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Q3147567 Inglês
        Global issues, global education, and transcultural learning all take two conditions of a globalizing world as their point of departure: (1) all social, cultural, economic, and ecological issues are increasingly interconnected and there is no such thing as an isolated, merely local issue; (2) globalization and hybridization affect all cultures and cultural phenomena. There are no pure, homogeneous, unchanging elements of culture, and this affects the life of all individuals and social groups. Global learning takes on a transcultural perspective and aims to enable learners to effectively acquire a foreign or second language while empowering them with the knowledge, skills and commitment required by world citizens to solve global problems. Here, local problems, challenges, and solutions are always seen as inextricably intertwined with global issues.

Michael Meyer, Laurenz Volkmann, and Nancy Grimm.
Teaching English. Narr: Tübigen, 2022. p. 163 (adapted). 

Based on the ideas presented in the previous text, judge the item that follow.

The authors have a negative perspective on globalization because it makes global problems also local problems.
