Questões de Concurso Público SEE-MG 2023 para Professor de Educação Básica (PEB) - Língua Inglesa

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Q2291630 Pedagogia
Libâneo atribui a Iohannes Amos Comenius a posição de precursor do ideal moderno de educação.

Em sua Didactica Magna, Comenius expressa uma ideia que lhe confere esse título, que pode ser sintetizada como
Q2291631 Pedagogia
De acordo com Bernard Charlot, a educação está envolvida em um triplo processo. Um dos três aspectos é aquele em que o indivíduo se torna propriamente humano.

Esse aspecto é conhecido como
Q2291632 Pedagogia
Segundo as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais da Educação Básica, a identidade do Ensino Médio deve ser definida pela superação do dualismo entre a educação propedêutica e a educação profissional.

Isso significa que o Ensino Médio deve se definir por oferecer uma educação voltada para
Q2291633 Pedagogia
O Currículo Referência do Ensino Médio de Minas Gerais orienta os professores no modo como conduzir o componente curricular do Projeto de Vida dos estudantes. Para tanto, este documento pressupõe um modo de conceber a juventude.

De acordo com ele, a juventude é
Q2291634 Inglês

Text I

English Language Learning In Brazil

        According to the BNCC1 , learning English enables students to engage and participate in a globalized and pluralistic world. It allows students to develop a critical mindset and exercise their citizenship rights while expanding the possibilities of interaction and mobility. In this sense, the BNCC outlines three critical implications for the English curriculum. The first is the globalized nature of English, in which the concepts of language, territory and culture are reconsidered since English speakers are no longer found only in countries where English is the official language. The second implication concerns broadening the definition of literacy, bringing the concept of “multi-literacies” to the Brazilian curriculum as students expand their linguistic knowledge, and English becomes a symbolic asset for Brazilians to express themselves in a different language. Finally, the third implication concerns different teaching approaches, which implies embracing the culture and traditions of the language, not only the formal grammatical standards, breaking with aspects related to “correctness”, “accuracy”, and “proficiency”.


        Even in a challenging context, it is clear that Brazil has made significant progress by approving a new and flexible curriculum for upper secondary schools and putting English mandatory in the standard part of the curriculum. However, major efforts are still required to ensure the smooth implementation of this reform, which the pandemic and the difficulties in coordination across the national and subnational levels have already hindered. 

1BNCC: Base Nacional Comum Curricular

Adapted from:

Based on Text I, mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F).

( ) The BNCC suggests that grammatical rules should obliterate cultural aspects.
( ) The text supports the view that English language teaching should be compulsory in secondary schools.
( ) Some factors, including the pandemic, have affected the implementation of the curriculum reform mentioned.

The statements are, respectively,
31: A
32: C
33: D
34: C
35: C