Questões de Concurso Público MRE 2002 para Assistente de Chancelaria

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Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3196 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 21
to 25:

Mercosur is by far the most successful in a
long history of attempts to promote economic
integration in South America. It was born out of an
early-Eighties process of détente between Brazil
and Argentina, which during the Seventies had
often suffered from strained relationships between
their respective military governments.
The trade between Mercosur countries and
the rest of the world grew 79% in the period 1990-
98, but over the same time trade between
Mercosur members jumped five-fold, from US$4.1
billion to US$21.4 billion.
Mercosur member countries have said they
plan to strengthen their regional pact as a
precursor to joining with other hemispheric
neighbors in creating a Free Trade Area of the
Americas- FTAA. Pact members have also
declared the intention of negotiating as a bloc with
the European Union.
According to the author, the relationships between Brazil and Argentina in the 70s were
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3197 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 21
to 25:

Mercosur is by far the most successful in a
long history of attempts to promote economic
integration in South America. It was born out of an
early-Eighties process of détente between Brazil
and Argentina, which during the Seventies had
often suffered from strained relationships between
their respective military governments.
The trade between Mercosur countries and
the rest of the world grew 79% in the period 1990-
98, but over the same time trade between
Mercosur members jumped five-fold, from US$4.1
billion to US$21.4 billion.
Mercosur member countries have said they
plan to strengthen their regional pact as a
precursor to joining with other hemispheric
neighbors in creating a Free Trade Area of the
Americas- FTAA. Pact members have also
declared the intention of negotiating as a bloc with
the European Union.
According to the text, Mercosur
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3198 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 21
to 25:

Mercosur is by far the most successful in a
long history of attempts to promote economic
integration in South America. It was born out of an
early-Eighties process of détente between Brazil
and Argentina, which during the Seventies had
often suffered from strained relationships between
their respective military governments.
The trade between Mercosur countries and
the rest of the world grew 79% in the period 1990-
98, but over the same time trade between
Mercosur members jumped five-fold, from US$4.1
billion to US$21.4 billion.
Mercosur member countries have said they
plan to strengthen their regional pact as a
precursor to joining with other hemispheric
neighbors in creating a Free Trade Area of the
Americas- FTAA. Pact members have also
declared the intention of negotiating as a bloc with
the European Union.
The creation of Mercosur
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3199 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 21
to 25:

Mercosur is by far the most successful in a
long history of attempts to promote economic
integration in South America. It was born out of an
early-Eighties process of détente between Brazil
and Argentina, which during the Seventies had
often suffered from strained relationships between
their respective military governments.
The trade between Mercosur countries and
the rest of the world grew 79% in the period 1990-
98, but over the same time trade between
Mercosur members jumped five-fold, from US$4.1
billion to US$21.4 billion.
Mercosur member countries have said they
plan to strengthen their regional pact as a
precursor to joining with other hemispheric
neighbors in creating a Free Trade Area of the
Americas- FTAA. Pact members have also
declared the intention of negotiating as a bloc with
the European Union.
According to the text, Mercosur member countries intend to
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3200 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 21
to 25:

Mercosur is by far the most successful in a
long history of attempts to promote economic
integration in South America. It was born out of an
early-Eighties process of détente between Brazil
and Argentina, which during the Seventies had
often suffered from strained relationships between
their respective military governments.
The trade between Mercosur countries and
the rest of the world grew 79% in the period 1990-
98, but over the same time trade between
Mercosur members jumped five-fold, from US$4.1
billion to US$21.4 billion.
Mercosur member countries have said they
plan to strengthen their regional pact as a
precursor to joining with other hemispheric
neighbors in creating a Free Trade Area of the
Americas- FTAA. Pact members have also
declared the intention of negotiating as a bloc with
the European Union.
Brazil and Argentina
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3201 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 26
to 30:

Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001

"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
The ex-American Ambassador refers to
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3202 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 26
to 30:

Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001

"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
Ambassador Anthony Harrington refers to Brazil's attitude in relation to Argentina's economic situation as
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3203 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 26
to 30:

Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001

"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
The text also refers to key reforms which
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3204 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 26
to 30:

Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001

"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
Anthony Harrington
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3205 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 26
to 30:

Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001

"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
According to the text, Presidents Bush and Cardoso
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3206 Raciocínio Lógico
Quando novo, um equipamento vale R$ 2.000,00 e tem seu valor desvalorizado mensalmente a uma taxa de 1,5 % ao mês. Ao fim de um ano, este mesmo equipamento valerá:
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3207 Raciocínio Lógico
Ana, Beatriz, Carlos, Deoclides, Ernani, Flávio e
Germano fazem parte de uma equipe de vendas.
O gerente geral acredita que se esses
vendedores forem distribuídos em duas diferentes
equipes haverá um aumento substancial nas
vendas. Serão então formadas duas equipes:
equipe A com 4 vendedores e equipe B com 3
vendedores. Dadas as características dos
vendedores, na divisão, deverão ser obedecidas
as seguintes restrições: a) Beatriz e Deoclides
devem estar no mesmo grupo; b) Ana não pode
estar no mesmo grupo nem com Beatriz, nem
com Carlos. Ora, sabe-se que, na divisão final,
Ana e Flávio foram colocados na equipe A.
Então, necessariamente, a equipe B tem os
seguintes vendedores:
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3208 Raciocínio Lógico
Quatro meninas que formam uma fila estão usando blusas de cores diferentes, amarelo, verde, azul e preto. A menina que está imediatamente antes da menina que veste blusa azul é menor do que a que está imediatamente depois da menina de blusa azul. A menina que está usando blusa verde é a menor de todas e está depois da menina de blusa azul. A menina de blusa amarela está depois da menina que veste blusa preta. As cores das blusas da primeira e da segunda menina da fila são, respectivamente:
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3209 Raciocínio Lógico
No final de semana, Chiquita não foi ao parque. Ora, sabe-se que sempre que Didi estuda, Didi é aprovado. Sabe-se, também, que, nos finais de semana, ou Dadá vai à missa ou vai visitar tia Célia. Sempre que Dadá vai visitar tia Célia, Chiquita vai ao parque, e sempre que Dadá vai à missa, Didi estuda. Então, no final de semana,
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3210 Raciocínio Lógico
A solução da inequação 32(x-1) > 1 é dada pelo conjunto solução:
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3211 Raciocínio Lógico
Se a média aritmética dos números 6, 8, X e Y é igual a 12, então a média aritmética dos números (X + 8) e (Y - 4) será:
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3212 Raciocínio Lógico
Se X, Y e Z são inteiros positivos e consecutivos tais que X < Y < Z, então a expressão que necessariamente corresponde a um número inteiro ímpar é dada por:
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3213 Raciocínio Lógico
O número X tem três algarismos. O produto dos algarismos de X é 126 e a soma dos dois últimos algarismos de X é 11. O algarismo das centenas de X é:
Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3214 Raciocínio Lógico

Seja x um número inteiro qualquer pertencente ao intervalo (-2,1). Para que ambas as seguintes relações sejam verdadeiras

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

o símbolo deve ser substituído por:

Ano: 2002 Banca: ESAF Órgão: MRE Prova: ESAF - 2002 - MRE - Assistente de Chancelaria |
Q3215 Raciocínio Lógico
Num triângulo ABC, o ângulo interno de vértice A mede 60°. O maior ângulo formado pelas bissetrizes dos ângulos internos de vértices B e C mede:
21: E
22: D
23: B
24: A
25: D
26: E
27: A
28: C
29: E
30: B
31: A
32: E
33: C
34: A
35: E
36: C
37: B
38: D
39: B
40: D