Questões de Concurso Público UFAL 2011 para Analista de Tecnologia da Informação
Foram encontradas 65 questões
e o consumo de massa sob a lei da obsolescência, da sedução e da diversificação, aquela que faz passar o econômico para a órbita da forma moda (LIPOVETSKY, Gilles. O império do efêmero. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1989, p. 159).
e o consumo de massa sob a lei da obsolescência, da sedução e da diversificação, aquela que faz passar o econômico para a órbita da forma moda (LIPOVETSKY, Gilles. O império do efêmero. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1989, p. 159).
e o consumo de massa sob a lei da obsolescência, da sedução e da diversificação, aquela que faz passar o econômico para a órbita da forma moda (LIPOVETSKY, Gilles. O império do efêmero. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1989, p. 159).
e o consumo de massa sob a lei da obsolescência, da sedução e da diversificação, aquela que faz passar o econômico para a órbita da forma moda (LIPOVETSKY, Gilles. O império do efêmero. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1989, p. 159).
e o consumo de massa sob a lei da obsolescência, da sedução e da diversificação, aquela que faz passar o econômico para a órbita da forma moda (LIPOVETSKY, Gilles. O império do efêmero. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1989, p. 159).
01 Na Espanha, as mulheres estão prestes a conseguir
mais uma vitória no que toca à igualdade de direitos entre
03 os sexos. Um projeto de lei, em debate no parlamento
espanhol, propõe que não seja mais obrigatório o
05 sobrenome do pai vir em primeiro lugar – deixando a cargo
dos pais escolher a ordem dos sobrenomes. No caso de
07 não haver consenso, porém, valerá a ordem alfabética.
(Revista Língua Portuguesa. dez. 2010, p. 8)
01 Na Espanha, as mulheres estão prestes a conseguir
mais uma vitória no que toca à igualdade de direitos entre
03 os sexos. Um projeto de lei, em debate no parlamento
espanhol, propõe que não seja mais obrigatório o
05 sobrenome do pai vir em primeiro lugar – deixando a cargo
dos pais escolher a ordem dos sobrenomes. No caso de
07 não haver consenso, porém, valerá a ordem alfabética.
(Revista Língua Portuguesa. dez. 2010, p. 8)
I. Há, no texto, uma oração subordinada substantiva objetiva direta.
II. O último período do texto é composto por oração principal e oração subordinada adverbial condicional.
III. Os verbos conseguir (linha 1), vir (linha 5) e haver (linha 7) introduzem orações reduzidas de infinitivo.
IV. Na expressão, “em debate no parlamento espanhol” (linhas 3-4), há dois adjuntos adverbiais.
verifica-se que estão corretas
I. “Pacientes crônicos terão mais qualidade de vida fora do hospital. ______, é cada vez maior o número de pacientes que continuam internados mesmo depois de superado o problema que os levou à instituição.”
II. “O Rio de Janeiro foi tomado por um clima de ufanismo. ______, não basta cantar vitória durante a batalha.”
III. “______ se discute punição a crimes do regime militar, a tortura continua uma prática comum no Brasil.”
IV. “Vendas disparam ______ os adeptos da boa bebida descobrem os sabores doces e complexos das variedades envelhecidas.”
I. “As doenças cardiovasculares estão entre as causas mais frequentes de morte no Brasil.”
II. “Adquirir o hábito da leitura é construir para si mesmo um refúgio de quase todas as misérias da vida.”
III. “Jovem de 17 anos vira correspondente de guerra no Twitter durante combates no Complexo do Alemão.”
IV. “A literatura infantil continua alvo de preconceitos por muitos críticos.”
quais possuem verbos ou locução verbal com a mesma transitividade?
'CityVille' now bigger on Facebook than 'FarmVille'
(Mashable) -- Facebook game developer Zynga has proved once
again that it knows exactly what it needs to do to keep millions of
Facebook users happy and occupied.
In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille"___ ______
(become) the most popular application on Facebook, surpassing
Zynga's previous hit "FarmVille" in all areas.
According to AppData, "CityVille" now has 16.8 million daily
active users, compared to "FarmVille's" 16.4 million. Looking at
monthly active users, "CityVille" is also ahead with 61.7 million
users, while "FarmVille" trails behind with 56.8 million users.
Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out
the top five: put those four apps together (we'll disregard the fact
that many of those users overlap for a second) and you have a
very impressive number: 184 million active users across four
The only non-Zynga app in the top five list is "Phrases," _____ at
one point threatened to take the top place, but is now
overshadowed by both "CityVille" and "FarmVille."
"CityVille's" future success wasn't hard to predict after an
amazingly good start at the beginning of December, but it's still
impressive to see Zynga amassing tens of millions of users in a
matter of days, proving that all that venture capital that went into
the company isn't there by accident.
'CityVille' now bigger on Facebook than 'FarmVille'
(Mashable) -- Facebook game developer Zynga has proved once
again that it knows exactly what it needs to do to keep millions of
Facebook users happy and occupied.
In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille"___ ______
(become) the most popular application on Facebook, surpassing
Zynga's previous hit "FarmVille" in all areas.
According to AppData, "CityVille" now has 16.8 million daily
active users, compared to "FarmVille's" 16.4 million. Looking at
monthly active users, "CityVille" is also ahead with 61.7 million
users, while "FarmVille" trails behind with 56.8 million users.
Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out
the top five: put those four apps together (we'll disregard the fact
that many of those users overlap for a second) and you have a
very impressive number: 184 million active users across four
The only non-Zynga app in the top five list is "Phrases," _____ at
one point threatened to take the top place, but is now
overshadowed by both "CityVille" and "FarmVille."
"CityVille's" future success wasn't hard to predict after an
amazingly good start at the beginning of December, but it's still
impressive to see Zynga amassing tens of millions of users in a
matter of days, proving that all that venture capital that went into
the company isn't there by accident.
'CityVille' now bigger on Facebook than 'FarmVille'
(Mashable) -- Facebook game developer Zynga has proved once
again that it knows exactly what it needs to do to keep millions of
Facebook users happy and occupied.
In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille"___ ______
(become) the most popular application on Facebook, surpassing
Zynga's previous hit "FarmVille" in all areas.
According to AppData, "CityVille" now has 16.8 million daily
active users, compared to "FarmVille's" 16.4 million. Looking at
monthly active users, "CityVille" is also ahead with 61.7 million
users, while "FarmVille" trails behind with 56.8 million users.
Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out
the top five: put those four apps together (we'll disregard the fact
that many of those users overlap for a second) and you have a
very impressive number: 184 million active users across four
The only non-Zynga app in the top five list is "Phrases," _____ at
one point threatened to take the top place, but is now
overshadowed by both "CityVille" and "FarmVille."
"CityVille's" future success wasn't hard to predict after an
amazingly good start at the beginning of December, but it's still
impressive to see Zynga amassing tens of millions of users in a
matter of days, proving that all that venture capital that went into
the company isn't there by accident.
'CityVille' now bigger on Facebook than 'FarmVille'
(Mashable) -- Facebook game developer Zynga has proved once
again that it knows exactly what it needs to do to keep millions of
Facebook users happy and occupied.
In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille"___ ______
(become) the most popular application on Facebook, surpassing
Zynga's previous hit "FarmVille" in all areas.
According to AppData, "CityVille" now has 16.8 million daily
active users, compared to "FarmVille's" 16.4 million. Looking at
monthly active users, "CityVille" is also ahead with 61.7 million
users, while "FarmVille" trails behind with 56.8 million users.
Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out
the top five: put those four apps together (we'll disregard the fact
that many of those users overlap for a second) and you have a
very impressive number: 184 million active users across four
The only non-Zynga app in the top five list is "Phrases," _____ at
one point threatened to take the top place, but is now
overshadowed by both "CityVille" and "FarmVille."
"CityVille's" future success wasn't hard to predict after an
amazingly good start at the beginning of December, but it's still
impressive to see Zynga amassing tens of millions of users in a
matter of days, proving that all that venture capital that went into
the company isn't there by accident.
'CityVille' now bigger on Facebook than 'FarmVille'
(Mashable) -- Facebook game developer Zynga has proved once
again that it knows exactly what it needs to do to keep millions of
Facebook users happy and occupied.
In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille"___ ______
(become) the most popular application on Facebook, surpassing
Zynga's previous hit "FarmVille" in all areas.
According to AppData, "CityVille" now has 16.8 million daily
active users, compared to "FarmVille's" 16.4 million. Looking at
monthly active users, "CityVille" is also ahead with 61.7 million
users, while "FarmVille" trails behind with 56.8 million users.
Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out
the top five: put those four apps together (we'll disregard the fact
that many of those users overlap for a second) and you have a
very impressive number: 184 million active users across four
The only non-Zynga app in the top five list is "Phrases," _____ at
one point threatened to take the top place, but is now
overshadowed by both "CityVille" and "FarmVille."
"CityVille's" future success wasn't hard to predict after an
amazingly good start at the beginning of December, but it's still
impressive to see Zynga amassing tens of millions of users in a
matter of days, proving that all that venture capital that went into
the company isn't there by accident.