Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Bom Sucesso do Sul - PR 2024 para Professor de Língua Inglesa

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Q2547333 Inglês
As regards possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns, fill in the gaps in the sentences below by choosing one of the two options in parenthesis.
A - Is that notebook _______ (your/yours)? B - I encountered _____ (his/theirs) sister at the park last Sunday, can you believe it? C - Has Lucy seen ___ (my/mine) coat?
In the order presented, the gaps are correctly and respectively filled by:
Q2547334 Inglês
“Spotify made a lot of money in Q1: yesterday (April 23, 2024), the streaming music giant announced that last quarter its revenue increased by 20%. The smash report comes after Spotify cut costs last year, which included laying off more than a quarter of its workforce. The company also raised prices ___ 2023 for the first time in a decade as it further expanded beyond music into audiobooks and other categories”. (Adapted from: ffed)
Analyze the assertions below.
I - "In" correctly fills the gap in the text. II - There is a phrasal verb in the sentence “(…) which included laying off more than (…)”. III - The words in italics are respectively: an uncountable noun; a personal pronoun; the comparative form of the adjective “quart”.
It is correct to affirm that:
Q2547335 Inglês
Choose the sentence that indicates the correct use of a preposition.
Q2547336 Inglês
Analyze the following sentences and choose the correct answer:
I - There’s __ great restaurant nearby. II - ___ next part will be next month, time and venue TBA. III - Is there anybody here?
Q2547337 Pedagogia
Na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), a área de Linguagens é composta pelos seguintes componentes curriculares:
I - Língua Portuguesa. II - História. III - Arte. IV - Língua Inglesa. V - Educação Física.
É correto o que se afirma em:
31: C
32: A
33: B
34: D
35: B