Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Xaxim - SC 2019 para Professor EJA - Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 30 questões

Q1737648 Pedagogia
Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ), tendo como referência a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC – 2017).
( ) A BNCC é referência nacional para os sistemas de ensino e para as instituições ou redes escolares exclusivamente públicas da Educação Básica, dos sistemas federal, estaduais, distrital e municipais, para construírem ou revisarem os seus currículos.
( ) A BNCC deve fundamentar a concepção, formulação, implementação, avaliação e revisão dos currículos, e consequentemente das propostas pedagógicas das instituições escolares, contribuindo, desse modo, para a articulação e coordenação de políticas e ações educacionais desenvolvidas em âmbito federal, estadual, distrital e municipal, especialmente em relação à formação de professores, à avaliação da aprendizagem, à definição de recursos didáticos e aos critérios definidores de infraestrutura adequada para o pleno desenvolvimento da oferta de educação de qualidade.
( ) A implementação da BNCC deve superar a fragmentação das políticas educacionais, ensejando o fortalecimento do regime de colaboração entre as três esferas de governo e balizando a qualidade da educação ofertada.
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Q1737649 Pedagogia
Analise o texto abaixo:
De acordo com o artigo 7o da Resolução CNE/CP no 2, de 22/12/2017, os currículos escolares relativos a todas as etapas e modalidades da Educação Básica devem ter (1) como referência obrigatória e incluir uma parte diversificada, definida pelas instituições ou redes escolares de acordo com (2) , as diretrizes curriculares nacionais e o atendimento das características regionais e locais, segundo normas complementares estabelecidas pelos órgãos normativos dos respectivos Sistemas de Ensino.
a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas numeradas do texto.
Q1737650 Pedagogia
Analise o texto abaixo:
De acordo com os pressupostos vigotskianos, a é concebida como a atividade intelectual realizada por meio da influência de outros, que, ao possibilitar à pessoa o acesso à produção cultural existente, favorece o desenvolvimento das suas funções psíquicas superiores.
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna do texto.
Q1737651 Pedagogia
Qual teoria de aprendizagem defende o pressuposto de que a aprendizagem impulsiona o desenvolvimento humano, ou seja, que quanto mais aprende, mais o sujeito se desenvolve?
Q1737652 Pedagogia
Qual a concepção de educação presente no Plano Municipal de Educação de Xaxim?
Q1740314 Pedagogia
Os estudos revelam que os alunos da Educação de Jovens e Adultos possuem traços de vida, origens, idade, vivências profissionais, históricos escolares, ritmos de aprendizagens e estruturas de pensamentos muito diferentes. São pessoas que vivem no mundo do trabalho com responsabilidades sociais e familiares, com valores éticos e morais formados a partir da experiência, do ambiente e da realidade cultural em que estão inseridos e nada disso deve ser revelado no processo educacional. Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ) em relação ao assunto. ( ) As diferenças no perfil dos alunos e alunas da Educação de Jovens e Adultos podem ser uma riqueza para o fazer educativo. ( ) Os Jovens e Adultos carregam as condições de pensar sua educação como diálogo. ( ) Se toda educação exige uma deferência pelos interlocutores, essa deferência no contexto da Educação de Jovens e Adultos deverá ter um significado educativo especial. ( ) Os alunos e alunas da Educação de Jovens e Adultos são sujeitos que necessitam de uma formação linear e cartesiana para conseguirem internalizar os conteúdos escolares. Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Q1740315 Inglês
Tex-Mex Cuisine
Tex-Mex is a well-known cuisine in the United States, although many people are not certain what it actually is. One fact that everyone agrees on is that it is a style of cooking from the southern state of Texas. It combines Texan ingredients with Mexican recipes, because the state has a large population from south of the border. The combination makes a tasty, exciting type of home cooking that is popular all over the state.
One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada. It is a type of corn tortilla which contains chicken or melted cheese, with plenty of onions. There are usually some beans or rice with this dish. Some Tex-Mex restaurants serve enchiladas with three sauces in red, white, and green, the colors of the Mexican flag.
Along with enchiladas, which are soft, there are also tacos. These are hard, crispy pieces of corn which are fried in oil. Cooks then stuff them with beef in a rich tomato sauce, as well as onions and cheese. As with many Tex-Mex dishes, there aren’t any rules for eating them, except that it is best to use your hands. They are often messy to eat because they are full of sauce and cheese. You can put almost anything in them, which is why this versatile Mexican dish is now popular all over the US.
Look at the underlined words in the extract below. ‘There are usually some beans or rice with this dish.’ If the extract were written in the negative, which of the following options would be correct?
Q1740316 Inglês
Tex-Mex Cuisine
Tex-Mex is a well-known cuisine in the United States, although many people are not certain what it actually is. One fact that everyone agrees on is that it is a style of cooking from the southern state of Texas. It combines Texan ingredients with Mexican recipes, because the state has a large population from south of the border. The combination makes a tasty, exciting type of home cooking that is popular all over the state.
One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada. It is a type of corn tortilla which contains chicken or melted cheese, with plenty of onions. There are usually some beans or rice with this dish. Some Tex-Mex restaurants serve enchiladas with three sauces in red, white, and green, the colors of the Mexican flag.
Along with enchiladas, which are soft, there are also tacos. These are hard, crispy pieces of corn which are fried in oil. Cooks then stuff them with beef in a rich tomato sauce, as well as onions and cheese. As with many Tex-Mex dishes, there aren’t any rules for eating them, except that it is best to use your hands. They are often messy to eat because they are full of sauce and cheese. You can put almost anything in them, which is why this versatile Mexican dish is now popular all over the US.
The main intention of the author of this article is:
Q1740317 Inglês
Tex-Mex Cuisine
Tex-Mex is a well-known cuisine in the United States, although many people are not certain what it actually is. One fact that everyone agrees on is that it is a style of cooking from the southern state of Texas. It combines Texan ingredients with Mexican recipes, because the state has a large population from south of the border. The combination makes a tasty, exciting type of home cooking that is popular all over the state.
One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada. It is a type of corn tortilla which contains chicken or melted cheese, with plenty of onions. There are usually some beans or rice with this dish. Some Tex-Mex restaurants serve enchiladas with three sauces in red, white, and green, the colors of the Mexican flag.
Along with enchiladas, which are soft, there are also tacos. These are hard, crispy pieces of corn which are fried in oil. Cooks then stuff them with beef in a rich tomato sauce, as well as onions and cheese. As with many Tex-Mex dishes, there aren’t any rules for eating them, except that it is best to use your hands. They are often messy to eat because they are full of sauce and cheese. You can put almost anything in them, which is why this versatile Mexican dish is now popular all over the US.
Analyze the sentences below according to structure and grammar use. 1. The words ‘they’ and ‘them’ in bold in the text, are respectively: subject and object pronouns. 2. The underlined word in: ‘…although many people are not certain what it actually is.’ Means ‘nowadays’. 3. In: ‘One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada’, the underlined words are examples of the superlative degree of adjectives. The alternative which presents the correct sequence is:
Q1740318 Inglês
Tex-Mex Cuisine
Tex-Mex is a well-known cuisine in the United States, although many people are not certain what it actually is. One fact that everyone agrees on is that it is a style of cooking from the southern state of Texas. It combines Texan ingredients with Mexican recipes, because the state has a large population from south of the border. The combination makes a tasty, exciting type of home cooking that is popular all over the state.
One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada. It is a type of corn tortilla which contains chicken or melted cheese, with plenty of onions. There are usually some beans or rice with this dish. Some Tex-Mex restaurants serve enchiladas with three sauces in red, white, and green, the colors of the Mexican flag.
Along with enchiladas, which are soft, there are also tacos. These are hard, crispy pieces of corn which are fried in oil. Cooks then stuff them with beef in a rich tomato sauce, as well as onions and cheese. As with many Tex-Mex dishes, there aren’t any rules for eating them, except that it is best to use your hands. They are often messy to eat because they are full of sauce and cheese. You can put almost anything in them, which is why this versatile Mexican dish is now popular all over the US.
Read the following paragraph: “..............................., the person is looking for a specific piece of information........................ , on the other hand, is more of a quick reading to get the general idea or summary of a text.” Choose the alternative that completes the sentence correctly
11: D
12: E
13: A
14: E
15: B
16: B
17: C
18: B
19: D
20: A