Questões de Concurso Sobre verbos | verbs em inglês

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Q3143768 Inglês
The following sentence can be found in (10º§): “As a teacher, you should be able to see each student's unique voice in the work they produce.” Choose the option that best presents the meaning of the modal verb “should” in that context.
Q3143764 Inglês
Which word best substitutes the verb “leverage” in 4º§? 
Q3139402 Inglês
Qual o significado do *phrasal verb* "give up" na frase "I gave up smoking"?
Q3139395 Inglês
Analise a frase abaixo e assinale a alternativa que classifica corretamente o uso do tempo verbal:

"She has been studying English for two years." 
Q3133113 Inglês

Complete the sentence with the correct phrasal verb:
"After months of hard work, the team finally __________ a solution to the problem." 

Select the correct alternative. 
Q3133109 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

How can you make sure you are eating a balanced, filling and nutritious plate at every meal?

Think of your plate divided into different food groups - protein, carbs, fat and fruit and veg.

Protein: David Wiener, training and nutrition specialist at AI-based lifestyle and coaching app Freeletics, told The Sun: "Aim for one to two palm-size portions of lean protein in each meal.

"Protein includes meat (chicken, turkey, pork, beef), beans, peas, lentils and fish.

The NHS Eatwell Guide says to choose lean cuts of meat and mince, and eat less red and processed meat like bacon, ham and sausages.Aim for at least two portions (two x 140g) of fish every week, one of which should be oily, such as salmon, sardines or mackerel.

Carbs: Carbohydrates should make up about a third of your plate, or a fist-sized portion.

The Eatwell Guide says: "Choose higher fibre or wholegrain varieties, such as wholewheat pasta and brown rice, or simply leave the skins on potatoes.

"There are also higher fibre versions of white bread and pasta.

"Starchy foods are a good source of energy and the main source of a range of nutrients in our diet.

"Fat: Generally the advice is to think of fat like a thumb-sized amount on your plate.

The Eatwell Guide says: "Remember all types of fat are high in energy and should be eaten in small amounts.

"These foods include chocolate, cakes, biscuits, sugary soft drinks, butter, ghee and ice cream.

"They're not needed in our diet, so should be eaten less often and in smaller amounts."But a small amount is still essential for the diet.

Try and eat more unsaturated fats (avocado, nuts, olive oil), which are healthier than saturated fats (butter, hard cheese, sour cream).

Fruit and veg: David says: "Make sure you also get lots of colourful fruit and vegetable carbohydrates too.

"Aim for at least five of these portions a day.

"One to two fist-sized portions of fruits and vegetables with every meal is generally recommended.

"Fruit and veg can be fresh, frozen, tinned or dried. You can roast, boil, steam or grill veggies.
Which of the following sentences correctly uses a modal verb to express advice or recommendation? 
Q3131223 Inglês

        Maya Angelou (1928-2014) had a broad and distinguished career both inside and outside the literary realm. She is most famous for her work as a poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist, working with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. She also worked in entertainment as a singer, a dancer, an actor, and a director. Her poetry was inspired and informed by her life and work, and this personal connection made her poems profound and powerful. Over the course of a career spanning the 1960s to her death in 2014, she captured, provoked, inspired, and ultimately transformed American people and culture.

Internet: <> (adapted).

About the preceding text, its linguistic features and the meanings it conveys, as well as the reading strategies that apply to it, judge the item that follow.

The predominant verb tense used in the text is the simple past. 

Q3131221 Inglês

Tom Gauld. The narrator. Internet: <>.

According to the previous comic strip, judge the items that follow. 

The sentence “Get out of our house!” is grammatically inadequate because it is missing the subject, essential part of every clause. 

Q3131220 Inglês

Tom Gauld. The narrator. Internet: <>.

According to the previous comic strip, judge the items that follow. 

In the second panel, there are examples of four different verb tenses. 

Q3131215 Inglês

        Four types of English exist in Africa, identifiable in terms of history, functions, and linguistic characteristics. West African Pidgin English has a history going back to the 15th century, 400 years before formal colonization. Creole varieties of English have a history going back to repatriation of enslaved people from the Caribbean and the United States of America in the 19th century. Second language varieties, which are the most widespread on the continent, are prototypically associated with British colonization and its education systems. L1 (first language) English occurred mostly in Southern and East Africa and is best represented in South Africa. The latter shows significant similarities with the other major Southern Hemisphere varieties of English, spoken in Australia and New Zealand.

African Englishes From a Sociolinguistic Perspective.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Considering the previous text, its ideas and linguistic features, as well as the reading strategies that apply to it, judge the following item.

In both the excerpts “has a history going back to the 15th century”, and “have a history going back to repatriation”, the expression “going back” works as a phrasal verb. 

Q3131210 Inglês

“im sorry, its a girl” said the doctor to the father.
“no, im sorry, youre a sexist” said the girl child to the world. 

Adhiraj Singh. Untitled. In: Terribly Tatti Tales. 

        Taken from writer Adhiraj Singh’s parody collection, Terribly Tatti Tales, this story manages to fun at the poor grammar and heavy-handedness of most “Twitterature,” while simultaneously delivering a hilarious and rousing story in and of itself.

Internet: <>.

Considering the language used in the Untitled story and in the previous text, judge the item below.

In the text, the word “fun” is a verb.

Q3129912 Inglês

Choose the option that best completes the sentence below:

"She regretted not ______ the opportunity when it was offered to her." 

Q3129910 Inglês
Choose the alternative that contains the incorrec sentence:
I. She has been working here since five years. II. I have already completed the assignment. III. They have gone to the supermarket. IV. He has lived in London for three years. 
Q3128655 Inglês
    Although higher education institutions offer self-paced massive open online courses (MOOCs) on platforms like edX, little systematic effort has been made to examine their instructional design features. Therefore, to review self-paced MOOCs on edX and examine their instructional design features for those interested in designing and offering them is essential. Aiming at offering reliable data, a significative amount of MOOCs that represent engineering, computer science, communications, business and management should be randomly selected for analysis if a realistic view is sought. Moreover the instructional design features of the MOOCs ought to be organized in terms of course structure and elements of course information, as well as types of instructional videos, assessments, and online discussion boards, for by catering to those aspects, issues of current instructional design features will be also involved.
(Available in:, Adapted.)

According to what is inferred from usage, the ING forms are:
Q3128651 Inglês
The review of the Simple Present topic proposed to 8th graders by means of the sentences’ analysis will enable to remind them of an instance when the Simple Present must be employed which is to describe: 

Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q3128645 Inglês
As to the featured sentences, there is consistent information in:
    The magic realm was just ahead of us, all wrapped in mystery and cloaked by soft haze. No dwellings could be seen at that point, since the winding road did not leave much of a clear spatial prospect, but some characters who had always inhabited imagination were evidently visible then. On the grass sat an enormous frog gazing at a swarm of insects in the distance which sharpened our curiosity, as if unpredictable surprises were to come. The first scenario was promising, so we went on the road. Next, under a tree was lying one of the biggest men we had ever seen peacefully sleeping. Directly in front of him stood a great hut, indicating its landlord was the slumbering creature. As we quietly proceeded and the mist scattered, we were able to view that along the road came a strange procession
Q3128641 Inglês
Students received the quotes and were asked to reflect on the aspects of modality conveyed in each. As an introductory activity, the teacher encouraged them to find an additional quote that matched the meaning of one of the provided quotes. All of the following students succeeded, EXCEPT:
Q3128639 Inglês
Inspect the quotes in detail:

I. “You should be the change that you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
II. “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” – Maya Angelou
III. “I might have been born in a hovel, but I am determined to travel with the greats.” – Tina Turner
IV.“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

The shades of modality can be identified respectively in
Q3128637 Inglês

Read the poem to answer the following question:

Students were given a set of verbs as follows and asked to separate them in three groups in accordance with the ones highlighted in the poem. Select the option that justifies the teacher’s decision to propose this activity:
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q3128403 Inglês
Which of the following sentences CORRECTLYdemonstrates the use of a complex verbal structure?
61: D
62: C
63: B
64: C
65: C
66: E
67: C
68: E
69: E
70: C
71: C
72: B
73: C
74: A
75: B
76: D
77: A
78: A
79: D
80: E