Questões de Concurso Público Câmara dos Deputados 2023 para Analista Legislativo - Informática Legislativa - Manhã

Foram encontradas 60 questões

Q2326015 Português
Leia o fragmento a seguir.

Zélia e Sandra

     Bom dia!
     Logo que, ao meio-dia, encontrei a carta de vocês na caixa de correio, tive vontade de responder imediatamente, mas tive que esperar esta tarde, o momento em que as outras estavam no salão, em torno da tevê, para estar finalmente sozinha na cozinha. Brasília, 20 de março

Em relação à estrutura e aos componentes desse fragmento, assinale a afirmativa correta. 
Q2326016 Português
Leia o texto de um jornal a seguir.

     Ontem pela manhã, a metade dos funcionários dos correios encarregados da distribuição da correspondência interrompeu seu trabalho a pedido da CGT. Os funcionários exigiam a suspensão de sanções a cinco carteiros e a abertura de negociações para uma discussão sobre horário de trabalho.
     A negociação fez com que se suspendessem as sanções, levando ao fim da greve. Depois de uma interrupção de trabalho por quatro horas, os correios afirmaram que as medidas punitivas foram suspensas e que os funcionários aceitaram o novo horário de trabalho.
     O trabalho foi retomado normalmente por volta das onze e meia da manhã e a correspondência foi inteiramente entregue, mesmo que com ligeiro atraso.

Sobre a estrutura e os componentes desse texto jornalístico, assinale a afirmativa correta. 
Q2326017 Português
Leia o texto a seguir.

     No amanhecer do dia 2 de maio – um dia que se anunciava sereno, ensolarado, em suma, um dia como os outros -, uma multidão numerosa afluía em direção ao palácio, de todos os quarteirões da cidade, e se aglomerava nas grades. Marcelo estava aí misturado. Ele havia sabido na véspera, como todo mundo, que o Infante Francisco de Paula e sua irmã a princesa deviam partir para a França e encontrar o resto da família real.  
     Ainda de manhã, Marcelo viu chegar duas vans, que os criados encheram de bagagens. Em seguida, depois de alguma espera, ele viu sair do palácio uma elegante mulher jovem que levava uma criança nos braços.

Acerca dos indicadores de tempo no texto acima, é correto afirmar que
Q2326018 Português
A correção gramatical é indispensável a uma boa escrita.

Assinale a frase que mostra a forma verbal correta.
Q2326019 Português
Assinale a frase em que o sujeito e o agente coincidem.
Q2326020 Português
Leia o texto a seguir.

     A união dos confeiteiros do Rio de Janeiro confeccionou, por ocasião do quarto centenário da cidade, a praia de Copacabana em massa e pasta de amêndoas, num bolo de 400 quilos. O bolo representa a praia, os pequenos montes ao redor e inúmeros outros detalhes. Os realizadores deste doce monumental esperam angariar uma grande soma de dinheiro já que será dividido em 1000 pedaços, que serão vendidos a R$20 cada um. Os trinta confeiteiros que o fabricaram utilizaram 2000 ovos, 150kg de farinha e 50 litros de leite, além de xaropes variados.

Assinale a opção que indica corretamente o paciente da forma verbal destacada e a sua função sintática.
Q2326021 Português
Leia o texto a seguir.

     Leve e equilibrada. A água mineral de Caxambu retira lentamente sua pureza do coração das montanhas de Minas. Pouco mineralizada, essa água mineral pode ser bebida por todos, em todos os momentos do dia.

Sobre a estrutura e os componentes desse pequeno texto, assinale a afirmativa correta. 
Q2326022 Português
Observe as duas frases a seguir.

1. Ele quis entrar, mas a porta estava fechada.
2. A porta estava fechada pelo porteiro.

Sobre a estruturação e o significado dessas frases, assinale a afirmativa correta. 
Q2326023 Português
Houve um requerimento, esta semana, da Associação de Policiais, para que fossem aumentados seus salários, argumentando, entre outros pontos, que isso ajudaria a combater a corrupção entre eles.

Nesse requerimento, o argumento apresentado mostra o seguinte problema: 
Q2326024 Português
Assinale a frase em que o vocábulo “mais” tem valor de intensidade e não de quantidade. 
Q2326025 Português
A preposição “a” indica valores semânticos variados. Assinale a frase que possui valor semântico, não sendo gramaticalmente exigida por nenhum termo anterior.
Q2326026 Português
Assinale a frase em que há erro de concordância nominal.
Q2326027 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it.

Text I

Generative Art – What’s real?

     There is nothing new about the concept and creation of ‘artificial intelligence art’ or ‘generative art’. However, discussion of its legal and ethical or societal implications (both intended and unintended) hit the headlines last week.

     Boris Eldagsen refused his Sony World Photography Award 2023 prize in the creative open category on the basis that his entry was the product of artificial intelligence. Mr Eldagsen himself has sparked the latest debate by claiming that “AI is not photography” and that the rationale for entering the Awards with the work in question was “…to find out if the competitions are prepared for AI images to enter. They are not”.

     The reaction of the World Photography Organisation (running the Sony Awards) has been to acknowledge the need for an element of human involvement, which is the crux of the debate: “While elements of AI practices are relevant in artistic contexts of image-making, the Awards always have been and will continue to be a platform for championing the excellence and skill of photographers and artists working in this medium”.


     The conventional (and long assumed) approach has been to recognise the importance of the human hand to an artwork. The question then is: to what extent is the human creator or inputter the ‘artist’ as opposed to the generative system or is the system merely representing the human creator or inputter’s artistic idea? Flowing from that question is what that might then mean in terms of the ownership and value of such works. The debate looks set to continue in this particular context of imagery creation and reproduction coinciding with the increasing availability and use of consumer-grade AI image generation programmes, and the natural inclination of artists to continue to create.

Adapted from
Based on Text I, mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F).

( ) The dawning of generative art has given rise to a quandary.
( ) The winner mentioned was thrilled with the prize he was awarded.
( ) The organization responsible for the award stood by their earlier statement that AI yields finer art than that of humans.

The statements are, respectively,
Q2326028 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it.

Text I

Generative Art – What’s real?

     There is nothing new about the concept and creation of ‘artificial intelligence art’ or ‘generative art’. However, discussion of its legal and ethical or societal implications (both intended and unintended) hit the headlines last week.

     Boris Eldagsen refused his Sony World Photography Award 2023 prize in the creative open category on the basis that his entry was the product of artificial intelligence. Mr Eldagsen himself has sparked the latest debate by claiming that “AI is not photography” and that the rationale for entering the Awards with the work in question was “…to find out if the competitions are prepared for AI images to enter. They are not”.

     The reaction of the World Photography Organisation (running the Sony Awards) has been to acknowledge the need for an element of human involvement, which is the crux of the debate: “While elements of AI practices are relevant in artistic contexts of image-making, the Awards always have been and will continue to be a platform for championing the excellence and skill of photographers and artists working in this medium”.


     The conventional (and long assumed) approach has been to recognise the importance of the human hand to an artwork. The question then is: to what extent is the human creator or inputter the ‘artist’ as opposed to the generative system or is the system merely representing the human creator or inputter’s artistic idea? Flowing from that question is what that might then mean in terms of the ownership and value of such works. The debate looks set to continue in this particular context of imagery creation and reproduction coinciding with the increasing availability and use of consumer-grade AI image generation programmes, and the natural inclination of artists to continue to create.

Adapted from
In the first paragraph, the relation between the two sentences is one of
Q2326029 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it.

Text I

Generative Art – What’s real?

     There is nothing new about the concept and creation of ‘artificial intelligence art’ or ‘generative art’. However, discussion of its legal and ethical or societal implications (both intended and unintended) hit the headlines last week.

     Boris Eldagsen refused his Sony World Photography Award 2023 prize in the creative open category on the basis that his entry was the product of artificial intelligence. Mr Eldagsen himself has sparked the latest debate by claiming that “AI is not photography” and that the rationale for entering the Awards with the work in question was “…to find out if the competitions are prepared for AI images to enter. They are not”.

     The reaction of the World Photography Organisation (running the Sony Awards) has been to acknowledge the need for an element of human involvement, which is the crux of the debate: “While elements of AI practices are relevant in artistic contexts of image-making, the Awards always have been and will continue to be a platform for championing the excellence and skill of photographers and artists working in this medium”.


     The conventional (and long assumed) approach has been to recognise the importance of the human hand to an artwork. The question then is: to what extent is the human creator or inputter the ‘artist’ as opposed to the generative system or is the system merely representing the human creator or inputter’s artistic idea? Flowing from that question is what that might then mean in terms of the ownership and value of such works. The debate looks set to continue in this particular context of imagery creation and reproduction coinciding with the increasing availability and use of consumer-grade AI image generation programmes, and the natural inclination of artists to continue to create.

Adapted from
The phrase “The crux of the debate” (3rd paragraph) is the same as the 
Q2326030 Inglês
Read Text II and answer the question that follow it

Text II

Boy cries Wolf

     After astonishing breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, many people worry that they will end up on the economic scrapheap. Global Google searches for “is my job safe?” have doubled in recent months, as people fear that they will be replaced with large language models (LLMS). Some evidence suggests that widespread disruption is coming. In a recent paper Tyna Eloundou of OpenAI and colleagues say that “around 80% of the US workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by the introduction of LLMS”. Another paper suggests that legal services, accountancy and travel agencies will face unprecedented upheaval.

     Economists, however, tend to enjoy making predictions about automation more than they enjoy testing them. In the early 2010s many of them loudly predicted that robots would kill jobs by the millions, only to fall silent when employment rates across the rich world rose to all-time highs. Few of the doom-mongers have a good explanation for why countries with the highest rates of tech usage around the globe, such as Japan, Singapore and South Korea, consistently have among the lowest rates of unemployment.

     Here we introduce our first attempt at tracking AI’s impact on jobs. Using American data on employment by occupation, we single out white-collar workers. These include people working in everything from back-office support and financial operations to copy-writers. White-collar roles are thought to be especially vulnerable to generative AI, which is becoming ever better at logical reasoning and creativity.

     However, there is as yet little evidence of an AI hit to employment. In the spring of 2020 white-collar jobs rose as a share of the total, as many people in service occupations lost their job at the start of the covid-19 pandemic. The white-collar share is lower today, as leisure and hospitality have recovered. Yet in the past year the share of employment in professions supposedly at risk from generative AI has risen by half a percentage point.

     It is, of course, early days. Few firms yet use generative-AI tools at scale, so the impact on jobs could merely be delayed. Another possibility, however, is that these new technologies will end up destroying only a small number of roles. While AI may be efficient at some tasks, it may be less good at others, such as management and working out what others need.

     AI could even have a positive effect on jobs. If workers using it become more efficient, profits at their company could rise which would then allow bosses to ramp up hiring. A recent survey by Experis, an IT-recruitment firm, points to this possibility. More than half of Britain’s employers expect AI technologies to have a positive impact on their headcount over the next two years, it finds.

     To see how it all shakes out, we will publish updates to this analysis every few months. But for now, a jobs apocalypse seems a way off.

From The Economist June 17th 2023, p. 71
Based on Text II, mark the statements below as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

( ) Many believe AI will eventually make jobs redundant.
( ) The conclusion of the text is that the current outlook regarding employment is rather bleak.
( ) The authors prefer to probe forthcoming evidence before issuing unequivocal accounts.

The statements are, respectively,
Q2326031 Inglês
Read Text II and answer the question that follow it

Text II

Boy cries Wolf

     After astonishing breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, many people worry that they will end up on the economic scrapheap. Global Google searches for “is my job safe?” have doubled in recent months, as people fear that they will be replaced with large language models (LLMS). Some evidence suggests that widespread disruption is coming. In a recent paper Tyna Eloundou of OpenAI and colleagues say that “around 80% of the US workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by the introduction of LLMS”. Another paper suggests that legal services, accountancy and travel agencies will face unprecedented upheaval.

     Economists, however, tend to enjoy making predictions about automation more than they enjoy testing them. In the early 2010s many of them loudly predicted that robots would kill jobs by the millions, only to fall silent when employment rates across the rich world rose to all-time highs. Few of the doom-mongers have a good explanation for why countries with the highest rates of tech usage around the globe, such as Japan, Singapore and South Korea, consistently have among the lowest rates of unemployment.

     Here we introduce our first attempt at tracking AI’s impact on jobs. Using American data on employment by occupation, we single out white-collar workers. These include people working in everything from back-office support and financial operations to copy-writers. White-collar roles are thought to be especially vulnerable to generative AI, which is becoming ever better at logical reasoning and creativity.

     However, there is as yet little evidence of an AI hit to employment. In the spring of 2020 white-collar jobs rose as a share of the total, as many people in service occupations lost their job at the start of the covid-19 pandemic. The white-collar share is lower today, as leisure and hospitality have recovered. Yet in the past year the share of employment in professions supposedly at risk from generative AI has risen by half a percentage point.

     It is, of course, early days. Few firms yet use generative-AI tools at scale, so the impact on jobs could merely be delayed. Another possibility, however, is that these new technologies will end up destroying only a small number of roles. While AI may be efficient at some tasks, it may be less good at others, such as management and working out what others need.

     AI could even have a positive effect on jobs. If workers using it become more efficient, profits at their company could rise which would then allow bosses to ramp up hiring. A recent survey by Experis, an IT-recruitment firm, points to this possibility. More than half of Britain’s employers expect AI technologies to have a positive impact on their headcount over the next two years, it finds.

     To see how it all shakes out, we will publish updates to this analysis every few months. But for now, a jobs apocalypse seems a way off.

From The Economist June 17th 2023, p. 71
The title of the article means to 
Q2326032 Inglês
Read Text II and answer the question that follow it

Text II

Boy cries Wolf

     After astonishing breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, many people worry that they will end up on the economic scrapheap. Global Google searches for “is my job safe?” have doubled in recent months, as people fear that they will be replaced with large language models (LLMS). Some evidence suggests that widespread disruption is coming. In a recent paper Tyna Eloundou of OpenAI and colleagues say that “around 80% of the US workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by the introduction of LLMS”. Another paper suggests that legal services, accountancy and travel agencies will face unprecedented upheaval.

     Economists, however, tend to enjoy making predictions about automation more than they enjoy testing them. In the early 2010s many of them loudly predicted that robots would kill jobs by the millions, only to fall silent when employment rates across the rich world rose to all-time highs. Few of the doom-mongers have a good explanation for why countries with the highest rates of tech usage around the globe, such as Japan, Singapore and South Korea, consistently have among the lowest rates of unemployment.

     Here we introduce our first attempt at tracking AI’s impact on jobs. Using American data on employment by occupation, we single out white-collar workers. These include people working in everything from back-office support and financial operations to copy-writers. White-collar roles are thought to be especially vulnerable to generative AI, which is becoming ever better at logical reasoning and creativity.

     However, there is as yet little evidence of an AI hit to employment. In the spring of 2020 white-collar jobs rose as a share of the total, as many people in service occupations lost their job at the start of the covid-19 pandemic. The white-collar share is lower today, as leisure and hospitality have recovered. Yet in the past year the share of employment in professions supposedly at risk from generative AI has risen by half a percentage point.

     It is, of course, early days. Few firms yet use generative-AI tools at scale, so the impact on jobs could merely be delayed. Another possibility, however, is that these new technologies will end up destroying only a small number of roles. While AI may be efficient at some tasks, it may be less good at others, such as management and working out what others need.

     AI could even have a positive effect on jobs. If workers using it become more efficient, profits at their company could rise which would then allow bosses to ramp up hiring. A recent survey by Experis, an IT-recruitment firm, points to this possibility. More than half of Britain’s employers expect AI technologies to have a positive impact on their headcount over the next two years, it finds.

     To see how it all shakes out, we will publish updates to this analysis every few months. But for now, a jobs apocalypse seems a way off.

From The Economist June 17th 2023, p. 71
The adjective in “astonishing breakthroughs” (1st paragraph) is similar in meaning to 
Q2326033 Inglês
Read Text II and answer the question that follow it

Text II

Boy cries Wolf

     After astonishing breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, many people worry that they will end up on the economic scrapheap. Global Google searches for “is my job safe?” have doubled in recent months, as people fear that they will be replaced with large language models (LLMS). Some evidence suggests that widespread disruption is coming. In a recent paper Tyna Eloundou of OpenAI and colleagues say that “around 80% of the US workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by the introduction of LLMS”. Another paper suggests that legal services, accountancy and travel agencies will face unprecedented upheaval.

     Economists, however, tend to enjoy making predictions about automation more than they enjoy testing them. In the early 2010s many of them loudly predicted that robots would kill jobs by the millions, only to fall silent when employment rates across the rich world rose to all-time highs. Few of the doom-mongers have a good explanation for why countries with the highest rates of tech usage around the globe, such as Japan, Singapore and South Korea, consistently have among the lowest rates of unemployment.

     Here we introduce our first attempt at tracking AI’s impact on jobs. Using American data on employment by occupation, we single out white-collar workers. These include people working in everything from back-office support and financial operations to copy-writers. White-collar roles are thought to be especially vulnerable to generative AI, which is becoming ever better at logical reasoning and creativity.

     However, there is as yet little evidence of an AI hit to employment. In the spring of 2020 white-collar jobs rose as a share of the total, as many people in service occupations lost their job at the start of the covid-19 pandemic. The white-collar share is lower today, as leisure and hospitality have recovered. Yet in the past year the share of employment in professions supposedly at risk from generative AI has risen by half a percentage point.

     It is, of course, early days. Few firms yet use generative-AI tools at scale, so the impact on jobs could merely be delayed. Another possibility, however, is that these new technologies will end up destroying only a small number of roles. While AI may be efficient at some tasks, it may be less good at others, such as management and working out what others need.

     AI could even have a positive effect on jobs. If workers using it become more efficient, profits at their company could rise which would then allow bosses to ramp up hiring. A recent survey by Experis, an IT-recruitment firm, points to this possibility. More than half of Britain’s employers expect AI technologies to have a positive impact on their headcount over the next two years, it finds.

     To see how it all shakes out, we will publish updates to this analysis every few months. But for now, a jobs apocalypse seems a way off.

From The Economist June 17th 2023, p. 71
If someone ends up “on the economic scrapheap” (1st paragraph), this person will feel
Q2326034 Inglês
Read Text II and answer the question that follow it

Text II

Boy cries Wolf

     After astonishing breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, many people worry that they will end up on the economic scrapheap. Global Google searches for “is my job safe?” have doubled in recent months, as people fear that they will be replaced with large language models (LLMS). Some evidence suggests that widespread disruption is coming. In a recent paper Tyna Eloundou of OpenAI and colleagues say that “around 80% of the US workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by the introduction of LLMS”. Another paper suggests that legal services, accountancy and travel agencies will face unprecedented upheaval.

     Economists, however, tend to enjoy making predictions about automation more than they enjoy testing them. In the early 2010s many of them loudly predicted that robots would kill jobs by the millions, only to fall silent when employment rates across the rich world rose to all-time highs. Few of the doom-mongers have a good explanation for why countries with the highest rates of tech usage around the globe, such as Japan, Singapore and South Korea, consistently have among the lowest rates of unemployment.

     Here we introduce our first attempt at tracking AI’s impact on jobs. Using American data on employment by occupation, we single out white-collar workers. These include people working in everything from back-office support and financial operations to copy-writers. White-collar roles are thought to be especially vulnerable to generative AI, which is becoming ever better at logical reasoning and creativity.

     However, there is as yet little evidence of an AI hit to employment. In the spring of 2020 white-collar jobs rose as a share of the total, as many people in service occupations lost their job at the start of the covid-19 pandemic. The white-collar share is lower today, as leisure and hospitality have recovered. Yet in the past year the share of employment in professions supposedly at risk from generative AI has risen by half a percentage point.

     It is, of course, early days. Few firms yet use generative-AI tools at scale, so the impact on jobs could merely be delayed. Another possibility, however, is that these new technologies will end up destroying only a small number of roles. While AI may be efficient at some tasks, it may be less good at others, such as management and working out what others need.

     AI could even have a positive effect on jobs. If workers using it become more efficient, profits at their company could rise which would then allow bosses to ramp up hiring. A recent survey by Experis, an IT-recruitment firm, points to this possibility. More than half of Britain’s employers expect AI technologies to have a positive impact on their headcount over the next two years, it finds.

     To see how it all shakes out, we will publish updates to this analysis every few months. But for now, a jobs apocalypse seems a way off.

From The Economist June 17th 2023, p. 71
By calling some economists “doom-mongers” in “Few of the doom-mongers have a good explanation” (2nd paragraph), the authors
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