Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de São José - SC 2021 para Professor de Inglês, Edital 007

Foram encontradas 30 questões

Q2418205 Pedagogia

Consta no artigo 3º da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (1996) que o ensino será ministrado com base nos seguintes princípios:

1. Igualdade de condições para o acesso e permanência na escola.

2. Respeito à liberdade e apreço à tolerância.

3. Coexistência de instituições públicas e privadas de ensino.

4. Garantia de padrão de qualidade total e da meritocracia na educação.

5. Respeito à diversidade humana, linguística, cultural e identitária das pessoas surdas, surdo-cegas e com deficiência auditiva.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.

Q2418206 Pedagogia

De acordo com o artigo 13 da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (1996), os docentes incumbir-se-ão de:

1. Participar da elaboração da proposta pedagógica do estabelecimento de ensino.

2. Elaborar e cumprir plano de trabalho, segundo a proposta pedagógica do estabelecimento de ensino.

3. Zelar pela aprendizagem segmentada dos alunos.

4. Estabelecer estratégias de recuperação para os alunos de menor rendimento.

5. Colaborar com as atividades de articulação da escola com as famílias e a comunidade.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.

Q2418207 Pedagogia

Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ) de acordo com a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (1996).

( ) A educação abrange os processos formativos que se desenvolvem de maneira homogênea na vida familiar, na convivência humana, no trabalho, nas instituições de ensino e pesquisa, nos movimentos sociais e organizações da sociedade civil e nas manifestações religiosas.

( ) A LDB (1996) disciplina a educação escolar, que se desenvolve, predominantemente, por meio do ensino, em instituições próprias.

( ) A educação escolar deverá vincular-se ao mundo do trabalho e à prática social.

( ) A educação, dever da família e do Estado, inspirada nos princípios de liberdade e nos ideais de solidariedade humana, tem por finalidade o pleno desenvolvimento do educando, seu preparo para o exercício da cidadania e sua qualificação para o trabalho.

Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.

Q2418208 Pedagogia

De acordo com a Proposta Curricular de São José, se faz necessário aprofundar/avançar na concepção de avaliação do processo ensino-aprendizagem a partir de um feixe de categorias que entre outras o caracterize como:

1. Processual

2. Diagnóstico

3. Participativo

4. Qualitativo

5. Inclusivo

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.

Q2418209 Pedagogia

De acordo com o artigo 2° da Resolução CNE/CEB nº 04, de 13/07/2010, as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais para a Educação Básica têm por objetivos:

1. Sistematizar os princípios e as diretrizes gerais da Educação Básica contidos na Constituição, na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB) e demais dispositivos legais, traduzindo-os em orientações que contribuam para assegurar a formação básica comum nacional, tendo como foco os sujeitos que dão vida ao currículo e à escola.

2. Estimular a reflexão crítica e propositiva que deve subsidiar a formulação, a execução e a avaliação do projeto político-pedagógico da escola de Educação Básica.

3. Orientar os cursos de formação inicial e continuada de docentes e demais profissionais da Educação Básica, os sistemas educativos dos diferentes entes federados e as escolas que os integram, indistintamente da rede a que pertençam.

4. Incentivar os docentes no processo de elaboração de projetos de pesquisa e extensão que possam atender às demandas das comunidades locais.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.

Q2418210 Pedagogia

Estudos no campo educacional revelam que as Teorias de Aprendizagem podem ser identificadas como:

1. Comportamentais

2. Pragmáticas

3. Cognitivistas

4. Existencialistas

5. Humanistas

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.

Q2418211 Pedagogia

Consta no artigo 3º da Resolução CNE/CEB nº 04, de 13/07/2010, que as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais específicas para as etapas e modalidades da Educação Básica devem evidenciar o seu papel de indicador de opções políticas, sociais, culturais, educacionais e a função da educação, na sua relação com um projeto de Nação, tendo como referência os objetivos constitucionais, fundamentando-se na cidadania e na dignidade da pessoa, o que pressupõe:

Q2418212 Pedagogia

Estudos revelam que as principais tendências pedagógicas usadas na educação brasileira se dividem em duas grandes linhas de pensamento pedagógico: as Tendências Liberais e as Tendências Progressistas.

São consideradas Tendências Progressistas:

1. Libertadora

2. Crítico-social dos conteúdos

3. Tecnicista

4. Renovadora

5. Libertária

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.

Q2418214 Pedagogia

Os temas transversais são constituídos pelos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN’s) e compreendem as seguintes áreas:

1. Ética

2. Religião

3. Orientação Sexual

4. Pluralidade Cultural

5. Trabalho e Consumo

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.

Q2418249 Inglês

Read the article and answer the questions

Tokyo 2020 Olympics

In 1964, Tokyo became the first ever Asian city to host the Olympic Games and it was a triumph which propelled Japan into the modern era. Now, the city is preparing to host the games once more in summer 2021, exactly one year after the Tokyo 2020 Olympics were originally due to begin.

The Tokyo games will take place over 17 action-packed days from July 24 to August 8 2021.Tokyo is the host city, and The Opening Ceremony will be held at Tokyo’s Olympic Stadium.

Most events will be staged throughout the Japanese capital. However, several sports will be held in other Japanese cities and towns. Road cycling, for example, will take place in the foothills of Mount Fuji; surfing will be held 40 minutes outside of Tokyo on the country’s eastern coast; and the men’s and women’s marathons, as well as the race walking events, will take place in Sapporo, which is located 500 miles north of Tokyo. The soccer matches will be played in six cities, and baseball and softball games will be held in Fukushima and Yokohama.

The Olympics typically draw together more than 11,000 athletes and 25,000 journalists from more than 200 countries. Overall there will be 21 different sports and 339 medal events across dozens of different sports. Four new sports were added to the Tokyo Olympics: surfing, skateboarding, sport climbing and karate.

One of the most exciting events is the marathon which is one of the last sporting events. Unfortunately, it will be lonelier this year as there will be no spectators. However, millions of people will be watching and cheering on the runners on TV.

Match the sports on column 1 with their places on column 2.

Column 1 Sports

1. Road Cycling

2. Surfing

3. Race walking

4. Soccer matches

Column 2 Places

( ) Sapporo

( ) Mount Fuji

( ) Fukushima and Yokohama

( ) Country’s eastern coast

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.

Q2418252 Inglês

Read the article and answer the questions

Tokyo 2020 Olympics

In 1964, Tokyo became the first ever Asian city to host the Olympic Games and it was a triumph which propelled Japan into the modern era. Now, the city is preparing to host the games once more in summer 2021, exactly one year after the Tokyo 2020 Olympics were originally due to begin.

The Tokyo games will take place over 17 action-packed days from July 24 to August 8 2021.Tokyo is the host city, and The Opening Ceremony will be held at Tokyo’s Olympic Stadium.

Most events will be staged throughout the Japanese capital. However, several sports will be held in other Japanese cities and towns. Road cycling, for example, will take place in the foothills of Mount Fuji; surfing will be held 40 minutes outside of Tokyo on the country’s eastern coast; and the men’s and women’s marathons, as well as the race walking events, will take place in Sapporo, which is located 500 miles north of Tokyo. The soccer matches will be played in six cities, and baseball and softball games will be held in Fukushima and Yokohama.

The Olympics typically draw together more than 11,000 athletes and 25,000 journalists from more than 200 countries. Overall there will be 21 different sports and 339 medal events across dozens of different sports. Four new sports were added to the Tokyo Olympics: surfing, skateboarding, sport climbing and karate.

One of the most exciting events is the marathon which is one of the last sporting events. Unfortunately, it will be lonelier this year as there will be no spectators. However, millions of people will be watching and cheering on the runners on TV.

What made Tokyo stand out at the 1964 Olympics?

Q2418254 Inglês

Read the article and answer the questions

Tokyo 2020 Olympics

In 1964, Tokyo became the first ever Asian city to host the Olympic Games and it was a triumph which propelled Japan into the modern era. Now, the city is preparing to host the games once more in summer 2021, exactly one year after the Tokyo 2020 Olympics were originally due to begin.

The Tokyo games will take place over 17 action-packed days from July 24 to August 8 2021.Tokyo is the host city, and The Opening Ceremony will be held at Tokyo’s Olympic Stadium.

Most events will be staged throughout the Japanese capital. However, several sports will be held in other Japanese cities and towns. Road cycling, for example, will take place in the foothills of Mount Fuji; surfing will be held 40 minutes outside of Tokyo on the country’s eastern coast; and the men’s and women’s marathons, as well as the race walking events, will take place in Sapporo, which is located 500 miles north of Tokyo. The soccer matches will be played in six cities, and baseball and softball games will be held in Fukushima and Yokohama.

The Olympics typically draw together more than 11,000 athletes and 25,000 journalists from more than 200 countries. Overall there will be 21 different sports and 339 medal events across dozens of different sports. Four new sports were added to the Tokyo Olympics: surfing, skateboarding, sport climbing and karate.

One of the most exciting events is the marathon which is one of the last sporting events. Unfortunately, it will be lonelier this year as there will be no spectators. However, millions of people will be watching and cheering on the runners on TV.

The verb “to host” in the first paragraph, is closest in meaning to:

Q2418257 Inglês

Read the article and answer the questions

Tokyo 2020 Olympics

In 1964, Tokyo became the first ever Asian city to host the Olympic Games and it was a triumph which propelled Japan into the modern era. Now, the city is preparing to host the games once more in summer 2021, exactly one year after the Tokyo 2020 Olympics were originally due to begin.

The Tokyo games will take place over 17 action-packed days from July 24 to August 8 2021.Tokyo is the host city, and The Opening Ceremony will be held at Tokyo’s Olympic Stadium.

Most events will be staged throughout the Japanese capital. However, several sports will be held in other Japanese cities and towns. Road cycling, for example, will take place in the foothills of Mount Fuji; surfing will be held 40 minutes outside of Tokyo on the country’s eastern coast; and the men’s and women’s marathons, as well as the race walking events, will take place in Sapporo, which is located 500 miles north of Tokyo. The soccer matches will be played in six cities, and baseball and softball games will be held in Fukushima and Yokohama.

The Olympics typically draw together more than 11,000 athletes and 25,000 journalists from more than 200 countries. Overall there will be 21 different sports and 339 medal events across dozens of different sports. Four new sports were added to the Tokyo Olympics: surfing, skateboarding, sport climbing and karate.

One of the most exciting events is the marathon which is one of the last sporting events. Unfortunately, it will be lonelier this year as there will be no spectators. However, millions of people will be watching and cheering on the runners on TV.

Decide if the following sentences are true ( T ) or false ( F ) according to the text.

( ) All sport events will be staged in the Japanese capital.

( ) Race walking events will take place in Yokohama.

( ) Baseball and softball games will be held in Fukushima and Sapporo.

( ) Man’s and women’s marathons will take place in Sapporo.

( ) Surfing, skateboarding, sport climbing and karate were added to the Tokyo Olympics 2021.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.

Q2418259 Inglês

Read the article and answer the questions

Tokyo 2020 Olympics

In 1964, Tokyo became the first ever Asian city to host the Olympic Games and it was a triumph which propelled Japan into the modern era. Now, the city is preparing to host the games once more in summer 2021, exactly one year after the Tokyo 2020 Olympics were originally due to begin.

The Tokyo games will take place over 17 action-packed days from July 24 to August 8 2021.Tokyo is the host city, and The Opening Ceremony will be held at Tokyo’s Olympic Stadium.

Most events will be staged throughout the Japanese capital. However, several sports will be held in other Japanese cities and towns. Road cycling, for example, will take place in the foothills of Mount Fuji; surfing will be held 40 minutes outside of Tokyo on the country’s eastern coast; and the men’s and women’s marathons, as well as the race walking events, will take place in Sapporo, which is located 500 miles north of Tokyo. The soccer matches will be played in six cities, and baseball and softball games will be held in Fukushima and Yokohama.

The Olympics typically draw together more than 11,000 athletes and 25,000 journalists from more than 200 countries. Overall there will be 21 different sports and 339 medal events across dozens of different sports. Four new sports were added to the Tokyo Olympics: surfing, skateboarding, sport climbing and karate.

One of the most exciting events is the marathon which is one of the last sporting events. Unfortunately, it will be lonelier this year as there will be no spectators. However, millions of people will be watching and cheering on the runners on TV.

The audiolingual method, during the 1970s, was considered the only scientific way of teaching a foreign language.

Choose the correct alternative about the mentioned Method:

Q2418262 Inglês

Read the article and answer the questions

Tokyo 2020 Olympics

In 1964, Tokyo became the first ever Asian city to host the Olympic Games and it was a triumph which propelled Japan into the modern era. Now, the city is preparing to host the games once more in summer 2021, exactly one year after the Tokyo 2020 Olympics were originally due to begin.

The Tokyo games will take place over 17 action-packed days from July 24 to August 8 2021.Tokyo is the host city, and The Opening Ceremony will be held at Tokyo’s Olympic Stadium.

Most events will be staged throughout the Japanese capital. However, several sports will be held in other Japanese cities and towns. Road cycling, for example, will take place in the foothills of Mount Fuji; surfing will be held 40 minutes outside of Tokyo on the country’s eastern coast; and the men’s and women’s marathons, as well as the race walking events, will take place in Sapporo, which is located 500 miles north of Tokyo. The soccer matches will be played in six cities, and baseball and softball games will be held in Fukushima and Yokohama.

The Olympics typically draw together more than 11,000 athletes and 25,000 journalists from more than 200 countries. Overall there will be 21 different sports and 339 medal events across dozens of different sports. Four new sports were added to the Tokyo Olympics: surfing, skateboarding, sport climbing and karate.

One of the most exciting events is the marathon which is one of the last sporting events. Unfortunately, it will be lonelier this year as there will be no spectators. However, millions of people will be watching and cheering on the runners on TV.

The Brazilian National Curricular Parameters (PCN), were formulated together with the community of:

Q2418264 Inglês

Read the article and answer the questions

Tokyo 2020 Olympics

In 1964, Tokyo became the first ever Asian city to host the Olympic Games and it was a triumph which propelled Japan into the modern era. Now, the city is preparing to host the games once more in summer 2021, exactly one year after the Tokyo 2020 Olympics were originally due to begin.

The Tokyo games will take place over 17 action-packed days from July 24 to August 8 2021.Tokyo is the host city, and The Opening Ceremony will be held at Tokyo’s Olympic Stadium.

Most events will be staged throughout the Japanese capital. However, several sports will be held in other Japanese cities and towns. Road cycling, for example, will take place in the foothills of Mount Fuji; surfing will be held 40 minutes outside of Tokyo on the country’s eastern coast; and the men’s and women’s marathons, as well as the race walking events, will take place in Sapporo, which is located 500 miles north of Tokyo. The soccer matches will be played in six cities, and baseball and softball games will be held in Fukushima and Yokohama.

The Olympics typically draw together more than 11,000 athletes and 25,000 journalists from more than 200 countries. Overall there will be 21 different sports and 339 medal events across dozens of different sports. Four new sports were added to the Tokyo Olympics: surfing, skateboarding, sport climbing and karate.

One of the most exciting events is the marathon which is one of the last sporting events. Unfortunately, it will be lonelier this year as there will be no spectators. However, millions of people will be watching and cheering on the runners on TV.

The Brazilian National Curricular Parameters (PCN) for the teaching of foreign languages at basic education level recommended to focus on the teaching of reading.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct purpose of teaching the reading skill:

Q2418267 Inglês

Read the article and answer the questions

Tokyo 2020 Olympics

In 1964, Tokyo became the first ever Asian city to host the Olympic Games and it was a triumph which propelled Japan into the modern era. Now, the city is preparing to host the games once more in summer 2021, exactly one year after the Tokyo 2020 Olympics were originally due to begin.

The Tokyo games will take place over 17 action-packed days from July 24 to August 8 2021.Tokyo is the host city, and The Opening Ceremony will be held at Tokyo’s Olympic Stadium.

Most events will be staged throughout the Japanese capital. However, several sports will be held in other Japanese cities and towns. Road cycling, for example, will take place in the foothills of Mount Fuji; surfing will be held 40 minutes outside of Tokyo on the country’s eastern coast; and the men’s and women’s marathons, as well as the race walking events, will take place in Sapporo, which is located 500 miles north of Tokyo. The soccer matches will be played in six cities, and baseball and softball games will be held in Fukushima and Yokohama.

The Olympics typically draw together more than 11,000 athletes and 25,000 journalists from more than 200 countries. Overall there will be 21 different sports and 339 medal events across dozens of different sports. Four new sports were added to the Tokyo Olympics: surfing, skateboarding, sport climbing and karate.

One of the most exciting events is the marathon which is one of the last sporting events. Unfortunately, it will be lonelier this year as there will be no spectators. However, millions of people will be watching and cheering on the runners on TV.

Decide if the statements below are true ( T ) or false ( F ) according to the PCN (Brazilian National Curricular Parameters).

( ) The learning of reading in a Foreign Language may not help develop the student’s literacy as a whole.

( ) In Brazil only a small portion of the population has the opportunity of using foreign languages as an instrument of oral communication.

( ) People from touristic centers use the knowledge of the oral skills of a foreign language as an instrument of oral communication.

( ) Reading has a primary function at school.

( ) Learning to read in another language must decrease the performance of the student as a reader in her/his mother tongue.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.

Q2418269 Inglês

Match the following Methods to their characteristics.

Column 1 Methods

1. Total Physical Response (TPR).

2. Suggestopidea.

3. The Direct Method.

Column 2 Characteristics

( ) This method of teaching English focused on translating the texts in Latin to the native language.

( ) This Method of teaching English provides a relaxed atmosphere for the mind to learn and retain that information.

( ) This method involves acting out language rather than speaking. It is also a fun way of learning language.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.

Q2418272 Inglês

As any teacher knows, learners often have strengths and weaknesses in specific skills (four-skills assessment of English Language.) when learning English.

Some of these skills, such as ..................... are not achieved as well as .................... .

Choose the alternative which correctly completes the empty spaces in the sentence (in the right order).

1: D
2: D
3: B
4: E
5: C
6: C
7: E
8: B
9: A
10: D
11: C
12: D
13: E
14: E
15: B
16: C
17: A
18: C
19: E
20: B