Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Arcoverde - PE 2024 para Professor II de Língua Inglesa
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According to Law N. 13,146/2015, the provisions
regarding the offering of bilingual education must be
applied in private educational institutions, but they are
allowed to charge additional fees of any nature in their
tuition fees, annual fees, and registrations to comply with
these determinations.
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According to Resolution CNE-CEB (National Council of
Education/Basic Education Council) N. 07/2010, the
diversified part of the Elementary School curriculum must
be organized separately and independently from the
national common base.
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According to Federal Decree N. 11,556, dated June 12,
2023, one of the responsibilities of the National Strategic
Committee of the Commitment (Cenac) is to review and
approve the action plans of federative entities for the
implementation of policies, programs, and actions within
the scope of the Commitment.
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In the liberating progressive pedagogy, inspired by Paulo
Freire, the transmission of structured content based on
the students' experiences is valued, aiming at raising
awareness about social reality.
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According to Law N. 13,146/2015, it is the responsibility
of the government to create, implement, and evaluate the
inclusive educational system at all levels and modalities,
excluding the improvement of educational systems.
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Integral Education, as an educational concept, prioritizes
only the intellectual development of students, neglecting
other important dimensions.
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The use of colored pens when returning assessments
helps students focus their attention on specific points of
the document. For instance, using a red pen will help the
student pay attention to the mistakes made and learn
from them.
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According to Federal Decree N. 11,556, dated June 12,
2023, the implementation of the Commitment is the
exclusive responsibility of the Ministry of Education,
without the need for coordination with other federative
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The teaching of English language in elementary school,
according to the BNCC, disregards the impact of culture
on the teaching-learning process of the language.
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According to Federal Decree N. 11,556, dated June 12,
2023, one of the implementation strategies of the
Commitment is to address regional, socioeconomic,
ethnic-racial, and gender inequalities.
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The Linguistic Knowledge axis, according to the BNCC
text, prioritizes the study of English language in a
contextualized manner, considering notions such as
"adequacy," "standard," and "linguistic variation".
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The teaching of English language in elementary school,
according to the BNCC, prioritizes an ideal model of
speaker, seeking aspects such as correctness, precision,
and linguistic proficiency.
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Integral Education is a modern proposal that aligns with
the demands of the late 19th century, prioritizing only the
formation of autonomous individuals.
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According to Law N. 13,146/2015, in the selection
processes for admission and retention in courses offered
by higher education institutions and vocational and
technological education, both public and private, it is not
necessary to provide tests in accessible formats to meet
the specific needs of candidates with disabilities.
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As provided for in Article 8 of Law N. 13,005/2014, the
federated entities must include in their education plans
strategies that exclusively ensure the articulation of
educational policies with other social policies, having
sensitivity to cultural aspects.
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The strategies outlined in the Annex of the Law n°
13.005/14; do not prevent the eventual implementation of
complementary measures at the local level, which
indicates flexibility in the execution of the national
education plan.
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According to Resolution CNE-CEB (National Council of
Education/Basic Education Council) N. 07/2010,
Elementary School is a subjective public right of each
individual and a duty of the State and the family in its
provision for all.
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The school integration of students with special
educational needs implies only including them in regular
classes without the need for adaptations in the school
curriculum or pedagogical project of the institution.
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Resolution CNE/CEB (National Council of
Education/Basic Education Council) N. 02/2001
establishes that special education provides support and
specialized services to students with various special
educational needs, including but not limited to deaf
students, students with visual impairment, neuromotor
physical disability, intellectual disability, typical behaviors
of syndromes and neurological, psychiatric, psychological
conditions, and students with high abilities/giftedness.
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According to Article 10 of the law n° 13.005/14, the
education systems of the Union, the States, the Federal
District, and the Municipalities must formulate their
budget plans in order to ensure financial allocations
compatible with the guidelines, goals, and strategies
established in the National Education Plan (PNE).