Questões de Concurso Público Petrobras 2022 para Engenharia de Equipamentos – Elétrica
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Considering the previous text, judge the following item.
According to the text, handsets are essential for people
because sometimes healthcare, education and social services
are offered only through smartphones.
Considering the previous text, judge the following item.
In the sentence (thirteenth paragraph) “Yet, while some
worry about how much time they spend on their handset, for
millions of others they are a godsend.”, the word “Yet” is
synonymous with However.
Considering the previous text, judge the following item.
The only way Alex Dunedin connects electronically is via
emails on his home computer.
Considering the previous text, judge the following item.
People who are giving up on their mobile devices believe
they were spending too much time with being connected and
they were missing their real lives because of that.
Considering the previous text, judge the following item.
It was when Dulcie Cowling was in the park with her two
kids that she took her decision to ditch her smartphone and
then she told her family and friends about it after Christmas.
Considering the previous text, judge the following item.
In the sentence ‘They are blunting cognition and impeding
productivity’ (ninth paragraph), the pronoun ‘They’ refers to
the “nine out of 10 people in the UK who own a
smartphone” (seventh paragraph).
Considering the previous text, judge the following item.
Although there is a movement of people ditching their
smartphones in order to have what they think is a better life
quality, millions believe digital technology is essential to
everyone’s lives.
Judge the following item, based on the previous text.
In the last sentence of the last paragraph, the word “prickly”
means peaceful.
Judge the following item, based on the previous text.
The War of the Worlds was a radio drama that told the real
story of an invasion from Mars, panicking countless people.
Judge the following item, based on the previous text.
According to the text, the speculations about extraterrestrial
life started in the late 1800s due to canal-like features
observed on Mars.
A figura a seguir ilustra o comportamento das linhas de campo elétrico gerado por duas cargas elétricas positivas, pontuais.
Se uma barra eletricamente condutora for inserida em um campo elétrico uniforme, então, no interior dessa barra, o campo elétrico total será zero.
Considere que uma onda plana uniforme se propaga na direção z, sentido negativo, e tem uma componente do campo elétrico na direção x. Nesse caso, a variação do campo elétrico no tempo t pode ser representado por E (z, t) = Exax = E0cos (t - z) az, em que ꞷ e ꞵ são constantes.
Se P1 e P2 denotam as potências dissipadas pelos resistores respectivamente nas configurações em série e em paralelo, então P2 é superior a 5×P1.
Em qualquer das duas configurações (série e paralelo), a diferença de potencial em R1 será inferior à diferença de potencial em R2.
Se R = 10 Ω, L = 10 H e C = 10 F, a frequência de ressonância do circuito será igual a 1,0 Hz.
Na ressonância, a corrente no circuito será máxima.
Se Z1 = Z2 = Z3 = 6 - j X 8 Ω, a corrente na carga estará atrasada em relação à tensão aplicada.
Se a carga for desequilibrada, então, em módulo, as tensões EՓ e VՓ serão diferentes.
A relação entre as correntes IL e IՓL é dada por √3.