Questões de Concurso Público MPE-RO 2023 para Analista de Redes e Comunicação de Dados

Foram encontradas 70 questões

Q2238985 Direito Administrativo
De acordo com a Lei n.º 8.666/1993, na aquisição de componentes necessários à manutenção de equipamentos de TI durante o período de garantia técnica, a licitação 
Q2238986 Direito Administrativo
Conforme previsto na Lei n.º 14.133/2021, a modalidade de licitação para contratação de obras, serviços e compras em que a administração pública interage com licitantes previamente selecionados mediante critérios objetivos, com o intuito de que eles apresentem proposta capaz de atender às necessidades da administração, é denominada 
Q2238987 Direito Administrativo
Com base na Lei n.º 10.520/2002, assinale a opção em que é apresentada regra utilizada na fase externa do pregão, iniciada com a convocação dos interessados. 
Q2238988 Legislação Federal
Conforme Instrução Normativa n.º 1/2019 do MPOG/SLTI, o servidor representante da área requisitante da solução, indicado pela autoridade competente dessa área para fiscalizar o contrato do ponto de vista de negócio e funcional da solução de TIC, é o 
Q2238989 Legislação Federal
Segundo a Instrução Normativa n.º 1/2019 do MPOG/SLTI, é
Q2238990 Legislação Federal
De acordo com a Instrução Normativa n.º 1/2019 do MPOG/SLTI, cabe ao fiscal administrativo do contrato 
Q2238991 Inglês
Text 2A7

         Artificial intelligence (AI) is arguably the most rapidly advancing technology humans have ever developed. A year ago, you wouldn’t often hear AI come up in a regular conversation, but today it seems there’s constant talk about how generative AI tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E will affect the future of work, the spread of information, and more. A major question that has thus far been almost entirely unexamined is how this AI-dominated future will affect people’s minds.
           There’s been some research into how using AI in their jobs will affect people mentally, but there isn’t yet an understanding of how simply living amongst so much AI-generated content and systems will affect people’s sense of the world. How is AI going to change individuals and society in the not-too-distant future?

            AI will obviously make it easier to produce disinformation. That will affect people’s sense of trust as they’re scrolling on social media. AI can also allow someone to imitate your loved ones, which further erodes people’s general ability to trust what was once unquestionable.

Internet: <> (adapted). 
Based on text 2A7, it can be inferred that 
Q2238992 Inglês
Text 2A7

         Artificial intelligence (AI) is arguably the most rapidly advancing technology humans have ever developed. A year ago, you wouldn’t often hear AI come up in a regular conversation, but today it seems there’s constant talk about how generative AI tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E will affect the future of work, the spread of information, and more. A major question that has thus far been almost entirely unexamined is how this AI-dominated future will affect people’s minds.
           There’s been some research into how using AI in their jobs will affect people mentally, but there isn’t yet an understanding of how simply living amongst so much AI-generated content and systems will affect people’s sense of the world. How is AI going to change individuals and society in the not-too-distant future?

            AI will obviously make it easier to produce disinformation. That will affect people’s sense of trust as they’re scrolling on social media. AI can also allow someone to imitate your loved ones, which further erodes people’s general ability to trust what was once unquestionable.

Internet: <> (adapted). 
In the context of the first sentence of the second paragraph of text 2A7, the word “understanding” is grammatically classified as 
Q2238993 Inglês
Text 2A7

         Artificial intelligence (AI) is arguably the most rapidly advancing technology humans have ever developed. A year ago, you wouldn’t often hear AI come up in a regular conversation, but today it seems there’s constant talk about how generative AI tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E will affect the future of work, the spread of information, and more. A major question that has thus far been almost entirely unexamined is how this AI-dominated future will affect people’s minds.
           There’s been some research into how using AI in their jobs will affect people mentally, but there isn’t yet an understanding of how simply living amongst so much AI-generated content and systems will affect people’s sense of the world. How is AI going to change individuals and society in the not-too-distant future?

            AI will obviously make it easier to produce disinformation. That will affect people’s sense of trust as they’re scrolling on social media. AI can also allow someone to imitate your loved ones, which further erodes people’s general ability to trust what was once unquestionable.

Internet: <> (adapted). 
In the first paragraph of text 2A7, “thus far” means the same as 
Q2238994 Inglês
Text 2A7

         Artificial intelligence (AI) is arguably the most rapidly advancing technology humans have ever developed. A year ago, you wouldn’t often hear AI come up in a regular conversation, but today it seems there’s constant talk about how generative AI tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E will affect the future of work, the spread of information, and more. A major question that has thus far been almost entirely unexamined is how this AI-dominated future will affect people’s minds.
           There’s been some research into how using AI in their jobs will affect people mentally, but there isn’t yet an understanding of how simply living amongst so much AI-generated content and systems will affect people’s sense of the world. How is AI going to change individuals and society in the not-too-distant future?

            AI will obviously make it easier to produce disinformation. That will affect people’s sense of trust as they’re scrolling on social media. AI can also allow someone to imitate your loved ones, which further erodes people’s general ability to trust what was once unquestionable.

Internet: <> (adapted). 
In the context of text 2A7-I, the word “amongst” could be correctly replaced by 
31: B
32: A
33: A
34: B
35: A
36: A
37: C
38: C
39: A
40: E