Questões de Concurso Público UFC 2017 para Tradutor Intérprete - Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 37 questões

Q1633028 Inglês
Sobre as conjunções em inglês, é INCORRETO afirmar que:
Q1633029 Inglês
Marque a opção cujas conjunções completam corretamente as frases:
I. Jane's bag wasn't where she had left it, _____ was it anywhere else in the house. II. My father works as a bank clerk, _____ does my mother. III. Why are you laughing at me? You can't solve the puzzle _____.
Q1633030 Inglês
Considere as orações coordenadas a seguir. Em quais delas os conectores foram corretamente utilizados? I. Tony is an excellent student but he received a scholarship. II. Tony is an excellent student or he received a scholarship. III. Tony is an excellent student and he received a scholarship. IV. Tony is an excellent student so he received a scholarship V. Tony is an excellent student yet he received a scholarship.
Q1633031 Inglês
Quais Phrasal Verbs substituem adequadamente as palavras em negrito nas frases a seguir? I. I stopped sleeping very early this morning. II. I stop sleeping and get out of bed at 7 o’clock during the week. III. She removed her jacket as she came in.
Q1633032 Inglês
A correspondência de sentido entre o “one-word veb” sublinhado e o “phrasal verb” indicado está correta na opção:
26: E
27: B
28: D
29: E
30: E