Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Irani - SC 2023 para Professor de Inglês

Foram encontradas 20 questões

Q2203802 Português
A equipe não 'recomendaria' que as pessoas 'comprassem' comprimidos de taurina ou bebidas energéticas.

Os VERBOS destacados encontram-se conjugados, respectivamente, no:
Q2203803 Português
Os pesquisadores afirmam que a taurina pode ser um elixir da vida; 'no entanto a reposição dos seus níveis ainda não foi testada em seres humanos'.
O termo destacado, sintaticamente, TRATA-SE DE:
Q2203804 Matemática
Mariana é dona de um buffet que compõe seus almoços com 3 saladas, 2 tipos de proteínas (carnes ou peixe) e 4 acompanhamentos, sendo que o cliente pode escolher entre 5 saladas, 8 tipos de proteínas e 10 acompanhamentos. Assim, qual das alternativas abaixo traz o número de maneiras possíveis de se montar o cardápio de um almoço?

Marque a alternativa CORRETA. 
Q2203805 Matemática
Em um trabalho sobre geometria analítica, Caio apresentou a seus colegas um carrinho de brinquedo e esboçou a circunferência de uma de suas rodas no plano cartesiano, identificando-a com centro (-5, 2) e raio 7. Sendo a conclusão do seu trabalho, encontrar a equação desta circunferência, qual das alternativas abaixo traz essa equação?

Marque a alternativa CORRETA. 
Q2203806 Noções de Informática
Uma função avançada do Microsoft Excel que permite analisar grandes conjuntos de dados de forma eficiente, é a(o):
Marque a alternativa CORRETA.
Q2203807 Noções de Informática
O Microsoft Outlook possui muitas funcionalidades, dentre as opções abaixo, qual a única que descreve corretamente uma funcionalidade do Microsoft Outlook em relação à colaboração em equipe? Marque a opção CORRETA.
Q2203808 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios
Em relação aos aspectos geográficos do município de Irani/SC, qual das opções abaixo, são rios que banham esse município? Marque a alternativa CORRETA. 

Q2203809 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios
Em relação aos aspectos econômicos do município de Irani/SC, entre as opções abaixo, qual setor econômico possui a maior representatividade nesse município? Marque a alternativa CORRETA. 

Q2204596 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder a questão.

(1º§) Arthritis and osteoporosis are long-term conditions that affect your bones. Arthritis causes swelling and inflammation. Osteoporosis develops as a result of decreased bone mass and density, and can lead to fractures.

(2º§) Jane Atkinson looks at ways to keep your bones and joints healthy. Regular, low-impact exercise can help in the battle against joint pain. Nuffield Health has launched a free joint pain programme to help sufferers lead a more independent life - and you don't even need to be a paying member of the gym to join up. As well as exercises, it offers lifestyle tips and uses relaxation techniques to try to help with pain so those affected can sleep.

(3º§) The programme, which lasts six months, has proven results. Of those who completed it, 69 per cent say they have improvements in mobility, pain, general fitness levels and overall quality of life. Among participants who were in such pain they couldn't work, 30 per cent were able to return after week 12. Working out what supplements you need and how much you need is not always easy.

(4º§) Osteo Complete is a bone health complex that includes calcium, vitamin D3, zinc, boron and copper. These elements work together to help maintain your musculoskeletal system, which supports the body and its movements. Vitamin D3 is crucial for the absorption of calcium. The minerals magnesium and zinc contribute to normal protein synthesis, while copper helps maintain connective tissues.

(5º§) These very tasty vanilla-flavoured tablets are a good alternative for people who do not like swallowing pills as you can chew them. 240 chewable tablets, £18.95,

(6º§) The world has gone mad for collagen. There are different types, but for bone health the best is Type I. It provides structure to your skin, bones, tendons and ligaments. The change is not instant. Take it regularly and it could take a year to achieve the full results, but if you are persistent it does work. I like Correxiko Marine Collagen Type I. It comes from the skin of deep-sea fish, caught off the coast of Canada.

(7º§) It is an unflavoured powder that you bung in water or a coffee. Lisa Snowdon says her menopausal and age-related aches and pains have gone since she started using it. £39.95 for a 42-day supply,

(adapted) ills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/ (adapted) ts-keeeppboneeshealthy/ k/health/22499522/we-test-pills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/
In the sentence "Of those who completed it, 69 percent say they have improvements [...]" (3º§), the parts of speech are as follows, EXCEPT:
Q2204597 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder a questão.

(1º§) Arthritis and osteoporosis are long-term conditions that affect your bones. Arthritis causes swelling and inflammation. Osteoporosis develops as a result of decreased bone mass and density, and can lead to fractures.

(2º§) Jane Atkinson looks at ways to keep your bones and joints healthy. Regular, low-impact exercise can help in the battle against joint pain. Nuffield Health has launched a free joint pain programme to help sufferers lead a more independent life - and you don't even need to be a paying member of the gym to join up. As well as exercises, it offers lifestyle tips and uses relaxation techniques to try to help with pain so those affected can sleep.

(3º§) The programme, which lasts six months, has proven results. Of those who completed it, 69 per cent say they have improvements in mobility, pain, general fitness levels and overall quality of life. Among participants who were in such pain they couldn't work, 30 per cent were able to return after week 12. Working out what supplements you need and how much you need is not always easy.

(4º§) Osteo Complete is a bone health complex that includes calcium, vitamin D3, zinc, boron and copper. These elements work together to help maintain your musculoskeletal system, which supports the body and its movements. Vitamin D3 is crucial for the absorption of calcium. The minerals magnesium and zinc contribute to normal protein synthesis, while copper helps maintain connective tissues.

(5º§) These very tasty vanilla-flavoured tablets are a good alternative for people who do not like swallowing pills as you can chew them. 240 chewable tablets, £18.95,

(6º§) The world has gone mad for collagen. There are different types, but for bone health the best is Type I. It provides structure to your skin, bones, tendons and ligaments. The change is not instant. Take it regularly and it could take a year to achieve the full results, but if you are persistent it does work. I like Correxiko Marine Collagen Type I. It comes from the skin of deep-sea fish, caught off the coast of Canada.

(7º§) It is an unflavoured powder that you bung in water or a coffee. Lisa Snowdon says her menopausal and age-related aches and pains have gone since she started using it. £39.95 for a 42-day supply,

(adapted) ills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/ (adapted) ts-keeeppboneeshealthy/ k/health/22499522/we-test-pills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/
Which pair of words from the text above have similar sounds but different meanings in different contexts? Select the CORRECT alternative.
Q2204598 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder a questão.

(1º§) Arthritis and osteoporosis are long-term conditions that affect your bones. Arthritis causes swelling and inflammation. Osteoporosis develops as a result of decreased bone mass and density, and can lead to fractures.

(2º§) Jane Atkinson looks at ways to keep your bones and joints healthy. Regular, low-impact exercise can help in the battle against joint pain. Nuffield Health has launched a free joint pain programme to help sufferers lead a more independent life - and you don't even need to be a paying member of the gym to join up. As well as exercises, it offers lifestyle tips and uses relaxation techniques to try to help with pain so those affected can sleep.

(3º§) The programme, which lasts six months, has proven results. Of those who completed it, 69 per cent say they have improvements in mobility, pain, general fitness levels and overall quality of life. Among participants who were in such pain they couldn't work, 30 per cent were able to return after week 12. Working out what supplements you need and how much you need is not always easy.

(4º§) Osteo Complete is a bone health complex that includes calcium, vitamin D3, zinc, boron and copper. These elements work together to help maintain your musculoskeletal system, which supports the body and its movements. Vitamin D3 is crucial for the absorption of calcium. The minerals magnesium and zinc contribute to normal protein synthesis, while copper helps maintain connective tissues.

(5º§) These very tasty vanilla-flavoured tablets are a good alternative for people who do not like swallowing pills as you can chew them. 240 chewable tablets, £18.95,

(6º§) The world has gone mad for collagen. There are different types, but for bone health the best is Type I. It provides structure to your skin, bones, tendons and ligaments. The change is not instant. Take it regularly and it could take a year to achieve the full results, but if you are persistent it does work. I like Correxiko Marine Collagen Type I. It comes from the skin of deep-sea fish, caught off the coast of Canada.

(7º§) It is an unflavoured powder that you bung in water or a coffee. Lisa Snowdon says her menopausal and age-related aches and pains have gone since she started using it. £39.95 for a 42-day supply,

(adapted) ills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/ (adapted) ts-keeeppboneeshealthy/ k/health/22499522/we-test-pills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/
What genre does the text above primarily belong to? Select the CORRECT alternative.
Q2204599 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder a questão.

(1º§) Arthritis and osteoporosis are long-term conditions that affect your bones. Arthritis causes swelling and inflammation. Osteoporosis develops as a result of decreased bone mass and density, and can lead to fractures.

(2º§) Jane Atkinson looks at ways to keep your bones and joints healthy. Regular, low-impact exercise can help in the battle against joint pain. Nuffield Health has launched a free joint pain programme to help sufferers lead a more independent life - and you don't even need to be a paying member of the gym to join up. As well as exercises, it offers lifestyle tips and uses relaxation techniques to try to help with pain so those affected can sleep.

(3º§) The programme, which lasts six months, has proven results. Of those who completed it, 69 per cent say they have improvements in mobility, pain, general fitness levels and overall quality of life. Among participants who were in such pain they couldn't work, 30 per cent were able to return after week 12. Working out what supplements you need and how much you need is not always easy.

(4º§) Osteo Complete is a bone health complex that includes calcium, vitamin D3, zinc, boron and copper. These elements work together to help maintain your musculoskeletal system, which supports the body and its movements. Vitamin D3 is crucial for the absorption of calcium. The minerals magnesium and zinc contribute to normal protein synthesis, while copper helps maintain connective tissues.

(5º§) These very tasty vanilla-flavoured tablets are a good alternative for people who do not like swallowing pills as you can chew them. 240 chewable tablets, £18.95,

(6º§) The world has gone mad for collagen. There are different types, but for bone health the best is Type I. It provides structure to your skin, bones, tendons and ligaments. The change is not instant. Take it regularly and it could take a year to achieve the full results, but if you are persistent it does work. I like Correxiko Marine Collagen Type I. It comes from the skin of deep-sea fish, caught off the coast of Canada.

(7º§) It is an unflavoured powder that you bung in water or a coffee. Lisa Snowdon says her menopausal and age-related aches and pains have gone since she started using it. £39.95 for a 42-day supply,

(adapted) ills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/ (adapted) ts-keeeppboneeshealthy/ k/health/22499522/we-test-pills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/
What is the primary meaning of the word "joints" as used in the second paragraph? Select the CORRECT alternative.
Q2204600 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder a questão.

(1º§) Arthritis and osteoporosis are long-term conditions that affect your bones. Arthritis causes swelling and inflammation. Osteoporosis develops as a result of decreased bone mass and density, and can lead to fractures.

(2º§) Jane Atkinson looks at ways to keep your bones and joints healthy. Regular, low-impact exercise can help in the battle against joint pain. Nuffield Health has launched a free joint pain programme to help sufferers lead a more independent life - and you don't even need to be a paying member of the gym to join up. As well as exercises, it offers lifestyle tips and uses relaxation techniques to try to help with pain so those affected can sleep.

(3º§) The programme, which lasts six months, has proven results. Of those who completed it, 69 per cent say they have improvements in mobility, pain, general fitness levels and overall quality of life. Among participants who were in such pain they couldn't work, 30 per cent were able to return after week 12. Working out what supplements you need and how much you need is not always easy.

(4º§) Osteo Complete is a bone health complex that includes calcium, vitamin D3, zinc, boron and copper. These elements work together to help maintain your musculoskeletal system, which supports the body and its movements. Vitamin D3 is crucial for the absorption of calcium. The minerals magnesium and zinc contribute to normal protein synthesis, while copper helps maintain connective tissues.

(5º§) These very tasty vanilla-flavoured tablets are a good alternative for people who do not like swallowing pills as you can chew them. 240 chewable tablets, £18.95,

(6º§) The world has gone mad for collagen. There are different types, but for bone health the best is Type I. It provides structure to your skin, bones, tendons and ligaments. The change is not instant. Take it regularly and it could take a year to achieve the full results, but if you are persistent it does work. I like Correxiko Marine Collagen Type I. It comes from the skin of deep-sea fish, caught off the coast of Canada.

(7º§) It is an unflavoured powder that you bung in water or a coffee. Lisa Snowdon says her menopausal and age-related aches and pains have gone since she started using it. £39.95 for a 42-day supply,

(adapted) ills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/ (adapted) ts-keeeppboneeshealthy/ k/health/22499522/we-test-pills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/
Based on the information provided in paragraph 6, what can be inferred about the effectiveness of taking Correxiko Marine Collagen Type I for bone health? Select the CORRECT alternative.
Q2204601 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder a questão.

(1º§) Arthritis and osteoporosis are long-term conditions that affect your bones. Arthritis causes swelling and inflammation. Osteoporosis develops as a result of decreased bone mass and density, and can lead to fractures.

(2º§) Jane Atkinson looks at ways to keep your bones and joints healthy. Regular, low-impact exercise can help in the battle against joint pain. Nuffield Health has launched a free joint pain programme to help sufferers lead a more independent life - and you don't even need to be a paying member of the gym to join up. As well as exercises, it offers lifestyle tips and uses relaxation techniques to try to help with pain so those affected can sleep.

(3º§) The programme, which lasts six months, has proven results. Of those who completed it, 69 per cent say they have improvements in mobility, pain, general fitness levels and overall quality of life. Among participants who were in such pain they couldn't work, 30 per cent were able to return after week 12. Working out what supplements you need and how much you need is not always easy.

(4º§) Osteo Complete is a bone health complex that includes calcium, vitamin D3, zinc, boron and copper. These elements work together to help maintain your musculoskeletal system, which supports the body and its movements. Vitamin D3 is crucial for the absorption of calcium. The minerals magnesium and zinc contribute to normal protein synthesis, while copper helps maintain connective tissues.

(5º§) These very tasty vanilla-flavoured tablets are a good alternative for people who do not like swallowing pills as you can chew them. 240 chewable tablets, £18.95,

(6º§) The world has gone mad for collagen. There are different types, but for bone health the best is Type I. It provides structure to your skin, bones, tendons and ligaments. The change is not instant. Take it regularly and it could take a year to achieve the full results, but if you are persistent it does work. I like Correxiko Marine Collagen Type I. It comes from the skin of deep-sea fish, caught off the coast of Canada.

(7º§) It is an unflavoured powder that you bung in water or a coffee. Lisa Snowdon says her menopausal and age-related aches and pains have gone since she started using it. £39.95 for a 42-day supply,

(adapted) ills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/ (adapted) ts-keeeppboneeshealthy/ k/health/22499522/we-test-pills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/
Which term from the text refers to the process of bones becoming weaker and more susceptible to fractures?
Select the CORRECT alternative.
Q2204602 Pedagogia

As teorias de aquisição da linguagem buscam compreender como os indivíduos adquirem a capacidade de se comunicar por meio de uma linguagem específica. Ao longo da história, diferentes abordagens foram propostas para explicar esse fenômeno complexo, envolvendo aspectos cognitivos, sociais e linguísticos. Uma das teorias mais influentes destaca a importância do ambiente e do condicionamento na aquisição da linguagem. De acordo com essa perspectiva, as crianças aprendem a falar por meio de estímulos e reforços positivos, como elogios e atenção dos pais ou cuidadores, que são concedidos quando a criança emite vocalizações corretas. Essa teoria enfatiza a imitação e a repetição como mecanismos-chave no processo de aprendizagem da linguagem.
O excerto acima faz referência a chamada:

Marque a alternativa CORRETA.
Q2204603 Pedagogia
Estratégias de leitura são técnicas e habilidades utilizadas para compreender, analisar e interpretar textos escritos. Sobre esse assunto, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Q2204604 Pedagogia
Diversas abordagens pedagógicas têm sido aplicadas no ensino de inglês como segunda língua. A (X) , por exemplo, tem como objetivo principal promover a interação entre os alunos e o uso da língua em situações reais. Nessa abordagem, as aulas são centradas no aluno, proporcionando atividades práticas que estimulem a expressão oral, a compreensão auditiva, a leitura e a escrita. Outra abordagem relevante é a (Y) , que enfatiza o ensino do vocabulário e das expressões idiomáticas como unidades de significado. Essa abordagem promove atividades que desenvolvam a capacidade dos alunos de reconhecer e usar colocações, chunks e frases prontas.
Marque a alternativa que substitui corretamente e respectivamente o ( X) e o ( Y) no texto acima.
Q2204605 Pedagogia
Julgue as sentenças abaixo como Verdadeiras (V) ou Falsas (F):
1.(__)A presença do inglês no Brasil ganhou mais força no século XX, especialmente após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, com o desenvolvimento da economia e a expansão das relações internacionais.
2.(__)Muitas músicas, filmes, séries e livros em inglês são consumidos e apreciados pelos brasileiros, que utilizam a língua como uma forma de entretenimento, expressão artística e conexão com diferentes culturas ao redor do mundo.
3.(__)O uso do inglês no português brasileiro se limita à apropriação de palavras e expressões.

A sequência CORRETA é:
Q2204606 Pedagogia
Acerca das habilidades linguísticas fundamentais para uma comunicação eficaz, julgue as frases abaixo.
I.A habilidade de leitura abrange reconhecimento de vocabulário, compreensão, inferência e pensamento crítico.
II.Desenvolver habilidade de escrita requer prática em diferentes tipos de texto, como ensaios, relatórios, e-mails e escrita criativa.
III.A habilidade de ouvir envolve o uso de vocabulário, gramática e pronúncia apropriados para transmitir pensamentos, ideias e informações.

Está(ão) CORRETA(S) a(s) seguinte(s) proposição(ões).
Q2204607 Pedagogia
O modelo de organização curricular ainda se encontra muito longe de abranger as reais características da nova sociedade do conhecimento. Sobre as questões curriculares, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
1: A
2: B
3: C
4: C
5: E
6: E
7: E
8: C
9: E
10: D
11: B
12: D
13: D
14: B
15: C
16: C
17: E
18: A
19: E
20: D