Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Patos de Minas - MG 2015 para Professor de Educação Básica - Língua Estrangeira Moderna Inglesa
Foram encontradas 30 questões
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On Education, Republican Candidates Retreat From National Standards
BY EMILY CADEI 8/20/15 AT 4:40 AM
After 15 years of rising federal involvement in K through 12 schools, U.S. education policy is poised for a big shift in direction. If that wasn’t already apparent, it certainly became clear on Wednesday, when six of the Republican party’s leading 2016 contenders spoke about their views on educating America’s youth, and what their priorities would be should they make it to the White House. The consensus: national‐level reform efforts are out. Ceding control to state and local school districts is in.
That’s always been the preference for some segments of the Republican party. But under President George W. Bush, a crop of GOP leaders interested in business‐backed education reforms banded together with Democrats eager to expand public funding for schools, particularly for underachieving schools, to carve out a more assertive federal role. That coalition helped pass the 2001 law known as No Child Left Behind, which set national standards for schools and used federal funding to create incentives to meet them.
Though there is now broad agreement that parts of No Child Left Behind were ill‐conceived, the Obama administration has continued Bush’s muscular approach to education, prodding states to participate in national programs with offers of federal cash. But that coalition of Democratic and Republican reformers is now looking wobbly. The House and Senate have both passed updated versions of No Child Left Behind that would rein in the federal government’s role in setting K through 12 education policy, though not nearly as much as conservatives would like. The next step is reconciling differences between the bills in a way that keeps the more conservative House happy, without jeopardizing President Barack Obama’s signature. That’s going to be a tough task for Congress this fall. On the presidential trail, Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have made clear that they side with teachers’ unions who are critics of expanding charter schools and more teacher accountability, which both Bush and Obama tried to promote nationally.
On the Republican side, meanwhile, the six candidates who spoke at the American Federation for Children’s Education Summit 2015 in New Hampshire fell all over themselves trying distance their agendas from current education policies and declare their support for local autonomy.
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On Education, Republican Candidates Retreat From National Standards
BY EMILY CADEI 8/20/15 AT 4:40 AM
After 15 years of rising federal involvement in K through 12 schools, U.S. education policy is poised for a big shift in direction. If that wasn’t already apparent, it certainly became clear on Wednesday, when six of the Republican party’s leading 2016 contenders spoke about their views on educating America’s youth, and what their priorities would be should they make it to the White House. The consensus: national‐level reform efforts are out. Ceding control to state and local school districts is in.
That’s always been the preference for some segments of the Republican party. But under President George W. Bush, a crop of GOP leaders interested in business‐backed education reforms banded together with Democrats eager to expand public funding for schools, particularly for underachieving schools, to carve out a more assertive federal role. That coalition helped pass the 2001 law known as No Child Left Behind, which set national standards for schools and used federal funding to create incentives to meet them.
Though there is now broad agreement that parts of No Child Left Behind were ill‐conceived, the Obama administration has continued Bush’s muscular approach to education, prodding states to participate in national programs with offers of federal cash. But that coalition of Democratic and Republican reformers is now looking wobbly. The House and Senate have both passed updated versions of No Child Left Behind that would rein in the federal government’s role in setting K through 12 education policy, though not nearly as much as conservatives would like. The next step is reconciling differences between the bills in a way that keeps the more conservative House happy, without jeopardizing President Barack Obama’s signature. That’s going to be a tough task for Congress this fall. On the presidential trail, Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have made clear that they side with teachers’ unions who are critics of expanding charter schools and more teacher accountability, which both Bush and Obama tried to promote nationally.
On the Republican side, meanwhile, the six candidates who spoke at the American Federation for Children’s Education Summit 2015 in New Hampshire fell all over themselves trying distance their agendas from current education policies and declare their support for local autonomy.
Atualmente, o Brasil é governado por uma mulher, a mineira Dilma Rousseff, reeleita por votação popular. Mas as conquistas da mulher na política nacional são todas recentes como se pode exemplificar:
I. Roseana Sarney foi a primeira mulher eleita governadora de um estado brasileiro, o Amapá.
II. Zélia Cardoso de Mello foi a primeira ministra do Brasil, assumindo a pasta da Economia no governo de Fernando Collor, na década de 1990.
III. A ex‐vice‐governadora (no governo de Milton Cardoso), Júnia Marise, foi a primeira mulher eleita senadora no Brasil no ano de 1990, pelo do PDT/MG.
Está(ão) correta(s) a(s) afirmativa(s)
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Pesquisas atuais demonstram haver a percepção de aumento dos conflitos nas escolas, que, com frequência, enfrentam problemas de convivência, como bullying, violência e indisciplina. Diante dessas situações, muitos docentes se sentem despreparados e inseguros para intervir construtivamente, pois não se acham aptos a mediar conflitos de forma a favorecer o aprendizado de valores e normas de convívio. Estudos também indicam que as desavenças entre os alunos são resolvidas, principalmente, com estratégias submissas – como não interagir e guardar rancor – ou agressivas – usando imposições ou coerções, um nível ainda muito elementar de resolução.
A escola é o local ideal para trabalhar relações de colaboração e cooperação, pois, para aprender a viver em grupo, é preciso ter experiências de vida em comum. O desenvolvimento da autonomia e das relações justas e solidárias faz parte da maioria dos projetos pedagógicos, mas poucas vezes os cursos de formação estudam como a escola pode favorecê‐lo, apesar de atualmente existirem inúmeras pesquisas e vivências nesse campo. A proposta desta coluna é contribuir para divulgá‐las, para que a difícil, mas necessária, Educação socioafetiva torne‐se projeto institucional, deixando de ser uma questão privada de cada docente. Em alguns meses, vou compartilhar textos feitos em conjunto com estudiosos para que as informações sejam consistentes e atuais.
(Telma Vinha. Nova escola, edição 279, fevereiro 2015. Adaptado.)
O trecho a seguir contextualiza o tema tratado na questão. Leia‐o atentamente.
“Primeira delegada especial para mulheres, Rosmary Corrêa conta que o equipamento foi a primeira política pública direcionada a vítimas de violência no Brasil. ‘A ideia era oferecer um espaço diferenciado para a mulher, que seria atendida por outras mulheres, para que ela ficasse mais à vontade para falar a respeito desse assunto’, lembra. Hoje, existem nove delegacias da mulher somente na capital paulista e 130 em todo o estado. A partir da criação da delegacia, o governo passou a ter ciência e a enxergar a violência sofrida pelas mulheres, tanto agressões físicas quanto discriminações e ofensas. Para atendê‐las integralmente, criou‐se um setor de assistência social, dentro da própria delegacia, além de um abrigo para mulheres que não podiam voltar para casa por medo de serem mortas pelo marido. ‘Tudo começou a aparecer depois que se mostrou a realidade que muitas mulheres viviam dentro de casa’, afirma Rosmary.”
(Disponível em:‐humanos/noticia/2015‐08/ha‐30‐anos‐delegacia‐da‐mulher‐deu‐inicio‐politicas‐de‐ combate.)