
Qual das alternativas abaixo preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase: “I have _____ there several times”?
Q1819117 Inglês
Choose the sentence where there is a grammar mistake.
Q1819113 Inglês
Existem algumas regras ortográficas para verbos em inglês. Assinale a alternativa que não apresenta uma regra ortográfica correta.
Q1816878 Inglês
Instruction: answer question based on the following text.

Adapted from:
Which of the alternatives below, correct and respectively, fills out the blanks in the last paragraph?
Q1812561 Inglês
Read the text to answer.

Teaching multicultural classes
Long hailed as a melting pot of cultures, America is home to millions of immigrants – whether their ancestors sailed across on the Mayflower or they moved to the country last week. Research by the National Center for Educational Statisticsfound that one-third of U.S. students are considered racial or ethnic minorities, a number that is set to increase to more than half by 2050. In this changing educational landscape, teachers are challenged with creating inclusive classrooms where students of all backgrounds feel represented and welcomed. For teachers with a classroom full of students of different backgrounds, the responsibility to connect with them goes beyond simply knowing where they’re from, or what their favorite subjects are. These teachers must strive to understand their students in a more holistic way, incorporating their cultural traditions into lessons and activities, so students feel understood, comfortable, and focused on learning. Culture is a broad term, and one that is not easily summed up. In her book Culture Learning: The Fifth Dimension on the Language Classroom, author Louise Damen defined culture as the “learned and shared human patterns or models for living; day-to-day living patterns that pervade all aspects of human social interaction. Culture is mankind’s primary adaptive mechanism”. Individuals from varied nationalities, ethnicities, and races all bring cultural traditions to their interactions, and it’s up to teachers to recognize, celebrate and share these different perspectives. Using different activities and games in multicultural classrooms is an excellent way to foster inclusivity and encourage students to share their heritage. It’s also a beneficial way for teachers to involve students in different styles of study to immerse them in their learning. Sharing about oneself within the confines of an activity is often much easier than being asked open-ended questions and put “on the spot”. These activities can then provide a safe space for dialogue and serve as an entryway into more in-depth interactions.
(Available: Adapted.)
Analyse the use of the ed forms, highlighted in the text. Mark the one which is not employed as a verbal.
Q1801496 Inglês
”Shopaholics could be sexually frustrated, might suffer from lack of self-esteem, or they may just have a neurotic reaction to television commercials and glossy advertisements.” – The modals COULD, MIGHT and MAY appear in the text to express the idea of:
Q1801492 Inglês
ALL HE NEEDED. Escolha a sentença CORRETA, colocada no plural, tempo futuro simples:
Q1798473 Inglês
Using authentic material from the real world to teach English

   There are lots of resources available to English language teachers today: from textbooks to online teaching tools, they can all aid and enrich English lessons. Many teachers also introduce authentic English material into their lessons to expose learners to the language as it is spoken in the real world.
   Authentic material is any material written in English that was not created for intentional use in the English language classroom. Using this content to teach the English language can make the learning process even more engaging, imaginative and motivating for students. It can also be useful to elicit genuine responses from learners.
   The great thing about using authentic material is that it is everywhere, which makes it easy to find, and simple for learners to practice English in their own time. Remember that it isn‟t limited to articles from newspapers and magazines. Songs, TV programs and films, radio and podcasts, leaflets, menus – anything written in English constitutes authentic material. (…)
Source: Accessed on: 18/06/2018.
(Concurso Milagres/2018) The words using, engaging and motivating, in the second paragraph, are, respectively:
Q1798472 Inglês
Using authentic material from the real world to teach English

   There are lots of resources available to English language teachers today: from textbooks to online teaching tools, they can all aid and enrich English lessons. Many teachers also introduce authentic English material into their lessons to expose learners to the language as it is spoken in the real world.
   Authentic material is any material written in English that was not created for intentional use in the English language classroom. Using this content to teach the English language can make the learning process even more engaging, imaginative and motivating for students. It can also be useful to elicit genuine responses from learners.
   The great thing about using authentic material is that it is everywhere, which makes it easy to find, and simple for learners to practice English in their own time. Remember that it isn‟t limited to articles from newspapers and magazines. Songs, TV programs and films, radio and podcasts, leaflets, menus – anything written in English constitutes authentic material. (…)
Source: Accessed on: 18/06/2018.
(Concurso Milagres/2018) The word spoken, in the 1st paragraph, is the past participle form of the verb speak. Check the alternative which contains the CORRECT correspondence between the verb and its past participle form. 
Q1798468 Inglês

   Grammar. To teach or not to teach? This has been the question that language teachers have asked themselves for ages. It has been a matter of debate for teachers, linguists and second language acquisition experts.
   Historically, language teaching approaches and methods have moved from one extreme of the spectrum to another as regards the explicit teaching of grammar. Long before our times, grammar was at the centre of language teaching, as it was believed that the study of the grammar of X‟s language was the best way to its mastery. So, from medieval times till around the 1970s, the fixation of language teaching on the study and description of structures manifested in approaches such as the Grammar Translation and the Audio Lingual method, with short interludes of the other approaches such as the Direct Method, Total Physical Response and the Silent way which although claiming to differ still based their syllabus on grammar points.
   From the Grammar-dominated end of the spectrum, we moved to the Absolutely-noGrammar end. Grammar based approaches proved inadequate in that students were unable to communicate outside the classroom. Based mainly on Hymes‟ “communicative competence” and Krashen‟s models of language acquisition, the Communicative Approach emerged as the meaning-focused alternative to the formfocused approaches of the past. Strong versions of the approach emphasized the teaching of functions and absolutely discouraged the teaching of grammar structures arguing that communication – and not language description- was the aim of language teaching.
   However, the studies of the last 30 years have proved that the lack of grammar instruction has not encouraged language acquisition. On the contrary, more recent studies show that grammar instruction and explicit knowledge of the target language do have positive effects on language acquisition. So, how should we approach the teaching of Grammar in the Post- CommunicativeApproach Era?

Source: Accessed on 17/06/2018
(Concurso Milagres/2018) In the clause that language teachers have asked themselves for ages, the verbal form is in the:
Q1796204 Inglês
The word “freed” from the title, can be classified as:
Q1794202 Inglês
In the sentence "The man _____ me to leave this message", the word missing is:
621: E
622: C
623: D
624: B
625: E
626: D
627: D
628: A
629: A
630: C
631: B
632: E
633: C
634: B
635: A
636: A
637: C
638: C
639: C
640: D