Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo - MG 2017 para Professor PII - Inglês

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Q1115661 Pedagogia
Ao juntar as dimensões de projeto, dimensão política e dimensão pedagógica, o Projeto Político-Pedagógico (PPP) ganha a força de um guia, ou seja, aquele que indica a direção a seguir não apenas para gestores e professores, mas também funcionários, alunos e famílias. Ele precisa ser completo o suficiente para não deixar dúvidas sobre essa rota e flexível o bastante para se adaptar às necessidades de aprendizagem dos alunos. Para sua elaboração, faz sentido as seguintes problematizações, EXCETO:
Q1115662 Pedagogia
A tradicional finalidade de controle, por meio da avaliação como aferição realizada no dia da prova ou dos exames, deve ser substituída por práticas de contínuas observações, registros e análises do que for coletado, em todos os espaços de aprendizagem, particularmente, na escola. Para planejar o seu fazer pedagógico e estabelecer objetivos, o professor precisa conhecer as necessidades de seus alunos. A tarefa do docente como permanente avaliador não se encerra na identificação destas necessidades, pois, a partir deste conhecimento, fazem-se necessárias providências para:
Q1115674 Pedagogia
A educação tem como finalidade formar o ser humano desejável para um determinado tipo de sociedade. Dessa forma, ela visa promover mudanças relativamente permanentes nos indivíduos, de modo a favorecer Fundamentos da Educação Brasileira, o desenvolvimento integral do homem na sociedade. A concepção de educação está diretamente relacionada à concepção de sociedade. Assim, cada época irá enunciar as suas finalidades, adotando determinada tendência pedagógica. A concepção cuja ideia central é a de que por meio da educação o indivíduo acolha e respeite as diferenças, pois sob a aparente diferença há uma mesma humanidade é a concepção:
Q1115676 Pedagogia
Ao considerarmos o outro como sujeito pleno de uma marca cultural, estamos concebendo-o como membro de uma dada cultura, vista como uma comunidade homogênea de crenças e estilos de vida. O outro, ainda que não seja a fonte de todo mal, é diferente de nós, tem uma essência claramente definida, distinta da que nos caracteriza. Na área da educação, essa visão se expressa quando
Q1115688 Inglês

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Five Things to Know About Brazil’s New President, Michel Temer

(Ian Bremmer. Sept 1, 2016.)

    Dilma Rousseff, Brazil’s first female president, was thrown out of office by the country’s senate on Wednesday following after an impeachment trial that ended the leftist Workers’ Party 13 years in power. She has been replaced by her former vice president and coalition partner Michel Temer of the centrist Democratic Movement party (PMDB). Temer has been running Brazil since Rousseff’s suspension in May, and is set to continue as president until the next election in 2018. Here are five things we know about the 75-year-old:

    1. He is “nearly the opposite” of Rousseff

    Temer, who has been elected to Congress four times, is “nearly the opposite” of Rousseff in terms of his political views and experience, according to The Economist. The magazine described him as a multitalented politician; a charming, elegant and conciliatory man who believes in a “blend of economic and social liberalism that is unusual in Brazil”. An example of this is his belief that abortion should be legal, which is at odds with the view of most of Brazil, which has some of the toughest abortion laws in the world.

    2. But like Rousseff, he has been accused of corruption

  Temer is not free from scandal; he’s currently being investigated for receiving an illicit $400,000 campaign donation in 2012 from the state oil company Petrobras. This has implicated him in the country’s biggest ever corruption scandal, known as “Operation Car Wash”, which has led to the jailing of dozens of executives and politicians and contributed to Brazil’s worst recession in decades.

    3. He is pretty unpopular in Brazil

    A poll in April by Brazil’s Folha de S. Paulo newspaper found that 60% of respondents supported Rousseff’s ouster, and 58% wanted to get rid of Temer too, USA Today reports. His unpopularity is partly to do with his implication in Operation Car Wash, but it hasn’t been helped by his controversial decision to create a cabinet made up solely of white men in a country where 53% of citizens are mixed race and 52% are female.

    4. His wife is a 33-year-old former beauty queen

   Temer’s wife of 13 years, Marcela Temer, is former Miss São Paulo and more than 40 years his junior. She has been criticized by media outlets for her ‘Marie Antoinette’ spending during times of Brazil’s economic uncertainty, with MailOnline reporting that she has a nanny, a cook and two maids, as well as her mother and sister, to help her look after her only son, Michelzinho, who is seven. She recently appeared on the cover of the conservative magazine Veja where she was described as “Beautiful, demure and homely”.

    5. He is a keen poet, to the amusement of some Brazilians

   Temer is the author of a book of poems, titled Anonymous Intimacy, as well as a textbook on constitutional law. According to the New York Times, the president began writing poetry when he found himself jotting his thoughts on cocktail napkins in airport lounges when working as a lawmaker a few years ago. He has mused on the themes of letter-writing in the text-messaging era, lust and radicalism – the latter being a one line poem that simply read “No. Never again!” Temer’s poetry has not been particularly well received in Brazil and there is even a Twitter account with over 33,000 followers that frequently mocks the president’s creative expressions.


“… 58% wanted to get rid of Temer too,...” (L 19) means that:
21: B
22: D
23: B
24: B
25: C