Questões de Concurso Sobre vocabulário | vocabulary em inglês

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Q3153135 Inglês
Consider the following text:

How to Make a Cup of Green Tea

To prepare a cup of green tea, follow these steps. First, boil water to about 80°C (176°F); avoid using boiling water as it can make the tea taste bitter. Place a green tea bag or one teaspoon of loose green tea leaves into a cup. Pour the hot water over the tea and let it steep for 2 to 3 minutes. Do not steep for too long, as this can affect the flavor. After steeping, remove the tea bag or strain the leaves. Finally, enjoy your tea plain or add a touch of honey if you prefer a bit of sweetness.

Select the alternative that correctly identifies the linguistic features present in the text.
Q3153132 Inglês
Morphology is the study of the structure and formation of words in the English language. Analyze the following statements about word formation and morphology, and select the correct alternative.
Q3153130 Inglês
The English vocabulary consists of words with different meanings and contextual uses. Regarding this topic, mark T for the true statements and F for the false ones.

(__)True cognates are words that have similar spelling and meaning in English and Portuguese, such as information.
(__)In English, bored and boring can be used interchangeably to describe people and situations.
(__)In English, actually means "currently" and is synonymous with currently.
(__)The term false friends refers to words that look similar in English and Portuguese but have different meanings, such as pretend and "pretender."

The correct sequence is:
Q3149346 Inglês
Which of the following pairs of words are homophones in English, and how can practical activities help students differentiate them in various contexts?
Q3149334 Inglês

New Research Sheds Light to The Persian Plateau: A Crucial Hub for Homo Sapiens Post-Africa Migration

March 31, 2024

The Persian plateau, a region that spans modern-day Iran, has been identified as a critical hub for Homo sapiens following their migration out of Africa. This pivotal role was established through the integration of genetic evidence, paleoecological models, and archaeological findings. The research, led by a team of scientists from various institutions, indicates that Homo sapiens dispersed from Africa approximately 70−60 thousand years ago (kya), but it wasn't until around 45 kya that they began to colonize all of Eurasia extensively. The interim period, which saw these early humans settle in the Persian plateau, has been a subject of considerable scientific interest.

The Genetic Evidence

Genetic studies reveal that populations within the Persian Plateau possess ancestry components closely matching those of the earliest Homo sapiens who left Africa. This suggests that the plateau acted as a significant waypoint for our species during their early Eurasian colonization attempts. The genetic markers found in the region provide a direct link to these ancient travelers, shedding light on the movements and expansions of early human populations.

Paleoecological Insights

The research further explores the environmental conditions that made the Persian plateau a suitable habitation site for early Homo sapiens. Using paleoecological models, the team reconstructed the climatic conditions of the plateau between 70 and 30 kya. The models indicate that the region could support human life throughout this period, offering a stable environment for these communities. Moreover, the plateau's ecological diversity and resources could sustain larger populations compared to other West Asian regions, making it an ideal settlement area during this epoch.

Archaeological Corroboration

Archaeological evidence from the Persian Plate supports the genetic and paleoecological findings. Sites across the region have yielded artifacts and remains dating back to the relevant period, indicating a continuous human presence. These archaeological sites, alongside the genetic and environmental data, paint a comprehensive picture of the plateau as a bustling hub for early humans.

The combination of genetic, paleoecological, and archaeological evidence positions the Persian plateau as a critical juncture in the story of human migration and settlement. This research not only highlights the importance of the region in our prehistoric past but also opens new avenues for understanding the complex journey of Homo sapiens as they spread across the globe. Further investigations into this area are likely to yield even more insights into the early chapters of human history. persian-plateau-a-crucial-hub-for-homo-sapiens-post-africa-migration

In the context of the passage, what does the word "interim" mean in the sentence: "The interim period, which saw these early humans settle in the Persian plateau, has been a subject of considerable scientific interest"?
Q3147580 Inglês
        Gabriele Tinti’s Hungry Ghosts is a cycle of 51 poems written in collaboration with the photographer Roger Ballen, whose photographic negatives are reproduced in the book. The images are mostly terrifying, in keeping with the otherworldly inclination of the poems. This bilingual edition includes Tinti’s original Italian poems with English translations by David Graham, interspersed with Greek lines taken from inscriptions found on archaeological objects and from ancient Greek texts.

         The book is inspired by the Petavatthu, a Theravada Buddhist scripture that includes stories about the realm of the “hungry ghosts,” a category of supernatural beings ubiquitous in East and South Asian religions, with section headings such as “Abandoned Ghosts,” “Protectors,” “Guardians,” and “Hungry Ghosts.” T he poems are quite short and try to emulate the obscure, esoteric quality of scriptural language, though they struggle, at times, under the weight of too many venerable references drawn from both Buddhist and Greek traditions.

Internet:<> (adapted).

About the linguistic and lexical features of the preceding text, judge the following item.  

The word “otherworldly” (second sentence of the first paragraph) is a synonym for abstract.

Q3147579 Inglês
        Gabriele Tinti’s Hungry Ghosts is a cycle of 51 poems written in collaboration with the photographer Roger Ballen, whose photographic negatives are reproduced in the book. The images are mostly terrifying, in keeping with the otherworldly inclination of the poems. This bilingual edition includes Tinti’s original Italian poems with English translations by David Graham, interspersed with Greek lines taken from inscriptions found on archaeological objects and from ancient Greek texts.

         The book is inspired by the Petavatthu, a Theravada Buddhist scripture that includes stories about the realm of the “hungry ghosts,” a category of supernatural beings ubiquitous in East and South Asian religions, with section headings such as “Abandoned Ghosts,” “Protectors,” “Guardians,” and “Hungry Ghosts.” T he poems are quite short and try to emulate the obscure, esoteric quality of scriptural language, though they struggle, at times, under the weight of too many venerable references drawn from both Buddhist and Greek traditions.

Internet:<> (adapted).

About the linguistic and lexical features of the preceding text, judge the following item.  

In the text, the word “terrifying” (second sentence of the first paragraph) conveys a sense of intense fear and is an adjective formed from the verb to terrify. 

Q3147573 Inglês
        “The High Priestess of Soul,” Nina Simone was a singer, pianist, songwriter, and civil rights activist. Mostly known as a jazz singer, her music blended gospel, blues, folk, pop, and classical styles. No popular singer was more closely associated with the Civil Rights Movement than Simone.

         Nina Simone was born Eunice Kathleen Waymon on February 21st, 1933, in Tryon, North Carolina. Her mother, Mary Kate Irvin, was a Methodist preacher and housekeeper, and her father, John Divine Waymon, worked as an entertainer, barber, and dry-cleaner. The family’s home was filled with music and Simone’s mother encouraged her musical pursuits but she did not approve of nonreligious music like blues and jazz. Simone took up the piano before her feet could reach the pedals, and by the age of six, she was playing during church services.

         In 2008, Rolling Stone named Simone to its list of the 100 Greatest Singers of All Time, and, in 2018, Simone was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

Internet:<>  (adapted).  

Based on the previous text, judge the following item. 

Replacing the excerpt “civil rights activist” (first sentence) with activist for the civil rights would violate natural collocation in English.

Q3147572 Inglês
        “The High Priestess of Soul,” Nina Simone was a singer, pianist, songwriter, and civil rights activist. Mostly known as a jazz singer, her music blended gospel, blues, folk, pop, and classical styles. No popular singer was more closely associated with the Civil Rights Movement than Simone.

         Nina Simone was born Eunice Kathleen Waymon on February 21st, 1933, in Tryon, North Carolina. Her mother, Mary Kate Irvin, was a Methodist preacher and housekeeper, and her father, John Divine Waymon, worked as an entertainer, barber, and dry-cleaner. The family’s home was filled with music and Simone’s mother encouraged her musical pursuits but she did not approve of nonreligious music like blues and jazz. Simone took up the piano before her feet could reach the pedals, and by the age of six, she was playing during church services.

         In 2008, Rolling Stone named Simone to its list of the 100 Greatest Singers of All Time, and, in 2018, Simone was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

Internet:<>  (adapted).  

Based on the previous text, judge the following item. 

The word ‘Priestess’ in the phrase ‘The High Priestess of Soul’ is used figuratively to emphasize Nina Simone’s symbolic or spiritual significance in the music world.  

Q3147569 Inglês

Internet:<>  (adapted)

Regarding the language usage in the preceding comic strip, judge the following item.

The word “hope”, in the comic strip, is used both as an adjective and as a verb. 

Q3147568 Inglês

Internet:<>  (adapted)

Regarding the language usage in the preceding comic strip, judge the following item.

The adverb “entirely” (second panel) could be successfully replaced with completely, maintaining the same meaning.  

Q3147567 Inglês
        Global issues, global education, and transcultural learning all take two conditions of a globalizing world as their point of departure: (1) all social, cultural, economic, and ecological issues are increasingly interconnected and there is no such thing as an isolated, merely local issue; (2) globalization and hybridization affect all cultures and cultural phenomena. There are no pure, homogeneous, unchanging elements of culture, and this affects the life of all individuals and social groups. Global learning takes on a transcultural perspective and aims to enable learners to effectively acquire a foreign or second language while empowering them with the knowledge, skills and commitment required by world citizens to solve global problems. Here, local problems, challenges, and solutions are always seen as inextricably intertwined with global issues.

Michael Meyer, Laurenz Volkmann, and Nancy Grimm.
Teaching English. Narr: Tübigen, 2022. p. 163 (adapted). 

Based on the ideas presented in the previous text, judge the item that follow.

The authors have a negative perspective on globalization because it makes global problems also local problems.

Q3147562 Inglês
        Girls play outside in nature less than boys do, even at the age of two, according to the first national survey of play among preschool-age children in Britain. While researchers expect to see older children socialised to particular gender roles, they were shocked to see similar patterns of behaviour starting to emerge at such a young age. They fear it could have long-term implications for girls’ health, as girls are less physically active as they get older and are more likely than boys to have difficulties with their mental health.

         The study also found that preschool-age children from a minority ethnic background play less outdoors than their white counterparts, and children in urban areas play less outdoors than those in rural areas. “The results highlight inequalities in play even in the youngest age group, which may exacerbate existing inequalities in health,” the report concluded.

         The research surveyed more than 1,100 parents and carers of children aged two, three and four. They found that preschool children spent approximately four hours a day at play, of which one hour and 45 minutes was spent playing outdoors, mainly in back gardens at home. Away from home, children played in playgrounds and green spaces, with the most adventurous play usually associated with indoor play centres.

         “The popularity of these play centers is growing,” the report said. “This may be driven by indoor play centres providing adventurous play experiences that overcome some of the barriers to outdoor adventurous play such as traffic, weather and safety concerns.”

Sally Weale. Girls play outside less than boys even at two years old, UK survey reveals.
In: The Guardian. Internet:<>  (adapted). 

According to the preceding text, judge the following item.

From the research mentioned, it is possible to conclude that young age playing habits may have consequences in adult life in terms of physical and mental health.

Q3147559 Inglês
        Girls play outside in nature less than boys do, even at the age of two, according to the first national survey of play among preschool-age children in Britain. While researchers expect to see older children socialised to particular gender roles, they were shocked to see similar patterns of behaviour starting to emerge at such a young age. They fear it could have long-term implications for girls’ health, as girls are less physically active as they get older and are more likely than boys to have difficulties with their mental health.

         The study also found that preschool-age children from a minority ethnic background play less outdoors than their white counterparts, and children in urban areas play less outdoors than those in rural areas. “The results highlight inequalities in play even in the youngest age group, which may exacerbate existing inequalities in health,” the report concluded.

         The research surveyed more than 1,100 parents and carers of children aged two, three and four. They found that preschool children spent approximately four hours a day at play, of which one hour and 45 minutes was spent playing outdoors, mainly in back gardens at home. Away from home, children played in playgrounds and green spaces, with the most adventurous play usually associated with indoor play centres.

         “The popularity of these play centers is growing,” the report said. “This may be driven by indoor play centres providing adventurous play experiences that overcome some of the barriers to outdoor adventurous play such as traffic, weather and safety concerns.”

Sally Weale. Girls play outside less than boys even at two years old, UK survey reveals.
In: The Guardian. Internet:<>  (adapted). 

According to the preceding text, judge the following item.

In the text, the words “survey” (first sentence of the text), “study” (first sentence of the second paragraph), and “research” (first sentence of the third paragraph) were used to refer to the same thing.

Q3147558 Inglês
        We do not know how art began any more than we know how language started. If we take art to mean such activities as building temples and houses, making pictures and sculptures, or weaving patterns, there is no people in all the world without art. If, on the other hand, we mean by art some kind of beautiful luxury, something to enjoy in museums and exhibitions or something special to use as a precious decoration in the best parlour, we must realize that this use of the word is a very recent development. We can best understand this difference if we think of architecture. There is scarcely any building in the world which was not erected for a particular purpose. Those who use these buildings as places of worship or entertainment, or as dwellings, judge them first and foremost by standards of utility. But apart from this, they may like or dislike the design or the proportions of the structure, and appreciate the efforts of the good architect to make it not only practical but right. In the past the attitude to paintings and statues was often similar. They were not thought of as mere works of art but as objects which had a definite function.

         Similarly, we are not likely to understand the art of the past if we are quite ignorant of the aims it had to serve. The further we go back in history, the more definite but also the more strange are the aims which art was supposed to serve. The same applies if we leave towns and cities and go to the peasants or, better still, if we travel to the peoples whose ways of life still resemble the conditions in which our remote ancestors lived. Among them there is no difference between building and image-making as far as usefulness is concerned. Their huts are there to shelter them from rain, wind and sunshine and the spirits which produce them; images are made to protect them against other powers which are, to them, as real as the forces of nature. Pictures and statues, in other words, are used to work magic.

E. H. Gombrich. The story of art.
New York, Phaidon, 2024. 16th ed. p. 9-10 (adapted). 

Based on the previous text, its ideas and its linguistic aspects, judge the following item.

In the fragment “which had a definite function” (last sentence of the first paragraph), the word “definite” could be replaced with clear without harming the coherence of the text.

Q3143784 Inglês

Read the text to answer question 

Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth – more than ruin, more even than death. Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible; thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habits; thought is anarchic and lawless, indifferent to authority, careless of the well-tried wisdom of the ages. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid.

Bertrand Russell (“Why Men Fight: A Method of Abolishing the International Duel”, pp. 178-179)

Which of the following is a synonym for "subversive" as used in the passage?
Q3143783 Inglês

Read the text to answer question 

Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth – more than ruin, more even than death. Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible; thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habits; thought is anarchic and lawless, indifferent to authority, careless of the well-tried wisdom of the ages. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid.

Bertrand Russell (“Why Men Fight: A Method of Abolishing the International Duel”, pp. 178-179)

Which word is an antonym of "merciless" in the passage?
Q3143782 Inglês

Read the text to answer question 

Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth – more than ruin, more even than death. Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible; thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habits; thought is anarchic and lawless, indifferent to authority, careless of the well-tried wisdom of the ages. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid.

Bertrand Russell (“Why Men Fight: A Method of Abolishing the International Duel”, pp. 178-179)

Regarding the words careless, lawless, and merciless in the text, what does the suffix '-less' mean?
Q3139904 Inglês
Who votes for the Academy Awards?

        After the glitzy red-carpet arrivals, the feel-good montages, and the host’s opening roast, the Oscars ceremony switches to its raison d’être: revealing the previous year’s highest achievers in cinema. One after another, the presenters list the nominees, open a lavish envelope, and reveal the winner in each category. The champions breathlessly accept their awards and, over and over, effusively thank their mothers, God, and the academy... What is this obscure body? The academy—that is, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences—is the organization that votes for the Oscar winners.
        The academy is an exclusive Hollywood institution that has its own governing body, 17 separate branches, and a thorough rule book on membership eligibility and voting processes. Since 2016, when the board announced that it would diversify its membership, the academy has grown to about 8,000 members. It doesn’t publicize the names of all those members, but each spring it releases a list of the individuals it has invited to join its ranks.
        The rest of the academy members are not listed, but we can guess who a few are by looking at some of the requirements to join the institution. To qualify, an individual must work in the film industry. This means that neither individuals who work exclusively in television nor members of the press may join. Oscar nominees are often considered for membership automatically, while other candidates must be sponsored by two active members of the branch they wish to join. Each branch also has its own specific requirements.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. Adaptation.
“Roast”, underlined in the text, is being used figuratively. With that in mind, which item also displays figurative use of words? 
Q3137325 Inglês
In semantics, understanding polysemy and homonymy is crucial to analyzing lexical meaning. Which of the following examples best illustrates polysemy?
41: A
42: B
43: C
44: C
45: C
46: E
47: C
48: C
49: C
50: E
51: C
52: E
53: C
54: C
55: C
56: B
57: D
58: C
59: A
60: B