Questões de Concurso Público Chesf 2007 para Analista de Sistemas

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q203345 Algoritmos e Estrutura de Dados
O procedimento abaixo é uma inserção em uma:

Imagem 003.jpg
Q203346 Noções de Informática
Qual a função do utilitário Desfragmentador de Disco do Microsoft Windows?
Q203347 Segurança da Informação
Das alternativas abaixo, que tipo de ataque NÃO está em consonância com sua definição?
Q203348 Segurança da Informação
Quanto aos tipos de backup, podemos dizer que:

I. No backup completo é feita a cópia de todos os dados.

II. No backup incremental, é feita a cópia dos arquivos que foram criados ou modificados desde o último backup completo ou incremental.

III. No backup diferencial é feita uma cópia de todos os dados que foram modificados desde o último backup completo.

Está(ão) correta(s) apenas a(s) afirmativa(s):
Q203349 Arquitetura de Software
O conceito básico da Arquitetura Cliente / Servidor preconiza exatamente o que seu nome diz, uma parte cliente, requisitando dados ou serviços de uma outra parte servidora, utilizando-se de um meio de comunicação entre elas, que podem ser uma LAN, WAN ou internet. São conseqüências da Arquitetura Cliente / Servidor:

I. Distribuição de processamento.

II. Diminuição do tráfego na rede.

III. Especialização de servidores.

IV. Aumento do tráfego na rede e centralização dos dados.

Está(ão) correta(s) apenas a(s) afirmativa(s):
Q203350 Engenharia de Software
Dentro de um contexto de análise orientada a objetos, assinale o INCORRETO:
Q203351 Banco de Dados
A instrução SQL ao lado, representa um relacionamento: Imagem 004.jpg
Q203352 Programação
Em uma programação estruturada, assinale a alternativa que refere-se a registro:
Q203353 Programação
A partir das afirmativas abaixo relativas às características da linguagem Java, pode-se afirmar que:

I. É possível utilizar vários blocos catch para capturar exceções vindas de um único bloco try.

II. Uma classe pode implementar mais de uma interface.

III. Todas as classes em Java herdam implicitamente a classe Object.

IV. É possível sobrecarregar um operador da linguagem como, por exemplo, o operador '+', assim como pode ser feito na linguagem C++.

Está(ão) correta(s) apenas a(s) afirmativa(s):
Q203354 Sistemas Operacionais
Um programa para ser executado pelo processador deve ser formado por uma série de instruções de máquina. Para iniciar a execução de um programa, as instruções devem ser armazenadas na memória principal. Diante do exposto, qual das alternativas está em consonância com as descrições feitas abaixo, a respeito das operações da UCP?

I. Buscar uma instrução de memória (operação de leitura) de cada vez.

II. Se as instruções utilizarem dados, buscá-los onde estiverem armazenados para que a UCP possa processá-los.

III. Reiniciar o processo, buscando a próxima instrução.

IV. Executar a operação com os dados e guardar o resultado, se houver, no local especificado.

Estão corretas apenas as afirmativas:
Q203355 Inglês
            Paulo César Nóbrega is one of 40 milion people living with HIV/AIDS. This is story:
       Like most young people of my generation, I started using drugs as an adolescent. By the time I was 16, I was taking cannabis, hallucinogens and injecting drugs. Soon, my addiction led me to drug trafficking. Between 1985 and 1993, I was imprisoned in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, where I was diagnosed HIV-positive.
       Initially, I was shocked. But I didn't really know what HIV or AIDS were, which is why I continued using drugs and sharing needles with other inmates. We received no guidance or preventive care.
In prison, AIDS first manifested itself through tuberculosis, an illness I suffered from three times. Although I was eventually given anti-retroviral medicines, I continued taking drugs and only restarted the treatment in earnest after abandoning drugs for good in 1999.
       At that time, I was a member of a support group in my hometown, the coastal city of São Vicente, and was close to other HIV-positive people. We soon decided to establish the Hipupiara NGO to promote a sense of unity among people living with HIV and to improve their quality of life.
       Unfortunately, I suffered a lot of prejudice for being HIV-positive, including from members of my family. I was also denied jobs. Then, in 2001, I started working as a fisherman, a job I retired from in 2005, at 50, due to poor health.
       Today, I am free of drugs and am sticking to the treatment. I work as a volunteer for Hipupiara, contacting drug users in the city and referring them to treatment and assistance services.
       Thanks to all the information I have accumulated about HIV/AIDS, I can now face and beat prejudice. People infected with HIV and drug users should not close up or avoid talking about their problems; we should help each other so that we can all lead a better life.

(Available in: <>; Acess in: Mar. 6, 2006.)

The text is about the story:
Q203356 Inglês
            Paulo César Nóbrega is one of 40 milion people living with HIV/AIDS. This is story:
       Like most young people of my generation, I started using drugs as an adolescent. By the time I was 16, I was taking cannabis, hallucinogens and injecting drugs. Soon, my addiction led me to drug trafficking. Between 1985 and 1993, I was imprisoned in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, where I was diagnosed HIV-positive.
       Initially, I was shocked. But I didn't really know what HIV or AIDS were, which is why I continued using drugs and sharing needles with other inmates. We received no guidance or preventive care.
In prison, AIDS first manifested itself through tuberculosis, an illness I suffered from three times. Although I was eventually given anti-retroviral medicines, I continued taking drugs and only restarted the treatment in earnest after abandoning drugs for good in 1999.
       At that time, I was a member of a support group in my hometown, the coastal city of São Vicente, and was close to other HIV-positive people. We soon decided to establish the Hipupiara NGO to promote a sense of unity among people living with HIV and to improve their quality of life.
       Unfortunately, I suffered a lot of prejudice for being HIV-positive, including from members of my family. I was also denied jobs. Then, in 2001, I started working as a fisherman, a job I retired from in 2005, at 50, due to poor health.
       Today, I am free of drugs and am sticking to the treatment. I work as a volunteer for Hipupiara, contacting drug users in the city and referring them to treatment and assistance services.
       Thanks to all the information I have accumulated about HIV/AIDS, I can now face and beat prejudice. People infected with HIV and drug users should not close up or avoid talking about their problems; we should help each other so that we can all lead a better life.

(Available in: <>; Acess in: Mar. 6, 2006.)

Mr. Nóbrega started dealing drugs:
Q203357 Inglês
            Paulo César Nóbrega is one of 40 milion people living with HIV/AIDS. This is story:
       Like most young people of my generation, I started using drugs as an adolescent. By the time I was 16, I was taking cannabis, hallucinogens and injecting drugs. Soon, my addiction led me to drug trafficking. Between 1985 and 1993, I was imprisoned in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, where I was diagnosed HIV-positive.
       Initially, I was shocked. But I didn't really know what HIV or AIDS were, which is why I continued using drugs and sharing needles with other inmates. We received no guidance or preventive care.
In prison, AIDS first manifested itself through tuberculosis, an illness I suffered from three times. Although I was eventually given anti-retroviral medicines, I continued taking drugs and only restarted the treatment in earnest after abandoning drugs for good in 1999.
       At that time, I was a member of a support group in my hometown, the coastal city of São Vicente, and was close to other HIV-positive people. We soon decided to establish the Hipupiara NGO to promote a sense of unity among people living with HIV and to improve their quality of life.
       Unfortunately, I suffered a lot of prejudice for being HIV-positive, including from members of my family. I was also denied jobs. Then, in 2001, I started working as a fisherman, a job I retired from in 2005, at 50, due to poor health.
       Today, I am free of drugs and am sticking to the treatment. I work as a volunteer for Hipupiara, contacting drug users in the city and referring them to treatment and assistance services.
       Thanks to all the information I have accumulated about HIV/AIDS, I can now face and beat prejudice. People infected with HIV and drug users should not close up or avoid talking about their problems; we should help each other so that we can all lead a better life.

(Available in: <>; Acess in: Mar. 6, 2006.)

During the time Mr. Nóbrega spent in prison he:
Q203358 Inglês
            Paulo César Nóbrega is one of 40 milion people living with HIV/AIDS. This is story:
       Like most young people of my generation, I started using drugs as an adolescent. By the time I was 16, I was taking cannabis, hallucinogens and injecting drugs. Soon, my addiction led me to drug trafficking. Between 1985 and 1993, I was imprisoned in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, where I was diagnosed HIV-positive.
       Initially, I was shocked. But I didn't really know what HIV or AIDS were, which is why I continued using drugs and sharing needles with other inmates. We received no guidance or preventive care.
In prison, AIDS first manifested itself through tuberculosis, an illness I suffered from three times. Although I was eventually given anti-retroviral medicines, I continued taking drugs and only restarted the treatment in earnest after abandoning drugs for good in 1999.
       At that time, I was a member of a support group in my hometown, the coastal city of São Vicente, and was close to other HIV-positive people. We soon decided to establish the Hipupiara NGO to promote a sense of unity among people living with HIV and to improve their quality of life.
       Unfortunately, I suffered a lot of prejudice for being HIV-positive, including from members of my family. I was also denied jobs. Then, in 2001, I started working as a fisherman, a job I retired from in 2005, at 50, due to poor health.
       Today, I am free of drugs and am sticking to the treatment. I work as a volunteer for Hipupiara, contacting drug users in the city and referring them to treatment and assistance services.
       Thanks to all the information I have accumulated about HIV/AIDS, I can now face and beat prejudice. People infected with HIV and drug users should not close up or avoid talking about their problems; we should help each other so that we can all lead a better life.

(Available in: <>; Acess in: Mar. 6, 2006.)

Mr. Nóbrega “was denied jobs” because:
Q203359 Inglês
            Paulo César Nóbrega is one of 40 milion people living with HIV/AIDS. This is story:
       Like most young people of my generation, I started using drugs as an adolescent. By the time I was 16, I was taking cannabis, hallucinogens and injecting drugs. Soon, my addiction led me to drug trafficking. Between 1985 and 1993, I was imprisoned in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, where I was diagnosed HIV-positive.
       Initially, I was shocked. But I didn't really know what HIV or AIDS were, which is why I continued using drugs and sharing needles with other inmates. We received no guidance or preventive care.
In prison, AIDS first manifested itself through tuberculosis, an illness I suffered from three times. Although I was eventually given anti-retroviral medicines, I continued taking drugs and only restarted the treatment in earnest after abandoning drugs for good in 1999.
       At that time, I was a member of a support group in my hometown, the coastal city of São Vicente, and was close to other HIV-positive people. We soon decided to establish the Hipupiara NGO to promote a sense of unity among people living with HIV and to improve their quality of life.
       Unfortunately, I suffered a lot of prejudice for being HIV-positive, including from members of my family. I was also denied jobs. Then, in 2001, I started working as a fisherman, a job I retired from in 2005, at 50, due to poor health.
       Today, I am free of drugs and am sticking to the treatment. I work as a volunteer for Hipupiara, contacting drug users in the city and referring them to treatment and assistance services.
       Thanks to all the information I have accumulated about HIV/AIDS, I can now face and beat prejudice. People infected with HIV and drug users should not close up or avoid talking about their problems; we should help each other so that we can all lead a better life.

(Available in: <>; Acess in: Mar. 6, 2006.)

“Addiction/ better/itself/among”. The following words can be classified as:
Q203360 Atualidades
Em seu segundo ano à frente da Igreja Católica, o Papa Bento XVI visitou o Brasil, realizando a canonização de Frei Galvão em São Paulo, primeiro santo brasileiro. Sobre o novo chefe do Vaticano é correto afirmar, EXCETO:
Q203361 Atualidades
Um dos mais influentes líderes mundiais, anunciou em maio de 2007, a renúncia de seu cargo marcando para o dia 27 de junho a sua retirada definitiva do governo. Em que país está acontecendo tal fato?
Q203362 Atualidades
O projeto de transposição do Rio São Francisco, que pode vir a ser a maior obra do Governo Lula, embora esteja prevista no PAC (Plano de Aceleração do Crescimento) vem encontrando uma série de obstáculos e resistência por parte de ambientalistas e população ribeirinha. Quais estados serão beneficiados pela transposição?
Q203363 Atualidades
Como se chama o programa on-line que oferece as pessoas a possibilidade de criarem avatares (personagens) para viver numa realidade paralela (virtual) criada pelo próprio usuário e que vem revolucionando os sistemas de relacionamento digital, conquistando não só a adesão dos usuários comuns, mas de grandes organizações?
Q203364 Atualidades
A cidade do Rio de Janeiro será sede dos Jogos Pan-Americanos de 2007, competição que reúne atletas dos países do continente americano e Caribe acontecendo de quatro em quatro anos. É a segunda vez que o Brasil realiza esta competição que teve início em 1951, em Buenos Aires (Argentina). Foi em 1963, que os jogos aconteceram pela primeira vez no Brasil, na cidade de(o):
21: D
22: E
23: B
24: E
25: E
26: E
27: D
28: E
29: A
30: A
31: B
32: B
33: A
34: D
35: E
36: D
37: B
38: A
39: C
40: E