Questões de Concurso Público SME do Recife - PE 2023 para Professor II - Disciplina: Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 120 questões

Q2214596 Noções de Informática

Acerca dos conceitos, das formas de uso e das ferramentas do ambiente Windows, julgue o item que se segue.  

Em uma apresentação Power Point, quando se define a orientação do eslaide mestre como paisagem, todos os eslaides da apresentação serão apresentados na orientação paisagem.  

Q2214598 Noções de Informática

Com relação aos conceitos básicos e ao uso da Internet bem como às ferramentas Google utilizadas na área da educação, julgue o item a seguir.

Um navegador da Internet, ou web browser em inglês, é uma ferramenta que apresenta uma aba que contém uma ou mais janelas que podem ser abertas cada uma com um endereço diferente para visitação.   

Q2214599 Noções de Informática

Com relação aos conceitos básicos e ao uso da Internet bem como às ferramentas Google utilizadas na área da educação, julgue o item a seguir.  

Um usuário pode fazer o backup, ou a cópia de segurança, de arquivos por meio da ferramenta Google Drive. 

Q2214600 Noções de Informática

Com relação aos conceitos básicos e ao uso da Internet bem como às ferramentas Google utilizadas na área da educação, julgue o item a seguir.  

O Histórico de navegação do browser é a pasta em que ficam armazenados os arquivos baixados pelo usuário durante a navegação na Internet.

Q2214601 Noções de Informática

Com relação aos conceitos básicos e ao uso da Internet bem como às ferramentas Google utilizadas na área da educação, julgue o item a seguir.  

No Google Sala de Aula, os trabalhos a serem corrigidos pelo professor ficam na seção Pendentes do menu.

Q2214602 Noções de Informática

Com relação aos conceitos básicos e ao uso da Internet bem como às ferramentas Google utilizadas na área da educação, julgue o item a seguir.  

A opção envio de resumos por e-mail para responsáveis é um recurso do Google Sala de Aula que informa as notas que os alunos tiraram em atividades.

Q2214603 Noções de Informática

Com relação aos conceitos básicos e ao uso da Internet bem como às ferramentas Google utilizadas na área da educação, julgue o item a seguir.  

Para compartilhar um arquivo no Google Documentos com outra pessoa, esta deve criar uma conta de e-mail no Gmail.

Q2214604 Noções de Informática

Com relação aos conceitos básicos e ao uso da Internet bem como às ferramentas Google utilizadas na área da educação, julgue o item a seguir.  

O Google Planilhas pode ser utilizado para a elaboração de uma lista de tarefas por data, em forma de checklist, para o controle de atividades.

Q2214965 Inglês
Text 7A1

     Artificial intelligence still has difficulties processing requests in one language, without the additional complications of translation. Michael Housman, chief data science officer at RapportBoost.AI, explained that the ideal scenario for machine learning and artificial intelligence is something with fixed rules and a clear-cut measure of success or failure. He named chess as an obvious example. This happened faster than anyone anticipated because of the game’s very clear rules and limited set of moves. Housman elaborated, “Language is almost the opposite of that. There aren’t as clearly-cut and defined rules.”
      I asked Dr. Jorge Majfud, Associate Professor of Spanish, at Jacksonville University, to explain why consistently accurate language translation has thus far eluded AI. He replied, “The problem is that considering the ‘entire’ sentence is still not enough.” He noted that sarcasm and irony only make sense within this widened context. Similarly, idioms can be problematic for automated translations.
       Dr. Majfud warned, “We should be aware of the fragility of their ‘interpretation.’ Because to translate is basically to interpret, not just an idea but a feeling. Human feelings and ideas that only humans can understand — and sometimes not even we, humans, understand other humans.” He noted that cultures, gender, and even age can pose barriers to this understanding and also contended that an over-reliance on technology is leading to our cultural and political decline. Dr. Majfud mentioned that Argentinean writer Julio Cortázar used to refer to dictionaries as “cemeteries”. He suggested that automatic translators could be called “zombies”.

David Pring-Mill. Why Hasn’t AI Mastered Language Translation? Internet:<>  (adapted).

Based on text 7A1, judge the following item. 

Despite the advances in technology, translation is still a difficult task for artificial intelligence.

Q2214966 Inglês
Text 7A1

     Artificial intelligence still has difficulties processing requests in one language, without the additional complications of translation. Michael Housman, chief data science officer at RapportBoost.AI, explained that the ideal scenario for machine learning and artificial intelligence is something with fixed rules and a clear-cut measure of success or failure. He named chess as an obvious example. This happened faster than anyone anticipated because of the game’s very clear rules and limited set of moves. Housman elaborated, “Language is almost the opposite of that. There aren’t as clearly-cut and defined rules.”
      I asked Dr. Jorge Majfud, Associate Professor of Spanish, at Jacksonville University, to explain why consistently accurate language translation has thus far eluded AI. He replied, “The problem is that considering the ‘entire’ sentence is still not enough.” He noted that sarcasm and irony only make sense within this widened context. Similarly, idioms can be problematic for automated translations.
       Dr. Majfud warned, “We should be aware of the fragility of their ‘interpretation.’ Because to translate is basically to interpret, not just an idea but a feeling. Human feelings and ideas that only humans can understand — and sometimes not even we, humans, understand other humans.” He noted that cultures, gender, and even age can pose barriers to this understanding and also contended that an over-reliance on technology is leading to our cultural and political decline. Dr. Majfud mentioned that Argentinean writer Julio Cortázar used to refer to dictionaries as “cemeteries”. He suggested that automatic translators could be called “zombies”.

David Pring-Mill. Why Hasn’t AI Mastered Language Translation? Internet:<>  (adapted).

Based on text 7A1, judge the following item. 

Michael Housman explains that, for machines, it is easier to translate than to play chess.

Q2214967 Inglês
Text 7A1

     Artificial intelligence still has difficulties processing requests in one language, without the additional complications of translation. Michael Housman, chief data science officer at RapportBoost.AI, explained that the ideal scenario for machine learning and artificial intelligence is something with fixed rules and a clear-cut measure of success or failure. He named chess as an obvious example. This happened faster than anyone anticipated because of the game’s very clear rules and limited set of moves. Housman elaborated, “Language is almost the opposite of that. There aren’t as clearly-cut and defined rules.”
      I asked Dr. Jorge Majfud, Associate Professor of Spanish, at Jacksonville University, to explain why consistently accurate language translation has thus far eluded AI. He replied, “The problem is that considering the ‘entire’ sentence is still not enough.” He noted that sarcasm and irony only make sense within this widened context. Similarly, idioms can be problematic for automated translations.
       Dr. Majfud warned, “We should be aware of the fragility of their ‘interpretation.’ Because to translate is basically to interpret, not just an idea but a feeling. Human feelings and ideas that only humans can understand — and sometimes not even we, humans, understand other humans.” He noted that cultures, gender, and even age can pose barriers to this understanding and also contended that an over-reliance on technology is leading to our cultural and political decline. Dr. Majfud mentioned that Argentinean writer Julio Cortázar used to refer to dictionaries as “cemeteries”. He suggested that automatic translators could be called “zombies”.

David Pring-Mill. Why Hasn’t AI Mastered Language Translation? Internet:<>  (adapted).

Based on text 7A1, judge the following item. 

Even though language is everywhere, its rules are not as exact as in games.

Q2214968 Inglês
Text 7A1

     Artificial intelligence still has difficulties processing requests in one language, without the additional complications of translation. Michael Housman, chief data science officer at RapportBoost.AI, explained that the ideal scenario for machine learning and artificial intelligence is something with fixed rules and a clear-cut measure of success or failure. He named chess as an obvious example. This happened faster than anyone anticipated because of the game’s very clear rules and limited set of moves. Housman elaborated, “Language is almost the opposite of that. There aren’t as clearly-cut and defined rules.”
      I asked Dr. Jorge Majfud, Associate Professor of Spanish, at Jacksonville University, to explain why consistently accurate language translation has thus far eluded AI. He replied, “The problem is that considering the ‘entire’ sentence is still not enough.” He noted that sarcasm and irony only make sense within this widened context. Similarly, idioms can be problematic for automated translations.
       Dr. Majfud warned, “We should be aware of the fragility of their ‘interpretation.’ Because to translate is basically to interpret, not just an idea but a feeling. Human feelings and ideas that only humans can understand — and sometimes not even we, humans, understand other humans.” He noted that cultures, gender, and even age can pose barriers to this understanding and also contended that an over-reliance on technology is leading to our cultural and political decline. Dr. Majfud mentioned that Argentinean writer Julio Cortázar used to refer to dictionaries as “cemeteries”. He suggested that automatic translators could be called “zombies”.

David Pring-Mill. Why Hasn’t AI Mastered Language Translation? Internet:<>  (adapted).

Based on text 7A1, judge the following item. 

According to Dr. Majfud, we have a positive cultural future if we trust technology.

Q2214969 Inglês
Text 7A1

     Artificial intelligence still has difficulties processing requests in one language, without the additional complications of translation. Michael Housman, chief data science officer at RapportBoost.AI, explained that the ideal scenario for machine learning and artificial intelligence is something with fixed rules and a clear-cut measure of success or failure. He named chess as an obvious example. This happened faster than anyone anticipated because of the game’s very clear rules and limited set of moves. Housman elaborated, “Language is almost the opposite of that. There aren’t as clearly-cut and defined rules.”
      I asked Dr. Jorge Majfud, Associate Professor of Spanish, at Jacksonville University, to explain why consistently accurate language translation has thus far eluded AI. He replied, “The problem is that considering the ‘entire’ sentence is still not enough.” He noted that sarcasm and irony only make sense within this widened context. Similarly, idioms can be problematic for automated translations.
       Dr. Majfud warned, “We should be aware of the fragility of their ‘interpretation.’ Because to translate is basically to interpret, not just an idea but a feeling. Human feelings and ideas that only humans can understand — and sometimes not even we, humans, understand other humans.” He noted that cultures, gender, and even age can pose barriers to this understanding and also contended that an over-reliance on technology is leading to our cultural and political decline. Dr. Majfud mentioned that Argentinean writer Julio Cortázar used to refer to dictionaries as “cemeteries”. He suggested that automatic translators could be called “zombies”.

David Pring-Mill. Why Hasn’t AI Mastered Language Translation? Internet:<>  (adapted).

Based on text 7A1, judge the following item. 

Dr. Majfud considers that AI will soon be able to interpret full sentences.

Q2214970 Inglês
Text 7A1

     Artificial intelligence still has difficulties processing requests in one language, without the additional complications of translation. Michael Housman, chief data science officer at RapportBoost.AI, explained that the ideal scenario for machine learning and artificial intelligence is something with fixed rules and a clear-cut measure of success or failure. He named chess as an obvious example. This happened faster than anyone anticipated because of the game’s very clear rules and limited set of moves. Housman elaborated, “Language is almost the opposite of that. There aren’t as clearly-cut and defined rules.”
      I asked Dr. Jorge Majfud, Associate Professor of Spanish, at Jacksonville University, to explain why consistently accurate language translation has thus far eluded AI. He replied, “The problem is that considering the ‘entire’ sentence is still not enough.” He noted that sarcasm and irony only make sense within this widened context. Similarly, idioms can be problematic for automated translations.
       Dr. Majfud warned, “We should be aware of the fragility of their ‘interpretation.’ Because to translate is basically to interpret, not just an idea but a feeling. Human feelings and ideas that only humans can understand — and sometimes not even we, humans, understand other humans.” He noted that cultures, gender, and even age can pose barriers to this understanding and also contended that an over-reliance on technology is leading to our cultural and political decline. Dr. Majfud mentioned that Argentinean writer Julio Cortázar used to refer to dictionaries as “cemeteries”. He suggested that automatic translators could be called “zombies”.

David Pring-Mill. Why Hasn’t AI Mastered Language Translation? Internet:<>  (adapted).

Considering information from text 7A1, judge the following item.

In the text, there are examples of English-Portuguese cognate words such as “sarcasm”, “cultural” and “cemeteries”.

Q2214971 Inglês
Text 7A1

     Artificial intelligence still has difficulties processing requests in one language, without the additional complications of translation. Michael Housman, chief data science officer at RapportBoost.AI, explained that the ideal scenario for machine learning and artificial intelligence is something with fixed rules and a clear-cut measure of success or failure. He named chess as an obvious example. This happened faster than anyone anticipated because of the game’s very clear rules and limited set of moves. Housman elaborated, “Language is almost the opposite of that. There aren’t as clearly-cut and defined rules.”
      I asked Dr. Jorge Majfud, Associate Professor of Spanish, at Jacksonville University, to explain why consistently accurate language translation has thus far eluded AI. He replied, “The problem is that considering the ‘entire’ sentence is still not enough.” He noted that sarcasm and irony only make sense within this widened context. Similarly, idioms can be problematic for automated translations.
       Dr. Majfud warned, “We should be aware of the fragility of their ‘interpretation.’ Because to translate is basically to interpret, not just an idea but a feeling. Human feelings and ideas that only humans can understand — and sometimes not even we, humans, understand other humans.” He noted that cultures, gender, and even age can pose barriers to this understanding and also contended that an over-reliance on technology is leading to our cultural and political decline. Dr. Majfud mentioned that Argentinean writer Julio Cortázar used to refer to dictionaries as “cemeteries”. He suggested that automatic translators could be called “zombies”.

David Pring-Mill. Why Hasn’t AI Mastered Language Translation? Internet:<>  (adapted).

Considering information from text 7A1, judge the following item.

Julio Cortázar would have called automatic translators “zombies”.

Q2214972 Inglês
Text 7A1

     Artificial intelligence still has difficulties processing requests in one language, without the additional complications of translation. Michael Housman, chief data science officer at RapportBoost.AI, explained that the ideal scenario for machine learning and artificial intelligence is something with fixed rules and a clear-cut measure of success or failure. He named chess as an obvious example. This happened faster than anyone anticipated because of the game’s very clear rules and limited set of moves. Housman elaborated, “Language is almost the opposite of that. There aren’t as clearly-cut and defined rules.”
      I asked Dr. Jorge Majfud, Associate Professor of Spanish, at Jacksonville University, to explain why consistently accurate language translation has thus far eluded AI. He replied, “The problem is that considering the ‘entire’ sentence is still not enough.” He noted that sarcasm and irony only make sense within this widened context. Similarly, idioms can be problematic for automated translations.
       Dr. Majfud warned, “We should be aware of the fragility of their ‘interpretation.’ Because to translate is basically to interpret, not just an idea but a feeling. Human feelings and ideas that only humans can understand — and sometimes not even we, humans, understand other humans.” He noted that cultures, gender, and even age can pose barriers to this understanding and also contended that an over-reliance on technology is leading to our cultural and political decline. Dr. Majfud mentioned that Argentinean writer Julio Cortázar used to refer to dictionaries as “cemeteries”. He suggested that automatic translators could be called “zombies”.

David Pring-Mill. Why Hasn’t AI Mastered Language Translation? Internet:<>  (adapted).

Considering information from text 7A1, judge the following item.

Michael Housman is a chess specialist.

Q2214973 Inglês
Text 7A1

     Artificial intelligence still has difficulties processing requests in one language, without the additional complications of translation. Michael Housman, chief data science officer at RapportBoost.AI, explained that the ideal scenario for machine learning and artificial intelligence is something with fixed rules and a clear-cut measure of success or failure. He named chess as an obvious example. This happened faster than anyone anticipated because of the game’s very clear rules and limited set of moves. Housman elaborated, “Language is almost the opposite of that. There aren’t as clearly-cut and defined rules.”
      I asked Dr. Jorge Majfud, Associate Professor of Spanish, at Jacksonville University, to explain why consistently accurate language translation has thus far eluded AI. He replied, “The problem is that considering the ‘entire’ sentence is still not enough.” He noted that sarcasm and irony only make sense within this widened context. Similarly, idioms can be problematic for automated translations.
       Dr. Majfud warned, “We should be aware of the fragility of their ‘interpretation.’ Because to translate is basically to interpret, not just an idea but a feeling. Human feelings and ideas that only humans can understand — and sometimes not even we, humans, understand other humans.” He noted that cultures, gender, and even age can pose barriers to this understanding and also contended that an over-reliance on technology is leading to our cultural and political decline. Dr. Majfud mentioned that Argentinean writer Julio Cortázar used to refer to dictionaries as “cemeteries”. He suggested that automatic translators could be called “zombies”.

David Pring-Mill. Why Hasn’t AI Mastered Language Translation? Internet:<>  (adapted).

Considering information from text 7A1, judge the following item.

Dr. Majfud warns about the excess of reliance on language technology.

Q2214974 Inglês
Text 7A1

     Artificial intelligence still has difficulties processing requests in one language, without the additional complications of translation. Michael Housman, chief data science officer at RapportBoost.AI, explained that the ideal scenario for machine learning and artificial intelligence is something with fixed rules and a clear-cut measure of success or failure. He named chess as an obvious example. This happened faster than anyone anticipated because of the game’s very clear rules and limited set of moves. Housman elaborated, “Language is almost the opposite of that. There aren’t as clearly-cut and defined rules.”
      I asked Dr. Jorge Majfud, Associate Professor of Spanish, at Jacksonville University, to explain why consistently accurate language translation has thus far eluded AI. He replied, “The problem is that considering the ‘entire’ sentence is still not enough.” He noted that sarcasm and irony only make sense within this widened context. Similarly, idioms can be problematic for automated translations.
       Dr. Majfud warned, “We should be aware of the fragility of their ‘interpretation.’ Because to translate is basically to interpret, not just an idea but a feeling. Human feelings and ideas that only humans can understand — and sometimes not even we, humans, understand other humans.” He noted that cultures, gender, and even age can pose barriers to this understanding and also contended that an over-reliance on technology is leading to our cultural and political decline. Dr. Majfud mentioned that Argentinean writer Julio Cortázar used to refer to dictionaries as “cemeteries”. He suggested that automatic translators could be called “zombies”.

David Pring-Mill. Why Hasn’t AI Mastered Language Translation? Internet:<>  (adapted).

Considering information from text 7A1, judge the following item.

Several human aspects can be regarded as impediments to correct interpretation of language.

41: E
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50: C
51: C
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