Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Galvão - SC 2025 para Professor – Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 30 questões

Q3139066 Pedagogia
Segundo o Parecer CNE/CP nº 3/2004 − Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação das Relações ÉtnicoRaciais e para o Ensino de História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira e Africana, políticas de reparações e de reconhecimento formarão programas de ações afirmativas:

I. Dirigidas à correção de desigualdades raciais e sociais.
II. Orientadas para oferta de tratamento diferenciado com vistas a corrigir desvantagens e marginalização criadas e mantidas por estrutura social excludente e discriminatória.
III. Que atendem ao determinado pelo Programa Nacional de Direitos Humanos, com o objetivo de combate ao racismo e a discriminações.

Está CORRETO o que se afirma: 
Q3139068 Pedagogia
Sobre o compromisso social e ético do professor, assinalar a alternativa que preenche as lacunas abaixo CORRETAMENTE.

A responsabilidade do professor é preparar os alunos para se tornarem cidadãos ______ e participantes na família, no trabalho, nas associações de classe, na vida cultural e política. É uma atividade fundamentalmente _______, porque contribui para a formação cultural e científica do povo, tarefa indispensável para outras ____________. 
Q3139070 Pedagogia
Em relação às finalidades da educação básica, avaliar se as afirmativas são certas (C) ou erradas (E) e assinalar a sequência correspondente.

( ) Desenvolver o educador.
( ) Assegurar a formação comum indispensável para o exercício da cidadania.
( ) Fornecer meios para progredir no trabalho e em estudos posteriores. 
Q3139901 Pedagogia
Sobre a BNCC – Ensino Fundamental: Língua Inglesa – Anos Finais, analisar a sentença.

O tratamento dado ao componente na BNCC prioriza o foco da função social e política do inglês e, nesse sentido, passa a tratá-la em seu status de língua franca (1ª parte). O conceito é bem novo e tem sido contextualizado por teóricos do campo em estudos recentes que analisam os usos da língua inglesa no mundo contemporâneo (2ª parte).

A sentença está: 
Q3139902 Inglês
Who votes for the Academy Awards?

        After the glitzy red-carpet arrivals, the feel-good montages, and the host’s opening roast, the Oscars ceremony switches to its raison d’être: revealing the previous year’s highest achievers in cinema. One after another, the presenters list the nominees, open a lavish envelope, and reveal the winner in each category. The champions breathlessly accept their awards and, over and over, effusively thank their mothers, God, and the academy... What is this obscure body? The academy—that is, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences—is the organization that votes for the Oscar winners.
        The academy is an exclusive Hollywood institution that has its own governing body, 17 separate branches, and a thorough rule book on membership eligibility and voting processes. Since 2016, when the board announced that it would diversify its membership, the academy has grown to about 8,000 members. It doesn’t publicize the names of all those members, but each spring it releases a list of the individuals it has invited to join its ranks.
        The rest of the academy members are not listed, but we can guess who a few are by looking at some of the requirements to join the institution. To qualify, an individual must work in the film industry. This means that neither individuals who work exclusively in television nor members of the press may join. Oscar nominees are often considered for membership automatically, while other candidates must be sponsored by two active members of the branch they wish to join. Each branch also has its own specific requirements.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. Adaptation.
The word “lavish”, underlined in the first paragraph, means: 
Q3139903 Inglês
Who votes for the Academy Awards?

        After the glitzy red-carpet arrivals, the feel-good montages, and the host’s opening roast, the Oscars ceremony switches to its raison d’être: revealing the previous year’s highest achievers in cinema. One after another, the presenters list the nominees, open a lavish envelope, and reveal the winner in each category. The champions breathlessly accept their awards and, over and over, effusively thank their mothers, God, and the academy... What is this obscure body? The academy—that is, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences—is the organization that votes for the Oscar winners.
        The academy is an exclusive Hollywood institution that has its own governing body, 17 separate branches, and a thorough rule book on membership eligibility and voting processes. Since 2016, when the board announced that it would diversify its membership, the academy has grown to about 8,000 members. It doesn’t publicize the names of all those members, but each spring it releases a list of the individuals it has invited to join its ranks.
        The rest of the academy members are not listed, but we can guess who a few are by looking at some of the requirements to join the institution. To qualify, an individual must work in the film industry. This means that neither individuals who work exclusively in television nor members of the press may join. Oscar nominees are often considered for membership automatically, while other candidates must be sponsored by two active members of the branch they wish to join. Each branch also has its own specific requirements.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. Adaptation.
According to the general American accent standard, the “th” sound in “thorough” is the same as the one in: 
Q3139904 Inglês
Who votes for the Academy Awards?

        After the glitzy red-carpet arrivals, the feel-good montages, and the host’s opening roast, the Oscars ceremony switches to its raison d’être: revealing the previous year’s highest achievers in cinema. One after another, the presenters list the nominees, open a lavish envelope, and reveal the winner in each category. The champions breathlessly accept their awards and, over and over, effusively thank their mothers, God, and the academy... What is this obscure body? The academy—that is, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences—is the organization that votes for the Oscar winners.
        The academy is an exclusive Hollywood institution that has its own governing body, 17 separate branches, and a thorough rule book on membership eligibility and voting processes. Since 2016, when the board announced that it would diversify its membership, the academy has grown to about 8,000 members. It doesn’t publicize the names of all those members, but each spring it releases a list of the individuals it has invited to join its ranks.
        The rest of the academy members are not listed, but we can guess who a few are by looking at some of the requirements to join the institution. To qualify, an individual must work in the film industry. This means that neither individuals who work exclusively in television nor members of the press may join. Oscar nominees are often considered for membership automatically, while other candidates must be sponsored by two active members of the branch they wish to join. Each branch also has its own specific requirements.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. Adaptation.
“Roast”, underlined in the text, is being used figuratively. With that in mind, which item also displays figurative use of words? 
Q3139905 Inglês
Who votes for the Academy Awards?

        After the glitzy red-carpet arrivals, the feel-good montages, and the host’s opening roast, the Oscars ceremony switches to its raison d’être: revealing the previous year’s highest achievers in cinema. One after another, the presenters list the nominees, open a lavish envelope, and reveal the winner in each category. The champions breathlessly accept their awards and, over and over, effusively thank their mothers, God, and the academy... What is this obscure body? The academy—that is, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences—is the organization that votes for the Oscar winners.
        The academy is an exclusive Hollywood institution that has its own governing body, 17 separate branches, and a thorough rule book on membership eligibility and voting processes. Since 2016, when the board announced that it would diversify its membership, the academy has grown to about 8,000 members. It doesn’t publicize the names of all those members, but each spring it releases a list of the individuals it has invited to join its ranks.
        The rest of the academy members are not listed, but we can guess who a few are by looking at some of the requirements to join the institution. To qualify, an individual must work in the film industry. This means that neither individuals who work exclusively in television nor members of the press may join. Oscar nominees are often considered for membership automatically, while other candidates must be sponsored by two active members of the branch they wish to join. Each branch also has its own specific requirements.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. Adaptation.
According to the text, mark the CORRECT item. 
Q3139906 Inglês
Who votes for the Academy Awards?

        After the glitzy red-carpet arrivals, the feel-good montages, and the host’s opening roast, the Oscars ceremony switches to its raison d’être: revealing the previous year’s highest achievers in cinema. One after another, the presenters list the nominees, open a lavish envelope, and reveal the winner in each category. The champions breathlessly accept their awards and, over and over, effusively thank their mothers, God, and the academy... What is this obscure body? The academy—that is, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences—is the organization that votes for the Oscar winners.
        The academy is an exclusive Hollywood institution that has its own governing body, 17 separate branches, and a thorough rule book on membership eligibility and voting processes. Since 2016, when the board announced that it would diversify its membership, the academy has grown to about 8,000 members. It doesn’t publicize the names of all those members, but each spring it releases a list of the individuals it has invited to join its ranks.
        The rest of the academy members are not listed, but we can guess who a few are by looking at some of the requirements to join the institution. To qualify, an individual must work in the film industry. This means that neither individuals who work exclusively in television nor members of the press may join. Oscar nominees are often considered for membership automatically, while other candidates must be sponsored by two active members of the branch they wish to join. Each branch also has its own specific requirements.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. Adaptation.
Check the item that CORRECTLY fills in the gaps in the text below.
_____ the library, she found herself engrossed _____ a book, while simultaneously balancing her laptop _____ the edge of the table. 
Q3139907 Inglês
Who votes for the Academy Awards?

        After the glitzy red-carpet arrivals, the feel-good montages, and the host’s opening roast, the Oscars ceremony switches to its raison d’être: revealing the previous year’s highest achievers in cinema. One after another, the presenters list the nominees, open a lavish envelope, and reveal the winner in each category. The champions breathlessly accept their awards and, over and over, effusively thank their mothers, God, and the academy... What is this obscure body? The academy—that is, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences—is the organization that votes for the Oscar winners.
        The academy is an exclusive Hollywood institution that has its own governing body, 17 separate branches, and a thorough rule book on membership eligibility and voting processes. Since 2016, when the board announced that it would diversify its membership, the academy has grown to about 8,000 members. It doesn’t publicize the names of all those members, but each spring it releases a list of the individuals it has invited to join its ranks.
        The rest of the academy members are not listed, but we can guess who a few are by looking at some of the requirements to join the institution. To qualify, an individual must work in the film industry. This means that neither individuals who work exclusively in television nor members of the press may join. Oscar nominees are often considered for membership automatically, while other candidates must be sponsored by two active members of the branch they wish to join. Each branch also has its own specific requirements.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. Adaptation.
Which author, associated with the Modernist movement, is known for employing a stream-of-consciousness narrative style in works such as Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse
11: D
12: B
13: A
14: B
15: D
16: C
17: A
18: B
19: C
20: B