Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de São José - SC 2022 para Professor - Inglês

Foram encontradas 30 questões

Q2100002 Pedagogia
Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ) de acordo com a Lei nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996 – Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional.
( ) É assegurado atendimento educacional, durante o período de internação, ao aluno da educação básica internado para tratamento de saúde em regime hospitalar ou domiciliar por tempo prolongado, conforme dispuser o Poder Público em regulamento, na esfera de sua competência federativa. (Incluído pela Lei nº 13.716, de 2018).
( ) O acesso à educação básica obrigatória é direito público subjetivo, podendo qualquer cidadão, grupo de cidadãos, associação comunitária, organização sindical, entidade de classe ou outra legalmente constituída e, ainda, o Ministério Público, acionar o poder público para exigi-lo. (Redação dada pela Lei nº 12.796, de 2013).
( ) É dever dos pais ou responsáveis efetuar a matrícula das crianças na educação básica a partir dos 2 anos de idade. (Redação dada pela Lei nº 12.796, de 2013).
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Q2100003 Pedagogia
Na Proposta Curricular de São José, qual é teoria da aprendizagem e do desenvolvimento indicada como a que melhor responde às questões relativas à formação dos homens – sujeitos – cidadãos contemporâneos?
Q2100004 Pedagogia
Consta na Resolução CNE/CEB nº 4, de 13/07/2010 – Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais para a Educação Básica que:
1. A Educação Básica é direito universal e alicerce indispensável para o exercício da cidadania em plenitude, da qual depende a possibilidade de conquistar todos os demais direitos, definidos na Constituição Federal, no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), na legislação ordinária e nas demais disposições que consagram as prerrogativas do cidadão.
2. Na Educação Básica, é necessário considerar as dimensões do ensinar e do instruir, de maneira dissociável, buscando recuperar, para a função social desse nível da educação, a sua centralidade, que é o docente, pessoa em formação na sua essência humana.
3. A concepção de educação deve orientar a institucionalização do regime de colaboração entre União, Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios, no contexto da estrutura federativa brasileira, em que convivem sistemas educacionais autônomos, para assegurar efetividade ao projeto da educação nacional, vencer a fragmentação das políticas públicas e superar a desarticulação institucional.
4. A garantia de padrão de qualidade, com pleno acesso, inclusão e permanência dos sujeitos das aprendizagens na escola e seu sucesso, com redução da evasão, da retenção e da distorção de idade/ano/série, resulta na qualidade social da educação, que é uma conquista coletiva de todos os sujeitos do processo educativo.
5. A base nacional comum na Educação Básica constitui-se de conhecimentos, saberes e valores produzidos culturalmente, expressos nas políticas públicas e gerados nas instituições produtoras do conhecimento científico e tecnológico; no mundo do trabalho; no desenvolvimento das linguagens; nas atividades desportivas e corporais; na produção artística; nas formas diversas de exercício da cidadania; e nos movimentos sociais.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
Q2100005 Pedagogia
A Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) é um documento de caráter normativo que define o conjunto orgânico e progressivo de aprendizagens essenciais que todos os alunos devem desenvolver:
Q2100006 Pedagogia
Consta no Currículo Básico da Educação de São José que a Educação Ambiental, como especificidade no Currículo do Território Catarinense, ganha visibilidade e conquista seu espaço para dialogar com as diferentes áreas do conhecimento no campo da educação. A justificativa de uma educação para o ambiente se insere nas questões relacionadas: 
Q2100007 Pedagogia
Ao longo da Educação Básica, as aprendizagens essenciais definidas na Base Nacional Comum Curricular devem concorrer para assegurar aos estudantes o desenvolvimento de quantas competências gerais, que consubstanciam, no âmbito pedagógico, os direitos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento?
Q2100008 Pedagogia
São consideradas competências gerais da educação básica na Base Nacional Comum Curricular:
1. Valorizar e utilizar os conhecimentos historicamente construídos sobre o mundo físico, social, cultural e digital para entender e explicar a realidade, continuar aprendendo e colaborar para a construção de uma sociedade justa, democrática e inclusiva.
2. Valorizar e fruir as diversas manifestações artísticas e culturais, das locais às mundiais, e também participar de práticas diversificadas da produção artístico-cultural.
3. Conhecer-se, apreciar-se e cuidar de sua saúde física e emocional, compreendendo-se na diversidade humana e reconhecendo suas emoções e as dos outros, com autocrítica e capacidade para lidar com elas.
4. Exercitar a empatia, o diálogo, a resolução de conflitos e a cooperação, fazendo-se respeitar e promovendo o respeito ao outro e aos direitos humanos, com acolhimento e valorização da diversidade de indivíduos e de grupos sociais, seus saberes, identidades, culturas e potencialidades, sem preconceitos de qualquer natureza.
5. Agir pessoal e coletivamente com autonomia, responsabilidade, flexibilidade, resiliência e determinação, tomando decisões com base em princípios religiosos, éticos, democráticos, inclusivos, sustentáveis e espirituais.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
Q2100009 Pedagogia
Qual dos autores abaixo defende a premissa de que a zona de desenvolvimento iminente é a distância entre o nível do desenvolvimento atual da criança, que é definido com ajuda de questões que a criança resolve sozinha, e o nível do desenvolvimento possível da criança, que é definido com a ajuda de problemas que a criança resolve sob a orientação dos adultos e em colaboração com companheiros mais inteligentes?
Q2100010 Pedagogia
A respeito das tendências e concepções pedagógicas da educação brasileira, pesquisadores sinalizam que as tendências progressistas partem de uma análise crítica das realidades sociais, sustentam implicitamente as finalidades sociopolíticas da educação e é uma tendência que não condiz com as ideias implantadas pelo capitalismo.
O desenvolvimento e a popularização da análise marxista da sociedade possibilitou o desenvolvimento da tendência progressista, que se ramifica nas seguintes correntes:
1. Libertadora: também conhecida como a pedagogia de Paulo Freire, essa tendência vincula a educação à luta e organização de classe do oprimido. Tal concepção busca, pela transformação social, a condição de se libertar por meio da elaboração da consciência crítica. Centraliza- -se na discussão de temas sociais e políticos.
2. Renovada não-diretiva: nesse método de ensino o aluno é visto como depositário passivo dos conhecimentos, que devem ser memorizados e acumulados na mente de maneira segmentada.
3. Crítico-social dos conteúdos ou Histórico-Crítica: Acentua a prioridade de focar os conteúdos no seu confronto com as realidades sociais, é necessário enfatizar o conhecimento histórico.
4. Libertária: procura a transformação da personalidade num sentido libertário e autogestionário. Parte do pressuposto de que somente o vivido pelo educando é incorporado e utilizado em situações novas, por isso o saber sistematizado só terá relevância se for possível seu uso prático.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
Q2102917 Inglês
Training for the Javelin

The javelin is over 400,000 years old. This long, pointed stick was first used as a weapon before it became an integral event in the Olympic Games. Though even as a sport, it can still cause damage today.

Javelin throwers can become injured because they often repeat the same action many times during training or competitions. There is especially a risk of elbow injury if athletes bend their arms the wrong way when they throw the javelin. As with all sports, it’s important to warm up properly before practicing the javelin.

For people considering taking up this sport, here are some suggestions for preventing injury:

1. Practice with a professional coach. It’s essential to develop a good technique from the beginning.

2. Develop healthy eating habits and a good diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein (chicken or fish). Don’t skip breakfast on the day of the competition.

3. When competing ___________sports events, plan the day properly. Competitions can begin ____________the morning, so start your warm up when you get up. Do exercises for your arms, legs, back, and neck before you put your gym clothes and go the stadium.

4. It’s important for athletes to keep their body temperatures up, so after warming up, it’s best to wear a tracksuit while waiting for the event to begin. Sometimes the different parts of the competitions take place at different times. In between, keep your throwing arm warm. For example, wrap a towel around it while you’re waiting. 

5. After the competition, many athletes want to relax and hang out with their friends, but don’t finish the competition without cooling down first. Put ice on the throwing arm for about a quarter of an hour. This prevents injuries after the event.

6. Finally, don’t practice too much. Only Olympic athletes need to practice every day. Sports are for fun. Just enjoy the event.
Choose the alternative that presents the main intention of the author of the text. 
Q2102918 Inglês
Training for the Javelin

The javelin is over 400,000 years old. This long, pointed stick was first used as a weapon before it became an integral event in the Olympic Games. Though even as a sport, it can still cause damage today.

Javelin throwers can become injured because they often repeat the same action many times during training or competitions. There is especially a risk of elbow injury if athletes bend their arms the wrong way when they throw the javelin. As with all sports, it’s important to warm up properly before practicing the javelin.

For people considering taking up this sport, here are some suggestions for preventing injury:

1. Practice with a professional coach. It’s essential to develop a good technique from the beginning.

2. Develop healthy eating habits and a good diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein (chicken or fish). Don’t skip breakfast on the day of the competition.

3. When competing ___________sports events, plan the day properly. Competitions can begin ____________the morning, so start your warm up when you get up. Do exercises for your arms, legs, back, and neck before you put your gym clothes and go the stadium.

4. It’s important for athletes to keep their body temperatures up, so after warming up, it’s best to wear a tracksuit while waiting for the event to begin. Sometimes the different parts of the competitions take place at different times. In between, keep your throwing arm warm. For example, wrap a towel around it while you’re waiting. 

5. After the competition, many athletes want to relax and hang out with their friends, but don’t finish the competition without cooling down first. Put ice on the throwing arm for about a quarter of an hour. This prevents injuries after the event.

6. Finally, don’t practice too much. Only Olympic athletes need to practice every day. Sports are for fun. Just enjoy the event.
Identify the alternatives below as ( T ) true or ( F ) false, according to the text:
( ) Javelin throwers need to keep their arms cold after the competition
( ) You need special training to throw the javelin.
( ) What drinks are good for javelin throwers.
( ) There are health risks for javelin throwers.
( ) Javelin throwers need to practice too much.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
Q2102919 Inglês
Training for the Javelin

The javelin is over 400,000 years old. This long, pointed stick was first used as a weapon before it became an integral event in the Olympic Games. Though even as a sport, it can still cause damage today.

Javelin throwers can become injured because they often repeat the same action many times during training or competitions. There is especially a risk of elbow injury if athletes bend their arms the wrong way when they throw the javelin. As with all sports, it’s important to warm up properly before practicing the javelin.

For people considering taking up this sport, here are some suggestions for preventing injury:

1. Practice with a professional coach. It’s essential to develop a good technique from the beginning.

2. Develop healthy eating habits and a good diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein (chicken or fish). Don’t skip breakfast on the day of the competition.

3. When competing ___________sports events, plan the day properly. Competitions can begin ____________the morning, so start your warm up when you get up. Do exercises for your arms, legs, back, and neck before you put your gym clothes and go the stadium.

4. It’s important for athletes to keep their body temperatures up, so after warming up, it’s best to wear a tracksuit while waiting for the event to begin. Sometimes the different parts of the competitions take place at different times. In between, keep your throwing arm warm. For example, wrap a towel around it while you’re waiting. 

5. After the competition, many athletes want to relax and hang out with their friends, but don’t finish the competition without cooling down first. Put ice on the throwing arm for about a quarter of an hour. This prevents injuries after the event.

6. Finally, don’t practice too much. Only Olympic athletes need to practice every day. Sports are for fun. Just enjoy the event.
From the text, it is correct to state that javelin throwers become injured because they:
Q2102920 Inglês
Training for the Javelin

The javelin is over 400,000 years old. This long, pointed stick was first used as a weapon before it became an integral event in the Olympic Games. Though even as a sport, it can still cause damage today.

Javelin throwers can become injured because they often repeat the same action many times during training or competitions. There is especially a risk of elbow injury if athletes bend their arms the wrong way when they throw the javelin. As with all sports, it’s important to warm up properly before practicing the javelin.

For people considering taking up this sport, here are some suggestions for preventing injury:

1. Practice with a professional coach. It’s essential to develop a good technique from the beginning.

2. Develop healthy eating habits and a good diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein (chicken or fish). Don’t skip breakfast on the day of the competition.

3. When competing ___________sports events, plan the day properly. Competitions can begin ____________the morning, so start your warm up when you get up. Do exercises for your arms, legs, back, and neck before you put your gym clothes and go the stadium.

4. It’s important for athletes to keep their body temperatures up, so after warming up, it’s best to wear a tracksuit while waiting for the event to begin. Sometimes the different parts of the competitions take place at different times. In between, keep your throwing arm warm. For example, wrap a towel around it while you’re waiting. 

5. After the competition, many athletes want to relax and hang out with their friends, but don’t finish the competition without cooling down first. Put ice on the throwing arm for about a quarter of an hour. This prevents injuries after the event.

6. Finally, don’t practice too much. Only Olympic athletes need to practice every day. Sports are for fun. Just enjoy the event.
Analyze the sentences below about the suggestions in the text to prevent injuries when people take up the javelin throw.
1. To put ice on the throwing arm after the competition.
2. After getting up warn up all your body.
3. Wrapping a towel around your arm helps it to keep warm.
4. Athletes should skip breakfast on the day before the competition.

Choose the alternative which contains the correct sentences.
Q2102921 Inglês
Training for the Javelin

The javelin is over 400,000 years old. This long, pointed stick was first used as a weapon before it became an integral event in the Olympic Games. Though even as a sport, it can still cause damage today.

Javelin throwers can become injured because they often repeat the same action many times during training or competitions. There is especially a risk of elbow injury if athletes bend their arms the wrong way when they throw the javelin. As with all sports, it’s important to warm up properly before practicing the javelin.

For people considering taking up this sport, here are some suggestions for preventing injury:

1. Practice with a professional coach. It’s essential to develop a good technique from the beginning.

2. Develop healthy eating habits and a good diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein (chicken or fish). Don’t skip breakfast on the day of the competition.

3. When competing ___________sports events, plan the day properly. Competitions can begin ____________the morning, so start your warm up when you get up. Do exercises for your arms, legs, back, and neck before you put your gym clothes and go the stadium.

4. It’s important for athletes to keep their body temperatures up, so after warming up, it’s best to wear a tracksuit while waiting for the event to begin. Sometimes the different parts of the competitions take place at different times. In between, keep your throwing arm warm. For example, wrap a towel around it while you’re waiting. 

5. After the competition, many athletes want to relax and hang out with their friends, but don’t finish the competition without cooling down first. Put ice on the throwing arm for about a quarter of an hour. This prevents injuries after the event.

6. Finally, don’t practice too much. Only Olympic athletes need to practice every day. Sports are for fun. Just enjoy the event.
Match the words on column 1 (underlined in the text) with their correct meanings on column 2.
Column 1 Words 1. Weapon 2. Damage 3. Injury 4. Warm up 5. To wear
Column 2 Meanings ( ) a short practice of exercises that you do to prepare yourself for doing a sport. ( ) to have something on your body as a piece of clothing. ( ) physical harm caused to something in such a way as to impair its normal function. ( ) an object that is used for fighting or attack somebody. ( ) harm done to a person’s or animal’s body.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
Q2102922 Inglês
Training for the Javelin

The javelin is over 400,000 years old. This long, pointed stick was first used as a weapon before it became an integral event in the Olympic Games. Though even as a sport, it can still cause damage today.

Javelin throwers can become injured because they often repeat the same action many times during training or competitions. There is especially a risk of elbow injury if athletes bend their arms the wrong way when they throw the javelin. As with all sports, it’s important to warm up properly before practicing the javelin.

For people considering taking up this sport, here are some suggestions for preventing injury:

1. Practice with a professional coach. It’s essential to develop a good technique from the beginning.

2. Develop healthy eating habits and a good diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein (chicken or fish). Don’t skip breakfast on the day of the competition.

3. When competing ___________sports events, plan the day properly. Competitions can begin ____________the morning, so start your warm up when you get up. Do exercises for your arms, legs, back, and neck before you put your gym clothes and go the stadium.

4. It’s important for athletes to keep their body temperatures up, so after warming up, it’s best to wear a tracksuit while waiting for the event to begin. Sometimes the different parts of the competitions take place at different times. In between, keep your throwing arm warm. For example, wrap a towel around it while you’re waiting. 

5. After the competition, many athletes want to relax and hang out with their friends, but don’t finish the competition without cooling down first. Put ice on the throwing arm for about a quarter of an hour. This prevents injuries after the event.

6. Finally, don’t practice too much. Only Olympic athletes need to practice every day. Sports are for fun. Just enjoy the event.
The word ‘healthy’ in “Develop healthy eating habits and a good diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein (chicken or fish).”, has its correct definition in which alternative?
Q2102923 Inglês
Training for the Javelin

The javelin is over 400,000 years old. This long, pointed stick was first used as a weapon before it became an integral event in the Olympic Games. Though even as a sport, it can still cause damage today.

Javelin throwers can become injured because they often repeat the same action many times during training or competitions. There is especially a risk of elbow injury if athletes bend their arms the wrong way when they throw the javelin. As with all sports, it’s important to warm up properly before practicing the javelin.

For people considering taking up this sport, here are some suggestions for preventing injury:

1. Practice with a professional coach. It’s essential to develop a good technique from the beginning.

2. Develop healthy eating habits and a good diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein (chicken or fish). Don’t skip breakfast on the day of the competition.

3. When competing ___________sports events, plan the day properly. Competitions can begin ____________the morning, so start your warm up when you get up. Do exercises for your arms, legs, back, and neck before you put your gym clothes and go the stadium.

4. It’s important for athletes to keep their body temperatures up, so after warming up, it’s best to wear a tracksuit while waiting for the event to begin. Sometimes the different parts of the competitions take place at different times. In between, keep your throwing arm warm. For example, wrap a towel around it while you’re waiting. 

5. After the competition, many athletes want to relax and hang out with their friends, but don’t finish the competition without cooling down first. Put ice on the throwing arm for about a quarter of an hour. This prevents injuries after the event.

6. Finally, don’t practice too much. Only Olympic athletes need to practice every day. Sports are for fun. Just enjoy the event.
Analyze the sentences according to structure and grammar use.
1. The underlined words in the sentence “This long, pointed stick was first used as a weapon…” is an example of active voice in the past tense.
2. The words in bold “they” and “their”, in the text, are being used as a personal pronoun and a possessive adjective, respectively.
3. The negative form of the following sentence: “Do exercises for your arms, legs, back, and neck…” is “Don’t exercise your arms, legs, back, and neck…”.
4. The word ‘properly’ in “it’s important to warm up properly before practicing the javelin.” is an adverb that means correctly or satisfactorily.

Choose the alternative which contains the correct sentences.
Q2102924 Inglês
Training for the Javelin

The javelin is over 400,000 years old. This long, pointed stick was first used as a weapon before it became an integral event in the Olympic Games. Though even as a sport, it can still cause damage today.

Javelin throwers can become injured because they often repeat the same action many times during training or competitions. There is especially a risk of elbow injury if athletes bend their arms the wrong way when they throw the javelin. As with all sports, it’s important to warm up properly before practicing the javelin.

For people considering taking up this sport, here are some suggestions for preventing injury:

1. Practice with a professional coach. It’s essential to develop a good technique from the beginning.

2. Develop healthy eating habits and a good diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein (chicken or fish). Don’t skip breakfast on the day of the competition.

3. When competing ___________sports events, plan the day properly. Competitions can begin ____________the morning, so start your warm up when you get up. Do exercises for your arms, legs, back, and neck before you put your gym clothes and go the stadium.

4. It’s important for athletes to keep their body temperatures up, so after warming up, it’s best to wear a tracksuit while waiting for the event to begin. Sometimes the different parts of the competitions take place at different times. In between, keep your throwing arm warm. For example, wrap a towel around it while you’re waiting. 

5. After the competition, many athletes want to relax and hang out with their friends, but don’t finish the competition without cooling down first. Put ice on the throwing arm for about a quarter of an hour. This prevents injuries after the event.

6. Finally, don’t practice too much. Only Olympic athletes need to practice every day. Sports are for fun. Just enjoy the event.
In the text, there are some words that are missing in suggestion number 3.
Choose the alternative that contains the correct ones to complete the sentence.
Q2102925 Inglês
Training for the Javelin

The javelin is over 400,000 years old. This long, pointed stick was first used as a weapon before it became an integral event in the Olympic Games. Though even as a sport, it can still cause damage today.

Javelin throwers can become injured because they often repeat the same action many times during training or competitions. There is especially a risk of elbow injury if athletes bend their arms the wrong way when they throw the javelin. As with all sports, it’s important to warm up properly before practicing the javelin.

For people considering taking up this sport, here are some suggestions for preventing injury:

1. Practice with a professional coach. It’s essential to develop a good technique from the beginning.

2. Develop healthy eating habits and a good diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein (chicken or fish). Don’t skip breakfast on the day of the competition.

3. When competing ___________sports events, plan the day properly. Competitions can begin ____________the morning, so start your warm up when you get up. Do exercises for your arms, legs, back, and neck before you put your gym clothes and go the stadium.

4. It’s important for athletes to keep their body temperatures up, so after warming up, it’s best to wear a tracksuit while waiting for the event to begin. Sometimes the different parts of the competitions take place at different times. In between, keep your throwing arm warm. For example, wrap a towel around it while you’re waiting. 

5. After the competition, many athletes want to relax and hang out with their friends, but don’t finish the competition without cooling down first. Put ice on the throwing arm for about a quarter of an hour. This prevents injuries after the event.

6. Finally, don’t practice too much. Only Olympic athletes need to practice every day. Sports are for fun. Just enjoy the event.
Choose the alternative that defines correctly the word ‘though’ in “Though even as a sport, it can still cause damage today”.
Q2102926 Inglês
Training for the Javelin

The javelin is over 400,000 years old. This long, pointed stick was first used as a weapon before it became an integral event in the Olympic Games. Though even as a sport, it can still cause damage today.

Javelin throwers can become injured because they often repeat the same action many times during training or competitions. There is especially a risk of elbow injury if athletes bend their arms the wrong way when they throw the javelin. As with all sports, it’s important to warm up properly before practicing the javelin.

For people considering taking up this sport, here are some suggestions for preventing injury:

1. Practice with a professional coach. It’s essential to develop a good technique from the beginning.

2. Develop healthy eating habits and a good diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein (chicken or fish). Don’t skip breakfast on the day of the competition.

3. When competing ___________sports events, plan the day properly. Competitions can begin ____________the morning, so start your warm up when you get up. Do exercises for your arms, legs, back, and neck before you put your gym clothes and go the stadium.

4. It’s important for athletes to keep their body temperatures up, so after warming up, it’s best to wear a tracksuit while waiting for the event to begin. Sometimes the different parts of the competitions take place at different times. In between, keep your throwing arm warm. For example, wrap a towel around it while you’re waiting. 

5. After the competition, many athletes want to relax and hang out with their friends, but don’t finish the competition without cooling down first. Put ice on the throwing arm for about a quarter of an hour. This prevents injuries after the event.

6. Finally, don’t practice too much. Only Olympic athletes need to practice every day. Sports are for fun. Just enjoy the event.
The English language should be taught in a way that the integration of the four skills is the key for creating a real communicative situation.
They propose the mixing of __________________and _______________comprehension with __________________and ________________ expression.

Choose the alternative that contains the correct words to complete the sentence.
1: B
2: C
3: D
4: E
5: A
6: B
7: D
8: C
9: E
10: A
11: B
12: A
13: E
14: C
15: C
16: E
17: D
18: A
19: B
20: B