Questões de Concurso Público Câmara dos Deputados 2007 para Analista Legislativo - Técnico em Material e Patrimônio

Foram encontradas 80 questões

Q2256133 Português
De acordo com o texto,
Q2256148 Inglês
Google Adds a Safeguard on Privacy for Searchers

        SAN FRANCISCO, March 14 — Web search companies collect records of the searches that people conduct, a fact that has long generated …16… among privacy advocates and some Internet users that valuable personal data could be misused.
        Now Google is taking a step to ease those concerns. The company keeps logs of all searches, along with digital identifiers linking them to specific computers and Internet browsers. It said on Wednesday that it would start to make those logs anonymous after 18 to 24 months, making it much harder to connect search records to a person. Under current practices, the company keeps the logs intact indefinitely.
        “We have decided to make this change with feedback from privacy advocates, regulators worldwide and, of course, from our users,” said Nicole Wong, Google’s deputy general counsel.
        But it is unclear whether the change will have its intended effect. Privacy advocates reacted with a mix of praise and dismay to it.
        “This is really the first time we have seen them make a decision to try and work out the conflict between wanting to be pro-privacy and collecting all the world’s information,” said Ari Schwartz, deputy director of the Center for Democracy and Technology, an advocacy group. “They are not going to keep a profile on you indefinitely.”
        Others were less enthusiastic. “I think it is an absolute disaster for online privacy,” said Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center.
        Ms. Wong said Google uses the search data internally only to improve its search engine and other services. She added that Google would release search data only if compelled by a subpoena. Even so, Google was the only major search engine to resist a Justice Department subpoena for vast amounts of search data last year — a move that drew praise from privacy advocates.
        Just how personally revealing such data can be became evident last year, when AOL released records of the searches conducted by 657,000 Americans for the benefit of researchers. …17… AOL did not identify the people behind the searches, reporters from The New York Times were able to track down some of them quickly through their search requests.
        The ensuing flap caused AOL to tighten its privacy policies. The company now keeps search histories for only 13 months and does not link them to Internet protocol addresses — digital tags that can identify a specific computer.
        For its part, Yahoo keeps search data for “as long as it is useful,” said a spokeswoman, Nissa Anklesaria. And Microsoft said that while it does not keep search histories alongside I.P. addresses, it can connect the two if law enforcement requests it.

(Adapted from f=login)
A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna indicada no texto é
Q2256752 Português
No fragmento citado, Franco Júnior 
Q2256754 Português
No segundo parágrafo, o autor
Q2256755 Português
Considerado o contexto, afirma-se corretamente que 
Q2256756 Português
Acerca dos recursos de pontuação empregados no texto, está correto o que se afirma em:
Q2256757 Português
Considerado o contexto, afirma-se corretamente que 
Q2256758 Português
 Atentando-se ao contexto, é correto o que se afirma em:
Q2256759 Português
Quanto às relações semânticas estabelecidas no texto, é correto afirmar que 
Q2256760 Português
 A norma culta da Língua Portuguesa está plenamente respeitada em:
Q2256761 Português

O texto está clara e corretamente redigido em:

Q2256763 Inglês
States Push Online Fitness Programs

        With obesity …11…  across the nation, a growing number of states like Indiana are launching online initiatives to combat residents’ expanding waistlines. One such initiative is Indiana’s “10 in 10 Challenge,” an online program that commits participants to lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks. Proponents say online programs reach a vast audience, are relatively cheap and a quick way to let people know about upcoming fitness events and local resources.
        Action to curtail obesity is badly needed for Indiana, which consistently ranks among the top 10 most obese states, and is second, behind Kentucky, in the percentage of adults who smoke, said Eric Neuburger, executive director of the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.
        Indiana is far from alone – it’s one of 17 states where at least 25 percent of the population is obese, according to 2005 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
        In a report released in August by the Trust for America’s Health, the public health advocacy group said research suggests the nation would save $5.6 billion a year in costs associated with treating heart disease if just one-tenth of Americans began walking regularly.
        Walking is one of the ideas behind Lighten Up Iowa, a Web-based four-month program that’s driven by teams who either track their minutes of activity, their weight-loss, or both. Now in its sixth year, the Iowa program has been so successful that 17 other states have modeled their own programs after it, capitalizing on the Internet’s vast reach and ability to connect people, helping them stay motivated, said the program’s coordinator, Deborah Martinez. Its sponsor, the nonprofit Iowa Sports Foundation, recently launched a national version, Lighten Up America.
        The federal health agency is trying to combat obesity more broadly with programs in 28 states that encourage fitness through efforts that include building sidewalks and walking trails, said Robin Hamre, team leader of a national nutrition and obesity prevention program at the CDC.
        Hamre hopes Congress will fund the program for all 50 states. With obesity striking Americans of all backgrounds, and surging in children, she said action is needed now.
        “We’re seeing the same thing in all age groups and all races. This is an equal opportunity epidemic,” she said.

(Adapted from
Um sinônimo para badly, no texto, é 
Q2256764 Inglês
States Push Online Fitness Programs

        With obesity …11…  across the nation, a growing number of states like Indiana are launching online initiatives to combat residents’ expanding waistlines. One such initiative is Indiana’s “10 in 10 Challenge,” an online program that commits participants to lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks. Proponents say online programs reach a vast audience, are relatively cheap and a quick way to let people know about upcoming fitness events and local resources.
        Action to curtail obesity is badly needed for Indiana, which consistently ranks among the top 10 most obese states, and is second, behind Kentucky, in the percentage of adults who smoke, said Eric Neuburger, executive director of the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.
        Indiana is far from alone – it’s one of 17 states where at least 25 percent of the population is obese, according to 2005 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
        In a report released in August by the Trust for America’s Health, the public health advocacy group said research suggests the nation would save $5.6 billion a year in costs associated with treating heart disease if just one-tenth of Americans began walking regularly.
        Walking is one of the ideas behind Lighten Up Iowa, a Web-based four-month program that’s driven by teams who either track their minutes of activity, their weight-loss, or both. Now in its sixth year, the Iowa program has been so successful that 17 other states have modeled their own programs after it, capitalizing on the Internet’s vast reach and ability to connect people, helping them stay motivated, said the program’s coordinator, Deborah Martinez. Its sponsor, the nonprofit Iowa Sports Foundation, recently launched a national version, Lighten Up America.
        The federal health agency is trying to combat obesity more broadly with programs in 28 states that encourage fitness through efforts that include building sidewalks and walking trails, said Robin Hamre, team leader of a national nutrition and obesity prevention program at the CDC.
        Hamre hopes Congress will fund the program for all 50 states. With obesity striking Americans of all backgrounds, and surging in children, she said action is needed now.
        “We’re seeing the same thing in all age groups and all races. This is an equal opportunity epidemic,” she said.

(Adapted from
Segundo o texto,
Q2256765 Inglês
States Push Online Fitness Programs

        With obesity …11…  across the nation, a growing number of states like Indiana are launching online initiatives to combat residents’ expanding waistlines. One such initiative is Indiana’s “10 in 10 Challenge,” an online program that commits participants to lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks. Proponents say online programs reach a vast audience, are relatively cheap and a quick way to let people know about upcoming fitness events and local resources.
        Action to curtail obesity is badly needed for Indiana, which consistently ranks among the top 10 most obese states, and is second, behind Kentucky, in the percentage of adults who smoke, said Eric Neuburger, executive director of the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.
        Indiana is far from alone – it’s one of 17 states where at least 25 percent of the population is obese, according to 2005 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
        In a report released in August by the Trust for America’s Health, the public health advocacy group said research suggests the nation would save $5.6 billion a year in costs associated with treating heart disease if just one-tenth of Americans began walking regularly.
        Walking is one of the ideas behind Lighten Up Iowa, a Web-based four-month program that’s driven by teams who either track their minutes of activity, their weight-loss, or both. Now in its sixth year, the Iowa program has been so successful that 17 other states have modeled their own programs after it, capitalizing on the Internet’s vast reach and ability to connect people, helping them stay motivated, said the program’s coordinator, Deborah Martinez. Its sponsor, the nonprofit Iowa Sports Foundation, recently launched a national version, Lighten Up America.
        The federal health agency is trying to combat obesity more broadly with programs in 28 states that encourage fitness through efforts that include building sidewalks and walking trails, said Robin Hamre, team leader of a national nutrition and obesity prevention program at the CDC.
        Hamre hopes Congress will fund the program for all 50 states. With obesity striking Americans of all backgrounds, and surging in children, she said action is needed now.
        “We’re seeing the same thing in all age groups and all races. This is an equal opportunity epidemic,” she said.

(Adapted from
Segundo o texto,
Q2256766 Espanhol
        Europeana, prototipo de la contribución francesa a la futura Biblioteca Digital Europea, ha sido presentado esta semana al presidente galo, Jacques Chirac, en vísperas de que sea accesible al público con motivo del Salón del Libro de París. Según el proyecto, lanzado en marzo de 2005, la Biblioteca Digital Europea (BNUE, según sus siglas en francés) contará en 2010 con más de seis millones de libros, películas, fotografías y otros documentos de países de la Unión Europea accesibles a través de un único portal en Internet.
        Chirac instó a la Biblioteca Nacional de Francia a acelerar el ritmo de digitalización de sus fondos patrimoniales con el objetivo de integrar, aún este año, 100.000 volúmenes en la BNUE.
        Tras su lanzamiento por Francia en marzo de 2005, el proyecto de biblioteca digital europea obtuvo el apoyo de Alemania, España, Hungría, Italia y Polonia antes de ser respaldado por la Comisión Europea.

(Texto adaptado de
O fragmento “ha sido presentado”, sublinhado no primeiro parágrafo do texto, está corretamente traduzido para a língua portuguesa em: 
Q2256767 Espanhol
        Europeana, prototipo de la contribución francesa a la futura Biblioteca Digital Europea, ha sido presentado esta semana al presidente galo, Jacques Chirac, en vísperas de que sea accesible al público con motivo del Salón del Libro de París. Según el proyecto, lanzado en marzo de 2005, la Biblioteca Digital Europea (BNUE, según sus siglas en francés) contará en 2010 con más de seis millones de libros, películas, fotografías y otros documentos de países de la Unión Europea accesibles a través de un único portal en Internet.
        Chirac instó a la Biblioteca Nacional de Francia a acelerar el ritmo de digitalización de sus fondos patrimoniales con el objetivo de integrar, aún este año, 100.000 volúmenes en la BNUE.
        Tras su lanzamiento por Francia en marzo de 2005, el proyecto de biblioteca digital europea obtuvo el apoyo de Alemania, España, Hungría, Italia y Polonia antes de ser respaldado por la Comisión Europea.

(Texto adaptado de
Según el proyecto, lanzado en marzo de 2005, la Biblioteca Digital Europea (BNUE, según sus siglas en francés) contará en 2010 con más de seis millones de libros, películas, fotografías y otros documentos de países de la Unión Europea accesibles a través de un único portal en Internet.
Considerado o contexto, uma interpretação correta para o trecho do texto destacado acima ocorre em:
Q2256768 Espanhol
        Europeana, prototipo de la contribución francesa a la futura Biblioteca Digital Europea, ha sido presentado esta semana al presidente galo, Jacques Chirac, en vísperas de que sea accesible al público con motivo del Salón del Libro de París. Según el proyecto, lanzado en marzo de 2005, la Biblioteca Digital Europea (BNUE, según sus siglas en francés) contará en 2010 con más de seis millones de libros, películas, fotografías y otros documentos de países de la Unión Europea accesibles a través de un único portal en Internet.
        Chirac instó a la Biblioteca Nacional de Francia a acelerar el ritmo de digitalización de sus fondos patrimoniales con el objetivo de integrar, aún este año, 100.000 volúmenes en la BNUE.
        Tras su lanzamiento por Francia en marzo de 2005, el proyecto de biblioteca digital europea obtuvo el apoyo de Alemania, España, Hungría, Italia y Polonia antes de ser respaldado por la Comisión Europea.

(Texto adaptado de
Chirac instó a la Biblioteca Nacional de Francia a acelerar el ritmo de digitalización de sus fondos patrimoniales con el objetivo de integrar, aún este año, 100.000 volúmenes en la BNUE.
Considerado o contexto, uma interpretação correta para o trecho do texto destacado acima ocorre em:
Q2256769 Espanhol
        Europeana, prototipo de la contribución francesa a la futura Biblioteca Digital Europea, ha sido presentado esta semana al presidente galo, Jacques Chirac, en vísperas de que sea accesible al público con motivo del Salón del Libro de París. Según el proyecto, lanzado en marzo de 2005, la Biblioteca Digital Europea (BNUE, según sus siglas en francés) contará en 2010 con más de seis millones de libros, películas, fotografías y otros documentos de países de la Unión Europea accesibles a través de un único portal en Internet.
        Chirac instó a la Biblioteca Nacional de Francia a acelerar el ritmo de digitalización de sus fondos patrimoniales con el objetivo de integrar, aún este año, 100.000 volúmenes en la BNUE.
        Tras su lanzamiento por Francia en marzo de 2005, el proyecto de biblioteca digital europea obtuvo el apoyo de Alemania, España, Hungría, Italia y Polonia antes de ser respaldado por la Comisión Europea.

(Texto adaptado de
Corresponde à correta interpretação, em português, do sentido do fragmento “Tras su lanzamiento”, sublinhado no último parágrafo do texto:
Q2256770 Contabilidade Pública
Segundo a Lei no 4.320/64, art. 35, pertencem ao exercício financeiro
Q2256771 Contabilidade Pública
A Dívida Ativa da União será apurada e inscrita
1: C
2: A
3: D
4: A
5: C
6: E
7: B
8: A
9: D
10: B
11: E
12: B
13: E
14: A
15: B
16: E
17: A
18: D
19: E
20: D