Questões de Concurso Público UFAL 2011 para Analista de Tecnologia da Informação
Foram encontradas 65 questões
1. Student users have a responsibility to use University computer resources in an efficient, ethical, and lawful manner.
2. The University has a right and a duty to protect its valuable computer resources and to restrict student access to uses that are strictly related to the students' university related programs as well as reasonably limited in time. The University reserves the right to define what are unauthorized student uses.
3. Violations of University computer policy which do not constitute an immediate, clear danger to the University computer systems or networks will be referred to the regular student disciplinary process.
Escolha a opção que melhor sintetiza e nomeia a página. Leve em consideração os conhecimentos gramatical e lexical.
I. A multilevel, multi-sectored package of measures, requiring multilevel planning and structuring, leading towards an overall goal.
II. One or more processes in which an individual or group takes part in specific decision-making and action, and over which they may exercise specific controls.
III. Result of a project relative to its objective that are sufficient and necessary to achieve the objective and are generated by its respective partner’s output.
IV. The intended physical, financial, institutional, social, environmental, educational or other goals which a project is expected to achieve and which lies in its own sphere of influence.
Associe cada definição com um substantivo que a sinteza:
I. One procedure the person in charge should do is to gather essential information (contact information, checklist, logistical details, etc) that will be referred to on a continuous basis throughout the event planning process and organize it into a userfriendly system.
II. After organizing reference information, the person responsible for the event has to establish communication with the team. It is important to develop a support network and preventing duplication of efforts. The first meeting should bring all participants to the same page.
III. In order to follow up, it is important to have some sort of follow up in form of document for the purpose of evaluating the planned activities and determining whether the projected goals of the event were met.
IV. If the big day has arrived, make sure that you have checked and double checked to verify that all items. The best way to do this may be by using a checklist.
verifica-se que
I. São redes comutadas por circuitos.
II. São redes comutadas por pacotes.
III. É uma infraestrutura de redes que fornece serviços para aplicações distribuídas.
IV. É uma infraestrutura privada.
verifica-se que está(ão) correta(s)
I. Em uma árvore B de ordem "m" cada nó tem, no máximo, "m" filhos.
II. Em uma árvore B de ordem "m" cada nó (exceto a raíz e as folhas) tem pelo menos "m/2" filhos.
III. Árvores B precisam ser rebalanceadas frequentemente.
IV. Um nó não-folha com "k" filhos deve ter k chaves.
V. Todas as folhas aparecem no mesmo nível e carregam informação.
estão corretos os itens