Questões de Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary para Concurso

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Q2968550 Inglês

Choose one of the sentences below to complete the closing remark in a business letter:

If you have any further questions, .............................................

Q2968546 Inglês

Complete the sentence using one of the alternatives below.

 She's a good accountant but her ......................... are high.

Q2968543 Inglês

Choose an equivalent (value, purpose and meaning) translation for the idea:

 Today she's a key part of any working team, making decisions, running vital parts of a company and keeping everyone in line - especially when it comes to new technology.

Q2962100 Inglês

In his article, Kumaravadivelo also mentions that TESOLers have now reached a state of consciousness about the central issues that must govern teaching practices. Yet, he says that:

“Admirable intentions need to be translated into attainable goals, which, in turn, need to be supported by actionable plans. I hope that the person who will be writing a state-ofthe- art essay for the golden jubilee volume of TESOL Quarterly in 2016 will be able to narrate a possible transition from awakening to attainment. After all, the end of all awakening must be the beginning of attainment.
The expression “from awakening to attainment” can be appropriately paraphrased as

Q2962090 Inglês

In line 72, the author juxtaposes the words “Dubbing (drubbing?)”. This play on words corresponds to the meanings in

1: E
2: C
3: A
4: B
5: D