Questões de Concurso Público ANM 2025 para inerais - Especialidade: Engenharia de Minas (Correcional)
Foram encontradas 5 questões
Based on the preceding text, judge the following item.
The decomposition of the mummies adds to the effect of the gradual vanishing of the tattoos.
Based on the preceding text, judge the following item.
The newly revealed tattoos lack the intricacies found in other forms of Chancay artwork.
Based on the preceding text, judge the following item.
Scientists have discovered new mummified bodies in South America that display elaborate tattoo art.
Based on the preceding text, judge the following item.
The researchers involved in the study mentioned in the text were aware of the existence of the tattoos on the mummies, but could not easily discern the designs.
Based on the preceding text, judge the following item.
The excerpt “provide insights into” can be correctly replaced with give an overview of while maintaining the same meaning.