Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Caçador - SC 2024 para Professor Ensino Fundamental II - Inglês
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( ) Some years ago, a court found that seven scientists were responsible for 300 deaths and 1,500 injuries in the L’Aquila earthquake.
( ) Several research studies in physics and biology show that electric charges may be able to predict earthquakes in the future.
( ) Scientists in Britain and Russia have developed satellites that can already predict earthquakes accurately.
( ) Scientists believe that rocks may become electrically charged before an earthquake.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
1. The team at Rutgers was experimenting with creating electric signals.
2. None of the physicists expected pharmaceutical powders to stick together.
3. The small lightning bolt, or electric charge, followed a short time after the powder had fallen apart.
4. The electrical charge only affected powders that have fallen apart suddenly.
5. In the experiment, the electric charge always appeared before the materials fell apart.
Choose the alternative which contains the correct sentences.
Choose the alternative that contains some examples of teaching methods and strategies.
1. The verbs been (2nd paragraph), lost (1st paragraph) has its infinitive form as “to be” and “loose”.
2. The words might and may in the 4th paragraph are called nonfinite verbs.
3. The negative form of the sentence This electric charge then causes changes in the surrounding air or water(…), is This electric charge then doesn’t cause changes in the surrounding air or water(…).
4. The words we, our, and us from the text (paragraphs 2, 3 and 5) are, respectively, personal pronoun, possessive adjective and objective pronoun.
Choose the alternative which contains the correct sentences.
Choose the alternative that presents an active learning strategy.