Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de São José do Cedro - SC 2019 para Professor -Inglês
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Read the text below.
Proposals for a Communicative Syllabus: A functional syllabus
I. A functional syllabus is organized according to the functions the learner should be able to carry out in English, such as expressing likes and dislikes, offering and accepting apologies, introducing someone, and giving explanations;
II. Communicative competence is viewed as mastery of functions needed for communication across a wide range of situations. Vocabulary and grammar are then chosen according to the functions being taught;
III. A sequence of activities is then used to present and deprive of the function. Functional syllabuses could not be used as the basis for speaking and listening courses.
(Richards, Jack C. Communicative Language Teaching Today. Cambridge University Press 2006)
Indicate the correct alternative according to the context.
Observe the text below.
Accuracy Versus Fluency Activities
One of the goals of CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) is to develop fluency in language use. Fluency is developed by creating classroom activities in which students must negotiate meaning, use communication strategies, correct misunderstandings, and work to avoid communication breakdowns.
(Richards, Jack C. Communicative Language Teaching Today. Cambridge University Press 2006)
By the context given, we can understand that:
“Buying books _____ more like gaining wealth,” he said.
Identify the best alternative that completes the context.
[…] where competition between private operators has brought about improved services, he says.
In the context above, it is correct to say that the bold verb tense is relating to:
Analyze the sentences below.
I. Could I have a rice instead of potatoes with my fish?
II. That’s an amazing bit of news.
III. Could I have a liter of milk, please?
Observing the articles, “a” and “an”, indicate the correct alternative:
Foreign investors ______________ twice about betting on dollar assets if Washington reserved the right to bet against them when it sees fit.
Identify the best alternative that completes the context.
Did you _____________ that Pilates was born in prison and inspired by cats?
Identify the best alternative that completes the context.
Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price said he was "horrified" at abuse aimed on womenin his party.
In the bold item above, there is a mistake related to:
Read the sentences below.
I. She was quite careful about how she spoke to him;
II. He's very careful for his reputation;
III. She's extremely careful with money.
Indicate the correct alternative according to the bold items:
Manship acknowledged that Lowry had achieved what he was always capable _____________ in Ireland.
Indicate the best alternative that completes the context.
_________________ getting necessary supplies, she has found a support group there.
Indicate the connective that indicates adding information to complete the context:
We are very happy for you to stay at our house as long as you like.
The bold connective indicates that:
INSTRUÇÃO: A questão diz respeito ao Texto. Leia-o atentamente antes de respondê-la.
INSTRUÇÃO: A questão diz respeito ao Texto. Leia-o atentamente antes de
INSTRUÇÃO: A questão diz respeito ao Texto. Leia-o atentamente antes de
INSTRUÇÃO: A questão diz respeito ao Texto. Leia-o atentamente antes de
De acordo com a Lei Orgânica do Município de São José do Cedro/SC, os Poderes Executivo e Legislativo manterão, de forma integrada, sistema de controle interno com a finalidade de:
I. Avaliar o cumprimento das metas previstas no plano plurianual, a execução dos programas de governo e orçamentos do Município;
II. Comprovar a legalidade e avaliar os resultados quanto a eficácia e eficiência, da gestão orçamentária, financeira e patrimonial nos órgãos e entidades da administração municipal, bem como da aplicação de recursos públicos por entidades de direito privado;
III. Exercer o controle das operações de crédito, avais e garantias, bem como dos direitos e haveres do Município.
Dos itens acima:
Itaipu Binacional lançou (20/07/2019), em Carmelo Peralta, no Paraguai, a licitação no valor de US$ 7,5 milhões (R$ 28,05 milhões) para a contratação de uma empresa que fará o estudo de viabilidade, o projeto final de engenharia e a fiscalização da obra da nova ponte rodoviária que ligará o país ao Brasil, a Bioceânica. A nova ponte vai ser construída sobre o rio Paraguai, ligando Carmelo Peralta, a Porto Murtinho, em Mato Grosso do Sul. Hoje, a ligação entre as duas cidades ocorre somente por meio de balsas.
(Fonte adaptada:>acesso em 22 de julho de 2019)
Com base no trecho acima e utilizando seus conhecimentos sobre o assunto, é correto afirmar que o Presidente do Paraguai é:
INSTRUÇÃO: A questão diz respeito ao Texto. Leia-o atentamente antes de respondê-la.