Questões de Concurso Público SME do Recife - PE 2023 para Professor II - Disciplina: Língua Inglesa

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Q2214995 Inglês
Text 7A2

         When it comes to the vocabulary of languages, is it true, as some suppose, that the vocabularies of so-called primitive languages are too small and inadequate to account for the nuances of the physical and social universes of their speakers? The answer is somewhat complicated. Because the vocabulary of a language serves only the members of the society who speak it, the question to be asked should be: Is a particular vocabulary sufficient to serve the sociocultural needs of those who use the language? When put like this, it follows that the language associated with a relatively simple culture would have a smaller vocabulary than the language of a complex society. Why, for example, should the Inuit people (often known by the pejorative term “Eskimo”) have words for chlorofluoromethane, dune buggy, or tae kwon do when these substances, objects, and concepts play no part in their culture? By the same token, however, the language of a tribal society would have elaborate lexical domains for prominent aspects of the culture although these do not exist in complex societies. The Agta of the Philippines, for example, are reported to have no fewer than thirty-one verbs referring to types of fishing, while in Munich, the terminology for the local varieties of beer is quite extensive, according to strength, color, fizziness, aging, and clarity, the full list exceeding seventy terms.
        However, even though no language spoken today may be labeled primitive, this does not mean that all languages do all things in the same way, or are equally influential in the modern transnational world. The linguistic anthropologist Dell Hymes claims that languages are not functionally equivalent because the role of speech varies from one society to the next. According to Hymes, though all languages “are potentially equal and hence capable of adaptation to the needs of a complex industrial civilization”, only certain languages have actually done so (Hymes 1961:77). These languages are more successful than others not because they are structurally more advanced, but because they happen to be associated with societies in which language is the basis of literature, education, science, and commerce.

Zdenek SALZMANN, James M. STANLAW and Nobuko ADACHI. Language, culture, and society: an introduction to linguistic anthropology. Boulder (CO): Westview Press, 2012. p. 6-7 (adapted).  

Judge the following item concerning text 7A2.

In the beginning of the second paragraph, the word “this” stands for the information given immediately before about no language spoken today being primitive.

Q2214996 Inglês

Malachi Ray Rempen. Itchy feet.
Itchy feet: the travel and language comic.
Internet: <>.

Judge the following item considering the comic strip. 

Cultural differences may lead to problems even between people coming from the same continent.

Q2214997 Inglês

Malachi Ray Rempen. Itchy feet.
Itchy feet: the travel and language comic.
Internet: <>.

Judge the following item considering the comic strip. 

One of the characters needs to go back to learn how to read the time on a watch.

Q2214998 Inglês

Malachi Ray Rempen. Itchy feet.
Itchy feet: the travel and language comic.
Internet: <>.

Judge the following item considering the comic strip. 

Speaking the same language does not guarantee a cultural conflict-free encounter between people from different communities.

Q2214999 Inglês
      In many parts of the world colonial hegemony has resulted in the dominance of the coloniser's language at the expense of native languages. The suppression of indigenous languages is intricately connected with mental health problems. Indigenous youth with less knowledge of their native language are six times more likely to have suicidal ideation than those with greater language knowledge. Language suppression impairs self-identity, wellbeing, self-esteem, and empowerment.
       Just as language extinction can affect mental health, so can reinstating a language. Aboriginal youth who are capable of speaking their native language are less likely to consume alcohol or use illicit substances at risky amounts, and are less likely to be exposed to violence. Moreover, knowledge of indigenous languages is associated with a decrease in youth suicide by 50% a year.
       The digital recording of indigenous languages might be useful for documentation, restoration, promotion, and education. Sufficient fund allocation is required to recover and store the alphabets of indigenous languages. Separate indigenous language educational institutes, in which researchers and mental health professionals can work in cooperation, are also extremely necessary. These concerted efforts might help result in the renewal of a given indigenous language and potentially reduce mental health problems.

Omar Faruk and Simon Rosenbaum. The mental health consequences of indigenous language loss. In: The Lancet Psychiatry. Internet:<>   (adapted).  

Judge the following item, about the vocabulary and the grammatical features of the text.

In the first paragraph, if the authors qualified “native language” as Asian, primaeval, guttural and beautiful, the correct order of such adjectives would be: beautiful Asian guttural primaeval native language.

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