Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Garanhuns - PE 2024 para Professor II - Língua Inglesa (Regular)

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Q2482226 Inglês

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In the sentence: "He suffers from terrible headaches in hot weather", the word "from" can be excluded without changing the meaning of the sentence.

Q2482227 Inglês

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The following sentence "Some people are willing to pay extra for better seating in the concert", the adjective "pay" is the head of the phrase.

Q2482228 Inglês

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The sentence "The students must pass the exam to ingress the college", the modal verb "must" is used to express a necessity.

Q2482229 Inglês

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It is ensured by the Guidelines and Bases Law of Education – Federal Law nº 9.394/1996 and its amendments that there must be a guarantee to the quality of education even in the gratuitous public established schools, as well of the appretiation of the public school servants.

Q2482230 Inglês

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If subject of a sentence is a collective noun, the verb can either agree with the singular noun as a single unit or with the plural sense of the collective noun, depending on the context and intended meaning.

6: C
7: E
8: C
9: C
10: C