Questões de Concurso Público MTE 2010 para Auditor Fiscal do Trabalho - Prova 1

Foram encontradas 70 questões

Q29719 Direito Constitucional
Praticamente toda a doutrina constitucionalista cita os princípios e regras de interpretações enumeradas por Canotilho. Entre os princípios e as regras de interpretação abaixo, assinale aquele(a) que não foi elencado por Canotilho.
Q29720 Direito Constitucional
Sabe-se que a Constituição Federal, apesar de ser classifi cada como rígida, pode sofrer reformas. A respeito das alterações na Constituição, podemos afirmar que

I. a emenda à Constituição Federal, enquanto proposta, é considerada um ato infraconstitucional.

II. de acordo com a doutrina constitucionalista, a Constituição Federal traz duas grandes espécies de limitações ao Poder de reformá-la, as limitações expressas e as implícitas.

III. as limitações expressas circunstanciais formam um núcleo intangível da Constituição Federal, denominado tradicionalmente por "cláusulas pétreas".

IV. vários doutrinadores publicistas salientam ser implicitamente irreformável a norma constitucional que prevê as limitações expressas.

Assinale a opção verdadeira.
Q29721 Direito Constitucional
Sabe-se que a Constituição Federal sofre controle de diversas formas. Acerca do controle constitucional, é correto afi rmar que
Q29722 Direito Constitucional
A nacionalidade pode ter repercussões na vida de brasileiros e estrangeiros. Nos termos da Constituição Brasileira, é brasileiro nato:
Q29723 Direito Constitucional
A doutrina constitucionalista tem comentado muito sobre os direitos dos trabalhadores garantidos constitucionalmente. Sobre tais direitos, considerando a doutrina de José Afonso da Silva, é correto afi rmar que:
Q29724 Direito Constitucional
A Constituição da República previu a chamada Tutela Constitucional das Liberdades. Assinale a assertiva que traz características corretas em relação aos instrumentos abaixo.
Q29725 Direito Constitucional
A Constituição Federal estabelece em seu art. 50 os direitos e garantias fundamentais do cidadão, assunto bastante comentado pela doutrina pátria. A respeito do tema, é correto afi rmar que
Q29726 Direito Constitucional
A saúde integra o tópico da Constituição Federal que trata da Ordem Social. A saúde é um direito de todos e dever do Estado. As ações e serviços públicos de saúde integram uma rede regionalizada e hierarquizada e constituem um sistema único. Sobre a saúde, é correto afi rmar que
Q29727 Direito Constitucional
A Seguridade Social, nos termos da Constituição, compreende um conjunto integrado de ações de iniciativa dos Poderes Públicos e da sociedade destinadas a assegurar os direitos relativos à saúde, à previdência e à assistência social. A Constituição Federal estabelece objetivos da seguridade social, que a doutrina constitucionalista de José Afonso da Silva tem preferido chamar de princípios. Sobre tais objetivos, é correto afi rmar que
Q29728 Direito Administrativo
A Constituição Federal prevê que as pessoas jurídicas de direito público e as de direito privado prestadoras de serviços públicos responderão pelos danos que seus agentes, nessa qualidade, causarem a terceiros, assegurado o direito de regresso contra o responsável nos casos de dolo ou culpa. Sobre o princípio da responsabilidade civil objetiva do poder público, é correto afi rmar que
Q29729 Inglês
Companies in the rich world are confronted with a rapidly
ageing workforce. Nearly one in three American workers
will be over 50 by 2012, and America is a young country
compared with Japan and Germany. China is also ageing
rapidly, thanks to its one-child policy. This means that
companies will have to learn how to manage older workers
Most companies are remarkably ill-prepared. There was a
fl icker of interest in the problem a few years ago but it was
snuffed out by the recession. The management literature
on older workers is a mere molehill compared with the
mountain devoted to recruiting and retaining the young.
Companies are still stuck with an antiquated model for
dealing with ageing, which assumes that people should
get pay rises and promotions on the basis of age. They
have dealt with the burdens of this model by periodically
"downsizing" older workers or encouraging them to take
early retirement. This has created a dual labour market for
older workers, of cosseted insiders on the one hand and
unemployed or retired outsiders on the other.
But this model cannot last. The number of young people,
particularly those with valuable science and engineering
skills, is shrinking. And governments are raising retirement
ages and making it more diffi cult for companies to shed
older workers, in a desperate attempt to cope with their
underfunded pension systems.
Feb 4th 2010 | From The Economist print edition [adapted]
According to the text, businesses
Q29730 Inglês
Companies in the rich world are confronted with a rapidly
ageing workforce. Nearly one in three American workers
will be over 50 by 2012, and America is a young country
compared with Japan and Germany. China is also ageing
rapidly, thanks to its one-child policy. This means that
companies will have to learn how to manage older workers
Most companies are remarkably ill-prepared. There was a
fl icker of interest in the problem a few years ago but it was
snuffed out by the recession. The management literature
on older workers is a mere molehill compared with the
mountain devoted to recruiting and retaining the young.
Companies are still stuck with an antiquated model for
dealing with ageing, which assumes that people should
get pay rises and promotions on the basis of age. They
have dealt with the burdens of this model by periodically
"downsizing" older workers or encouraging them to take
early retirement. This has created a dual labour market for
older workers, of cosseted insiders on the one hand and
unemployed or retired outsiders on the other.
But this model cannot last. The number of young people,
particularly those with valuable science and engineering
skills, is shrinking. And governments are raising retirement
ages and making it more diffi cult for companies to shed
older workers, in a desperate attempt to cope with their
underfunded pension systems.
Feb 4th 2010 | From The Economist print edition [adapted]
In paragraph 2, the author claims that the recent economic recession has
Q29731 Inglês
Companies in the rich world are confronted with a rapidly
ageing workforce. Nearly one in three American workers
will be over 50 by 2012, and America is a young country
compared with Japan and Germany. China is also ageing
rapidly, thanks to its one-child policy. This means that
companies will have to learn how to manage older workers
Most companies are remarkably ill-prepared. There was a
fl icker of interest in the problem a few years ago but it was
snuffed out by the recession. The management literature
on older workers is a mere molehill compared with the
mountain devoted to recruiting and retaining the young.
Companies are still stuck with an antiquated model for
dealing with ageing, which assumes that people should
get pay rises and promotions on the basis of age. They
have dealt with the burdens of this model by periodically
"downsizing" older workers or encouraging them to take
early retirement. This has created a dual labour market for
older workers, of cosseted insiders on the one hand and
unemployed or retired outsiders on the other.
But this model cannot last. The number of young people,
particularly those with valuable science and engineering
skills, is shrinking. And governments are raising retirement
ages and making it more diffi cult for companies to shed
older workers, in a desperate attempt to cope with their
underfunded pension systems.
Feb 4th 2010 | From The Economist print edition [adapted]
The text suggests that the governments of industrialized countries are
Q29732 Inglês
Minister calls for wider fl exible working rights

British government ministers are considering giving all
employees the right to ask for fl exible working hours "from
the beginning" of a new job as part of plans to encourage a
fundamental shift in working habits.
The Work and Pensions Secretary, Yvette Cooper, says her
offi ce is working with employers and organisations such as
the federation of small businesses to draw up new ways of
supporting men as well as women and non-parents as well
as parents working more fl exible hours.

The current rules are limited to parents of children under 16
and carers, and Cooper wants to extend them. "You want
people to offer fl exible working from the beginning and
we need to look again at how the legislation can support
different ways of doing that," she said.

"There will be some areas where it's not possible to fi t
round particular school hours or particular things where the
nature of the business makes it hard - but what you need
is the cultural change for everybody to think differently."
Cooper's proposals come as the government announced
that fathers will be given the right to six months' paternity

There will be a legal right to take the mother's place at
home for the last three months of a nine-month maternity
break; they would receive £123 a week in statutory pay.
Fathers would then be entitled to take a further three
months' unpaid leave. The move was criticised by some
business leaders.

(From: The Guardian, Friday 29 January 2010 -slightly adapted)
According to the text, current British laws on working timetables are designed mainly for
Q29733 Inglês
Minister calls for wider fl exible working rights

British government ministers are considering giving all
employees the right to ask for fl exible working hours "from
the beginning" of a new job as part of plans to encourage a
fundamental shift in working habits.
The Work and Pensions Secretary, Yvette Cooper, says her
offi ce is working with employers and organisations such as
the federation of small businesses to draw up new ways of
supporting men as well as women and non-parents as well
as parents working more fl exible hours.

The current rules are limited to parents of children under 16
and carers, and Cooper wants to extend them. "You want
people to offer fl exible working from the beginning and
we need to look again at how the legislation can support
different ways of doing that," she said.

"There will be some areas where it's not possible to fi t
round particular school hours or particular things where the
nature of the business makes it hard - but what you need
is the cultural change for everybody to think differently."
Cooper's proposals come as the government announced
that fathers will be given the right to six months' paternity

There will be a legal right to take the mother's place at
home for the last three months of a nine-month maternity
break; they would receive £123 a week in statutory pay.
Fathers would then be entitled to take a further three
months' unpaid leave. The move was criticised by some
business leaders.

(From: The Guardian, Friday 29 January 2010 -slightly adapted)
With regard to paternity leave, the government has given men the right to
Q29734 Inglês
Minister calls for wider fl exible working rights

British government ministers are considering giving all
employees the right to ask for fl exible working hours "from
the beginning" of a new job as part of plans to encourage a
fundamental shift in working habits.
The Work and Pensions Secretary, Yvette Cooper, says her
offi ce is working with employers and organisations such as
the federation of small businesses to draw up new ways of
supporting men as well as women and non-parents as well
as parents working more fl exible hours.

The current rules are limited to parents of children under 16
and carers, and Cooper wants to extend them. "You want
people to offer fl exible working from the beginning and
we need to look again at how the legislation can support
different ways of doing that," she said.

"There will be some areas where it's not possible to fi t
round particular school hours or particular things where the
nature of the business makes it hard - but what you need
is the cultural change for everybody to think differently."
Cooper's proposals come as the government announced
that fathers will be given the right to six months' paternity

There will be a legal right to take the mother's place at
home for the last three months of a nine-month maternity
break; they would receive £123 a week in statutory pay.
Fathers would then be entitled to take a further three
months' unpaid leave. The move was criticised by some
business leaders.

(From: The Guardian, Friday 29 January 2010 -slightly adapted)
The Work and Pensions Secretary
Q29735 Inglês
Minister calls for wider fl exible working rights

British government ministers are considering giving all
employees the right to ask for fl exible working hours "from
the beginning" of a new job as part of plans to encourage a
fundamental shift in working habits.
The Work and Pensions Secretary, Yvette Cooper, says her
offi ce is working with employers and organisations such as
the federation of small businesses to draw up new ways of
supporting men as well as women and non-parents as well
as parents working more fl exible hours.

The current rules are limited to parents of children under 16
and carers, and Cooper wants to extend them. "You want
people to offer fl exible working from the beginning and
we need to look again at how the legislation can support
different ways of doing that," she said.

"There will be some areas where it's not possible to fi t
round particular school hours or particular things where the
nature of the business makes it hard - but what you need
is the cultural change for everybody to think differently."
Cooper's proposals come as the government announced
that fathers will be given the right to six months' paternity

There will be a legal right to take the mother's place at
home for the last three months of a nine-month maternity
break; they would receive £123 a week in statutory pay.
Fathers would then be entitled to take a further three
months' unpaid leave. The move was criticised by some
business leaders.

(From: The Guardian, Friday 29 January 2010 -slightly adapted)
Ms Cooper hopes her new proposals will give more fl exible working hours
Q29736 Inglês
The International Labour Organization seeks to
Q29737 Inglês
The founders of the ILO believed that
Q29738 Inglês
The phrase "gives the ILO an edge" [paragraph 4 line 4] means
21: C
22: D
23: B
24: E
25: E
26: C
27: A
28: C
29: D
30: D
31: E
32: C
33: A
34: B
35: D
36: C
37: A
38: B
39: D
40: E