Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Guabiruba - SC 2019 para Professor ACT - Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q1739952 Inglês
Which sequence represents the correct use of passive voice for the sentence below:
The grandmother __________ that her grandson _________ in the school.
I- is told – was taken good care of II- was telled – was taken good care of III- has told – taken good care of IV- was told – had been taken good care of
Check the correct alternative:
Q1739953 Inglês
Which sequence represents the correct use of subject and verb agreement for the sentence below:
I- The United Nations was founded in 1945. II- Politics is a subject taught in all schools. III- A number of teenagers is playing on the playground. IV- The number of people who own cars is increasing. V- Neither his brother nor his sister work in the hospital.
Q1739954 Inglês

The correct preposition to complete the sentence below is:

Bamboo can be made _____ fishing poles.

Q1739955 Inglês
The correct preposition to complete the sentence below is:
The picture is familiar ____ me. In other words, I'm familiar ______ the picture.
Q1739956 Inglês

The correct preposition to complete the sentence below is:

_______ the daytime the streets are crowded, but ______ night they are deserted.

31: B
32: C
33: A
34: C
35: B