Questões de Concurso
Sobre verbos | verbs em inglês
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“Rat in the Parliament Something very unusual happens in the Spanish Parliament last week. Marta Bosquet is giving a speech. A speech means that she is talking to other politicians. They are listening to her. Then Bosquet stops talking. She looks at the floor. A rat is there. Some people run away. Some people take their feet off the floor. Other people look at the rat. People can watch the incident on TV. They do not see the rat. Nobody knows how big the rat really is. The situation calms down later. Politicians return to their seats. They start working again.”
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o tempo verbal que predomina o texto acima.
I. He teaches Spanish at the university.
II. She always kisse her grandma before leaving.
III. You don't arrive late. IV. She don't watch TV every day.
Check the alternative that presents correct statements.
Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão.
“He remembered the time he had hooked one of a pair of marlin. The male fish always let the female fish feed first and the hooked fish, the female, made a wild, panic-stricken, despairing fight that soon exhausted her, and all the time the male had stayed with her, crossing the line and circling with her on the surface.
He had stayed so close that the old man was afraid he would cut the line with his tail which was sharp as a scythe and almost of that size and shape. When the old man had gaffed her and clubbed her, holding the rapier bill with its sandpaper edge and clubbing her across the top of her head until her colour turned to a colour almost like the backing of mirrors, and then, with the boy’s aid, hoisted her aboard, the male fish had stayed by the side of the boat.
Then, while the old man was clearing the lines and preparing the harpoon, the male fish jumped high into the air beside the boat to see where the female was and then went down deep, his lavender wings, that were his pectoral fins, spread wide and all his wide lavender stripes showing. He was beautiful, the old man remembered, and he had stayed.”
HEMINGWAY, Ernest. The Old Man and the Sea.
Eua: Hueber Verlag, 1952. 108 p.
Observe as sentenças a seguir:
I - For now on you have your own bedroom.
II - My father was a bus driver for 10 years.
III - My mother-in-law is very sweet.
Assinale a alternativa correta:
Observe a estrutura verbal a seguir:
• Sujeito + simple future do verbo to have (will have) + o particípio do verbo principal.
A estrutura verbal apresentada acima é a representação de qual tempo verbal?
Observe as sentenças a seguir:
I - The crime happened right here.
II - The party will be on my house.
III - The TV is still inside the box.
Assinale a alternativa correta:
Instruction: answer based on the following text.
(Available in: – text adapted specially for this test).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
In “Unqualified teachers may have misconceptions about
phonological phenomena” (second paragraph), the word
“may” could be correctly replaced with might.
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
The verbal phrase “quit making” could be correctly replaced
with quit to make, without changing the meaning of the
Based on the comic strip above, judge the following item.
In ‘never back up any more than you absolutely have to’, the
phrasal verb ‘back up’ is synonymous with back down.
Text for the question.
How to Improve Your Work-Life Balance
Internet: <> (adapted).
I. The criminal record and driving ban are automatic… II. That was the worst feeling ever. III. She began drinking a bottle of wine at home… IV. …she hit a parked car… V. …and how you could have killed someone.