Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Senador Canedo - GO 2019 para Professor - Inglês

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q1383719 Inglês
Funeral Blues

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead Scribbling on the sky the message ‘He is Dead’. Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,

Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves. He was my North, my South, my East and West,My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong. 

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one, Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun, Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood; For nothing now can ever come to any good.
The lines: “Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves/ Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves” (second and third stanza) express the
Q1383720 Inglês
Funeral Blues

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead Scribbling on the sky the message ‘He is Dead’. Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,

Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves. He was my North, my South, my East and West,My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong. 

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one, Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun, Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood; For nothing now can ever come to any good.
The word that best summarizes the poetic persona’s feelings in the last stanza is
Q1383721 Inglês

Chile Violence Continues Despite Government's Retreat on Fare Hike

By Eva Vergara

(SANTIAGO, Chile) — Protests and violence in Chile spilled over into a new day and raged into Sunday night despite the president cancelling a subway fare hike that has prompted violent demonstrations.

Officials in the Santiago region said three people died in fires at two looted supermarkets early Sunday — among 60 Walmart-owned outlets that have been vandalized, and the company said many stores did not open during the day. Five more people later were found dead in the basement of a burned warehouse and were not employees, authorities said.

At least two airlines cancelled or rescheduled flights into the capital, affecting more than 1,400 passengers Sunday and Monday.

President Sebastián Piñera, facing the worst crisis of his second term as head of the South American country, announced Saturday night that he was cancelling a subway fare hike imposed two weeks ago. The fare boost touched off major protests that included rioting that caused millions of dollars in damage to burned buses and vandalized subway stops, office buildings and stores.

After meeting with the heads of the legislature and judicial system Sunday, Piñera said they discussed solutions to the current crisis and that he aims “to reduce excessive inequalities, inequities abuses, that persist in our society.”

Jaime Quintana, president of the Senate, said that “the political world must take responsibility for how we have come to this situation.”

Authorities said 10,500 soldiers and police officers were patrolling the streets in Santiago as state of emergency and curfew remained in effect for six Chilean cities, but protests continued during the day. Security forces used tear gas and jets of water to try disperse crowds.

Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick reported that 62 police officers and 11 civilians were injured in the latest disturbances and prosecutors said nearly 1,500 people had been arrested. He said late Sunday that there had been more than 70 “serious events” during the day, including more than 40 incidents of looting.

With transportation frozen, Cynthia Cordero said she had walked 20 blocks to reach a pharmacy to buy diapers, only to find it had been burned.

“They don’t have the right to do this,” she said, adding it was right to protest “against the abuses, the increases in fares, against bad education and an undignified pension, but not to destroy.”

Long lines formed at gas stations as people tried to fill up for a coming workweek with a public transport system disrupted by the destructive protests. Santiago’s subway, which carries an average of 2.4 million riders on a weekday, had been shut down since Friday.

Subway system chief Louis De Grange said workers would try to have at least one line running Monday, but he said it could take weeks or months to have the four others back in service. He said 85 stations and more than three-fourths of the system had been severely damaged.

The first paragraph can be rewritten, observing grammar rules and with no loss in meaning, the following way:
Q1383722 Inglês

Chile Violence Continues Despite Government's Retreat on Fare Hike

By Eva Vergara

(SANTIAGO, Chile) — Protests and violence in Chile spilled over into a new day and raged into Sunday night despite the president cancelling a subway fare hike that has prompted violent demonstrations.

Officials in the Santiago region said three people died in fires at two looted supermarkets early Sunday — among 60 Walmart-owned outlets that have been vandalized, and the company said many stores did not open during the day. Five more people later were found dead in the basement of a burned warehouse and were not employees, authorities said.

At least two airlines cancelled or rescheduled flights into the capital, affecting more than 1,400 passengers Sunday and Monday.

President Sebastián Piñera, facing the worst crisis of his second term as head of the South American country, announced Saturday night that he was cancelling a subway fare hike imposed two weeks ago. The fare boost touched off major protests that included rioting that caused millions of dollars in damage to burned buses and vandalized subway stops, office buildings and stores.

After meeting with the heads of the legislature and judicial system Sunday, Piñera said they discussed solutions to the current crisis and that he aims “to reduce excessive inequalities, inequities abuses, that persist in our society.”

Jaime Quintana, president of the Senate, said that “the political world must take responsibility for how we have come to this situation.”

Authorities said 10,500 soldiers and police officers were patrolling the streets in Santiago as state of emergency and curfew remained in effect for six Chilean cities, but protests continued during the day. Security forces used tear gas and jets of water to try disperse crowds.

Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick reported that 62 police officers and 11 civilians were injured in the latest disturbances and prosecutors said nearly 1,500 people had been arrested. He said late Sunday that there had been more than 70 “serious events” during the day, including more than 40 incidents of looting.

With transportation frozen, Cynthia Cordero said she had walked 20 blocks to reach a pharmacy to buy diapers, only to find it had been burned.

“They don’t have the right to do this,” she said, adding it was right to protest “against the abuses, the increases in fares, against bad education and an undignified pension, but not to destroy.”

Long lines formed at gas stations as people tried to fill up for a coming workweek with a public transport system disrupted by the destructive protests. Santiago’s subway, which carries an average of 2.4 million riders on a weekday, had been shut down since Friday.

Subway system chief Louis De Grange said workers would try to have at least one line running Monday, but he said it could take weeks or months to have the four others back in service. He said 85 stations and more than three-fourths of the system had been severely damaged.

According to the text, one of the biggest reasons that caused the protests in Chile was
Q1383723 Inglês

Chile Violence Continues Despite Government's Retreat on Fare Hike

By Eva Vergara

(SANTIAGO, Chile) — Protests and violence in Chile spilled over into a new day and raged into Sunday night despite the president cancelling a subway fare hike that has prompted violent demonstrations.

Officials in the Santiago region said three people died in fires at two looted supermarkets early Sunday — among 60 Walmart-owned outlets that have been vandalized, and the company said many stores did not open during the day. Five more people later were found dead in the basement of a burned warehouse and were not employees, authorities said.

At least two airlines cancelled or rescheduled flights into the capital, affecting more than 1,400 passengers Sunday and Monday.

President Sebastián Piñera, facing the worst crisis of his second term as head of the South American country, announced Saturday night that he was cancelling a subway fare hike imposed two weeks ago. The fare boost touched off major protests that included rioting that caused millions of dollars in damage to burned buses and vandalized subway stops, office buildings and stores.

After meeting with the heads of the legislature and judicial system Sunday, Piñera said they discussed solutions to the current crisis and that he aims “to reduce excessive inequalities, inequities abuses, that persist in our society.”

Jaime Quintana, president of the Senate, said that “the political world must take responsibility for how we have come to this situation.”

Authorities said 10,500 soldiers and police officers were patrolling the streets in Santiago as state of emergency and curfew remained in effect for six Chilean cities, but protests continued during the day. Security forces used tear gas and jets of water to try disperse crowds.

Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick reported that 62 police officers and 11 civilians were injured in the latest disturbances and prosecutors said nearly 1,500 people had been arrested. He said late Sunday that there had been more than 70 “serious events” during the day, including more than 40 incidents of looting.

With transportation frozen, Cynthia Cordero said she had walked 20 blocks to reach a pharmacy to buy diapers, only to find it had been burned.

“They don’t have the right to do this,” she said, adding it was right to protest “against the abuses, the increases in fares, against bad education and an undignified pension, but not to destroy.”

Long lines formed at gas stations as people tried to fill up for a coming workweek with a public transport system disrupted by the destructive protests. Santiago’s subway, which carries an average of 2.4 million riders on a weekday, had been shut down since Friday.

Subway system chief Louis De Grange said workers would try to have at least one line running Monday, but he said it could take weeks or months to have the four others back in service. He said 85 stations and more than three-fourths of the system had been severely damaged.

The sentence “Long lines formed at gas stations as people tried to fill up for a coming workweek with a public transport system disrupted by the destructive protests” (11th paragraph) can be replaced, with no changing in meaning” by to:
Q1383724 Inglês
Tailor-made quips

My husband and I couldn’t decide which jacket to buy our granddaughter, so we asked the young salesman.
“If you were buying a jacket for your girlfriend,” I said, “what would you get?”
“A bulletproof one,” he said. “I’m married.”

- John Canuteson, Liberty, Missouri
It can be inferred from the text that
Q1383725 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

the modal verb could can be replaced, observing the precedent sentences and without any changing in meaning, by to

Q1383726 Inglês
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

It can be inferred from the text reading that
Q1383727 Inglês
1.png (336×382)

the sentence that best shows how the second comic strip would be correctly reported is:
Q1383730 Pedagogia
O Lúdico apresenta diversos valores específicos para todas as fases da vida humana. Dessa forma, na infância e na adolescência, o objetivo é essencialmente pedagógico. Marque a alternativa que não condiz com essa afirmação.
Q1383731 Pedagogia
Quando se fala em educação de crianças, podese destacar duas importantes instituições nesse processo, “a família e a escola,”com a finalidade única de conduzir a criança para que se torne um adulto responsável. Marque a alternativa que melhor define esse aspecto na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação (LDB):
Q1383736 Noções de Informática
Em relação ao atalho Ctrl+Page Down no Microsoft Excel 2010 é correto:
Q1383737 Noções de Informática
Qual atalho no teclado no Microsoft Excel 2010 exibe a caixa de diálogo Excluir para excluir as células selecionadas:
Q1383738 Conhecimentos Gerais
“No dia 10 de agosto [de 2019], agricultores e grileiros da Região Norte do país teriam iniciado um movimento simultâneo para incendiar áreas da Amazônia, a maior floresta tropical do mundo, em apoio ao presidente Jair Bolsonaro e a suas medidas para enfraquecer a fiscalização de órgãos ambientais. (...) o caso está sendo investigado pela Polícia Federal (PF) e pelo Ministério Público Federal (MPF). “Se (...) for realmente comprovado, é a prova de que estamos em um período de esquizofrenia coletiva”, avalia Daniel Caixeta Andrade, presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Ecológica (Ecoeco) e professor do Instituto de Economia e Relações Internacionais (Ieri), da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU). Esse dia 10 de agosto ficou conhecido como Dia
Q1383739 Conhecimentos Gerais
Analise a charge.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

A charge critica desastre ambiental ocorrido neste último ano e se relaciona ao(s)
Q1383740 Conhecimentos Gerais
Analise a charge.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Para o autor da charge a aprovação da “escola sem partido”, em Belo Horizonte, desencadeará em
Q1383757 Pedagogia
De acordo com as concepções pedagógicas, na pedagogia progressista percebe-se:
Q1383758 Pedagogia
História da Educação
Lucila C. Pereira 

Tomando a herança cultural deixada pela antiguidade como a fonte principal sobre a qual a civilização ocidental se ergueu, o legado deixado pelas principais cidades estados da Grécia Antiga – Esparta e Atenas – constitui-se como princípio de organização social e educativa que serviu de modelo para diversas sociedades no decorrer dos séculos. Reconhecida por seu poder militar e caráter guerreiro, o modelo de educação espartano baseava-se na disciplina rígida, no autoritarismo, no ensino de artes militares e códigos de conduta, no estímulo da competitividade entre os alunos e nas exigências extremas de desempenho. Por outro lado, Atenas tinha no logos (conhecimento) seu ideal educativo mais importante. O exercício da palavra, assim como a retórica e a polêmica, era valorizado em função da prática da democracia entre iguais. Como herança da educação ateniense surgiram os sofistas, considerados mestres da retórica e da oratória, eles ensinavam a arte das palavras para que seus alunos fossem capazes de construir argumentos vitoriosos na arena política. Fruto da mesma matriz intelectual, porém em oposição ao pensamento sofista, o filósofo Sócrates propunha ensinar a pensar – mais do que ensinar a falar - através de perguntas cujas respostas dependiam de uma análise lógica e não simplesmente da mera retórica. (...) (Adaptado)
Ainda que existam concepções opostas, tanto o pensamento sofista quanto o socrático contribuíram para a educação contemporânea por meio da (s)/do(s)
Q1386638 Pedagogia
A pedagogia entendida como “teoria da educação,” evidencia-se que se trata de uma teoria da prática educativa. É relevante considerar que se toda pedagogia é teoria da educação, nem toda teoria da educação é pedagogia. O conceito de pedagogia se reporta a uma teoria que tem sua base estrutural a partir e em função da prática educativa. Nesse sentido, a pedagogia como teoria da educação:
Q1386639 Pedagogia
Considerando o processo de construção do conhecimento científico pela criança, segundo a visão do pensador e biólogo Jean Piaget, é certo que:
21: A
22: B
23: C
24: A
25: D
26: C
27: D
28: B
29: A
30: D
31: D
32: A
33: B
34: A
35: B
36: C
37: C
38: B
39: D
40: A