Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Niterói - RJ 2024 para Auditor Municipal de Controle Interno - Ciência Contábeis

Foram encontradas 80 questões

Q3090433 Português

Analise a tira a seguir.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Sobre a tira, assinale a afirmativa correta.

Q3090434 Português
Assinale a opção que apresenta o segmento narrativo que mostra uma situação de suspense.
Q3090435 Português
Nas frases a seguir, os termos em destaque foram substituídos para evitar-se a repetição de palavras.
Assinale a opção em que essa substituição foi feita por um hiperônimo (vocábulo de conteúdo geral).
Q3090436 Português
Leia o trecho a seguir.
Estêvão murmurou algumas palavras, a que tentou dar um ar de gracejo, mas que eram fúnebres como um cipreste. Luís viu-lhe então, à luz das estearinas, alguma vermelhidão nos olhos, e adivinhou, — não era difícil, — que houvesse chorado. Pobre rapaz! suspirou ele mentalmente. Dali foram os dois para o quarto, que era uma vasta sala, com três camas, cadeiras de todos os feitios, duas estantes com livros e uma secretária, — vindo a ser ao mesmo tempo, alcova e gabinete de estudo. O chá subiu daí a pouco.
Machado de Assis. A Mão e a Luva.

Uma narrativa se apoia em evolução cronológica, com uma série de elementos linguísticos que participam desse processo. Entre esses elementos, os conectivos temporais são muito importantes, como no seguinte exemplo:
Q3090437 Português
Assinale a opção que exemplifica a junção de um modo textual narrativo com um texto publicitário.
Q3090438 Português
Junte as duas frases a seguir com o auxílio de um pronome relativo.

1. Li o novo romance de Ariano Suassuna.
2. Comprei o novo romance de Ariano Suassuna na livraria do shopping.

Assinale a opção que apresenta a forma adequada.
Q3090439 Português
Assinale a frase em que o termo sublinhado foi convenientemente substituído por uma só palavra, formada com a ajuda de um prefixo.
Q3090440 Português
Assinale a opção que mostra a frase em que ocorre uma repetição desnecessária.
Q3090441 Português
Assinale a opção em que a proposta de substituição do termo sublinhado por um verbo de valor equivalente foi feita de forma adequada.
Q3090442 Português
Todas as frases abaixo foram reescritas de modo a retirar-se a palavra “porque”, mantendo-se o sentido original.
Assinale a opção em que essa operação foi feita de forma inadequada.
Q3090443 Português
As frases a seguir mostram uma expressão de tom negativo. Tais expressões foram atenuadas com o emprego de negações.
Assinale a opção em que essa forma de atenuação está semanticamente inadequada.
Q3090444 Português
A preposição por apresenta diferentes valores semânticos.
Assinale a frase em que o valor semântico dessa preposição está corretamente indicado.
Q3090445 Português
Assinale a opção em que a preposição sublinhada tem valor nocional, ou seja, não é exigida por nenhum termo anterior.
Q3090446 Português
As frases a seguir mostram uma forma sublinhada, composta de não + verbo.
Substituindo essa forma por um só verbo, de sentido equivalente, assinale a opção inadequada.
Q3090447 Inglês
Text I

Embarking on the ESG journey

    Efforts to mitigate the accelerating effects of climate change and address perceived historical social inequities are two powerful issues driving change globally. These movements have enhanced awareness of how all organizations impact, influence, and interact with society and the environment.
    They also have spurred organizations to better recognize and manage ESG risks (i.e., risks associated with how organizations operate in respect to their impact on the world around them). This broad risk category includes areas that are dynamic and often driven by factors that can be difficult to measure objectively, such as inclusion, ethical behavior, corporate culture, and embracing sustainability across the organization.
   Still, there is growing urgency for organizations to understand and manage ESG risks, particularly as investors and regulators focus on organizations producing high-quality reporting on sustainability efforts. What’s more, that pressure is being reflected increasingly in executive performance as more organizations tie incentive compensation metrics to ESG goals.
   Additional risk areas associated with ESG are varied and can include reliance on third-party data, potential reputational damage from faulty reporting, and the real possibility that an organization’s explicit commitments to meet specific sustainability goals could grow into a material weakness.
    As ESG reporting becomes increasingly common, it should be treated with the same care as financial reporting. Organizations need to recognize that ESG reporting must be built on a strategically crafted system of internal controls and accurately reflect how an organization’s ESG efforts relate to each other, the organization’s finances, and value creation. […] Seeking out objective assurance on all ESG-related risk management processes from a qualified, independent, and properly resourced internal audit function should be part of any ESG strategy.

Adapted from: communications/2021/june/white-paper-internal-audits-role-in-esg-reporting.pdf
Based on Text I, mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F).

( ) Social inequalities have prevented endeavors toward change in ESG.
( ) The standards for ESG reporting should be less rigid than those for financial reporting.
( ) Proper internal auditing requires precise ESG reporting.

The statements are, respectively,
Q3090448 Inglês
Text I

Embarking on the ESG journey

    Efforts to mitigate the accelerating effects of climate change and address perceived historical social inequities are two powerful issues driving change globally. These movements have enhanced awareness of how all organizations impact, influence, and interact with society and the environment.
    They also have spurred organizations to better recognize and manage ESG risks (i.e., risks associated with how organizations operate in respect to their impact on the world around them). This broad risk category includes areas that are dynamic and often driven by factors that can be difficult to measure objectively, such as inclusion, ethical behavior, corporate culture, and embracing sustainability across the organization.
   Still, there is growing urgency for organizations to understand and manage ESG risks, particularly as investors and regulators focus on organizations producing high-quality reporting on sustainability efforts. What’s more, that pressure is being reflected increasingly in executive performance as more organizations tie incentive compensation metrics to ESG goals.
   Additional risk areas associated with ESG are varied and can include reliance on third-party data, potential reputational damage from faulty reporting, and the real possibility that an organization’s explicit commitments to meet specific sustainability goals could grow into a material weakness.
    As ESG reporting becomes increasingly common, it should be treated with the same care as financial reporting. Organizations need to recognize that ESG reporting must be built on a strategically crafted system of internal controls and accurately reflect how an organization’s ESG efforts relate to each other, the organization’s finances, and value creation. […] Seeking out objective assurance on all ESG-related risk management processes from a qualified, independent, and properly resourced internal audit function should be part of any ESG strategy.

Adapted from: communications/2021/june/white-paper-internal-audits-role-in-esg-reporting.pdf
The phrasal verb that may replace “mitigate” in “Efforts to mitigate” (1st paragraph), without significant change in meaning, is
Q3090449 Inglês
Text I

Embarking on the ESG journey

    Efforts to mitigate the accelerating effects of climate change and address perceived historical social inequities are two powerful issues driving change globally. These movements have enhanced awareness of how all organizations impact, influence, and interact with society and the environment.
    They also have spurred organizations to better recognize and manage ESG risks (i.e., risks associated with how organizations operate in respect to their impact on the world around them). This broad risk category includes areas that are dynamic and often driven by factors that can be difficult to measure objectively, such as inclusion, ethical behavior, corporate culture, and embracing sustainability across the organization.
   Still, there is growing urgency for organizations to understand and manage ESG risks, particularly as investors and regulators focus on organizations producing high-quality reporting on sustainability efforts. What’s more, that pressure is being reflected increasingly in executive performance as more organizations tie incentive compensation metrics to ESG goals.
   Additional risk areas associated with ESG are varied and can include reliance on third-party data, potential reputational damage from faulty reporting, and the real possibility that an organization’s explicit commitments to meet specific sustainability goals could grow into a material weakness.
    As ESG reporting becomes increasingly common, it should be treated with the same care as financial reporting. Organizations need to recognize that ESG reporting must be built on a strategically crafted system of internal controls and accurately reflect how an organization’s ESG efforts relate to each other, the organization’s finances, and value creation. […] Seeking out objective assurance on all ESG-related risk management processes from a qualified, independent, and properly resourced internal audit function should be part of any ESG strategy.

Adapted from: communications/2021/june/white-paper-internal-audits-role-in-esg-reporting.pdf
The word “address” in “address perceived historical social inequities” (1st paragraph) is a(n)
Q3090450 Inglês
Text I

Embarking on the ESG journey

    Efforts to mitigate the accelerating effects of climate change and address perceived historical social inequities are two powerful issues driving change globally. These movements have enhanced awareness of how all organizations impact, influence, and interact with society and the environment.
    They also have spurred organizations to better recognize and manage ESG risks (i.e., risks associated with how organizations operate in respect to their impact on the world around them). This broad risk category includes areas that are dynamic and often driven by factors that can be difficult to measure objectively, such as inclusion, ethical behavior, corporate culture, and embracing sustainability across the organization.
   Still, there is growing urgency for organizations to understand and manage ESG risks, particularly as investors and regulators focus on organizations producing high-quality reporting on sustainability efforts. What’s more, that pressure is being reflected increasingly in executive performance as more organizations tie incentive compensation metrics to ESG goals.
   Additional risk areas associated with ESG are varied and can include reliance on third-party data, potential reputational damage from faulty reporting, and the real possibility that an organization’s explicit commitments to meet specific sustainability goals could grow into a material weakness.
    As ESG reporting becomes increasingly common, it should be treated with the same care as financial reporting. Organizations need to recognize that ESG reporting must be built on a strategically crafted system of internal controls and accurately reflect how an organization’s ESG efforts relate to each other, the organization’s finances, and value creation. […] Seeking out objective assurance on all ESG-related risk management processes from a qualified, independent, and properly resourced internal audit function should be part of any ESG strategy.

Adapted from: communications/2021/june/white-paper-internal-audits-role-in-esg-reporting.pdf
When the text informs that the efforts have “spurred organizations” (2nd paragraph), this means that the organizations have been
Q3090451 Inglês
Text I

Embarking on the ESG journey

    Efforts to mitigate the accelerating effects of climate change and address perceived historical social inequities are two powerful issues driving change globally. These movements have enhanced awareness of how all organizations impact, influence, and interact with society and the environment.
    They also have spurred organizations to better recognize and manage ESG risks (i.e., risks associated with how organizations operate in respect to their impact on the world around them). This broad risk category includes areas that are dynamic and often driven by factors that can be difficult to measure objectively, such as inclusion, ethical behavior, corporate culture, and embracing sustainability across the organization.
   Still, there is growing urgency for organizations to understand and manage ESG risks, particularly as investors and regulators focus on organizations producing high-quality reporting on sustainability efforts. What’s more, that pressure is being reflected increasingly in executive performance as more organizations tie incentive compensation metrics to ESG goals.
   Additional risk areas associated with ESG are varied and can include reliance on third-party data, potential reputational damage from faulty reporting, and the real possibility that an organization’s explicit commitments to meet specific sustainability goals could grow into a material weakness.
    As ESG reporting becomes increasingly common, it should be treated with the same care as financial reporting. Organizations need to recognize that ESG reporting must be built on a strategically crafted system of internal controls and accurately reflect how an organization’s ESG efforts relate to each other, the organization’s finances, and value creation. […] Seeking out objective assurance on all ESG-related risk management processes from a qualified, independent, and properly resourced internal audit function should be part of any ESG strategy.

Adapted from: communications/2021/june/white-paper-internal-audits-role-in-esg-reporting.pdf
The opposite of the adjective in “faulty reporting” (4th paragraph) is
Q3090452 Inglês
Text I

Embarking on the ESG journey

    Efforts to mitigate the accelerating effects of climate change and address perceived historical social inequities are two powerful issues driving change globally. These movements have enhanced awareness of how all organizations impact, influence, and interact with society and the environment.
    They also have spurred organizations to better recognize and manage ESG risks (i.e., risks associated with how organizations operate in respect to their impact on the world around them). This broad risk category includes areas that are dynamic and often driven by factors that can be difficult to measure objectively, such as inclusion, ethical behavior, corporate culture, and embracing sustainability across the organization.
   Still, there is growing urgency for organizations to understand and manage ESG risks, particularly as investors and regulators focus on organizations producing high-quality reporting on sustainability efforts. What’s more, that pressure is being reflected increasingly in executive performance as more organizations tie incentive compensation metrics to ESG goals.
   Additional risk areas associated with ESG are varied and can include reliance on third-party data, potential reputational damage from faulty reporting, and the real possibility that an organization’s explicit commitments to meet specific sustainability goals could grow into a material weakness.
    As ESG reporting becomes increasingly common, it should be treated with the same care as financial reporting. Organizations need to recognize that ESG reporting must be built on a strategically crafted system of internal controls and accurately reflect how an organization’s ESG efforts relate to each other, the organization’s finances, and value creation. […] Seeking out objective assurance on all ESG-related risk management processes from a qualified, independent, and properly resourced internal audit function should be part of any ESG strategy.

Adapted from: communications/2021/june/white-paper-internal-audits-role-in-esg-reporting.pdf
The text concludes with a
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3: C
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5: C
6: A
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9: A
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14: D
15: B
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