Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Guabiruba - SC 2019 para Professor ACT - Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q1739947 Inglês
What is the correct sequence for the stress patterns below:
I- Imagem associada para resolução da questão international – vegetarian II- Imagem associada para resolução da questão extravagante – presentation III- Imagem associada para resolução da questão apartamento block – public transportation IV- Imagem associada para resolução da questão calculator – supermarket
Check the correct alternative:
Q1739948 Inglês

Look at the extract from a novel and answer the question below:

Check the correct alternative:
I- there is a compound noun in line 6. II- There is a noun suffix in line 12. III- in line 11 there is a word containing 3 morphemes. IV- in line 7 there is a word containing the genitive case.
Q1739949 Inglês
What is the alternative that presents the correct auxiliary verb?
I- Tell me, have you coming to the party? II- They will finished the job. III- What do she do every Sunday? IV- I would like to watch TV. There is a good film on. V- She did always wanted to meet him.
The correct alternative is:
Q1739950 Inglês
Match the second column according to the first, which refers to the verb patterns of the underlined sentences:
First column: verb pattern 1- Verb followed by a direct object 2- Verb followed by a direct object and an indirect object 3- Verb with no object
Second column: sentence ( ) I would never have had that coffee if I’d known it would stop me sleeping. ( ) Her eyes shone in the darkness, reflecting the light from the candle. ( ) Ben quietly handed her the letter, looking rather nervous.
Check the correct alternative:
Q1739951 Inglês
Which of the sentences below expresses the correct use of past simple form?
I- They understanded what the student said in class yesterday. II- The dog bit his finger. III- He throwed the ball at me. IV- The strong wind blew off her hat.
Check the correct alternative:
26: B
27: E
28: D
29: E
30: E