Questões de Concurso Público Consórcio do Trairí - RN 2018 para Professor de Inglês
Foram encontradas 30 questões
Noção de erro de português é afetada pela ideia de que,
vista do passado, toda evolução é corrupção
Aldo Bizzocchi
Somos um povo que adora discutir a própria língua. E quando o fazemos, um dos assuntos que invariavelmente vêm à baila é a famigerada questão do erro gramatical. Muito se tem debatido a respeito, e a suposta existência de erros em nossa fala (bem como na escrita) ensejou até o surgimento de uma nova profissão, por sinal lucrativa, a de consultor gramatical. Igualmente, peritos no assunto têm mantido com sucesso colunas em jornais, sites, programas de rádio ou televisão com o propósito de ensinar as pessoas a falar corretamente o seu próprio idioma. Isso porque, segundo o diagnóstico catastrofista desses entendidos, nunca se falou tão mal o português como agora, nossa língua caminha inelutavelmente para a ruína e a dissolução, já não se escreve mais como antigamente, e toda uma interminável cantilena de rabugices.
É preciso, então, definir claramente o que é o erro em matéria de língua. É evidente que, se um estrangeiro tentando falar português disser “O meu mulher ser muito bonita”, cometerá um erro, a ponto de se poder dizer que isso não é português. Da mesma forma, quando cometemos um lapsus linguae, isto é, um equívoco involuntário do qual temos consciência, estamos diante de um erro linguístico.
Mas o que se costuma chamar de “erro de português” é uma expressão linguística que nada tem de acidental, já que é sistemática e, geralmente, proferida por pessoas de menor nível escolar e socioeconômico, embora possa ocorrer até nos mais altos escalões da sociedade. Para a linguística, que é a ciência da linguagem humana, esse fenômeno não pode ser chamado de erro. Se a língua é um sistema de signos que se articulam segundo leis definidas para permitir a comunicação e o pensamento humanos, toda expressão linguística, mesmo a das pessoas iletradas, cumpre esse papel com eficiência.
A maioria dos chamados erros constitui, na verdade, um uso linguístico inadequado à situação de comunicação. Para entendermos melhor essa inadequação, vamos fazer uma analogia entre a língua que falamos e a roupa que usamos. Ninguém em sã consciência vai a uma cerimônia de formatura de camiseta e bermudas tampouco vai à praia de terno. Assim como há uma roupa adequada a cada ocasião, há uma forma de expressão linguística, chamada registro ou nível de linguagem, adequada a cada situação de discurso.
Mas e aquelas pessoas que moram na periferia ou na zona rural e dizem “pobrema”, “cardeneta” ou “puliça”, elas não estão falando errado? Do ponto de vista normativo, sim. Mas, como disse, a gramática normativa só se aplica a situações e ambientes formais. O registro deve, antes de tudo, estar adequado ao contexto social da comunicação. Pessoas que vivem num meio de baixa escolaridade e pronunciam “pobrema” estão adaptadas ao seu habitat. Se você duvida, experimente entrar numa favela do Rio vestindo roupa social e vá conversar com os traficantes usando linguagem de magistrado para ver o que lhe acontece.
Não estou dizendo com isso que o linguajar das pessoas não-escolarizadas deva ser incentivado. É evidente que, como cidadãos, devemos lutar para acabar com a pobreza e a ignorância. Nesse sentido, não apenas pronunciar “pobrema” é errado; morar em favelas ou andar maltrapilho é muito mais. No entanto, muitos brasileiros moram em barracos ou na rua e só têm uma roupa – muitas vezes esfarrapada – para vestir e só um registro para falar. Sua fala é pobre como é pobre a sua existência, tanto física quanto mental. O imaginário da classe média idealiza essas pessoas indo a todos os lugares sempre com a mesma camisa surrada, os mesmos chinelos velhos, e falando com todos sempre do mesmo modo.
Texto adaptado.Fonte: Língua Portuguesa, ano 3, n.º 25, novembro de 2007
Noção de erro de português é afetada pela ideia de que,
vista do passado, toda evolução é corrupção
Aldo Bizzocchi
Somos um povo que adora discutir a própria língua. E quando o fazemos, um dos assuntos que invariavelmente vêm à baila é a famigerada questão do erro gramatical. Muito se tem debatido a respeito, e a suposta existência de erros em nossa fala (bem como na escrita) ensejou até o surgimento de uma nova profissão, por sinal lucrativa, a de consultor gramatical. Igualmente, peritos no assunto têm mantido com sucesso colunas em jornais, sites, programas de rádio ou televisão com o propósito de ensinar as pessoas a falar corretamente o seu próprio idioma. Isso porque, segundo o diagnóstico catastrofista desses entendidos, nunca se falou tão mal o português como agora, nossa língua caminha inelutavelmente para a ruína e a dissolução, já não se escreve mais como antigamente, e toda uma interminável cantilena de rabugices.
É preciso, então, definir claramente o que é o erro em matéria de língua. É evidente que, se um estrangeiro tentando falar português disser “O meu mulher ser muito bonita”, cometerá um erro, a ponto de se poder dizer que isso não é português. Da mesma forma, quando cometemos um lapsus linguae, isto é, um equívoco involuntário do qual temos consciência, estamos diante de um erro linguístico.
Mas o que se costuma chamar de “erro de português” é uma expressão linguística que nada tem de acidental, já que é sistemática e, geralmente, proferida por pessoas de menor nível escolar e socioeconômico, embora possa ocorrer até nos mais altos escalões da sociedade. Para a linguística, que é a ciência da linguagem humana, esse fenômeno não pode ser chamado de erro. Se a língua é um sistema de signos que se articulam segundo leis definidas para permitir a comunicação e o pensamento humanos, toda expressão linguística, mesmo a das pessoas iletradas, cumpre esse papel com eficiência.
A maioria dos chamados erros constitui, na verdade, um uso linguístico inadequado à situação de comunicação. Para entendermos melhor essa inadequação, vamos fazer uma analogia entre a língua que falamos e a roupa que usamos. Ninguém em sã consciência vai a uma cerimônia de formatura de camiseta e bermudas tampouco vai à praia de terno. Assim como há uma roupa adequada a cada ocasião, há uma forma de expressão linguística, chamada registro ou nível de linguagem, adequada a cada situação de discurso.
Mas e aquelas pessoas que moram na periferia ou na zona rural e dizem “pobrema”, “cardeneta” ou “puliça”, elas não estão falando errado? Do ponto de vista normativo, sim. Mas, como disse, a gramática normativa só se aplica a situações e ambientes formais. O registro deve, antes de tudo, estar adequado ao contexto social da comunicação. Pessoas que vivem num meio de baixa escolaridade e pronunciam “pobrema” estão adaptadas ao seu habitat. Se você duvida, experimente entrar numa favela do Rio vestindo roupa social e vá conversar com os traficantes usando linguagem de magistrado para ver o que lhe acontece.
Não estou dizendo com isso que o linguajar das pessoas não-escolarizadas deva ser incentivado. É evidente que, como cidadãos, devemos lutar para acabar com a pobreza e a ignorância. Nesse sentido, não apenas pronunciar “pobrema” é errado; morar em favelas ou andar maltrapilho é muito mais. No entanto, muitos brasileiros moram em barracos ou na rua e só têm uma roupa – muitas vezes esfarrapada – para vestir e só um registro para falar. Sua fala é pobre como é pobre a sua existência, tanto física quanto mental. O imaginário da classe média idealiza essas pessoas indo a todos os lugares sempre com a mesma camisa surrada, os mesmos chinelos velhos, e falando com todos sempre do mesmo modo.
Texto adaptado.Fonte: Língua Portuguesa, ano 3, n.º 25, novembro de 2007
Assinale a opção em que está corretamente indicada a ordem dos sinais de pontuação que preencham, RESPECTIVAMENTE, as lacunas da seguinte frase:
“Quando se trata de eleição ___ duas coisas devem ser observadas ____ uma é o projeto político proposto pelo candidato ___ a outra é o posicionamento dele ante as demandas populares.”
Leia o excerto a seguir, extraído da obra Iracema (José de Alencar), para responder à questão.
“Depois, Iracema quebrou a flecha homicida, deu a haste ao desconhecido, guardando consigo a ponta farpada”.
José de Alencar
Leia o excerto a seguir, extraído da obra Iracema (José de Alencar), para responder à questão.
“Depois, Iracema quebrou a flecha homicida, deu a haste ao desconhecido, guardando consigo a ponta farpada”.
José de Alencar
Leia o texto a seguir:
“Não sou nada. Nunca serei nada. Não posso querer ser nada. À parte isso, tenho em mim todos os sonhos do mundo.”
Fernando Pessoa
Marque a opção que classifica correta e simultaneamente os termos em destaque no texto acima.
Considerando que o texto abaixo foi extraído de uma conversa do whatsapp, assinale a opção correta, acerca da variação linguística empregada nele.
Vc ñ falou cmg hj, BB... Estou com sdds. Bjs!
Considere a frase:
“[Eu] Falei que a realização profissional não é uma coisa tão relativa assim, pois seriam as mesmas, para você e para mim, as expectativas sobre o sucesso decorrente da escolha da profissão certa.”
Com a substituição da palavra “expectativas” por “expectativa”, qual das opções a seguir teve a concordância (verbal e nominal) ajustada coerentemente?
Considere o texto a seguir.
Disponível em: Acesso em 04 de setembro de 2018.
Marque a opção na qual todas as palavras estão grafadas em consonância com o Novo Acordo
Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa, com vigência obrigatória a partir de 1º de janeiro de 2016, e que a
ortografia se justifica pela mesma regra das palavras apresentadas no segundo quadrinho da tirinha.
Nazi labor camp guard living in New York deported
to Germany
By Sheena McKenzie, CNN Updated 2155 GMT (0555 HKT) August 21, 2018
(CNN) A former Nazi labor camp guard who has been living in the United States for decades has finally been deported to Germany after years of diplomatic wrangling, the White House announced on Tuesday. Jakiw Palij, who worked as a guard at the Trawniki Labor Camp, in what was then German-occupied Poland, had been living out his post-war years in Queens, New York City.
Palij, 95, was born in what was then-Poland and now Ukraine, and immigrated to the US in 1949, becoming a citizen in 1957. The former Nazi guard lied to US immigration officials about his role in World War II, saying he worked on a farm and in a factory, the White House said in a statement. In 2001, Palij admitted to US Department of Justice officials that he had in fact trained and worked at the Trawniki Labor Camp in 1943. On November 3, 1943, around 6,000 Jewish prisoners at the camp were shot to death in one of the single largest massacres of the Holocaust, according to the White House statement.
"By serving as an armed guard at the Trawniki Labor Camp and preventing the escape of Jewish prisoners during his Nazi service, Palij played an indispensable role in ensuring that the Trawniki Jewish victims met their horrific fate at the hands of the Nazis," the White House added. In court filings, Palij has denied wrongdoing, claiming that he and other young men in his Polish hometown were coerced into working for the Nazi occupiers. In 2003, Palij's US citizenship was revoked. The following year, a federal judge ordered that Palij be deported -- but none of the European countries to which he could have been sent, would take him.
[…]Attorney General Jeff Sessions praised the work of the Justice Department's best-known Nazi hunter, Eli Rosenbaum, and his team in successfully removing the 68th Nazi from the United States. Palij's case represents the closing of an era -- until now he was the only remaining active case from the Nazi era pursued by the Justice Department's Office of Human Rights and Special Prosecutions.
The atrocities of the Trawniki camp, where Palij worked, aren't well known in part because the killing was thorough, historians say. One document researchers uncovered helped illustrate the extent of the killing. A soldier broke the butt of his rifle, which meant he was required to file a report so the German SS would issue him a new one. The report mentioned an operation that killed 4,000 people at Trawniki, mostly Jews.
Available at: <>.
Nazi labor camp guard living in New York deported
to Germany
By Sheena McKenzie, CNN Updated 2155 GMT (0555 HKT) August 21, 2018
(CNN) A former Nazi labor camp guard who has been living in the United States for decades has finally been deported to Germany after years of diplomatic wrangling, the White House announced on Tuesday. Jakiw Palij, who worked as a guard at the Trawniki Labor Camp, in what was then German-occupied Poland, had been living out his post-war years in Queens, New York City.
Palij, 95, was born in what was then-Poland and now Ukraine, and immigrated to the US in 1949, becoming a citizen in 1957. The former Nazi guard lied to US immigration officials about his role in World War II, saying he worked on a farm and in a factory, the White House said in a statement. In 2001, Palij admitted to US Department of Justice officials that he had in fact trained and worked at the Trawniki Labor Camp in 1943. On November 3, 1943, around 6,000 Jewish prisoners at the camp were shot to death in one of the single largest massacres of the Holocaust, according to the White House statement.
"By serving as an armed guard at the Trawniki Labor Camp and preventing the escape of Jewish prisoners during his Nazi service, Palij played an indispensable role in ensuring that the Trawniki Jewish victims met their horrific fate at the hands of the Nazis," the White House added. In court filings, Palij has denied wrongdoing, claiming that he and other young men in his Polish hometown were coerced into working for the Nazi occupiers. In 2003, Palij's US citizenship was revoked. The following year, a federal judge ordered that Palij be deported -- but none of the European countries to which he could have been sent, would take him.
[…]Attorney General Jeff Sessions praised the work of the Justice Department's best-known Nazi hunter, Eli Rosenbaum, and his team in successfully removing the 68th Nazi from the United States. Palij's case represents the closing of an era -- until now he was the only remaining active case from the Nazi era pursued by the Justice Department's Office of Human Rights and Special Prosecutions.
The atrocities of the Trawniki camp, where Palij worked, aren't well known in part because the killing was thorough, historians say. One document researchers uncovered helped illustrate the extent of the killing. A soldier broke the butt of his rifle, which meant he was required to file a report so the German SS would issue him a new one. The report mentioned an operation that killed 4,000 people at Trawniki, mostly Jews.
Available at: <>.
Nazi labor camp guard living in New York deported
to Germany
By Sheena McKenzie, CNN Updated 2155 GMT (0555 HKT) August 21, 2018
(CNN) A former Nazi labor camp guard who has been living in the United States for decades has finally been deported to Germany after years of diplomatic wrangling, the White House announced on Tuesday. Jakiw Palij, who worked as a guard at the Trawniki Labor Camp, in what was then German-occupied Poland, had been living out his post-war years in Queens, New York City.
Palij, 95, was born in what was then-Poland and now Ukraine, and immigrated to the US in 1949, becoming a citizen in 1957. The former Nazi guard lied to US immigration officials about his role in World War II, saying he worked on a farm and in a factory, the White House said in a statement. In 2001, Palij admitted to US Department of Justice officials that he had in fact trained and worked at the Trawniki Labor Camp in 1943. On November 3, 1943, around 6,000 Jewish prisoners at the camp were shot to death in one of the single largest massacres of the Holocaust, according to the White House statement.
"By serving as an armed guard at the Trawniki Labor Camp and preventing the escape of Jewish prisoners during his Nazi service, Palij played an indispensable role in ensuring that the Trawniki Jewish victims met their horrific fate at the hands of the Nazis," the White House added. In court filings, Palij has denied wrongdoing, claiming that he and other young men in his Polish hometown were coerced into working for the Nazi occupiers. In 2003, Palij's US citizenship was revoked. The following year, a federal judge ordered that Palij be deported -- but none of the European countries to which he could have been sent, would take him.
[…]Attorney General Jeff Sessions praised the work of the Justice Department's best-known Nazi hunter, Eli Rosenbaum, and his team in successfully removing the 68th Nazi from the United States. Palij's case represents the closing of an era -- until now he was the only remaining active case from the Nazi era pursued by the Justice Department's Office of Human Rights and Special Prosecutions.
The atrocities of the Trawniki camp, where Palij worked, aren't well known in part because the killing was thorough, historians say. One document researchers uncovered helped illustrate the extent of the killing. A soldier broke the butt of his rifle, which meant he was required to file a report so the German SS would issue him a new one. The report mentioned an operation that killed 4,000 people at Trawniki, mostly Jews.
Available at: <>.
Nazi labor camp guard living in New York deported
to Germany
By Sheena McKenzie, CNN Updated 2155 GMT (0555 HKT) August 21, 2018
(CNN) A former Nazi labor camp guard who has been living in the United States for decades has finally been deported to Germany after years of diplomatic wrangling, the White House announced on Tuesday. Jakiw Palij, who worked as a guard at the Trawniki Labor Camp, in what was then German-occupied Poland, had been living out his post-war years in Queens, New York City.
Palij, 95, was born in what was then-Poland and now Ukraine, and immigrated to the US in 1949, becoming a citizen in 1957. The former Nazi guard lied to US immigration officials about his role in World War II, saying he worked on a farm and in a factory, the White House said in a statement. In 2001, Palij admitted to US Department of Justice officials that he had in fact trained and worked at the Trawniki Labor Camp in 1943. On November 3, 1943, around 6,000 Jewish prisoners at the camp were shot to death in one of the single largest massacres of the Holocaust, according to the White House statement.
"By serving as an armed guard at the Trawniki Labor Camp and preventing the escape of Jewish prisoners during his Nazi service, Palij played an indispensable role in ensuring that the Trawniki Jewish victims met their horrific fate at the hands of the Nazis," the White House added. In court filings, Palij has denied wrongdoing, claiming that he and other young men in his Polish hometown were coerced into working for the Nazi occupiers. In 2003, Palij's US citizenship was revoked. The following year, a federal judge ordered that Palij be deported -- but none of the European countries to which he could have been sent, would take him.
[…]Attorney General Jeff Sessions praised the work of the Justice Department's best-known Nazi hunter, Eli Rosenbaum, and his team in successfully removing the 68th Nazi from the United States. Palij's case represents the closing of an era -- until now he was the only remaining active case from the Nazi era pursued by the Justice Department's Office of Human Rights and Special Prosecutions.
The atrocities of the Trawniki camp, where Palij worked, aren't well known in part because the killing was thorough, historians say. One document researchers uncovered helped illustrate the extent of the killing. A soldier broke the butt of his rifle, which meant he was required to file a report so the German SS would issue him a new one. The report mentioned an operation that killed 4,000 people at Trawniki, mostly Jews.
Available at: <>.
The Teacher
Amelia Jane
Remember when we met?
When I was just a kid.
And you said to me,
'It's okay, we're all friends here.'
And treated me like a normal kid?
Well even if you don't,
Thank you, as you now mean the world to me.
Remember when I first cried in front of you?
When times were tough for me.
And you said to me,
'It's okay, I'm here.'
And it all seemed a little better?
Well even if it's slipped your mind,
It made me who I am today.
Remember when you fell apart?
You couldn't cope without your Dad.
And I said to you,
'It's okay, I'm here for you.'
And you put back up your mask?
Because it had slipped that day and I saw,
The real you, scared and hiding.
Remember when I left you?
To move on to my next stage.
And you said to me,
'I'll always be here for you.'
And we hugged and talked for hours?
You wanted me to chase my dreams,
And helped me through my fear.
Remember when I became you?
And you took to the sidelines.
And I said to you,
'I'm here to carry on.'
And you watched like a proud parent,
As I took my first steps?
Now it's me remembering you,
As you lie in the ground.
I'll always remember your calming voice,
And be grateful for what I found.
Available at:
The Teacher
Amelia Jane
Remember when we met?
When I was just a kid.
And you said to me,
'It's okay, we're all friends here.'
And treated me like a normal kid?
Well even if you don't,
Thank you, as you now mean the world to me.
Remember when I first cried in front of you?
When times were tough for me.
And you said to me,
'It's okay, I'm here.'
And it all seemed a little better?
Well even if it's slipped your mind,
It made me who I am today.
Remember when you fell apart?
You couldn't cope without your Dad.
And I said to you,
'It's okay, I'm here for you.'
And you put back up your mask?
Because it had slipped that day and I saw,
The real you, scared and hiding.
Remember when I left you?
To move on to my next stage.
And you said to me,
'I'll always be here for you.'
And we hugged and talked for hours?
You wanted me to chase my dreams,
And helped me through my fear.
Remember when I became you?
And you took to the sidelines.
And I said to you,
'I'm here to carry on.'
And you watched like a proud parent,
As I took my first steps?
Now it's me remembering you,
As you lie in the ground.
I'll always remember your calming voice,
And be grateful for what I found.
Available at:
The Teacher
Amelia Jane
Remember when we met?
When I was just a kid.
And you said to me,
'It's okay, we're all friends here.'
And treated me like a normal kid?
Well even if you don't,
Thank you, as you now mean the world to me.
Remember when I first cried in front of you?
When times were tough for me.
And you said to me,
'It's okay, I'm here.'
And it all seemed a little better?
Well even if it's slipped your mind,
It made me who I am today.
Remember when you fell apart?
You couldn't cope without your Dad.
And I said to you,
'It's okay, I'm here for you.'
And you put back up your mask?
Because it had slipped that day and I saw,
The real you, scared and hiding.
Remember when I left you?
To move on to my next stage.
And you said to me,
'I'll always be here for you.'
And we hugged and talked for hours?
You wanted me to chase my dreams,
And helped me through my fear.
Remember when I became you?
And you took to the sidelines.
And I said to you,
'I'm here to carry on.'
And you watched like a proud parent,
As I took my first steps?
Now it's me remembering you,
As you lie in the ground.
I'll always remember your calming voice,
And be grateful for what I found.
Available at:
The Teacher
Amelia Jane
Remember when we met?
When I was just a kid.
And you said to me,
'It's okay, we're all friends here.'
And treated me like a normal kid?
Well even if you don't,
Thank you, as you now mean the world to me.
Remember when I first cried in front of you?
When times were tough for me.
And you said to me,
'It's okay, I'm here.'
And it all seemed a little better?
Well even if it's slipped your mind,
It made me who I am today.
Remember when you fell apart?
You couldn't cope without your Dad.
And I said to you,
'It's okay, I'm here for you.'
And you put back up your mask?
Because it had slipped that day and I saw,
The real you, scared and hiding.
Remember when I left you?
To move on to my next stage.
And you said to me,
'I'll always be here for you.'
And we hugged and talked for hours?
You wanted me to chase my dreams,
And helped me through my fear.
Remember when I became you?
And you took to the sidelines.
And I said to you,
'I'm here to carry on.'
And you watched like a proud parent,
As I took my first steps?
Now it's me remembering you,
As you lie in the ground.
I'll always remember your calming voice,
And be grateful for what I found.
Available at: