Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Caraguatatuba - SP 2024 para PEB II - Inglês
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Considere o seguinte trecho de planilha criado em uma versão atual do Microsoft Excel em português:
Um usuário desta planilha, com o propósito de copiar o conteúdo da célula B7 para C7, realizou a seguinte sequência de comandos: selecionou a célula B7, executou um CTRL-C, selecionou a célula C7 e teclou ENTER. Após esta operação, a célula C7 passou a apresentar como resultado da função o valor de
I. Trocar a extensão de um arquivo faz automaticamente uma conversão do conteúdo do arquivo de seu formato antigo para o formato novo.
II. A extensão .csv representa um arquivo de valores separados por vírgula.
III. Um arquivo com extensão .exe é um programa que pode ser executado no sistema operacional Microsoft Windows.
Está correto o que se afirma em
Disponível em: Acesso: 01 nov. 2023.
A partir do tema contextualizado, avalie se as afirmativas a seguir são verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F).
( ) O Município de Caraguatatuba está inserido em uma região de domínio da Mata Atlântica, com 74,98% de sua área recoberta por vegetação natural. Parte desta biodiversidade está situada em sua planície costeira de 32km, em ecossistemas associados de restinga e manguezais.
( ) Embora tenha uma longa faixa litorânea, a existência de uma biota marinha é rarefeita, devido às correntes marítimas frias que vem do polo sul e da ausência de unidades de conservação ambiental no Município de Caraguatatuba.
( ) O Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (PESM) é a maior unidade de conservação de proteção integral de toda a Mata Atlântica, sendo o Núcleo Caraguatatuba (NC) um dos oito núcleos que o compõe, cobrindo 82% da área total do município.
As afirmativas são, respectivamente,
O Centro de Liderança Pública lançou a 3ª edição do Ranking de Competitividade dos Estados e Municípios. Em 2022, Caraguatatuba se destacou como 1ª colocada entre as cidades do Litoral Norte, além de aparecer na 27ª colocação entre os municípios da região do Sudeste (São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo) e na 38ª posição do ranking nacional das cidades mais competitivas, perfazendo um avanço de 36 posições. O levantamento envolveu 415 municípios brasileiros com mais de 80 mil habitantes.
Disponível em: 02 nov. 2023.
A avaliação apontou como potenciais de Caraguatatuba os seguintes elementos:
Disponível em: 3 nov. 2023 (adaptado)
Os debates da audiência em questão estiveram voltados para o seguinte tipo de atividade econômica:
Analise a imagem abaixo:
Disponível em: Acesso: 02 nov. 2023.
Em termos históricos e também considerando os aspectos heráldicos, o Brasão de Armas do Município de Caraguatatuba é descrito da seguinte forma:
I. O Escudo Ibérico utilizado para representar o Brasão de Armas, evidencia a influência dos colonizadores, advindos desta região da Europa.
II. As duas flechas cruzadas expressam a presença da religiosidade africana, a âncora ressalta a situação do município praiano, por suas paisagens e riquezas naturais.
III. A coroa mural, representando o símbolo universal de domínio, evidencia a condição da cidade como Sede de Comarca e a Cruz da Ordem de Cristo simboliza a fé cristã.
Está correto o que se afirma em
As opções a seguir apresentam alguns traços do momento descrito que marcam o desenvolvimento das tendências pedagógicas contemporâneas, à exceção de uma. Assinale-a.
Sobre os procedimentos a serem adotados para atingir tais objetivos, analise as afirmativas a seguir.
I. Desenvolver a capacidade de aprender, tendo como meios básicos o pleno domínio da leitura, da escrita e do cálculo.
II. Desenvolver a capacidade de aprendizagem, tendo em vista a aquisição de conhecimentos e habilidades e a formação de atitudes e valores.
III. Compreender o ambiente natural e o social, a economia, as artes e a cultura, os direitos humanos e os valores em que a sociedade se fundamenta.
Está correto o que se afirma em
I. na vida familiar. II. na convivência humana. III. nos movimentos sociais e nas organizações da sociedade civil. IV. nas manifestações culturais. V. no trabalho.
Está correto o que se afirma em
Text I
The BNCC and Twenty-First Century Skills
The most ambitious feature of the BNCC, which only appeared in the document’s third version, was to establish ten core competencies that all students should develop throughout basic education, starting in early childhood. These competencies include lifelong learning, critical thinking, aesthetic sensibilities, communication skills, digital literacy, entrepreneurship, self-care, empathy, citizenship and ethics. The core competencies broaden the goals of basic education well-beyond academic skills to twenty-first century skills widely regarded as essential to preparing the next generations for the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution.
As ambitious as it was, the BNCC was criticized for the lack of explicit links between the ten core competencies and the subject specific competencies and skills, leaving cities and states with the responsibility of making these links themselves. In addition to this, the core competencies are not generally integrated into teacher training programs and are often de-prioritized for the more basic literacy and numeracy needs. In this context, the Ministry of Education and its partners in the third sector have developed orientations, produced videos and online courses aimed at filling this gap, and helped cities and states integrate the ten core competencies in their curricula.
Ensuring all Brazilian students master the ten core competencies laid out by the BNCC by the end of high school is a long-term, extremely ambitious goal. Before we can set a timeframe for when we will be able to achieve this feat, we need to know where we stand. Due to the core competencies’ complexity, each involves several skills, attitudes and sometimes values, it is unclear whether we will be capable of measuring all ten of them and by when. Until then we are in the company of the OECD, which is already tackling this challenge and will likely pave the way for Brazil in this respect
Note: BNCC: Base Nacional Comum Curricular;
OECD: The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Adapted from
( ) The core competencies are not solely restricted to academic skills. ( ) Mastering the ten core competencies by the end of high school can be easily achieved. ( ) The core competencies established by the BNCC for basic education were a later development.
The statements are, respectively:
Text I
The BNCC and Twenty-First Century Skills
The most ambitious feature of the BNCC, which only appeared in the document’s third version, was to establish ten core competencies that all students should develop throughout basic education, starting in early childhood. These competencies include lifelong learning, critical thinking, aesthetic sensibilities, communication skills, digital literacy, entrepreneurship, self-care, empathy, citizenship and ethics. The core competencies broaden the goals of basic education well-beyond academic skills to twenty-first century skills widely regarded as essential to preparing the next generations for the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution.
As ambitious as it was, the BNCC was criticized for the lack of explicit links between the ten core competencies and the subject specific competencies and skills, leaving cities and states with the responsibility of making these links themselves. In addition to this, the core competencies are not generally integrated into teacher training programs and are often de-prioritized for the more basic literacy and numeracy needs. In this context, the Ministry of Education and its partners in the third sector have developed orientations, produced videos and online courses aimed at filling this gap, and helped cities and states integrate the ten core competencies in their curricula.
Ensuring all Brazilian students master the ten core competencies laid out by the BNCC by the end of high school is a long-term, extremely ambitious goal. Before we can set a timeframe for when we will be able to achieve this feat, we need to know where we stand. Due to the core competencies’ complexity, each involves several skills, attitudes and sometimes values, it is unclear whether we will be capable of measuring all ten of them and by when. Until then we are in the company of the OECD, which is already tackling this challenge and will likely pave the way for Brazil in this respect
Note: BNCC: Base Nacional Comum Curricular;
OECD: The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Adapted from
Text I
The BNCC and Twenty-First Century Skills
The most ambitious feature of the BNCC, which only appeared in the document’s third version, was to establish ten core competencies that all students should develop throughout basic education, starting in early childhood. These competencies include lifelong learning, critical thinking, aesthetic sensibilities, communication skills, digital literacy, entrepreneurship, self-care, empathy, citizenship and ethics. The core competencies broaden the goals of basic education well-beyond academic skills to twenty-first century skills widely regarded as essential to preparing the next generations for the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution.
As ambitious as it was, the BNCC was criticized for the lack of explicit links between the ten core competencies and the subject specific competencies and skills, leaving cities and states with the responsibility of making these links themselves. In addition to this, the core competencies are not generally integrated into teacher training programs and are often de-prioritized for the more basic literacy and numeracy needs. In this context, the Ministry of Education and its partners in the third sector have developed orientations, produced videos and online courses aimed at filling this gap, and helped cities and states integrate the ten core competencies in their curricula.
Ensuring all Brazilian students master the ten core competencies laid out by the BNCC by the end of high school is a long-term, extremely ambitious goal. Before we can set a timeframe for when we will be able to achieve this feat, we need to know where we stand. Due to the core competencies’ complexity, each involves several skills, attitudes and sometimes values, it is unclear whether we will be capable of measuring all ten of them and by when. Until then we are in the company of the OECD, which is already tackling this challenge and will likely pave the way for Brazil in this respect
Note: BNCC: Base Nacional Comum Curricular;
OECD: The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Adapted from
I. Teacher education programs today focus more on the ten core competencies than on other needs the students may have. II. The BNCC has been the object of some resistance. III. Core competencies can now be measured in a simple way.
Choose the correct answer:
Text I
The BNCC and Twenty-First Century Skills
The most ambitious feature of the BNCC, which only appeared in the document’s third version, was to establish ten core competencies that all students should develop throughout basic education, starting in early childhood. These competencies include lifelong learning, critical thinking, aesthetic sensibilities, communication skills, digital literacy, entrepreneurship, self-care, empathy, citizenship and ethics. The core competencies broaden the goals of basic education well-beyond academic skills to twenty-first century skills widely regarded as essential to preparing the next generations for the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution.
As ambitious as it was, the BNCC was criticized for the lack of explicit links between the ten core competencies and the subject specific competencies and skills, leaving cities and states with the responsibility of making these links themselves. In addition to this, the core competencies are not generally integrated into teacher training programs and are often de-prioritized for the more basic literacy and numeracy needs. In this context, the Ministry of Education and its partners in the third sector have developed orientations, produced videos and online courses aimed at filling this gap, and helped cities and states integrate the ten core competencies in their curricula.
Ensuring all Brazilian students master the ten core competencies laid out by the BNCC by the end of high school is a long-term, extremely ambitious goal. Before we can set a timeframe for when we will be able to achieve this feat, we need to know where we stand. Due to the core competencies’ complexity, each involves several skills, attitudes and sometimes values, it is unclear whether we will be capable of measuring all ten of them and by when. Until then we are in the company of the OECD, which is already tackling this challenge and will likely pave the way for Brazil in this respect
Note: BNCC: Base Nacional Comum Curricular;
OECD: The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Adapted from
Text I
The BNCC and Twenty-First Century Skills
The most ambitious feature of the BNCC, which only appeared in the document’s third version, was to establish ten core competencies that all students should develop throughout basic education, starting in early childhood. These competencies include lifelong learning, critical thinking, aesthetic sensibilities, communication skills, digital literacy, entrepreneurship, self-care, empathy, citizenship and ethics. The core competencies broaden the goals of basic education well-beyond academic skills to twenty-first century skills widely regarded as essential to preparing the next generations for the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution.
As ambitious as it was, the BNCC was criticized for the lack of explicit links between the ten core competencies and the subject specific competencies and skills, leaving cities and states with the responsibility of making these links themselves. In addition to this, the core competencies are not generally integrated into teacher training programs and are often de-prioritized for the more basic literacy and numeracy needs. In this context, the Ministry of Education and its partners in the third sector have developed orientations, produced videos and online courses aimed at filling this gap, and helped cities and states integrate the ten core competencies in their curricula.
Ensuring all Brazilian students master the ten core competencies laid out by the BNCC by the end of high school is a long-term, extremely ambitious goal. Before we can set a timeframe for when we will be able to achieve this feat, we need to know where we stand. Due to the core competencies’ complexity, each involves several skills, attitudes and sometimes values, it is unclear whether we will be capable of measuring all ten of them and by when. Until then we are in the company of the OECD, which is already tackling this challenge and will likely pave the way for Brazil in this respect
Note: BNCC: Base Nacional Comum Curricular;
OECD: The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Adapted from