Questões de Concurso Público BACEN 2013 para Analista - Política Econômica e Monetária
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In light of increased public awareness, professional bodies such as the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) have undertaken a number of steps to provide guidance in the implementation of effective IT governance. The approach taken by ISACA appears to be largely based upon two concepts. The first concept relates to increasing the awareness of issues and concepts relating to IT governance in the public domain. The second concept involves the provision of guidelines and the identification of best-practice IT governance mechanisms. Interestingly, the effectiveness of these best-practice mechanisms in improving IT governance is largely based upon conceptual arguments. As such, it becomes important to ascertain if these best-practice mechanisms do impact upon the level of IT governance.
As IT escalates in terms of importance and pervasiveness in the operations of firms, it is inexorably tied to specific mechanisms that are prescribed for good corporate governance, most notably, a sound system of internal controls. Accordingly, effective IT governance is a critical underpinning for a system of good corporate governance that minimizes agency losses for a firm.
Internet: < > (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
In light of increased public awareness, professional bodies such as the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) have undertaken a number of steps to provide guidance in the implementation of effective IT governance. The approach taken by ISACA appears to be largely based upon two concepts. The first concept relates to increasing the awareness of issues and concepts relating to IT governance in the public domain. The second concept involves the provision of guidelines and the identification of best-practice IT governance mechanisms. Interestingly, the effectiveness of these best-practice mechanisms in improving IT governance is largely based upon conceptual arguments. As such, it becomes important to ascertain if these best-practice mechanisms do impact upon the level of IT governance.
As IT escalates in terms of importance and pervasiveness in the operations of firms, it is inexorably tied to specific mechanisms that are prescribed for good corporate governance, most notably, a sound system of internal controls. Accordingly, effective IT governance is a critical underpinning for a system of good corporate governance that minimizes agency losses for a firm.
Internet: < > (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
In light of increased public awareness, professional bodies such as the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) have undertaken a number of steps to provide guidance in the implementation of effective IT governance. The approach taken by ISACA appears to be largely based upon two concepts. The first concept relates to increasing the awareness of issues and concepts relating to IT governance in the public domain. The second concept involves the provision of guidelines and the identification of best-practice IT governance mechanisms. Interestingly, the effectiveness of these best-practice mechanisms in improving IT governance is largely based upon conceptual arguments. As such, it becomes important to ascertain if these best-practice mechanisms do impact upon the level of IT governance.
As IT escalates in terms of importance and pervasiveness in the operations of firms, it is inexorably tied to specific mechanisms that are prescribed for good corporate governance, most notably, a sound system of internal controls. Accordingly, effective IT governance is a critical underpinning for a system of good corporate governance that minimizes agency losses for a firm.
Internet: < > (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
In light of increased public awareness, professional bodies such as the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) have undertaken a number of steps to provide guidance in the implementation of effective IT governance. The approach taken by ISACA appears to be largely based upon two concepts. The first concept relates to increasing the awareness of issues and concepts relating to IT governance in the public domain. The second concept involves the provision of guidelines and the identification of best-practice IT governance mechanisms. Interestingly, the effectiveness of these best-practice mechanisms in improving IT governance is largely based upon conceptual arguments. As such, it becomes important to ascertain if these best-practice mechanisms do impact upon the level of IT governance.
As IT escalates in terms of importance and pervasiveness in the operations of firms, it is inexorably tied to specific mechanisms that are prescribed for good corporate governance, most notably, a sound system of internal controls. Accordingly, effective IT governance is a critical underpinning for a system of good corporate governance that minimizes agency losses for a firm.
Internet: < > (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
In light of increased public awareness, professional bodies such as the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) have undertaken a number of steps to provide guidance in the implementation of effective IT governance. The approach taken by ISACA appears to be largely based upon two concepts. The first concept relates to increasing the awareness of issues and concepts relating to IT governance in the public domain. The second concept involves the provision of guidelines and the identification of best-practice IT governance mechanisms. Interestingly, the effectiveness of these best-practice mechanisms in improving IT governance is largely based upon conceptual arguments. As such, it becomes important to ascertain if these best-practice mechanisms do impact upon the level of IT governance.
As IT escalates in terms of importance and pervasiveness in the operations of firms, it is inexorably tied to specific mechanisms that are prescribed for good corporate governance, most notably, a sound system of internal controls. Accordingly, effective IT governance is a critical underpinning for a system of good corporate governance that minimizes agency losses for a firm.
Internet: < > (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
O órgão público pode condicionar o atendimento de solicitação de informações de interesse público à prestação, pelo solicitante, da motivação determinante para tal solicitação.
Ao BACEN, integrante da administração pública centralizada, é vedado comprar e vender títulos de emissão do Tesouro Nacional.
O Acordo de Basileia apresentou os objetivos de reforçar a solidez e a estabilidade do sistema bancário internacional e minimizar as desigualdades competitivas entre os bancos internacionalmente ativos. No Brasil, devido à implantação desse acordo, foram introduzidas as exigências de capital mínimo para as instituições financeiras, em função do risco de suas operações ativas.
No Brasil, o Processo Interno de Avaliação da Adequação de Capital estabelece a exigência de avaliar e calcular a necessidade de capital para cobertura dos riscos de crédito, de mercado e operacionais. Para outros riscos, como são os casos de danos socioambientais e do risco de concentração, os bancos devem limitar-se a demonstrar como tratam esses riscos gerados por suas atividades.
A transferência eletrônica disponível (TED), que é uma ordem de transferência de fundos interbancária liquidada por meio de um sistema de liquidação de transferência de fundos, não é executável em dia que seja feriado na praça de localização da agência do participante recebedor.
As instituições associadas devem recolher ao fundo garantidor de créditos (FGC) contribuição especial de 0,0833% ao mês sobre os saldos de depósitos a prazo com garantia especial (DPGE) do FGC que se situar dentro do limite fixado pelo Conselho Monetário Nacional.
Caso seja atualizada mensalmente por índices de preços, a letra de crédito imobiliário (LCI) tem prazo mínimo de vencimento de 36 meses; caso não seja atualizada por índice de preços, esse prazo passa para 60 dias.
A cessão de créditos pode ocorrer com ou sem coobrigação da instituição cedente, não sendo admitida, nesse tipo de cessão, a recompra a prazo de créditos vincendos anteriormente cedidos.
Os contratos de mútuo apresentam características idênticas aos empréstimos para capital de giro, visto que ambos envolvem operações com prazos inferiores a 90 dias e apresentam poucas exigências quanto às garantias exigidas.
A operação de microcrédito pode ser realizada com empreendedor urbano ou rural, pessoa natural ou jurídica, devendo ser executada com base em metodologia específica, na qual se efetive a análise de receitas e despesas, assim como os mecanismos de controle e acompanhamento do volume de inadimplência, desconsiderando-se a avaliação dos riscos da operação, haja visto que essa operação corresponde a uma política social apoiada pelo governo brasileiro.
A cédula de crédito bancário (CCB), um título executivo extrajudicial, representa dívida em dinheiro, a qual é certa, líquida e exigível e pode ser emitida com ou sem caução pessoal ou fiança.
Os depósitos à vista não são remunerados, enquanto os depósitos em poupança, independentemente da taxa Selic, têm remuneração básica definida pela taxa referencial e remuneração adicional de 0,5% ao mês.
As operações de redesconto do BACEN incluem a intradia: operação destinada a viabilizar o ajuste patrimonial de instituição financeira com desequilíbrio estrutural.
A operação de mercado aberto é um instrumento ágil e dinâmico de política monetária, visto que permite ao BACEN administrar a estabilidade dos preços por intermédio de uma atuação direta sobre a taxa de juros e de câmbio, com o intuito de garantir o controle da oferta monetária.
Os recolhimentos obrigatórios de recursos denominados depósitos compulsórios, que as instituições financeiras devem fazer junto ao BACEN, incluem o recolhimento compulsório sobre as operações de crédito direto ao consumidor.