Questões de Concurso Sobre verbos | verbs em inglês

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Q3159974 Inglês
Qual das seguintes opções apresenta a melhor definição para o termo "phrasal verb"?
Q3158184 Inglês
What is the past tense of the verb "mow" in the context of cutting grass?
Q3158180 Inglês
Which sentence expresses the future simple tense? 
Q3158179 Inglês
Choose the sentence that uses the present continuous tense:
Q3158169 Inglês
The small exercise that's a powerful mood booster

Counting our blessings is an age-old piece of advice – but it turns out that writing lists of good things that happen to us actually does help improve our mood.
Of all the interventions brought to us by psychological research, I think this is probably my favourite. It's both simple and well-evidenced. And as such, it has become well-known.
There are various names for it – three good things, three blessings or a gratitude list. There are variations too in the exact instructions given, but essentially the exercise involves spending a few moments in the evening reflecting on your day, then writing down three things that went well or that you enjoyed. The final element is to think about why these things felt positive to you. You can choose anything, however small and seemingly inconsequential. Perhaps you bumped into a friend you hadn’t seen for a while? Perhaps you and a colleague laughed about something together. Perhaps you enjoyed your walk home from the station in lovely early evening light.
Alternatively, you could include something much more significant, perhaps even life-changing. Like passing an important exam, or getting a promotion, or hearing that a relative is going to have a baby.
Counting your blessings is of course a very old idea, and exercises of this kind had been used clinically for some time. The initial research investigating whether any of us might use this method in everyday life to improve our wellbeing was published in 2005 by Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson, two major figures in the field of positive psychology.
The study involved 577 people who were randomly assigned to different groups. As a placebo, one group had to write every evening about their early memories from childhood. Other groups were given different interventions to try out. In the arm of the trial that interests us, people were asked to list three things that had gone well that day and what caused them to go well. Over the next few months, the volunteers in all the groups were given scales to measure their happiness.
The results were impressive. Notably, within a month, the people who were assigned the three good things task began to show improvements in their happiness levels as well as a decrease in depressive symptoms – with the positive effects lasting for the six months of the study.
Meanwhile those in the placebo group saw a brief spike in happiness in the first week, but their mood soon returned to baseline, and there was no change at the six month follow up.
One reason that the three good things strategy can work is because it begins to counter the hard-wired tendency we have as humans to register and remember the negative rather than the positive. There's a strong evolutionary reason why we think this way: it's vital for our survival. So, we hardly notice if a small cat is following us up the street, but if it was a lion we certainly would. Our brains are primed for danger in order to keep us safe. Which is fine, except that in a world of war and suffering, hatred and division – all of which we can instantly access on our phones – this negativity bias can overwhelm us.
An important element of the three good things exercise is that it helps us to focus on the positive in a concrete way. And although I've been suggesting it's an end-ofthe-day exercise, its real strength lies in the fact that the impact soon begins to spread through the day. You find yourself searching out good things to add to your list from the moment you get up. (Whenever I get my favourite seat at the front of the top deck of the bus I think to myself, that's one for my list. How lucky!) And before you know it you are training yourself not only to look out for threats, but for good things too.

Fonte: Hammond, Claudia. The small exercise that's a
powerful mood booster. BBC, 2024. Disponível em: Adaptado
Which of the following sentences expresses the Future Immediate tense correctly?
Q3156524 Inglês
Irregular verbs in English often follow specific patterns in their past and past participle forms. Analyze the following verbs to identify the one with a different pattern in its past and past participle forms.

1 – Think. 2 – Buy. 3 – Fight. 4 – Bring. 5 – Throw.

Choose the correct alternative:
Q3156519 Inglês
The "Verb + Preposition" structure, often referred to as "phrasal verbs" or simply "verbpreposition combinations," is a key component in English grammar and expression. In this structure, a verb is paired with a specific preposition, creating a phrase that often has a unique or idiomatic meaning distinct from the original verb.

Of the following sentences, mark the one in which the preposition is used incorrectly.
Q3156511 Inglês
Which alternative is not using the same verb tense as the others?
Q3156505 Inglês

Read the following text to answer question.

Oh, the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won.

And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all. Fame! You'll be as famous as famous can be, with the whole wide world watching you win on TV.

Except when they don't

Because, sometimes they won't.

I'm afraid that sometimes

you'll play lonely games too.

Games you can't win

'cause you'll play against you.

All Alone!

Whether you like it or not,

Alone will be something

you'll be quite a lot.

And when you're alone, there's a very good chance

you'll meet things that scare you right out of your pants.

There are some, down the road between hither and yon,

that can scare you so much you won't want to go on.

But on you will go

though the weather be foul.

On you will go

though your enemies prowl.

On you will go

though the Hakken-Kraks howl.

Onward up many

a frightening creek,

though your arms may get sore

and your sneakers may leak.

On and on you will hike,

And I know you'll hike far

and face up to your problems

whatever they are.

“Oh, the Places You'll Go!” by Dr. Seuss - Available at:

In the phrase "though your arms may get sore", the modal verb "may" expresses:
Q3154510 Inglês
Read Text II and answer the five questions that follow it

Text II

OpenAI’s GPT-4 Scores in the Top 1% of Creative Thinking

By Erik Guzik

   Of all the forms of human intellect that one might expect artificial intelligence to emulate, few people would likely place creativity at the top of their list. Creativity is wonderfully mysterious—and frustratingly fleeting. It defines us as human beings—and seemingly defies the cold logic that lies behind the silicon curtain of machines. Yet, the use of AI for creative endeavors is now growing.

   New AI tools like DALL-E and Midjourney are increasingly part of creative production, and some have started to win awards for their creative output. The growing impact is both social and economic—as just one example, the potential of AI to generate new, creative content is a defining flashpoint behind the Hollywood writers’ strike.

   And if our recent study into the striking originality of AI is any indication, the emergence of AI-based creativity—along with examples of both its promise and peril—is likely just beginning.

   When people are at their most creative, they’re responding to a need, goal, or problem by generating something new—a product or solution that didn’t previously exist.

    In this sense, creativity is an act of combining existing resources — ideas, materials, knowledge — in a novel way that’s useful or gratifying. Quite often, the result of creative thinking is also surprising, leading to something the creator did not — and perhaps could not — foresee.

    Our results?

   GPT-4 scored in the top 1 percent of test-takers for the originality of its ideas. From our research, we believe this marks one of the first examples of AI meeting or exceeding the human ability for original thinking.

   In short, we believe that AI models like GPT-4 are capable of producing ideas that people see as unexpected, novel, and unique. Other researchers are arriving at similar conclusions in their research of AI and creativity.

Adapted from
The modal verb might in one might expect artificial intelligence to emulate (1st paragraph) expresses
Q3153135 Inglês
Consider the following text:

How to Make a Cup of Green Tea

To prepare a cup of green tea, follow these steps. First, boil water to about 80°C (176°F); avoid using boiling water as it can make the tea taste bitter. Place a green tea bag or one teaspoon of loose green tea leaves into a cup. Pour the hot water over the tea and let it steep for 2 to 3 minutes. Do not steep for too long, as this can affect the flavor. After steeping, remove the tea bag or strain the leaves. Finally, enjoy your tea plain or add a touch of honey if you prefer a bit of sweetness.

Select the alternative that correctly identifies the linguistic features present in the text.
Q3149339 Inglês

Read the following dialogue:

Jessica: "Hi, Tom! I heard you went to the music festival last weekend. How was it?"

Tom: "It was incredible! I saw some of my favorite bands perform live."

Jessica: "That's awesome! I wish I had gone too, but I caught a cold."

Tom: "Oh no! I thought you might be there. Next time, we'll go together."

Identify all the irregular verbs used in the dialogue and select the option that correctly matches each verb with  base form and past tense form.        

Q3148917 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

India's luxury airline Vistara flies into the sunset

Indian full-service carrier Vistara will operate its last flight on Monday, after nine years in existence.

A joint venture between Singapore Airlines and the Tata Sons, Vistara will merge with Tata-owned Air India to form a single entity with an expanded network and broader fleet.

This means that all Vistara operations will be transferred to and managed by Air India, including helpdesk kiosks and ticketing offices. The process of migrating passengers with existing Vistara bookings and loyalty programmes to Air India has been under way over the past few months.

"As part of the merger process, meals, service ware and other soft elements have been upgraded and incorporates aspects of both Vistara and Air India," an Air India spokesperson said in an email response.

Amid concerns that the merger could impact service standards, the Tatas have assured that Vistara's in-flight experience will remain unchanged.

Known for its high ratings in food, service, and cabin quality, Vistara has built a loyal customer base and the decision to retire the Vistara brand has been criticised by fans, branding experts, and aviation analysts.

The consolidation was effectively done to clean up Vistara's books and wipe out its losses, said Mark Martin, an aviation analyst.

Air India has essentially been "suckered into taking a loss-making airline" in a desperate move, he added.

"Mergers are meant to make airlines powerful. Never to wipe out losses or cover them."

To be sure, both Air India and Vistara's annual losses have reduced by more than half over the past year, and other operating metrics have improved too. But the merger process so far has been turbulent.

The exercise has been riddled with problems − from pilot shortages that have led to massive flight cancellations, to Vistara crew going on mass sick leave over plans to align their salary structures with Air India.

There have also been repeated complaints about poor service standards on Air India, including viral videos of broken seats and non-functioning inflight entertainment systems.

The Tatas have announced a $400m (£308m) programme to upgrade and retrofit the interiors of its older aircraft and also a brand-new livery. They've also placed orders for hundreds of new Airbus and Boeing planes worth billions of dollars to augment their offering.

But this "turnaround" is still incomplete and riddled with problems, according to Mr Martin. A merger only complicates matters.

Experts say that the merger strikes a dissonant chord from a branding perspective too.

Harish Bijoor, a brand strategy specialist, told the BBC he was feeling "emotional" that a superior product offering like Vistara which had developed a "gold standard for Indian aviation" was ceasing operations.

"It is a big loss for the industry," said Mr Bijoor, adding it will be a monumental task for the mother brand Air India to simply "copy, paste and exceed" the high standards set by Vistara, given that it's a much smaller airline that's being gobbled up by a much larger one.

Mr Bijoor suggests a better strategy would have been to operate Air India separately for five years, focusing on improving service standards, while maintaining Vistara as a distinct brand with Air India prefixed to it.

"This would have given Air India the time and chance to rectify the mother brand and bring it up to the Vistara level, while maintaining its uniqueness," he adds.

Beyond branding, the merged entity will face a slew of operational challenges.

"Communication will be a major challenge in the early days, with customers arriving at the airport expecting Vistara flights, only to find Air India branding," says Ajay Awtaney, editor of Live From A Lounge, an aviation portal. "Air India will need to maintain clear communication for weeks."

Another key challenge, he notes, is cultural: Vistara's agile employees may struggle to adjust to Air India's complex bureaucracy and systems.

But the biggest task for the merged carrier would be offering customers a uniform flying experience.

These are "two airlines with very different service formats are being integrated into one airline. It is going to be a hotchpotch of service formats, cabin formats, branding, and customer experience. It will involve learning and unlearning, and such a process has rarely worked with airlines and is seldom effective," said Mr Martin.

Still, many believe Vistara had to go − now or some years later.

A legacy brand like Air India, with strong global recognition and 'India' imprinted in its identity, wouldn't have allowed a smaller, more premium subsidiary to overshadow its revival process.

Financially too, it makes little sense for the Tatas to have two loss-making entities compete with one another.

The combined strength of Vistara and Air India could also place the Tatas in a much better position to compete with market leader Indigo.

The unified Air India group (including Air India Express, which completed its merger with the former Air Asia India in October) "will be bigger and better with a fleet size of nearly 300 aircraft, an expanded network and a stronger workforce", an Air India spokesperson said. 

"Getting done with the merger means that Air India grows overnight, and the two teams start cooperating instead of competing. There will never be one right day to merge. Somewhere, a line had to be drawn," said Mr Awtaney.

But for many Vistara loyalists, its demise leaves a void in India's skies for a premium, full-service carrier - marking the third such gap after the collapse of Kingfisher Airlines and Jet Airways.

It's still too early to say if Air India, which often ranks at the bottom of airline surveys, can successfully fill that void.

In the sentence "Vistara's annual losses have reduced by more than half over the past year," the correct form of the verb "have" is used because:
Q3147571 Inglês
        “The High Priestess of Soul,” Nina Simone was a singer, pianist, songwriter, and civil rights activist. Mostly known as a jazz singer, her music blended gospel, blues, folk, pop, and classical styles. No popular singer was more closely associated with the Civil Rights Movement than Simone.

         Nina Simone was born Eunice Kathleen Waymon on February 21st, 1933, in Tryon, North Carolina. Her mother, Mary Kate Irvin, was a Methodist preacher and housekeeper, and her father, John Divine Waymon, worked as an entertainer, barber, and dry-cleaner. The family’s home was filled with music and Simone’s mother encouraged her musical pursuits but she did not approve of nonreligious music like blues and jazz. Simone took up the piano before her feet could reach the pedals, and by the age of six, she was playing during church services.

         In 2008, Rolling Stone named Simone to its list of the 100 Greatest Singers of All Time, and, in 2018, Simone was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

Internet:<>  (adapted).  

Based on the previous text, judge the following item. 

The verb “encourage” has a cognate in Portuguese: encorajar.

Q3147570 Inglês

Internet:<>  (adapted)

Regarding the language usage in the preceding comic strip, judge the following item.

In the second panel, the clause “Let me tell you:” presents a verb in the imperative mood.

Q3143795 Inglês
Which of the following sentences is in the imperative mood?
Q3143792 Inglês
What is the correct form of the verb "to go" in the past tense for the pronoun "she"?
Q3143790 Inglês
Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
Q3143788 Inglês
What is the correct form of the verb "to have" in the present tense for the pronoun "we"?
Q3143780 Inglês

Read the text to answer question 

Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth – more than ruin, more even than death. Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible; thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habits; thought is anarchic and lawless, indifferent to authority, careless of the well-tried wisdom of the ages. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid.

Bertrand Russell (“Why Men Fight: A Method of Abolishing the International Duel”, pp. 178-179)

In the sentence "Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid," what verb tense is used?
41: B
42: A
43: B
44: C
45: E
46: E
47: A
48: E
49: A
50: C
51: A
52: A
53: D
54: C
55: C
56: A
57: D
58: E
59: B
60: A