Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Matinhas - PB 2024 para Professor de Educação Básica II - Língua Inglesa
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I- O sistema educacional inclusivo em todos os níveis e modalidades, bem como o aprendizado ao longo de toda a vida. II- A formação e disponibilização de professores para o atendimento educacional especializado, de tradutores e intérpretes da Libras, de guias intérpretes e de profissionais de apoio. III- A oferta facultativa do ensino das Libras, do Sistema braile e de uso de recursos de tecnologia assistiva, pois depende do perfil da escola e do número de estudantes com deficiência, pois a oferta depende dos recursos da instituição atrelado ao quantitativo mínimo de 10 estudantes.
É CORRETO o que se afirma em:
Read TEXT 1 for question:
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Read TEXT 1 for question:
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Read TEXT 2 for question:
1. Language learning is learning to communicate using the target language.
2. The language used to communicate must be appropriate to the situation, the roles of the speakers, the setting and the register. The learner needs to differentiate between a formal and an informal style.
3. Communicative activities are essential. Activities should be presented in a situation or context and have a communicative purpose. Typical activities of this approach are: games, problem-solving tasks, and role-play. There should be information gap, choice and feedback involved in the activities.
4. Learners must have constant interaction with and exposure to the target language.
5. Development of the four macro skills — speaking, listening, reading and writing — is integrated from the beginning, since communication integrates the different skills.
6. The topics are selected and graded regarding age, needs, level, and students' interest.
7. Motivation is central. Teachers should raise students' interest from the beginning of the lesson.
8. The role of the teacher is that of a guide, a facilitator or an instructor.
9. Trial and error are considered part of the learning process.
10. Evaluation concerns not only the learners' accuracy but also their fluency.
Read TEXT 2 for question:
1. Language learning is learning to communicate using the target language.
2. The language used to communicate must be appropriate to the situation, the roles of the speakers, the setting and the register. The learner needs to differentiate between a formal and an informal style.
3. Communicative activities are essential. Activities should be presented in a situation or context and have a communicative purpose. Typical activities of this approach are: games, problem-solving tasks, and role-play. There should be information gap, choice and feedback involved in the activities.
4. Learners must have constant interaction with and exposure to the target language.
5. Development of the four macro skills — speaking, listening, reading and writing — is integrated from the beginning, since communication integrates the different skills.
6. The topics are selected and graded regarding age, needs, level, and students' interest.
7. Motivation is central. Teachers should raise students' interest from the beginning of the lesson.
8. The role of the teacher is that of a guide, a facilitator or an instructor.
9. Trial and error are considered part of the learning process.
10. Evaluation concerns not only the learners' accuracy but also their fluency.
“The sudden spike of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has had and continues to have a transformative impact on various domains, including education. The advent of AI-powered large language models [LLM], such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, will significantly enhance the way English as a foreign language (EFL) is taught and learned. This article explores the versatile applications of ChatGPT as a valuable tool in any EFLteacher's toolkit, specifically focusing on material development and assessment. The demand for effective EFLteaching and learning strategies has been steadily on the rise for years due to globalization and the widespread adoption of English as the lingua franca for international communication. Consequently, the integration of technology in language education has become crucial in addressing the diverse needs of EFL learners and teachers. ChatGPT, a cutting-edge LLM, holds considerable promise in revolutionizing EFLeducation, as it combines advanced natural language processing capabilities with a realistic instantaneous humanlike interaction. This article aims to provide some potential benefits of utilizing ChatGPT in EFL education. First, we examine how ChatGPTcan be employed in material development, streamlining the process of creating engaging and contextually relevant resources tailored to the needs of individual learners, as well as other more general uses. Second, we explore the role of ChatGPT in text assessment, highlighting the fact that, unlike humans, it has the potential of offering real-time, personalized feedback on learners' performance, thereby enhancing the overall learning experience. It is worth noting that this article as well as the applications suggested in it are based on the latest ChatGPT4 and not the older ChatGPT3.5.”
(Adapted from: )
“The sudden spike of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has had and continues to have a transformative impact on various domains, including education. The advent of AI-powered large language models [LLM], such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, will significantly enhance the way English as a foreign language (EFL) is taught and learned. This article explores the versatile applications of ChatGPT as a valuable tool in any EFLteacher's toolkit, specifically focusing on material development and assessment. The demand for effective EFLteaching and learning strategies has been steadily on the rise for years due to globalization and the widespread adoption of English as the lingua franca for international communication. Consequently, the integration of technology in language education has become crucial in addressing the diverse needs of EFL learners and teachers. ChatGPT, a cutting-edge LLM, holds considerable promise in revolutionizing EFLeducation, as it combines advanced natural language processing capabilities with a realistic instantaneous humanlike interaction. This article aims to provide some potential benefits of utilizing ChatGPT in EFL education. First, we examine how ChatGPTcan be employed in material development, streamlining the process of creating engaging and contextually relevant resources tailored to the needs of individual learners, as well as other more general uses. Second, we explore the role of ChatGPT in text assessment, highlighting the fact that, unlike humans, it has the potential of offering real-time, personalized feedback on learners' performance, thereby enhancing the overall learning experience. It is worth noting that this article as well as the applications suggested in it are based on the latest ChatGPT4 and not the older ChatGPT3.5.”
(Adapted from: )
“The sudden spike of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has had and continues to have a transformative impact on various domains, including education. The advent of AI-powered large language models [LLM], such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, will significantly enhance the way English as a foreign language (EFL) is taught and learned. This article explores the versatile applications of ChatGPT as a valuable tool in any EFLteacher's toolkit, specifically focusing on material development and assessment. The demand for effective EFLteaching and learning strategies has been steadily on the rise for years due to globalization and the widespread adoption of English as the lingua franca for international communication. Consequently, the integration of technology in language education has become crucial in addressing the diverse needs of EFL learners and teachers. ChatGPT, a cutting-edge LLM, holds considerable promise in revolutionizing EFLeducation, as it combines advanced natural language processing capabilities with a realistic instantaneous humanlike interaction. This article aims to provide some potential benefits of utilizing ChatGPT in EFL education. First, we examine how ChatGPTcan be employed in material development, streamlining the process of creating engaging and contextually relevant resources tailored to the needs of individual learners, as well as other more general uses. Second, we explore the role of ChatGPT in text assessment, highlighting the fact that, unlike humans, it has the potential of offering real-time, personalized feedback on learners' performance, thereby enhancing the overall learning experience. It is worth noting that this article as well as the applications suggested in it are based on the latest ChatGPT4 and not the older ChatGPT3.5.”
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Considering this period, the word steadily can be substituted, without change in meaning, by which one of the following?
Read the following sentences:
I- The library was supposed to open early today; however, due to unforeseen circumstances, it will remain closed.
II- She has been working hard to improve her fitness levels, yet she feels more exhausted than ever.
III- The project deadline was fast approaching; nevertheless, the team decided to start from scratch.
The use of connectors is CORRECT in:
According to the Brazilian National Education Guidelines and Framework Law enacted in 2017, English language teaching is mandatory from the sixth year of elementary school until the last years of high school. However, the curriculum does not guarantee that all Brazilian students will receive English teaching. In 2013, Data Popular, a Brazilian research institute, drafted a report for the British Council analyzing the problems concerning knowledge of English in Brazil. The report claims that the low level of English proficiency amongst Brazilians reflects the educational opportunities available in the country […].
To understand the reasons why English teaching does not seem efficient for all students, it is important to highlight the English language teaching provision in Brazil. Formal English teaching in Brazil takes place in four different contexts: English schools, bilingual schools, regular private schools, and public schools. In general, people who wish to learn English believe that effective learning occurs only in private English schools or bilingual schools because the structure (the teaching methods and the quality of support materials) is more likely to provide successful learning. The focus in those institutions is on oral expression. Learners have more exposure to the target language because classes are taught entirely in English, and teachers are usually well trained to comply with that requirement. In addition, groups are smaller, so students can receive personal support and enjoy a comfortable learning environment, not to mention access to multimedia resources.
(Adapted from:
According to the Brazilian National Education Guidelines and Framework Law enacted in 2017, English language teaching is mandatory from the sixth year of elementary school until the last years of high school. However, the curriculum does not guarantee that all Brazilian students will receive English teaching. In 2013, Data Popular, a Brazilian research institute, drafted a report for the British Council analyzing the problems concerning knowledge of English in Brazil. The report claims that the low level of English proficiency amongst Brazilians reflects the educational opportunities available in the country […].
To understand the reasons why English teaching does not seem efficient for all students, it is important to highlight the English language teaching provision in Brazil. Formal English teaching in Brazil takes place in four different contexts: English schools, bilingual schools, regular private schools, and public schools. In general, people who wish to learn English believe that effective learning occurs only in private English schools or bilingual schools because the structure (the teaching methods and the quality of support materials) is more likely to provide successful learning. The focus in those institutions is on oral expression. Learners have more exposure to the target language because classes are taught entirely in English, and teachers are usually well trained to comply with that requirement. In addition, groups are smaller, so students can receive personal support and enjoy a comfortable learning environment, not to mention access to multimedia resources.
(Adapted from:
According to the Brazilian National Education Guidelines and Framework Law enacted in 2017, English language teaching is mandatory from the sixth year of elementary school until the last years of high school. However, the curriculum does not guarantee that all Brazilian students will receive English teaching. In 2013, Data Popular, a Brazilian research institute, drafted a report for the British Council analyzing the problems concerning knowledge of English in Brazil. The report claims that the low level of English proficiency amongst Brazilians reflects the educational opportunities available in the country […].
To understand the reasons why English teaching does not seem efficient for all students, it is important to highlight the English language teaching provision in Brazil. Formal English teaching in Brazil takes place in four different contexts: English schools, bilingual schools, regular private schools, and public schools. In general, people who wish to learn English believe that effective learning occurs only in private English schools or bilingual schools because the structure (the teaching methods and the quality of support materials) is more likely to provide successful learning. The focus in those institutions is on oral expression. Learners have more exposure to the target language because classes are taught entirely in English, and teachers are usually well trained to comply with that requirement. In addition, groups are smaller, so students can receive personal support and enjoy a comfortable learning environment, not to mention access to multimedia resources.
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