Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Timbó - SC 2024 para Professor de Inglês

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Q3144820 Pedagogia
A avaliação da aprendizagem é um processo complexo e multifacetado, que deve considerar as diferentes dimensões do desenvolvimento humano e as particularidades de cada aluno. Qual das alternativas a seguir apresenta uma abordagem de avaliação que se alinha às concepções contemporâneas de educação?
Q3144822 Pedagogia
 A BNCC, homologada em 2017, busca garantir a formação integral dos estudantes brasileiros. No entanto, sua implementação tem sido marcada por desafios e controvérsias. Qual das alternativas a seguir apresenta uma crítica recorrente à BNCC e uma possível solução para superar esse desafio?
Q3144823 Pedagogia
 A avaliação no ambiente educacional é um processo amplo e contínuo, que envolve diferentes atores e modalidades de avaliação. Qual das alternativas a seguir apresenta uma relação coerente entre uma modalidade de avaliação e seu principal objetivo?
Q3144834 Pedagogia
The BNCC (Base Nacional Comum Curricular) is the national curriculum framework in Brazil, outlining the essential competencies, skills, and content to be taught at each educational stage, ensuring a common educational standard across the country.
How is the BNCC structured in terms of the English curriculum?

I.The BNCC provides a set of guidelines that define the contents, abilities, and competencies required for teaching English as a second language starting from 6th grade (Ensino Fundamental II).

II.The BNCC outlines the competencies and content for English language teaching from the 1st to the 9th grade, with a focus on language development, culture, and communication skills.

III.The BNCC includes general recommendations for foreign language teaching but does not specify any particular grade-level objectives or expectations.

IV.The BNCC strictly follows a grammar-translation approach and does not include communicative language teaching methods.

Select the alternative with the correct sequence:
Q3144836 Pedagogia
What contents are emphasized in the BNCC for teaching English as a second language?

I.The BNCC emphasizes vocabulary development and conversational fluency at every grade level, with a particular focus on speaking and listening skills.
II.The BNCC emphasizes the integration of language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing are taught separately without focusing on their interconnection.
III.The BNCC focuses on the integration of cultural aspects, aiming to develop students' understanding of English-speaking cultures and global perspectives alongside language skills.
IV.The BNCC outlines specific goals for language proficiency by grade level, and each grade focuses on progressively increasing fluency in both written and spoken communication.
V.The BNCC shows the contents, abilities, and competencies of the English curriculum from 1st to 9th grade, but it refuses to include proficiency goals for English language learners in high school.

Select the alternative with the correct sequence: 
Q3144837 Pedagogia
How does the English curriculum in the BNCC compare to the "Proposta Catarinense de Ensino" for "Ensino Fundamental II" (6th to 9th grade)? 
1: C
2: D
3: D
4: A
5: E
6: E