Questões de Concurso Público IF-PR 2019 para Professor - Letras Inglês

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Ano: 2019 Banca: FAU Órgão: IF-PR Prova: FAU - 2019 - IF-PR - Professor - Letras Inglês |
Q1646466 Inglês
All cultures have habits, beliefs, and values that differ from one another. In this sense, interacting effectively with a native speaker of another language, belonging to another cultural universe, also depends on the ability to recognize these differences – critically, but also respectfully. Recognizing the different cultures involved in the process of meaning-making is usually called Intercultural Competence. About the Intercultural Approach, it is correct to say that:
Ano: 2019 Banca: FAU Órgão: IF-PR Prova: FAU - 2019 - IF-PR - Professor - Letras Inglês |
Q1646467 Inglês
During the XXI Century, we have been experiencing many changes in the way people communicate. The appearance of new technologies (e.g. e-mail, chat rooms, conversation apps, dating apps, etc.) represents a massive contribution for the consolidation of new relationship patterns. Consequently, language has also acquired a new space for a specific development. According to Bothz (2008), most of what is posted online is written in English. In the contemporaneity, it is also true that English is considered the “universal language” for the communication between speakers of different native languages. Having this “universality” of English language in mind, as well as its massive presence in the new technologies of our times, consider the following statements regarding the contemporary EFL classroom:
I - The use of the internet, forums, and conversation apps is useful for it brings the student closer to real and tangible contexts of communication. II - The internet provides us with interesting tools for grammar contents to be assessed in less formal contexts of communication. III - Because of security issues, it is most advisable to keep technologies out of English classes. Anyways, if the teacher chooses to use them, it is indispensable for him/her to keep constant attention and vigilance to what is being explored. IV - As the importance of internationalisation processes of educational institutions have already been recognized, technology now plays a fundamental role for the contact between professionals and for the sharing of information.
The INCORRECT statements are:
Ano: 2019 Banca: FAU Órgão: IF-PR Prova: FAU - 2019 - IF-PR - Professor - Letras Inglês |
Q1646468 Inglês
In the current Brazilian context, especially in educational institutions, internationalisation policies have proved to be of great relevance. Internationalisation is based on the idea that increased bonds between different institutions situated in different sociocultural contexts, and with different developments, can contribute to the growth of every part of the process. Just as, in distinct spheres, the world has become increasingly globalised, similar dynamics can be spot in what regards knowledge. In this sense, the study of foreign languages, particularly of English (as our greater lingua franca), plays a key role for mediating such process. Regarding the idea of language teaching in this context of internationalisation, it is correct to affirm that:
Ano: 2019 Banca: FAU Órgão: IF-PR Prova: FAU - 2019 - IF-PR - Professor - Letras Inglês |
Q1646469 Inglês
Choose the option where the negative prefixes are correctly applied:
Ano: 2019 Banca: FAU Órgão: IF-PR Prova: FAU - 2019 - IF-PR - Professor - Letras Inglês |
Q1646470 Inglês
Language, as a form of social behaviour, presents different variations according to the context of its application, the community applying it, and the degree of formality demanded by the communicative situation. Research about these variations concerns Sociolinguistics. As it is true for the studies regarding native languages, according to Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (BRASIL, 2000), foreign language classes should, among other things, help students develop an ability to identify different linguistic variants, consequently making them grow more capable of communicating in various contexts. Considering Sociolinguistics and the importance of studying linguistic variants in English as a foreign language, it is right do affirm that:
I - Sociolinguistics focuses on the patterns of linguistic behaviour observable within a community of speech, recognizing language as a social reality. II - Addressing English linguistic variations is essential for it sheds a light on peripheral cultures and peoples who are generally set aside during English teaching and learning. III - Sociolinguistics has to do with the relationship established between languages and societies and, therefore, it is right to say that it is more relevant for Brazilians to learn the American variation, given the economic and politic relationship that Brazil established with the U.S.A. IV - Only standard English should be studied, as knowing other linguistic variants of the language represents no benefit to the learner during communication.
31: E
32: C
33: B
34: D
35: C