Questões de Concurso Público SED-SC 2015 para Professor - Inglês, Prova 1

Foram encontradas 20 questões

Q605678 Pedagogia
Sobre a diversidade em sala de aula observa-se que “o 'normal e o estigmatizado' não são pessoas concretas, mas perspectivas que são geradas em situações sociais. Assim, nenhuma diferença é em si mesma vantajosa ou desvantajosa, pois a mesma característica pode mudar sua significação dependendo dos diversos olhares que se lançam sobre ela."

Proposta Curricular de SC - Abordagem as diversidades no processo pedagógico.

Nesse sentido o docente deve, exceto:
Q605679 Pedagogia
Currículo, grade curricular, disciplinas, conteúdos, conhecimentos são inúmeras expressões (e também ações) que fazem parte do cotidiano nas escolas que são consideradas 'naturais', ou seja, raramente objeto de estudo e reflexão nos seus aspectos históricos e conceituais.

Considerando os pressupostos da Proposta Curricular de Santa Catarina, qual a melhor concepção de currículo?
Q605680 Pedagogia
“O projeto político pedagógico constitui-se num processo democrático de tomada de decisões com o objetivo de organizar o trabalho pedagógico, no sentido de trabalhar os conflitos na busca de superar relações competitivas, corporativas e autoritárias, diminuindo a fragmentação escolar."

Proposta Curricular de SC - Projeto Coletivo

São processos inerentes à produção de um projeto político pedagógico, exceto:
Q605681 Pedagogia
O artigo 24º, inciso I da LDB diz que: “a carga horária mínima anual será de oitocentas horas, distribuídas por um mínimo de duzentos dias de efetivo trabalho escolar, excluído o tempo reservado aos exames finais, quando houver." Esta organização se aplica a:
Q605682 Pedagogia
A verificação do rendimento escolar observará os seguintes critérios, exceto:

Artigo 24 - o inciso V da LDB.
Q605683 Pedagogia
A LDB, o Art. 35, diz: O ensino médio, etapa final da educação básica, com duração mínima de três anos, terá como finalidades (...):

São finalidades do Ensino Médio, exceto:
Q605684 Pedagogia
Sobre o exercício docente Paulo Freire, na obra Pedagogia da Autonomia, disse que: “Ensinar inexiste sem aprender e vice-versa e foi aprendendo socialmente que, historicamente, mulheres e homens descobriram que era possível ensinar".

Nesse sentido é correto afirmar, exceto:
Q605685 Pedagogia
Sobre a diversidade Skliar e Duschatzky (2001) dizem que muitas vezes concebemos, “o outro como fonte de todo mal". O documento do MEC, Currículo Conhecimento e Cultura, explora como esta máxima aparece nas relações escolares.

Nesse sentido é correto afirmar, exceto:
Q605686 Pedagogia
“Chega-se mesmo a aceitar, sem questionamentos, que as vozes de docentes de determinadas disciplinas sejam ouvidas nos Conselhos de Classe com mais intensidade que docentes de disciplinas em que o processo de avaliação não se centra em provas ou testes escritos."

MEC - Currículo Conhecimento e Cultura

Esta constatação ocorre por diversos motivos, exceto:
Q605687 Pedagogia
O trabalho com adolescentes exige do docente a produção de pautas interacionais pertinentes, ou seja, adequação dos saberes e metodologia adequadas, sob pena de não conseguir qualidade no processo ensino e aprendizagem com estes alunos.

São processos comuns aos estudantes nessa etapa da vida, exceto:
Q606881 Inglês
Teen romance usually digitally enhanced, says US study

Technology plays a key role in teenage romance from initial encounters to eventual break-ups, says a US study. 

Teenagers rarely meet online but do use technology for flirting, asking out, meeting up and parting, American think tank, the Pew Research Center, found. A survey of 1,060 US teenagers aged 13 to 17 revealed that technology brings them closer but also breeds jealousy.

"Digital platforms are powerful tools for teens," said Amanda Lenhart, lead author of the report from Pew. "But even as teens enjoy greater closeness with partners and a chance to display their relationships for others to see, mobile and social media can also be tools for jealousy, meddling and even troubling behaviour."

Digital romance, broken down

Of the 1,060 teenagers surveyed:

• 35% said they were currently dating and 59% of that group said technology made them feel closer to their partner

   • For boys who were dating, 65% said social media made them more connected to a significant other while it was 52% for girls

   • 27% of dating teenagers thought social media made them feel jealous or insecure in relationships

   • 50% of all teens surveyed, dating or not, said they had indicated interest by friending someone on Facebook or other social media and 47% expressed attraction by likes and comments 

• Texting is king - 92% of teens who were dating said they texted a partner, assuming the partner would check in with "great regularity"

• Jealousy happens, but not as much as flirting does - 11% of teenage daters reported accessing a partner's online accounts and 16% reported having a partner asking them to de-friend someone

What gets discussed during all those frequent social media enabled check-ins? According to the survey, it is mostly "funny stuff" followed by "things you're thinking about" as well as other Information such as where they are and what their friends have been doing. And forget having to meet up to resolve a conflict - 48% of dating teenagers said that could be done by texting or talking online. Online tools, with their accessibility and ease of use, also showed some signs of giving this group relationship anxiety. Females are more likely to be subject to unwanted flirting and 25% of teenagers surveyed said they have blocked or unfriended someone because of uncomfortable flirting. And 15% of teenage daters said a partner had used the internet to pressure them into unwanted sexual activity.

'More than emojis'

Nearly half the respondents admitted to concentrating on their phone ahead of their partner when together with 43% of dating teens saying that had happened to them. "I don't think this survey reveals much that is surprising. But it is affirming. Humans are social animals and we build tools to connect with each other, "wrote Julie Beck, an associate editor at The Atlantic news site, of the survey's findings.

"It's not all heart emojis all the time, no, but the tools that facilitate relationships facilitate all aspects of them, good and bad.

"Connecting with others is scary, hard, sometimes dangerous, but usually, hopefully, good. The teens get it." 

According to the text, what are the disadvantages of mobile and social media for teens?
Q606882 Inglês
Teen romance usually digitally enhanced, says US study

Technology plays a key role in teenage romance from initial encounters to eventual break-ups, says a US study. 

Teenagers rarely meet online but do use technology for flirting, asking out, meeting up and parting, American think tank, the Pew Research Center, found. A survey of 1,060 US teenagers aged 13 to 17 revealed that technology brings them closer but also breeds jealousy.

"Digital platforms are powerful tools for teens," said Amanda Lenhart, lead author of the report from Pew. "But even as teens enjoy greater closeness with partners and a chance to display their relationships for others to see, mobile and social media can also be tools for jealousy, meddling and even troubling behaviour."

Digital romance, broken down

Of the 1,060 teenagers surveyed:

• 35% said they were currently dating and 59% of that group said technology made them feel closer to their partner

   • For boys who were dating, 65% said social media made them more connected to a significant other while it was 52% for girls

   • 27% of dating teenagers thought social media made them feel jealous or insecure in relationships

   • 50% of all teens surveyed, dating or not, said they had indicated interest by friending someone on Facebook or other social media and 47% expressed attraction by likes and comments 

• Texting is king - 92% of teens who were dating said they texted a partner, assuming the partner would check in with "great regularity"

• Jealousy happens, but not as much as flirting does - 11% of teenage daters reported accessing a partner's online accounts and 16% reported having a partner asking them to de-friend someone

What gets discussed during all those frequent social media enabled check-ins? According to the survey, it is mostly "funny stuff" followed by "things you're thinking about" as well as other Information such as where they are and what their friends have been doing. And forget having to meet up to resolve a conflict - 48% of dating teenagers said that could be done by texting or talking online. Online tools, with their accessibility and ease of use, also showed some signs of giving this group relationship anxiety. Females are more likely to be subject to unwanted flirting and 25% of teenagers surveyed said they have blocked or unfriended someone because of uncomfortable flirting. And 15% of teenage daters said a partner had used the internet to pressure them into unwanted sexual activity.

'More than emojis'

Nearly half the respondents admitted to concentrating on their phone ahead of their partner when together with 43% of dating teens saying that had happened to them. "I don't think this survey reveals much that is surprising. But it is affirming. Humans are social animals and we build tools to connect with each other, "wrote Julie Beck, an associate editor at The Atlantic news site, of the survey's findings.

"It's not all heart emojis all the time, no, but the tools that facilitate relationships facilitate all aspects of them, good and bad.

"Connecting with others is scary, hard, sometimes dangerous, but usually, hopefully, good. The teens get it." 

What's the role of "do" in the sentence “Teenagers rarely meet online but do use technology for flirting, asking out, meeting up and parting"
Q606883 Inglês
Teen romance usually digitally enhanced, says US study

Technology plays a key role in teenage romance from initial encounters to eventual break-ups, says a US study. 

Teenagers rarely meet online but do use technology for flirting, asking out, meeting up and parting, American think tank, the Pew Research Center, found. A survey of 1,060 US teenagers aged 13 to 17 revealed that technology brings them closer but also breeds jealousy.

"Digital platforms are powerful tools for teens," said Amanda Lenhart, lead author of the report from Pew. "But even as teens enjoy greater closeness with partners and a chance to display their relationships for others to see, mobile and social media can also be tools for jealousy, meddling and even troubling behaviour."

Digital romance, broken down

Of the 1,060 teenagers surveyed:

• 35% said they were currently dating and 59% of that group said technology made them feel closer to their partner

   • For boys who were dating, 65% said social media made them more connected to a significant other while it was 52% for girls

   • 27% of dating teenagers thought social media made them feel jealous or insecure in relationships

   • 50% of all teens surveyed, dating or not, said they had indicated interest by friending someone on Facebook or other social media and 47% expressed attraction by likes and comments 

• Texting is king - 92% of teens who were dating said they texted a partner, assuming the partner would check in with "great regularity"

• Jealousy happens, but not as much as flirting does - 11% of teenage daters reported accessing a partner's online accounts and 16% reported having a partner asking them to de-friend someone

What gets discussed during all those frequent social media enabled check-ins? According to the survey, it is mostly "funny stuff" followed by "things you're thinking about" as well as other Information such as where they are and what their friends have been doing. And forget having to meet up to resolve a conflict - 48% of dating teenagers said that could be done by texting or talking online. Online tools, with their accessibility and ease of use, also showed some signs of giving this group relationship anxiety. Females are more likely to be subject to unwanted flirting and 25% of teenagers surveyed said they have blocked or unfriended someone because of uncomfortable flirting. And 15% of teenage daters said a partner had used the internet to pressure them into unwanted sexual activity.

'More than emojis'

Nearly half the respondents admitted to concentrating on their phone ahead of their partner when together with 43% of dating teens saying that had happened to them. "I don't think this survey reveals much that is surprising. But it is affirming. Humans are social animals and we build tools to connect with each other, "wrote Julie Beck, an associate editor at The Atlantic news site, of the survey's findings.

"It's not all heart emojis all the time, no, but the tools that facilitate relationships facilitate all aspects of them, good and bad.

"Connecting with others is scary, hard, sometimes dangerous, but usually, hopefully, good. The teens get it." 

What does the expression "think tank" mean in the sentence: "Teenagers rarely meet online but do use technology for flirting, asking out, meeting up and parting, American think tank, the Pew Research Center, found"?
Q606884 Inglês
Teen romance usually digitally enhanced, says US study

Technology plays a key role in teenage romance from initial encounters to eventual break-ups, says a US study. 

Teenagers rarely meet online but do use technology for flirting, asking out, meeting up and parting, American think tank, the Pew Research Center, found. A survey of 1,060 US teenagers aged 13 to 17 revealed that technology brings them closer but also breeds jealousy.

"Digital platforms are powerful tools for teens," said Amanda Lenhart, lead author of the report from Pew. "But even as teens enjoy greater closeness with partners and a chance to display their relationships for others to see, mobile and social media can also be tools for jealousy, meddling and even troubling behaviour."

Digital romance, broken down

Of the 1,060 teenagers surveyed:

• 35% said they were currently dating and 59% of that group said technology made them feel closer to their partner

   • For boys who were dating, 65% said social media made them more connected to a significant other while it was 52% for girls

   • 27% of dating teenagers thought social media made them feel jealous or insecure in relationships

   • 50% of all teens surveyed, dating or not, said they had indicated interest by friending someone on Facebook or other social media and 47% expressed attraction by likes and comments 

• Texting is king - 92% of teens who were dating said they texted a partner, assuming the partner would check in with "great regularity"

• Jealousy happens, but not as much as flirting does - 11% of teenage daters reported accessing a partner's online accounts and 16% reported having a partner asking them to de-friend someone

What gets discussed during all those frequent social media enabled check-ins? According to the survey, it is mostly "funny stuff" followed by "things you're thinking about" as well as other Information such as where they are and what their friends have been doing. And forget having to meet up to resolve a conflict - 48% of dating teenagers said that could be done by texting or talking online. Online tools, with their accessibility and ease of use, also showed some signs of giving this group relationship anxiety. Females are more likely to be subject to unwanted flirting and 25% of teenagers surveyed said they have blocked or unfriended someone because of uncomfortable flirting. And 15% of teenage daters said a partner had used the internet to pressure them into unwanted sexual activity.

'More than emojis'

Nearly half the respondents admitted to concentrating on their phone ahead of their partner when together with 43% of dating teens saying that had happened to them. "I don't think this survey reveals much that is surprising. But it is affirming. Humans are social animals and we build tools to connect with each other, "wrote Julie Beck, an associate editor at The Atlantic news site, of the survey's findings.

"It's not all heart emojis all the time, no, but the tools that facilitate relationships facilitate all aspects of them, good and bad.

"Connecting with others is scary, hard, sometimes dangerous, but usually, hopefully, good. The teens get it." 

What is the meaning of "emojis" in the sentence 'More than emojis'?
Q606885 Inglês
Teen romance usually digitally enhanced, says US study

Technology plays a key role in teenage romance from initial encounters to eventual break-ups, says a US study. 

Teenagers rarely meet online but do use technology for flirting, asking out, meeting up and parting, American think tank, the Pew Research Center, found. A survey of 1,060 US teenagers aged 13 to 17 revealed that technology brings them closer but also breeds jealousy.

"Digital platforms are powerful tools for teens," said Amanda Lenhart, lead author of the report from Pew. "But even as teens enjoy greater closeness with partners and a chance to display their relationships for others to see, mobile and social media can also be tools for jealousy, meddling and even troubling behaviour."

Digital romance, broken down

Of the 1,060 teenagers surveyed:

• 35% said they were currently dating and 59% of that group said technology made them feel closer to their partner

   • For boys who were dating, 65% said social media made them more connected to a significant other while it was 52% for girls

   • 27% of dating teenagers thought social media made them feel jealous or insecure in relationships

   • 50% of all teens surveyed, dating or not, said they had indicated interest by friending someone on Facebook or other social media and 47% expressed attraction by likes and comments 

• Texting is king - 92% of teens who were dating said they texted a partner, assuming the partner would check in with "great regularity"

• Jealousy happens, but not as much as flirting does - 11% of teenage daters reported accessing a partner's online accounts and 16% reported having a partner asking them to de-friend someone

What gets discussed during all those frequent social media enabled check-ins? According to the survey, it is mostly "funny stuff" followed by "things you're thinking about" as well as other Information such as where they are and what their friends have been doing. And forget having to meet up to resolve a conflict - 48% of dating teenagers said that could be done by texting or talking online. Online tools, with their accessibility and ease of use, also showed some signs of giving this group relationship anxiety. Females are more likely to be subject to unwanted flirting and 25% of teenagers surveyed said they have blocked or unfriended someone because of uncomfortable flirting. And 15% of teenage daters said a partner had used the internet to pressure them into unwanted sexual activity.

'More than emojis'

Nearly half the respondents admitted to concentrating on their phone ahead of their partner when together with 43% of dating teens saying that had happened to them. "I don't think this survey reveals much that is surprising. But it is affirming. Humans are social animals and we build tools to connect with each other, "wrote Julie Beck, an associate editor at The Atlantic news site, of the survey's findings.

"It's not all heart emojis all the time, no, but the tools that facilitate relationships facilitate all aspects of them, good and bad.

"Connecting with others is scary, hard, sometimes dangerous, but usually, hopefully, good. The teens get it." 

Choose the correct alternative. According to the text, in digital romance, "jealousy happens, but..."
Q606886 Inglês
Teen romance usually digitally enhanced, says US study

Technology plays a key role in teenage romance from initial encounters to eventual break-ups, says a US study. 

Teenagers rarely meet online but do use technology for flirting, asking out, meeting up and parting, American think tank, the Pew Research Center, found. A survey of 1,060 US teenagers aged 13 to 17 revealed that technology brings them closer but also breeds jealousy.

"Digital platforms are powerful tools for teens," said Amanda Lenhart, lead author of the report from Pew. "But even as teens enjoy greater closeness with partners and a chance to display their relationships for others to see, mobile and social media can also be tools for jealousy, meddling and even troubling behaviour."

Digital romance, broken down

Of the 1,060 teenagers surveyed:

• 35% said they were currently dating and 59% of that group said technology made them feel closer to their partner

   • For boys who were dating, 65% said social media made them more connected to a significant other while it was 52% for girls

   • 27% of dating teenagers thought social media made them feel jealous or insecure in relationships

   • 50% of all teens surveyed, dating or not, said they had indicated interest by friending someone on Facebook or other social media and 47% expressed attraction by likes and comments 

• Texting is king - 92% of teens who were dating said they texted a partner, assuming the partner would check in with "great regularity"

• Jealousy happens, but not as much as flirting does - 11% of teenage daters reported accessing a partner's online accounts and 16% reported having a partner asking them to de-friend someone

What gets discussed during all those frequent social media enabled check-ins? According to the survey, it is mostly "funny stuff" followed by "things you're thinking about" as well as other Information such as where they are and what their friends have been doing. And forget having to meet up to resolve a conflict - 48% of dating teenagers said that could be done by texting or talking online. Online tools, with their accessibility and ease of use, also showed some signs of giving this group relationship anxiety. Females are more likely to be subject to unwanted flirting and 25% of teenagers surveyed said they have blocked or unfriended someone because of uncomfortable flirting. And 15% of teenage daters said a partner had used the internet to pressure them into unwanted sexual activity.

'More than emojis'

Nearly half the respondents admitted to concentrating on their phone ahead of their partner when together with 43% of dating teens saying that had happened to them. "I don't think this survey reveals much that is surprising. But it is affirming. Humans are social animals and we build tools to connect with each other, "wrote Julie Beck, an associate editor at The Atlantic news site, of the survey's findings.

"It's not all heart emojis all the time, no, but the tools that facilitate relationships facilitate all aspects of them, good and bad.

"Connecting with others is scary, hard, sometimes dangerous, but usually, hopefully, good. The teens get it." 

The relative pronoun "Who" in the sentence "For boys who were dating, 65% said social media made them more connected to a significant," can be replaced by which or the pronouns below?
Q606887 Inglês
Teen romance usually digitally enhanced, says US study

Technology plays a key role in teenage romance from initial encounters to eventual break-ups, says a US study. 

Teenagers rarely meet online but do use technology for flirting, asking out, meeting up and parting, American think tank, the Pew Research Center, found. A survey of 1,060 US teenagers aged 13 to 17 revealed that technology brings them closer but also breeds jealousy.

"Digital platforms are powerful tools for teens," said Amanda Lenhart, lead author of the report from Pew. "But even as teens enjoy greater closeness with partners and a chance to display their relationships for others to see, mobile and social media can also be tools for jealousy, meddling and even troubling behaviour."

Digital romance, broken down

Of the 1,060 teenagers surveyed:

• 35% said they were currently dating and 59% of that group said technology made them feel closer to their partner

   • For boys who were dating, 65% said social media made them more connected to a significant other while it was 52% for girls

   • 27% of dating teenagers thought social media made them feel jealous or insecure in relationships

   • 50% of all teens surveyed, dating or not, said they had indicated interest by friending someone on Facebook or other social media and 47% expressed attraction by likes and comments 

• Texting is king - 92% of teens who were dating said they texted a partner, assuming the partner would check in with "great regularity"

• Jealousy happens, but not as much as flirting does - 11% of teenage daters reported accessing a partner's online accounts and 16% reported having a partner asking them to de-friend someone

What gets discussed during all those frequent social media enabled check-ins? According to the survey, it is mostly "funny stuff" followed by "things you're thinking about" as well as other Information such as where they are and what their friends have been doing. And forget having to meet up to resolve a conflict - 48% of dating teenagers said that could be done by texting or talking online. Online tools, with their accessibility and ease of use, also showed some signs of giving this group relationship anxiety. Females are more likely to be subject to unwanted flirting and 25% of teenagers surveyed said they have blocked or unfriended someone because of uncomfortable flirting. And 15% of teenage daters said a partner had used the internet to pressure them into unwanted sexual activity.

'More than emojis'

Nearly half the respondents admitted to concentrating on their phone ahead of their partner when together with 43% of dating teens saying that had happened to them. "I don't think this survey reveals much that is surprising. But it is affirming. Humans are social animals and we build tools to connect with each other, "wrote Julie Beck, an associate editor at The Atlantic news site, of the survey's findings.

"It's not all heart emojis all the time, no, but the tools that facilitate relationships facilitate all aspects of them, good and bad.

"Connecting with others is scary, hard, sometimes dangerous, but usually, hopefully, good. The teens get it." 

According to the text, 48% of the teenagers surveyed said:
Q606888 Inglês
Teen romance usually digitally enhanced, says US study

Technology plays a key role in teenage romance from initial encounters to eventual break-ups, says a US study. 

Teenagers rarely meet online but do use technology for flirting, asking out, meeting up and parting, American think tank, the Pew Research Center, found. A survey of 1,060 US teenagers aged 13 to 17 revealed that technology brings them closer but also breeds jealousy.

"Digital platforms are powerful tools for teens," said Amanda Lenhart, lead author of the report from Pew. "But even as teens enjoy greater closeness with partners and a chance to display their relationships for others to see, mobile and social media can also be tools for jealousy, meddling and even troubling behaviour."

Digital romance, broken down

Of the 1,060 teenagers surveyed:

• 35% said they were currently dating and 59% of that group said technology made them feel closer to their partner

   • For boys who were dating, 65% said social media made them more connected to a significant other while it was 52% for girls

   • 27% of dating teenagers thought social media made them feel jealous or insecure in relationships

   • 50% of all teens surveyed, dating or not, said they had indicated interest by friending someone on Facebook or other social media and 47% expressed attraction by likes and comments 

• Texting is king - 92% of teens who were dating said they texted a partner, assuming the partner would check in with "great regularity"

• Jealousy happens, but not as much as flirting does - 11% of teenage daters reported accessing a partner's online accounts and 16% reported having a partner asking them to de-friend someone

What gets discussed during all those frequent social media enabled check-ins? According to the survey, it is mostly "funny stuff" followed by "things you're thinking about" as well as other Information such as where they are and what their friends have been doing. And forget having to meet up to resolve a conflict - 48% of dating teenagers said that could be done by texting or talking online. Online tools, with their accessibility and ease of use, also showed some signs of giving this group relationship anxiety. Females are more likely to be subject to unwanted flirting and 25% of teenagers surveyed said they have blocked or unfriended someone because of uncomfortable flirting. And 15% of teenage daters said a partner had used the internet to pressure them into unwanted sexual activity.

'More than emojis'

Nearly half the respondents admitted to concentrating on their phone ahead of their partner when together with 43% of dating teens saying that had happened to them. "I don't think this survey reveals much that is surprising. But it is affirming. Humans are social animals and we build tools to connect with each other, "wrote Julie Beck, an associate editor at The Atlantic news site, of the survey's findings.

"It's not all heart emojis all the time, no, but the tools that facilitate relationships facilitate all aspects of them, good and bad.

"Connecting with others is scary, hard, sometimes dangerous, but usually, hopefully, good. The teens get it." 

Which of the adverbs below have the same meaning of "nearly half" in the sentence "Nearly half the respondents admitted to concentrating on their phone ahead of their partner when together...".
Q606889 Inglês
Teen romance usually digitally enhanced, says US study

Technology plays a key role in teenage romance from initial encounters to eventual break-ups, says a US study. 

Teenagers rarely meet online but do use technology for flirting, asking out, meeting up and parting, American think tank, the Pew Research Center, found. A survey of 1,060 US teenagers aged 13 to 17 revealed that technology brings them closer but also breeds jealousy.

"Digital platforms are powerful tools for teens," said Amanda Lenhart, lead author of the report from Pew. "But even as teens enjoy greater closeness with partners and a chance to display their relationships for others to see, mobile and social media can also be tools for jealousy, meddling and even troubling behaviour."

Digital romance, broken down

Of the 1,060 teenagers surveyed:

• 35% said they were currently dating and 59% of that group said technology made them feel closer to their partner

   • For boys who were dating, 65% said social media made them more connected to a significant other while it was 52% for girls

   • 27% of dating teenagers thought social media made them feel jealous or insecure in relationships

   • 50% of all teens surveyed, dating or not, said they had indicated interest by friending someone on Facebook or other social media and 47% expressed attraction by likes and comments 

• Texting is king - 92% of teens who were dating said they texted a partner, assuming the partner would check in with "great regularity"

• Jealousy happens, but not as much as flirting does - 11% of teenage daters reported accessing a partner's online accounts and 16% reported having a partner asking them to de-friend someone

What gets discussed during all those frequent social media enabled check-ins? According to the survey, it is mostly "funny stuff" followed by "things you're thinking about" as well as other Information such as where they are and what their friends have been doing. And forget having to meet up to resolve a conflict - 48% of dating teenagers said that could be done by texting or talking online. Online tools, with their accessibility and ease of use, also showed some signs of giving this group relationship anxiety. Females are more likely to be subject to unwanted flirting and 25% of teenagers surveyed said they have blocked or unfriended someone because of uncomfortable flirting. And 15% of teenage daters said a partner had used the internet to pressure them into unwanted sexual activity.

'More than emojis'

Nearly half the respondents admitted to concentrating on their phone ahead of their partner when together with 43% of dating teens saying that had happened to them. "I don't think this survey reveals much that is surprising. But it is affirming. Humans are social animals and we build tools to connect with each other, "wrote Julie Beck, an associate editor at The Atlantic news site, of the survey's findings.

"It's not all heart emojis all the time, no, but the tools that facilitate relationships facilitate all aspects of them, good and bad.

"Connecting with others is scary, hard, sometimes dangerous, but usually, hopefully, good. The teens get it." 

In which of the sentences below the words "jealous/jealousy" are incorrectly used?
Q606890 Inglês
Teen romance usually digitally enhanced, says US study

Technology plays a key role in teenage romance from initial encounters to eventual break-ups, says a US study. 

Teenagers rarely meet online but do use technology for flirting, asking out, meeting up and parting, American think tank, the Pew Research Center, found. A survey of 1,060 US teenagers aged 13 to 17 revealed that technology brings them closer but also breeds jealousy.

"Digital platforms are powerful tools for teens," said Amanda Lenhart, lead author of the report from Pew. "But even as teens enjoy greater closeness with partners and a chance to display their relationships for others to see, mobile and social media can also be tools for jealousy, meddling and even troubling behaviour."

Digital romance, broken down

Of the 1,060 teenagers surveyed:

• 35% said they were currently dating and 59% of that group said technology made them feel closer to their partner

   • For boys who were dating, 65% said social media made them more connected to a significant other while it was 52% for girls

   • 27% of dating teenagers thought social media made them feel jealous or insecure in relationships

   • 50% of all teens surveyed, dating or not, said they had indicated interest by friending someone on Facebook or other social media and 47% expressed attraction by likes and comments 

• Texting is king - 92% of teens who were dating said they texted a partner, assuming the partner would check in with "great regularity"

• Jealousy happens, but not as much as flirting does - 11% of teenage daters reported accessing a partner's online accounts and 16% reported having a partner asking them to de-friend someone

What gets discussed during all those frequent social media enabled check-ins? According to the survey, it is mostly "funny stuff" followed by "things you're thinking about" as well as other Information such as where they are and what their friends have been doing. And forget having to meet up to resolve a conflict - 48% of dating teenagers said that could be done by texting or talking online. Online tools, with their accessibility and ease of use, also showed some signs of giving this group relationship anxiety. Females are more likely to be subject to unwanted flirting and 25% of teenagers surveyed said they have blocked or unfriended someone because of uncomfortable flirting. And 15% of teenage daters said a partner had used the internet to pressure them into unwanted sexual activity.

'More than emojis'

Nearly half the respondents admitted to concentrating on their phone ahead of their partner when together with 43% of dating teens saying that had happened to them. "I don't think this survey reveals much that is surprising. But it is affirming. Humans are social animals and we build tools to connect with each other, "wrote Julie Beck, an associate editor at The Atlantic news site, of the survey's findings.

"It's not all heart emojis all the time, no, but the tools that facilitate relationships facilitate all aspects of them, good and bad.

"Connecting with others is scary, hard, sometimes dangerous, but usually, hopefully, good. The teens get it." 

In the sentence "technology brings them (teenagers) closer but also breeds jealousy", the verb "breeds" can be replaced by which other verb without changing its meaning?
1: C
2: A
3: E
4: D
5: D
6: E
7: A
8: D
9: B
10: C
11: D
12: B
13: D
14: A
15: C
16: C
17: B
18: B
19: A
20: D