Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Américo de Campos - SP 2024 para PEB II - Língua Estrangeira Moderna/Inglês

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Q2350944 Pedagogia
Na escola municipal, ocorreu uma palestra sobre Paulo Freire e as suas contribuições teóricas na educação. Em relação a pedagogia libertária proposta por Freire, analise as afirmativas a seguir e assinale V para as afirmativas verdadeiras e F para as afirmativas falsas:

( ) O professor apresenta uma postura que favorece e estimula as relações interpessoais com o estudante.
( ) O professor deve agir como um coordenador de atividades, aquele que organiza e atua conjuntamente com os alunos.
( ) O professor vai transmitir ou “depositar” o conhecimento que possui no aluno.
( ) A partir de problematizações, por um processo dialógico entre professor e aluno, ocorre a aprendizagem crítica.

Assinale a sequência correta, de cima para baixo. 
Q2350958 Pedagogia
Sobre a postura do professor para promoção de atividades que preparam os alunos para a percepção ativa na aula, analise as afirmativas a seguir:

I. Pedir aos alunos que digam o que sabem sobre o assunto.
II. Solicitar que os alunos verbalizem o que estão vendo ou manipulando.
III. Fazer uma demonstração do que foi ensinado em sala de aula.
IV. Aplicar tarefas que estimulem a memorização dos alunos.

Estão corretas, apenas as afirmativas:
Q2350984 Inglês
“I have to work with computers and phones all the time in my work, either sitting in front of a screen or living by the apps on my mobile. I think the number of voice-to-voice phone calls has gone down a lot in the last few years, but with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on, I feel sort of chained to technology the entire length of the working week. So when the weekend comes, there’s nothing I like better than switching off the computer, the mobile and the landline and enjoying real peace and quiet. We live near to some fields and open country, and I can listen to the birds sing, go for long walks, maybe drop in at our local pub and have a drink with some of the locals. It’s not exciting, I grant you, but it’s very relaxing and helps me remember I’m a human being, not a part of some computerised machine. Of course, by Sunday night I’m already thinking about the working week ahead, but never mind. I’ve had those two days to recharge my batteries, as they say.”

Teaching English. The British Council, 2016. Adapted.
Based on the above extract, it is correct to say:

I. The person enjoys spending weekends away from technology, shutting off the computer, mobile, and landline to embrace peace and quiet in nature.
II. The number of voice-to-voice phone calls has significantly increased in the last few years, according to the person's observation.
III. The person prefers spending the weekends in a more relaxed and nature-oriented setting.
Q2350985 Inglês
“I have to work with computers and phones all the time in my work, either sitting in front of a screen or living by the apps on my mobile. I think the number of voice-to-voice phone calls has gone down a lot in the last few years, but with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on, I feel sort of chained to technology the entire length of the working week. So when the weekend comes, there’s nothing I like better than switching off the computer, the mobile and the landline and enjoying real peace and quiet. We live near to some fields and open country, and I can listen to the birds sing, go for long walks, maybe drop in at our local pub and have a drink with some of the locals. It’s not exciting, I grant you, but it’s very relaxing and helps me remember I’m a human being, not a part of some computerised machine. Of course, by Sunday night I’m already thinking about the working week ahead, but never mind. I’ve had those two days to recharge my batteries, as they say.”

Teaching English. The British Council, 2016. Adapted.
Which option correctly identifies the verb tense used in the following sentence from the extract?
"I’ve had those two days to recharge my batteries".
Q2350986 Inglês
Evaluate the following sentences and identify the one that correctly employs the Subjunctive Mood:
16: B
17: B
18: B
19: C
20: D